An idea of how much ship rental currently costs
For perspective, the prices are like hiring something like a Honda Accord for one day and it costing $4500.
Edit: Prices have been halved (1.25% for 30 days is 37.5%, was 75%)
So now a ship like the Prospector will cost 772,875 UEC for 30 days.
And here is the money-making guide:
A fresh player can farm up the first 140k UEC investment...
Rent an Avenger Titan for 1 Day and earn up to 400-500k UEC, doing this method alone in a few days playing casually you can buy the Avenger Titan permanently.
The game money-making is quite able to cope with it, the trade routes runs going as a high as 300k PER HOUR is quite good. Now I think rent price has a weird scaling, as with everything being rebalanced this likely will get outdated soon.
There is a general perception the earning rate is too low, not at all.
What is included? Do they come with a crew or something?
Kind of like hiring the Millenium Falcon and getting Han and Chewie? I hope?
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"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
The thing is, even like it is now you still outearn that cost, so a starter ship player can get permanent ownership of the Freelancer Max in less than a week or the time that it takes to sink 25-30hours on the game, then achieve mid-tier cargo hauling that is around 100k per hour.
When you bring the missing the forest for the trees you need to understand that on 101 balance the renting mechanic can't be self-sustainable.
If you can simply just rent the ship and keep outearning by multiple times the rent cost, then no need to buy a ship at all just keep renting them
The renting needs to be a temporary way to scale player earning and achieve a new ship without being locked to that one ship that you have until you reach the purshase price, or to try out a new ship yourself.
The renting price needs to be balanced per ship what will likely be the next steps considering the general earning rate of that ship against the renting price/duration. You should be able to earn money but at a cost that motivates you to save up to buy the ship.
That example I gave as it is CURRENTLY but against a 500$USD ship...
So a week or two depending on time invested, you get the Freelancer ship under current balance, doing the cargo hauls it is currently around 100k per hour, let's say you do dedicate yourself to cargo hauling and for 20 Days play around 5 hours a day at that earning rate...
In those 20 days, you have earned enough to permanently buy the 600i, that is an ~500$ ship.
You will ofc discount fuel, fights, etc... part of gameplay but it still falls under a month with a medium-tier hauling ship (or low compared to the upcoming HULL's) to get one of the high tier ships in terms that already hit the capital ship tier.
You could just go on the hauling path and get a Caterpillar that has a higher earning rate on cargo hauls before going for the 600i.
While the ship sales continue to fund the game they are not what is still stood as the monetization model, things as the announced currency microtransaction will not work out while the game faces wipes, it needs global persistence first.
If I can rent a ship where I can earn 100k per hour, let's cut 30% for all the shenanigans that will cause loss/lower income, you still earn on those 30 days multiple times the cost of the actual buyout ship price. Even if you are playing 3 hours a day doing it.
To me, the cost of that rent needs to be balanced with how much you generally will earn with that ship, to not make it so is worth to live out of renting ships instead of being a temporary measure to save up to buy them (like the current cargo-hauling earning rates against those prices).
On the other hand, ships like the Prospector rent cost I don't think that ship can cope with that daily fee. So balance to be done per individual ship.
After that is done, if we have 1 million per 30 days rent then the player has to reasonably earn that mill and a % over it, maybe the buyout is 3 so 2mill~ for a normal 3-5h a day player is fair.
Here is another player sharing how he manages 100K per hour with an Aurora starter ship:
I think I'll stick to that game plan to get currency up next wipe hmmm
RSI needs to scrap the longer rental times and instead make it hourly rental rate.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
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Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
If it's changed so the rent is calculated by the time the ship is spawned in instead of an X number of days, having a rate like that will then scale accordingly on both scenarios.
I don't record, haven't tried that loop but I know I manage around 70k with the overall mission loops that are also explained on the main guide so I don't find it unrealistic that someone optimized their game loop to maximize it.
What happens here is that there is a higher-earning game loop that allows earning enough to decently to cope with those prices as they currently are, that is in a nutshell cargo hauling.
The balance the game has is pretty much general metrics the developers have been applying on the features they develop, they have people dedicated to balance but the flight model and combat balance are the current focus.
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