I want to drop this irritating subject of coding. Apparently I'm seeing issues that no one else does.
I'm the elephant in the room and because of that I'm the bad guy for some odd reason. Let me expand on this.... It's like being at a party and a fight breaks out. Everyone just stands their and does nothing, yet one person out of forty says "hay, theirs a fight". Well their is a fight but the guy that says "hay, theirs a fight" is the bad guy !.... I guess that's me.
Now that that's over with, on to the question.
I'm not a programmer,
@Lokero pointed that out.... Since I'm not a programmer can the programmers explain some of this ?.....I directly relate this to coding.... am I wrong ?..... I feel the game will not run well, because of odd animations from past mistakes of Vanguard. If it looks like Vanguard, it will play like Vanguard.
Two years of Pantheon videos and I see zero improvements in animation. I relate animation to coding.
-Creatures, NPC's, and players alike float across the ground exactly like hard plastic Chess pieces. Re watch every video and you will understand.
-Creatures and Mobs attack players they float across the ground to attack players, then stand in front of the player, swing and recover "to their original statue state" after each swing. Re watch every video and you will understand.
-As players are moving about arms and legs are disappearing and reappearing. This is most apparent when the player swings their camera angle when they are close to a wall or structure. Re watch every video and you will understand.
-Players get stuck with half their bodies stuck half way into the ground. This was a major issue in Vanguard. Remember a major issue on release was players would fall through the environment ? This was talked about in detail as a major problem with Vanguard !..... Guess what...same shit.
- On several occasions, the hosting player would spin the camera angle and you would only see a pair of eyeballs, only a PAIR OF EYEBALLS !
What I do see for improvements are environment textures, lights glow softly, trees look more crisp and sparkle, shadows and armor glows are unmatched to any other game. BUT Vanguard was great for this feature too BUT THE GAME PLAY WAS A MESS.
For some reason, anything that moves seems to be a copy and paste into the environment.
The environment itself is absolutely beautiful by it self !
The creatures and players are absolutely beautiful by it self !
Add both together, and their disconnected. VANGUARD !
I would love to drop this issue, but now I'm mad... Never any acknowledgment of extreme issues. Instead I'm just a bad guy !
This does not affect the gameplay. On contrary it means the game is allowing you to stay in control of your character.
Creatures and mobs likely also have movement that does not depend on game's ability to animate them.
As for "recovering to their original state" Pantheon is supposed to have slower gameplay. You don't get to spam your abilities as fast as the animations execute, but rather have to wait a bit. Gameplay was slowed down like this also in games like WoW.
Arms and legs appearing and disappearing is a graphical bug.
Gameplay wise a creature is just one hitbox moving around the world, and that hitbox either is there or is completely lost. Losing arms or legs would be concerning in a game where you have to aim and can hit individual body parts, but not for something like Pantheon (or EQ or WoW).
Getting stuck in environment is a problem that they need to fix, but it's not an unsolvable problem. Depending on how players get stuck, they may either have issue with some actions or abilities that need game engine changes, or simply an issue where their map has holes in it and they need to fix them when they spot them.
It's likely just a camera problem where player is able to place the camera inside character's face. It's not a very high priority to fix during early development, because player has control of the camera and can place it elsewhere.
Camera having trouble with walls and such would be much higher priority problem than camera swinging inside your face.
Your the first in two years that addressed and answered programmer questions. Most simply hugely ignore these issues and resort to name calling.
Most suppress issues and cant face problems that are factual, much like a bad car accident.
I hope your saying this can all be fixed...... Because of my non-programming background, I CAN'T HELP BUT THINK, THIS IS VANGUARD all over again, just a leap in time.
One more question please,
It does appear Visionary Realms needlessly struggles with something that has been solved with years of advancement since 1999 and 2004.
However, all video programmers may have to over come these "same exact struggles" and suffer the same animation problems. Is it just that were seeing pre pre alpha footage ?
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
Love Minecraft. And check out my Youtube channel OhCanadaGamer
Try a MUD today at http://www.mudconnect.com/THIS IS EXACTLY VANGUARD.
For some reason, anything that moves seems to be a copy and paste into the environment.
1. If the game is having all those problems at this stage of development then yes, it will fail. Those won't be fixed in time by their 'release'.. maybe one or two, but not many.
2. A simple statement that was true 20 years ago and is still true today is that the quality of your product directly represents the quality of your development team. So when you look at an application and you see many issues you can map them back to the developers who are creating the product. It's kind of odd when you think about it but it's very true. So for example when you walk into their office and see developers acting like idiots then you can actually map their behavior to defencies in the game.
3. A perfect example of this is Riot game (maker of League of Legends). They have been in the new quite a bit over the past year supporting a toxic work culture when employees punch each other in the balls, talk down to women etc. End result? League of Legends is by far known as having the most toxic community of any game on the planet. You could write a senior thesis on why that's the case.
4. In the game industry, you don't really have the best and brightest in programming and computer science building the games. There are so many rejects coming out of college that will basically work for 'free' just to get into a game company that it creates a toxic environment of low pay and immaturity. The real programmers see this early on and get out, they go to work for corporate companies making a lot more money and deal with a lot less stress. The end result is that in the gaming industry the industry as a whole doesn't mature.. they don't learn from past mistakes hence why they keep getting made over and over again.
5. Seeing the same mistakes happening today that you had to deal with in Vangard? See above.
6. To specifically respond to your post, there are many things that can contribute to what you are describing above. Characters gliding across the screen? That's typically called rubber banding and it happens when the developers don't fully understand UDP concepts and have correctly implemented an algorithm to compensate for the lack of guaranteed delivery. Or worse, they try to implement using TCP and can't figure out why they have so much lag for movement.
7. Like others have said animation really isn't programming.. it's just an artist using a tool. But how programmers integrate those animations into the application can cause a number of problems.
8. Getting stuck? That's actually a very hard problem, imagine in your head a world where everything is represented by numbers on a 3-dimensional plane. Than plane can vertically rise and fall and you are trying to keep an object (the player) always on top of that plane. Now throw in all the world objects.. their interactions etc and you will find that there are a lot of things to get stuck on. There are tools to help, but at the end of the day, it can be very tedious finding and then fixing those issues. Imagine a programmer spending an entire week trying to isolate and resolve where a player gets stuck at... it happens.
So I guess my point is, you don't need to dive into all the specifics.. but as a rule of thumb if you see a game in beta where there is rubber banding, players getting stuck, animations not lining up then run like hell.. because that game is and will always be a POS. It will take too much effort and too much time to fix those problems at that stage.
If you see a game in beta that doesn't have those problems then you know that the developers who built this game learned from the past and as part of the design came up with a process & tools to avoid these issues.
It's all great stuff, the getting stuck things fits because I've seen several games with that problem and in hind sight they never really get fixed, add that someone else had mentioned that too.
I'm willing to bet Visionary Realms are more a bunch of mature developers because Brad doesn't seem the type to allow fooling around in his work place... I'm most concerned with being stuck in time and not embracing the new technology and stubborn about his own way. You don't have to be a programmer to realize that, after all old auto mechanics could be the same way in fixing newer cars..... it's more keeping up with the times thing that any business owner can fall into this trap.
It still amazing to me after all the videos, others are not seeing any of the HUGE flaws that should scare the hell out of them. Some of them are technical people too, yet are blind. In their defense they could be relying on Pre Pre Alpha.... But I don't buy into that crap... Why because it really really looks like crap and should be embarrassing to showcase that footage.
Because others cant see, I seem to be the bad guy.
And again Pre Pre Alpha excuse doesn't cut it for me. Then you have the possibility, the game is not even in development yet..... That could be worst, to each their own with a developers speed, but the public is involved with the cost in this case.... Ten more years is unacceptable to the good people that invested.
Maybe I should be looking at it that way too.... Unfortunately many large investors will be disappointed, some are small people giving part of their pay check in belief that it will be huge.
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