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Pantheon will never have flying mounts...

achesomaachesoma Member RarePosts: 1,770 long as Joppa is at VR.

In Twitch chat during an episode of PantheoPlus, Joppa had this to say.


Preaching Pantheon to People at PAX  PAX East 2018 Day 4 - YouTube
[Deleted User]KumaponSensaixpsync


  • AdamantineAdamantine Member RarePosts: 5,094

    My sympathy for Pantheon just had a huge drop.

    Flying mounts are definitely one of THE things I miss from Vanguard.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,018

    My sympathy for Pantheon just had a huge drop.

    Flying mounts are definitely one of THE things I miss from Vanguard.

    While I loved the "rental flying mount" that I could use, they really do diminish the game world "unless" there are systems/events in place that make flying as dangerous/challenging as the land can be.

    [Deleted User][Deleted User]xpsync
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  • achesomaachesoma Member RarePosts: 1,770

    My sympathy for Pantheon just had a huge drop.

    Flying mounts are definitely one of THE things I miss from Vanguard.

    Personally, I hate flying mounts in MMOs but I understand why others like it.

    In a game that is heavily focused on open world gameplay and has a climbing feature that is a key component, I simply don't see how flying would ever work anyway.
    [Deleted User]Raidan_EQxpsync
    Preaching Pantheon to People at PAX  PAX East 2018 Day 4 - YouTube
  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,492
    Love/hate flying in MMOs. It is convenient at times, but makes the world seem smaller. If Pantheon never has flying but has ground mounts with reasonable speed, than it's no biggy.
    SWG Bloodfin vet
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  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,517
    Never is a long time.
    [Deleted User]KyleranxpsyncAmathe
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,018
    achesoma said:

    My sympathy for Pantheon just had a huge drop.

    Flying mounts are definitely one of THE things I miss from Vanguard.

    Personally, I hate flying mounts in MMOs but I understand why others like it.

    In a game that is heavily focused on open world gameplay and has a climbing feature that is a key component, I simply don't see how flying would ever work anyway.
    Well, you would just have it where there are flying opponents or opponents high up in cliffs that can fire at your character.

    There can also be stamina for the mount where they have to glide and can't go "full speed" all the way.

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • UtinniUtinni Member EpicPosts: 2,209
    Never AKA first expansion
  • achesomaachesoma Member RarePosts: 1,770
    Tiller said:
    Love/hate flying in MMOs. It is convenient at times, but makes the world seem smaller. If Pantheon never has flying but has ground mounts with reasonable speed, than it's no biggy.

    From the FAQ but FAQ hasn't been updated since 2017.

    Will there be mounts and other ways to increase a player’s travel speed?

    Yes, there will be a variety of mounts, as well as spells and abilities that can be obtained which increase travel speed. Players will also be able to acquire items for their characters that allow them to climb vertical surfaces.
    [Deleted User]
    Preaching Pantheon to People at PAX  PAX East 2018 Day 4 - YouTube
  • Mackaveli44Mackaveli44 Member RarePosts: 717
    Good.   Flying mounts just trivialize everything.  You lose all sense of scale and adventure when you can just fly over everything. 
  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    Rode in on a Greyhound. And I'll be walking out if I go. - CCR

    I like flying mounts. But I agree they trivialize travel and exploration. Leaving them out is fine by me.

    EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

  • AdamantineAdamantine Member RarePosts: 5,094
    Sovrath said:

    My sympathy for Pantheon just had a huge drop.

    Flying mounts are definitely one of THE things I miss from Vanguard.

    While I loved the "rental flying mount" that I could use, they really do diminish the game world "unless" there are systems/events in place that make flying as dangerous/challenging as the land can be.

    I should have realized that Pantheon wont have flying mounts since they dont have the seamless world setting, with realistic viewing distances, that Vanguard had.

  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    edited June 2020
    I'm sure everyone remembers Blizzard's original stance under Ion where going forward, new expansions would never have flight.....Point is, when push comes to shove, things will happen, so never say never. With that said, there's plenty of ways to get around not having flight, like several flight paths/teleports etc.
  • xpsyncxpsync Member EpicPosts: 1,854
    A legendary excellent decision.

    It totally ruined wow, then it totally ruined EQ2 because well wow had it so we need to really f this game over even further.

    Any and all fast travel disintegrated the world feel in mmorpg's, even swg kinda but not really as using a speeder across Tatooine truly fits and feels right, plus the worlds there are incredibly large too, i dunno it works.

    When a game has no fast travel and it stays that way the immersion level is so much deeper than dive bombing your next item on your todo list.

    And it seems once it's introduced you can't remove it later. When i play retail i love that i can fly tbh, it's the way the game is now, classic it really never crosses my mind that i can't fly, it's just the way it is and i can truthfully say i find classic much more immersive than retail a 100 fold.

    Retail feels like rush get your checklist out and work on that todo list and tbh i don't hate it, it's busy work and pretty relaxing, but with classic i feel like i'm part of the world, or in that world.

    Flying is never needed or desired if you never introduce it.
    My faith is my shield! - Turalyon 2022

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    Currently Playing; Dragonflight and SWG:L
  • WhiteLanternWhiteLantern Member RarePosts: 3,319
    People act as though having a flying mount option make flying required. No self-control, or what?

    I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil

  • NildenNilden Member EpicPosts: 3,916
    It all depends on implementation.

    If they just put in flying mounts without making content for them and have no flying enemies or mounted combat and it just ends up trivializing travel that's on them.

    I played Ark: Survival Evolved a ton and the mount system they have is amazing. Air, water, and land mounts with multiple utility uses, speeds, carrying capacity, passenger capabilities, harvesting, mobility, etc etc... pretty much the entire game revolves around the mount system. If an MMORPG did something like that it would be awesome.

    If they just plan to copy flying mounts from Burning Crusade 13 years ago, don't even bother.

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  • xpsyncxpsync Member EpicPosts: 1,854
    Good.   Flying mounts just trivialize everything.  You lose all sense of scale and adventure when you can just fly over everything. 

    Well said, well put, perfect description.

    I went back to EQ2 (way back) for one of those progression servers and yes, the slow leveling, toe to toe battling a mob for a few minutes, need to be incredible careful and aware, and then you look at that horizon and wonder what adventures lie ahead, and it feels like a massive world to explore, and just getting beyond that ridge will be and accomplishment in discovery.

    Was having an amazing few days, then was down at the beach in Antonica and someone flew by (you get a flying mount at level 10) well that was fun while it lasted. I can't remember if i logged out right then and there or i finally made it to 10 started flying and then was done, i went back to a prog server a couple times, flying just ruins it.

    I mean a progression server only lets you taste how awesome the game once was and then you follow the path of destruction the game went through, why? why would anyone want to do that? progression server's are a joke.
    My faith is my shield! - Turalyon 2022

    Your legend ends here and now! - (Battles Won Long Ago)

    Currently Playing; Dragonflight and SWG:L
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    That is one small step for gaming and one giant leap for mankind.

    If i had one thing to say to a developer on how to NOT ruin their game it would be to NEVER design it so that ONE aspect becomes the entire focus.

    It's why i say pvp doesn't mix with pve because it becomes the main focus of the game.The same goes for raiding,if you make Raiding the main focus the rest of the game becomes pointless.

    If you create a flying mount what happens is it becomes the ONLY mount.

    We need to  get game devs to commit to creating a meaningful game throughout,level 1 is as important as level 101.

    I know people often scoff when i mention FFXi alot.I'll give you one small tidbit as to why.So the game is like idk 16/17 years old,well even as late as 12 years later i could enter the game as a complete noob and make a very good profit with a level 1 craft.How many mmorpg's can boast that,typically these games have ALL their focus on end game,it is a race and level 1 is forgotten by the end of the first day playing.

    Sub classes,YEARS later,people would still be playing level 1,still going back to old zones,the ENTIRE game remained relevant for a very long time.

    So if VR was SMART they would design the game in a way so crafting and leveling always comes back to level 1,the ENTIRE game remains relevant,it gives the game a LOT of longevity.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • xpsyncxpsync Member EpicPosts: 1,854
    People act as though having a flying mount option make flying required. No self-control, or what?

    It's a little more than that, one example would be you clear your way to a mob you need to kill, battled all the way, and now you're just resting up for the fight, all the mobs have respawned behind you, almost ready... and then What's this??? some f'er comes dive bombing out of the sky and tags the mob you worked so hard for.

    Your group, what you going to say, hang on everyone i'm going to walk there? lol

    Flying changes the game, changes the flow, totally changes how the game is played.
    Kyleran[Deleted User][Deleted User]
    My faith is my shield! - Turalyon 2022

    Your legend ends here and now! - (Battles Won Long Ago)

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  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,018
    People act as though having a flying mount option make flying required. No self-control, or what?
    It's more about "shared experience."

    It has nothing to do with self control.

    If it's going to be an open world multi player game then  players should be playing the same game. At least that's my opinion. Have them, don't have them, "whatever" no skin off my nose. But if a game world touts itself as a game world with areas that require team work to navigate then it should be the same for everyone.

    xpsyncKyleran[Deleted User]
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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • WhiteLanternWhiteLantern Member RarePosts: 3,319
    xpsync said:
    People act as though having a flying mount option make flying required. No self-control, or what?

    It's a little more than that, one example would be you clear your way to a mob you need to kill, battled all the way, and now you're just resting up for the fight, all the mobs have respawned behind you, almost ready... and then What's this??? some f'er comes dive bombing out of the sky and tags the mob you worked so hard for.

    Your group, what you going to say, hang on everyone i'm going to walk there? lol

    Flying changes the game, changes the flow, totally changes how the game is played.
    Flying mount or no, jerks are jerks. Not the fault of flying.

    I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil

  • WellspringWellspring Member EpicPosts: 1,464
    Did Joppa say if levitate would be in the game?
  • xpsyncxpsync Member EpicPosts: 1,854
    edited June 2020

    Totally agree jerks are jerks, the point was missed a little as the person dive bombing out of the sky probably isn't a jerk, they are only playing the game the way it is played by everyone now.

    All other players are working on a checklist, there's target on radar, dive bomb in kill target get out next target, next, next... they aren't scouting the area first to see if someone is trying to enjoy the game, the world, by playing the game proper.

    It's kinda of a if you can't beat em join em, unfortunately.
    [Deleted User]
    My faith is my shield! - Turalyon 2022

    Your legend ends here and now! - (Battles Won Long Ago)

    Currently Playing; Dragonflight and SWG:L
  • Mylan12Mylan12 Member UncommonPosts: 288
    I don't think they should have any mounts. Early EQ didn't.  Maybe buffs from certain classes to accelerate run speed, or perhaps crafted potions you could buy or maybe bards (or other classes that you could group with and tag along for speed).  If you need to travel long distances then maybe classes that can teleport people to certain areas like for example the druids in EQ.
  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,950
    I want a fancy horse. Mounts are common plain mounts like a horse or looking really cool like some dragonkin. I want a horse that also looks awesome. I can live without flying mounts.
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