Fresh new trailer and Holy Kane, does it look amazing!

Let's hope that EA has been following the W3 Reforged debacle very closely and took good lessons.
The game is being developed by Petroglyph Games - the studio was created by ex-Westwood devs when EA took over. Also, Frank Klepacki is back and so the best soundtrack in gaming will get the attention it deserves!
Welcome back, commander!
Looks barley noticeable, certainly not enough of a difference to warrant a new purchase.
This is the first rework since the late '90s facelift of the original C&C that upgraded the graphics from the old VGA 320x200 to the Win95/98-supported SVGA 800x600 (and later the same was done to RA). That was the last graphics remake and on the current systems it looks like a bunch of huge pixels.
Btw, this remaster will cost $/€ 19.99 and will contain C&C, Red Alert and all their data disks. As long as the developers don't pull an Activision on this project, this legend in a modern coat will be more than worth that price.
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