38 Dryness
shall be on the waters thereof, and they shall be dry; for it is the
land of graven images, and hath glory in false feignings. (A drought
shall be upon its waters, and they shall dry up; for it is the land of
carved idols, and hath glory in false portents.)
39 Therefore
dragons shall dwell with fond wild men, and ostriches shall dwell
therein; and it shall no more be inhabited till into without end, and it
shall not be builded till to generation and generation; (And so
dragons, or jackals, shall live there with foolish wild men, and ostriches, or owls, shall live there also; and it shall no more be inhabited until forever, and it shall not be rebuilt until forever;)
40 as
the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and the nigh cities thereof,
saith the Lord. A man shall not dwell there, and the son of (a) man
shall not dwell in it. (like when the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah,
and the cities nearby, saith the Lord. No one liveth there now, and no
one shall ever live there again.)
41 Lo!
a people cometh from the north, and a great folk, and many kings shall
rise together from the ends of [the] earth. (Lo! a people cometh from
the north, and a great nation, and many kings shall rise up from the
ends of the earth.)
42 They
shall take bow and sword, they be cruel and unmerciful; the voice of
them shall sound as the sea, and they shall ascend on horses as a man
made ready to battle, against thee, thou daughter of Babylon. (They
shall take bow and sword, and they shall be cruel and unmerciful; they
shall sound like the roaring sea, and they shall go upon horses like a
man prepared for battle, against thee, O daughter of Babylon.)
43 The king of Babylon heard the fame of them, and his hands be aclumsid; anguish took him, sorrow took him,
as a woman travailing of child. (The king of Babylon heard the news
about them, and his hands be benumbed; anguish took hold of him, and
sorrow took hold of him, like a woman in labour.)
44 Lo!
as a lion he shall ascend from the pride of Jordan to the strong
fairness, for I shall make him to run suddenly to it; and who shall be
the chosen man whom I shall set before him? For who is like me?
and who shall suffer me? and who is this shepherd, that shall
against-stand my cheer? (Lo! like a lion he shall come up from the
thickets of the Jordan River to the plentiful pastures, but suddenly I
shall make him run away; and then who shall be the chosen one whom I
shall set before them? For who is like me? and who shall dare to challenge me? and who is this shepherd of the people, who shall stand against me?)
24 And God said, The earth bring forth a living soul in his kind, work beasts, and reptiles, either creeping beasts,
and unreasonable beasts of [the] earth, by their kinds; and it was done
so. (And God said, Let the earth bring forth living souls after their
kind, yea, work beasts, and reptiles, or creeping beasts, and unreasoning beasts of the earth, all after their kind; and it was done so.)
25 And
God made unreasonable beasts of the earth by their kinds, and work
beasts, and each creeping beast of the earth in his kind. And God saw
that it was good; (And God made the unreasoning beasts of the earth
after their kind, and the work beasts, and the reptiles of the earth,
each after its kind. And God saw that it was good
26 and
said, Make WE man to our image and likeness, and be he sovereign to the
fishes of the sea, and to the volatiles of (the) heaven(s), and to
[the] unreasonable beasts of [the] earth, and to each creature, and to
each creeping beast/each reptile, which is moved in [the] earth. (and
said, Let us make man in OUR image and likeness, and be he sovereign
over the fishes of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the
unreasoning beasts of the earth, yea, over each creature, and over each
reptile which creepeth on the earth.)
In the six hundred(th) year of the life of Noe, in the second month, in
the seventeenth day of the month (on the seventeenth day of the month),
all the wells of the great sea were broken
"After 1000 A.D., large excavations carried out on Central Continent Zenan
revealed Reptite dwellings and possibly the Tyranno Lair itself.
Analysts noted that the Reptite civilization existed long before the
first human settlements were formed and that the Reptites had acquired
the advanced skill of architecture before becoming extinct in the Ice
Age. The Reptites would exert much influence from beyond the grave,
however, as another dimension existed in which Lavos never reached the
planet, and the Reptites dominated and defeated the early humans
Reptites continued to prosper, eventually developing a philosophy of
close, symbiotic relationship with nature. As the Reptites evolved over
millions of years, they became Dragonians and created vast cities. Their ultimate achievement was the creation of Dinopolis, a floating city headed by the Dragon God, a machine that enabled control over the natural world. Dinopolis was dragged into the Keystone Dimension as part of Project Kid; the planet somehow shunted it there to act as a counterbalance against Chronopolis, which had just traveled backward in time after the Time Crash.
The resulting battle would echo the fate of the Reptites millions of
years before; the Chronopolis forces gutted the city and captured the
Dragon God, whom they split up into six parts and used to terraform El Nido.
The surviving Dragonians dispersed onto the new islands, where they
mingled with the Chronopolis workers dispatched to populate the new
paradise. Some become involved with the humans, resulting in a new Demi-human
species. The Dragonians also continued to revere nature religiously and
created several dwellings and fortresses that operated on Elements.
Unfortunately, the introduction of settlers from Zenan in 920 A.D.
disrupted their fragile way of life, and the remaining Dragonians died
off. Their traditions were still maintained by Demi-humans, though by
1020 A.D., only the establishment known as Fort Dragonia remained
"After the Dragon God was defeated and returned to the belly of the
Time Devourer, the only Reptite influences left in the world were the
presence of Demi-humans and the physical architecture remaining around
El Nido."
TRANSLATION: none; based on the Chinese name for the same creature
HABITAT: areas ruled by a wise and benevolent leader
DIET: purely vegetarian; never harms another creature
APPEARANCE: One of the rarest, most awesome, and most
powerful creatures ever known in East Asia is the unicorn-like kirin. It
is a regal animal, holy and highly revered, and often considered a god
in its own right. The kirin is a chimerical beast resembling a deer with
scales like a dragon’s covering its body. It has a tail like an ox’s
and a flowing mane. Its body and mane are covered in brilliant holy
fire. Its face is the picture of utter serenity.
BEHAVIOR: A gentle animal, the kirin never eats the
flesh of other beings, and it takes great care never to tread on any
living thing, even lowly insects. When it walks, it does so without
trampling a single blade of grass. Its beauty is only surpassed by its
rarity; kirin only appear during periods of world peace, during the
reigns of noble and enlightened rulers, in lands owned by wise and
benevolent people, or as heralds of a golden age. Kirin never harm good
and pure souls, but they are swift and fierce to attack if threatened,
breathing holy fire from their mouths.
A cockatrice is a mythical beast, essentially a two-legged dragon or serpent-like creature with a rooster's head. Described by Laurence Breiner as "an ornament in the drama and poetry of the Elizabethans", it was featured prominently in English thought and myth for centuries.
The Horned Serpent appears in the mythologies of many Native Americans. Details vary among tribes, with many of the stories associating the
mystical figure with water, rain, lightning and thunder. Horned
Serpents were major components of the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex of North American prehistory
The etymology of the word Zion is uncertain. Mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Samuel (2 Samuel 5:7) as the name of the Jebusite fortress conquered by King David, its origin likely predates the Israelites. If Semitic, it may be associated with the Hebrew root ''ṣiyyôn ("castle"). Though not spoken in Jerusalem until hundreds of years later, the name is similar in Arabic and may be connected to the root ṣiyya ("dry land") or the Arabic šanā ("protect" or "citadel"). It might also be related to the Arabic root ṣahî ("ascend to the top") or ṣuhhay ("tower" or "the top of the mountain"). A non-Semitic relationship to the Hurrian word šeya ("river" or "brook") has also been suggested.
2 Samuel 5:7
Nevertheless, David captured the fortress of Zion-which is the City of David
Psalm 2:6
"I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain."
Sahyun (Arabic: صهيون, Ṣahyūn or Ṣihyūn) is the word for Zion in Arabic and Syriac. A valley called Wâdi Sahyûn (wadi
being the Arabic for "valley") seemingly preserves the name and is
located approximately one and three-quarter miles (2.8 km) from the Old City of Jerusalem's Jaffa Gate.
The phrase Har Tzion, lit. "Mount Zion", appears nine times in the Tanakh. It is spelled with a Tzadi and not Zayin.
history of the islands of Hawaii are far more complex than most tour
guides or books cover. Having visited these wonderful gems in the
Pacific numerous times since I was 12 years old, I felt that it made
sense for me to write a book"
example, in Hawaiian mythology, the Menehune are said to have been a
people, sometimes described as dwarfs in size, who lived in the deep
forests and hidden valleys of the Hawaiian Islands, far from the eyes of
normal humans. They were in fact the FIRST Hawaiians, who knew advanced
stone cutting and engineering."
also created giant fish ponds, as seen above. Their name, Menehune is
derived from an earlier one, Manahune, which means “small power” or even
“powerless;” a title given to them by the later Tahitians who brutally
overtook them and basically wiped them out. Their original name, said by
some, was the Mu."
Tahitians arrived around 1200 AD, in sailing canoes larger than the one
above. This canoe is Mo’olele, which I helped rebuild; I am seated in
the middle, on a trip from Maui to Oahu. They brought with them their
stone gods, and a desire to take over all of the lands."
Menehune escaped as best they could through the chain of Hawaiian
islands. Their final refuge was desolate Mokumanamana in the northwest
where they raised megaliths, before finally, some say, returning to
their original homeland of Easter Island.
The Tahitians were divided into three major classes (or castes): ari'i,[4]ra'atira and manahune.[5]Ari'i were relatively few in number while manahune constituted the bulk of population and included some members who played essential roles in the society.[6]
It is estimated that by the first contact with Europeans in 1767 the
population of Tahiti was no more than 40,000 while other Society Islands
held probably 15,000-20,000 natives.
According to legend, Pele lives in the Halema'uma'u crater Kilauea In
the Hawaiian religion, Pele is the goddess of fire, lightning, wind and
volcanoes and the creator of the Hawaiian Islands. Often referred to as
"Madame Pele" or "Tutu Pele" as a sign of respect, she is a well-known
deity within Hawaiian mythology, and is notable for her contemporary
presence and cultural influence as an enduring figure from ancient
Hawaii. She was a descendant of Papa, or Sky Father, who is a supreme
Kamehameha I (Hawaiian pronunciation: [kəmehəˈmɛhə]; c. 1758? – May 8 or 14, 1819[1] ), also known as Kamehameha the Great (full Hawaiian name: Kalani Paiʻea Wohi o Kaleikini Kealiʻikui Kamehameha o ʻIolani i Kaiwikapu kauʻi Ka Liholiho Kūnuiākea), was the founder and first ruler of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
1869, hypothetical reconstruction of the tetragrammaton YHWH (see Jehovah), based on the assumption that the tetragrammaton is the IMPERFECTIVE of Hebrew verb HAWAH, earlier form of HAYAH "was," in the sense of "the one who is, the existing."
In Exod 3:12, 14, God responds to Moses’ query about God’s name with אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה (ʾehyeh ʾasher ʾehyeh,
usually rendered, "I am who/that I am" or "I will be who/what I will
be"). However, over 6800 times the name of God is written yhwh (יהוה), not אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה (ʾehyeh).
1. God, speaking in the first person, gives his name as ʾehyeh, the grammatical first person form of hayah / hawah.
4. The *expected* third person form of the same stem and conjugation would be yihyeh (or, yihweh).
"Eywa is the guiding force and deity of Pandora and the Na'vi. The Na'vi believe that Eywa acts to keep the ecosystem of Pandora in perfect equilibrium. It is sometimes theorized by human scientists that all living things on Pandora connect to Eywa through a system of neuro-conductive antennae; this often explains why Na'vi can mount their direhorse or mountain banshee steeds and ride them immediately without going through the necessary steps required to domesticate such wild animals."
Genesis 1:28-30 Wycliffe Bible
God blessed them, and said, Increase ye, and be ye multiplied, and fill
ye the earth, and make ye it subject; and be ye lords to the fishes of
the sea, and to [the] volatiles of (the) heaven(s), and to all living
beasts that be moved on [the] earth"
"Some believe that this interconnectedness, which on Earth is merely a spiritual concept, exists in a physical and tangible way on Pandora, in the form of a strange, collective psionic
consciousness embedded in the planet, drawn from all Pandoran life. It
is, in a way, a little like a huge biological internet; the trees being
computer servers that store information. The Na'vi can upload or
download memories from it using their queues and it can even be used for mind transfers in certain cases.
The Tree of Souls
grants the Na'vi access to the psychic essences of their deceased,
which is how the Na'vi communicate with their ancestors. The roots of
the trees are capable of extending above the ground and connecting to
the nervous system of any living thing, even humans."
Black Death and Abrupt Earth Changesinthe14thcentury
By Sacha Dobler
2-[In the years before the Black Death inEurope],”between Cathay and Persia there rained a vast rain of fire, falling in flakes like snow and burning up mountains and plains and other lands, with men and women;; and then arose vast masses of smoke;; and whoever beheld this died within the space ofhalf an hour;; and likewise any man or woman who looked upon those who had seen this(..)”.
1--Philip Ziegler writing about the years before the out break of the Black Death
“The middle of the fourteenth century was a period of extraordinary terror and disaster to Europe. Numerous portents, which sadly frightened the people, were followed by a pestilence which threatened to turn the continent into an unpeopled wilderness. For year after year there were signs in the sky, on the earth, in the air, all indicative, as men thought, of some terrible coming event. In 1337 a great comet appeared in the heavens, its far-extending tail sowing deep dread in the minds of the ignorant masses. During the three succeeding years the land was visited by enormous flying armies of locusts, which descended in myriads upon the fields, and left the shadow of famine in their track. In 1348 came an earthquake of such frightful violence that many men deemed the end of the world to be presaged. Its devastations were widely spread. Cyprus, Greece, and Italy were terribly visited, and it extended through the Alpine valleys as far as Basle. Mountains sank into the earth. In Carinthia thirty villagesand the tower of Villach were ruined. The air grew thick and stifling. There were dense and frightful fogs. Wine fermented in the casks. Fiery meteors appeared in the skies. A gigantic pillar of flame was seen by hundreds descending upon the roof of the pope’s palace at Avignon. In 1356 came another earthquake, which destroyed almost the whole of Basle. What with famine, flood, fog, locust swarms, earthquakes, and the like, it is not surprising that many men deemed the cup of the world’s sins to be full, and the end of the kingdom of man to be at hand.”--Morris, C,1893: Historical Table
Jews accused of poisoning the wells Jews were accused of having poisoned wells and, after some confessions were extorted under torture, thousands were rounded up and executed, most of themwere burnt to death in Switzerland, there the epicenters werein the cities of Bern and Basel. At the Chillon Castleat Lake Geneva, the Jewishphysician Blavignus made the first confession under torture on the 15thof September in 1348.In other communities, alsonon-Jewish,unpopular people were accused of spreading infected powders, of smearing door jars with infected grease.173Vague and un-disprovableaccusations that gave of foretaste of the later witch persecutionsof the 15thand 16thcentury.Louis Heylingen: "Some wretched men have been caught with certain dust, and, whether justly or unjustly God only knows, they are accused of having poisoned the water, and men in fear do not drink the water from wells;; for this many have been burnt and daily are burnt “Also Konrad von Megenberg dismissed the notion that the Jews poisoned the wells.Even though Konrad himself made clearly anti-Semitic statements, calling the Jews the enemiesof our womenandofChristians. But healso pointsto the great mortality and suffering among the Jews themselvesadding that it would have been a great foolishness for them to poison the wells. In Vienna, for instance, theJewish community had to enlarge their cemeteryand acquiretwo additional buildingsto cope with the large body count.174From the many accounts of foul odors and “rotten waters”we can conclude that many drinking water sources were indeed contaminated with unknown toxins, but these substances must have come from the air, the rain or the ground.
From leprosy to plague, the victims and their treatment
The first of these Leprosy „hospitals“ was built in fourth-century Caesarea by St. Basil. Leprosaria, like the monasteries on which they were modeled, insisted on chastity among residents, who were taught that their physical suffering on Earth helped reduce their spiritual time in purgatory. “Leprosaria, also called Lazarettos, lazar houses, or lazarettos after biblical Lazarus, were provided by wealthy or communal patrons and located along roads outside city gates to facilitate the beggingby which residents supported themselves. There mayhave been as many as 19,000 of thesehouses in 13th-Century Europe”.175According to Byrne, plague was blamed on collective rather than on personal guilt for sin, but plague victim’s agony and awful disfigurement paralleled those sufferedby lepers. Like lepers, plague victims were shunned and often abandoned even by family,for similar notions of contagion. However, keep in mind that for the contemporaries of the Black Death pandemic, this seems to have been perceivedmore as anegative spiritual influence, asthey were in generalnot afraid of physical transmission of germs.Fewpeopleat the time seemto have been concerned with physicalcontagion. Onlyfew writersexplicitly speak of danger of direct physical contact. One of them wasLouis Heylingenat Avignon. However,it should be kept in mindthissource is based on a letter sent from the papal court at Avignon, this wasthencopied into the chronicle byan unknown Flemish clericin 1856as part of his account of the plague. It is not entirely clear where paraphrase ends and direct quotation begins.176By the time of the later writer,the mid 19thcentury, the concept of physical, mono-causal contagion was deeply ingrained in the established thinking. In the Black Death crisis, across Europe, authorities transformed the idea of long-term leprosaria into the acute, short-term plague hospital or“pest house”. Even the name lazaretto stuck to the new care facilities, which eventually came to be associated with poor plague victims. In a sense Europeans’ experience with leprosy paved the wayfor their reactions to plague.I wrote an article called “Leprosy inthe Middle Ages, a social and political disease” in which I postulate that most leprosy victims were just suffering from ergotism and or the consequences of poverty, without a contagious disease.No physical symptoms were needed for a person to be condemned to be a leper and to be expelled from society or even executed.177What factors other than poverty could playa role in selectivityof the Black Deathgiven people were suffering, as the main-or asa co-factor, from atmospheric toxins,toxins in the water supply,harsh whether, malnutrition orthe effects of atmospheric anomalies or lightning?
Toxins in the air?Only few writers of the time made suggestions of a physical contagious cause of the pestilence, and in most cases, in vague terms. In general, people’s motivation to shun their loved ones(dead or alive) seems to have beenthelack of empathy and fear of the judgment of god rather than fear of germs. Agnolo diTura, a chronicler of Sienna wrote: “Father abandoned child, wife husband, (...) for this plague seemed to strike through the breath and sight. And sothey died. And no one couldbe found to bury the dead for money orfriendship.... And I, Angolo di Tura, called the fat, buried my five children with my own hands, and so did many others likewise.”184The Umbrianphysician Gentile da Foligna(c. 1275-1348), who himself became a victim of the Black Death of 1348, claimed ‘foul air’ wasresponsible for the mass die-off. He warned of bad odors that would enter the body to be transferred into toxins. These toxins could then infect others.He also suggested a celestial connection and claimed that among sin andretribution, ‘poisonous darts of God’(as first described by Homer) lay behind the plague.185We remember therecurring theme of ‘darts from heaven’.Further, Da Foligno recommended purifying air by fumigation,by burning wood, aromatic substances or herbs.186Alfonso de Cordoba maintainedthatcosmic forces began the pestilence,but its prolongation was due to deliberate poisoning of food, air and water by evil people.187He differentiated between three differentplagues in 1348, and only the latest was caused artificially. Isidore of Seville attributed the plague to the southerly winds, “from which corrupted air is born”. In his De Medicine, however, he argues that while the plague “arises from corrupt air, and by penetrating into the viscera settles there, and that this disease often springs up from air-borne potencies, nevertheless it can never come about without the will of the Almighty God”.
Brenda Gardenour Walter observes that “Early authors in the Christian tradition embodied the supernatural agents responsible for the physical corruption of air in the form of serpents or dragons whose poisonous bodies and noxious breath were the simultaneous causes of human disease and death.”
Dragons and astronomical events Dragons and serpents are also present in almost every religion and legends as representations of evil coming from the sky or the sea, and they are associated with destruction by fire, floods, lightning, pestilences and storms. In the case of airborne dragons, fireballs, meteorites that light up in the atmosphere) seem to be good candidates for natural sources of inspiration for such myths: Dragons fly across the sky and sometimes make roaring sounds or thunder, they spit fire, leave noxious smells and where they land, there is a smoking hole in the ground. Couldthishave led to the conclusion that when many dragons are seen there are noxious gases not only directly spewed into the air but released from the depths of the Earth? Other possible explanations for mythsand allegoriesof dragons or the ‘feathered serpent’ are comet tails or electric discharge events in the skies (as for instance postulated by David Talbot of the Thunderbolt Project).
Further, the appearance of severe red sprite lightings in the sky might have been interpreted as fire spewing creatures.Only in Chinese traditions, dragons also have positive connotations. No evidence forflying elongated or snake-like animals can be foundin the archeological record. And no evidence for any animal capable of spewingfire. Saint Sylvester and the Miracle of the DragonLet’s look at a fresco by the Florentine artist Maso di Banco. The fresco was made c. 1340, and although it depicts a story from the time of the first Christian Emperor Constantineand pope Saint Sylvester, it chimes in with the many stories of destructive dragons and poisonous odors in the 1300s. The original story only tells of an evil dragon in a pit in Rome, expelling venomous fumes, killing hundreds of people every day. But in the 1340 interpretation, the beast appears as having crashed through the roof of a building from the sky causing great destruction and death.
Reporting after the Black Death, the Venetian chronicler Lorenzo de Monachis (1351-1428) also claims that“the unbearable smellin the City (of Venice) was the main cause”of the pandemic. Notice he did not assume the smell to be a mere co-effect of the pandemic. We remind ourselves that the first areas affected by the plague were Mediterranean coastal cities, particularly in Sicily, this is one major argument for the theory that a contagious disease was brought into Europe from the East by ship. The academic consensus that claims the death toll was the highest along the Mediterranean coast (up to 75%), does not necessarily mean that these coastal cities were the source of the outbreak of a contagious agent, it may simply mean that harmful substances could have come from the sea or sea air and the coastal population was affected most directly
We learned that the Papal physician Guy de Chauliachad Pope Clement sit between two large firesthat were meant to cleanse the corrupted air. And this prophylaxis is believed to havesaved the pontiff.191Methanegas burns in low temperature flames. In low concentrations itburns without an explosion. Tectonic movementsoften trigger methanerelease, as has been seen in the case ofrecent formations of giant sinkholes in Siberia. In the same region, we see methanegas releasefrompermafrost. This is then-by the proponents of the anthropogeniccause of climate change-declared to be a product of permafrost meltingdue to warming, even when the temperature in the region has not risen, as in the case of this study of 2016 in the Siberian tundra, where the temperature has not changed.But measurements taken by researchers on expeditions to the island found that after removing grass and soil from the 'bubbling' ground, thecarbon dioxide (CO2) concentration released was 20 times above the norm, while the methane(CH4) level was 200 timeshigher. 192Natural release of methane from the ground is not necessarily associated with any smell soitcan go undetected even in concentrations leading to health risks. The ‘normal’ atmosphere contains about 2.2 ppm by volume of methane.
The real distribution pattern of the spread of the plague is more consistent with harmful substances being emitted from the sea, or clouds of gases being blown in from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, partially rained out into the sea and coast land to have a more-long term effect on the population. Mike Baillie constructed an accurate corrected time laps map of the spreading of the plague that shows the actual contours of spread of the plague,which is consistent with concentric rings emanating from the eastern Mediterranean Sea. In this map, the area associated with January 1348 includes, roughly, western Anatolia, Greece, Italy and the Adriatic territories. From this initial patch, the disease spread in all directions, more rapidly in a south-, west-and east-direction and less rapidly in the northerly direction.
Even at the time of the ongoing pandemic, members of the Medical Faculty at the Paris University concluded a non-contagious origin of the pandemic. When an analysis on the plague was demanded from the scholars, already in October of 1348, they pointed to the “overly humid and odorous air, that spread over Europe coming from India”, and this was declared to be the cause of the outbreak(not a co-factor). 199“(...) From air corrupted in its substance, and not charged in its attributes. By which we wish it be understood that air, being pure and clear by nature, can only become putrid or corrupt by being mixed with something else, that is to say, with evil vapours. What was that the many vapours which had been corrupted at the time of the conjunction were drawn up from the earth and water, and were then mixed with the air and spread abroad by frequent gusts of wind in the wild southern gales, and because of these alien vapours which they carried the winds corrupted the air in its substance, and are still doing so. And this corrupted air, when breathed in, necessarily penetrates to the heart and corrupts the substance of the spirit there and rots the surrounding moisture, and the heat thus caused destroys the life force, and this is the immediate cause of the present epidemic.”200Thereport doesgo on to include the danger of air from unburied corpses, and poisonous vapours from swamps, lakes and chasms.“Another possible cause of corruption, which needs to be borne in mind, is the escape of the rottenness trapped in the canter of the earth as a result of earthquakes–something which has indeed recently occurred. “And then there is the statement of the Florentine Chronicler Giovanni Villani, who became a victim of the plaguehimself. Before he had fallen ill, he concluded that the earth quakeof Friuli(January 1348)had released bad odors, that caused the pestilence
A comparison to Africa 1986 We know from recent, modern day geological events, that natural gases emanating from the ground can kill large numbers of people without any noticeable tectonic movement. In this example, we are looking at a local single incident, not an intercontinental long term catastrophe. However, in periods of greater tectonic instabilities we would have to multiply the effects on the environment accordingly.Lake Nyos, a Lake in Cameroon, naturally fills an ancient crater of an extinct volcano. It had long been quiet. Farmers and migratory herders knew the lake as large, still and blue. “On the evening of Aug 21st, 1986, farmers living near the lake heard loud rumbling. At the same time, a “frothy spray”shot hundreds of feet out of the lake, and a white cloud collected over the water. The cloud was 100 meters tall and flowed across the land. Farmers near the lake, who left their houses to investigate the source of the noise, lost consciousness. The cloud of CO2 killed 1,700 people in a range of up to 25km distance.”202No earthquake or cracks in the surrounding ground were reported.A silent and odorless killer mist,without any reports of ‘foul’ or ‘noxious’ gases even. So, in times when earthquake swarms travel over 1400 kilometers, could similar out gassing events accumulate at the same time?Such out gassing that directly affect the population on the ground,would not even have to leave any punctuated fingerprints in the ice core records as the gases would be dissipated over the years before they are trapped in the polar ice. In addition to this terrestrial/ geological event, we have a contemporary example of a meteorite impact in Peru in 2007, that caused the release of toxic fumes from a small crater,which led to people falling ill on the spot(see below).
Comets and foul odor
We recall Johannes Nohl’s account of the events between 1298 and 1314: seven large"comets"were seen over Europe;; one was of "awe-inspiring blackness. Many reports of foul smelling "mists" appeared continually after seeing bright lights in the sky, followed by an outbreak of the plague”.203In this case,“the plague”is not the Black Death, but an outbreak of “a” plague that coincided with the Great Famine in Europe decades before.Returning to the Black Death, we read from the‘Medieval Treatise by practitioners of the Medical Faculty of Vienna’:“The cause of the plague was seen as being contained in the spoiled Air (Miasma-theory),the poison of the Plague was said to come from the air (poisoned air can also be released by earthquakes from the interior of the Earth), the poison enters the body by absorption through the skin or by inhalation(...)another theory of the development of the plague was the iatro-astrological (...)”204Even though our modern-day sophisticated doctors claim that the medieval physicians had insufficient knowledge using primitive techniques, it seems the latter, unknowingly, were on the right track to solving the problem by paying attention to environmental and cosmic factors.
38 Dryness shall be on the waters thereof, and they shall be dry; for it is the land of graven images, and hath glory in false feignings. (A drought shall be upon its waters, and they shall dry up; for it is the land of carved idols, and hath glory in false portents.)
39 Therefore dragons shall dwell with fond wild men, and ostriches shall dwell therein; and it shall no more be inhabited till into without end, and it shall not be builded till to generation and generation; (And so dragons, or jackals, shall live there with foolish wild men, and ostriches, or owls, shall live there also; and it shall no more be inhabited until forever, and it shall not be rebuilt until forever;)
40 as the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and the nigh cities thereof, saith the Lord. A man shall not dwell there, and the son of (a) man shall not dwell in it. (like when the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities nearby, saith the Lord. No one liveth there now, and no one shall ever live there again.)
41 Lo! a people cometh from the north, and a great folk, and many kings shall rise together from the ends of [the] earth. (Lo! a people cometh from the north, and a great nation, and many kings shall rise up from the ends of the earth.)
42 They shall take bow and sword, they be cruel and unmerciful; the voice of them shall sound as the sea, and they shall ascend on horses as a man made ready to battle, against thee, thou daughter of Babylon. (They shall take bow and sword, and they shall be cruel and unmerciful; they shall sound like the roaring sea, and they shall go upon horses like a man prepared for battle, against thee, O daughter of Babylon.)
43 The king of Babylon heard the fame of them, and his hands be aclumsid; anguish took him, sorrow took him, as a woman travailing of child. (The king of Babylon heard the news about them, and his hands be benumbed; anguish took hold of him, and sorrow took hold of him, like a woman in labour.)
44 Lo! as a lion he shall ascend from the pride of Jordan to the strong fairness, for I shall make him to run suddenly to it; and who shall be the chosen man whom I shall set before him? For who is like me? and who shall suffer me? and who is this shepherd, that shall against-stand my cheer? (Lo! like a lion he shall come up from the thickets of the Jordan River to the plentiful pastures, but suddenly I shall make him run away; and then who shall be the chosen one whom I shall set before them? For who is like me? and who shall dare to challenge me? and who is this shepherd of the people, who shall stand against me?)
Genesis 1 Wycliffe Bible
24 And God said, The earth bring forth a living soul in his kind, work beasts, and reptiles, either creeping beasts, and unreasonable beasts of [the] earth, by their kinds; and it was done so. (And God said, Let the earth bring forth living souls after their kind, yea, work beasts, and reptiles, or creeping beasts, and unreasoning beasts of the earth, all after their kind; and it was done so.)Dinopolis
"After the Dragon God was defeated and returned to the belly of the Time Devourer, the only Reptite influences left in the world were the presence of Demi-humans and the physical architecture remaining around El Nido."
Kirin http://yokai.com/kirin/
TRANSLATION: none; based on the Chinese name for the same creatureHABITAT: areas ruled by a wise and benevolent leader
DIET: purely vegetarian; never harms another creature
APPEARANCE: One of the rarest, most awesome, and most powerful creatures ever known in East Asia is the unicorn-like kirin. It is a regal animal, holy and highly revered, and often considered a god in its own right. The kirin is a chimerical beast resembling a deer with scales like a dragon’s covering its body. It has a tail like an ox’s and a flowing mane. Its body and mane are covered in brilliant holy fire. Its face is the picture of utter serenity.
BEHAVIOR: A gentle animal, the kirin never eats the flesh of other beings, and it takes great care never to tread on any living thing, even lowly insects. When it walks, it does so without trampling a single blade of grass. Its beauty is only surpassed by its rarity; kirin only appear during periods of world peace, during the reigns of noble and enlightened rulers, in lands owned by wise and benevolent people, or as heralds of a golden age. Kirin never harm good and pure souls, but they are swift and fierce to attack if threatened, breathing holy fire from their mouths.
The Horned Serpent appears in the mythologies of many Native Americans. Details vary among tribes, with many of the stories associating the mystical figure with water, rain, lightning and thunder. Horned Serpents were major components of the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex of North American prehistory
The etymology of the word Zion is uncertain. Mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Samuel (2 Samuel 5:7) as the name of the Jebusite fortress conquered by King David, its origin likely predates the Israelites. If Semitic, it may be associated with the Hebrew root ''ṣiyyôn ("castle"). Though not spoken in Jerusalem until hundreds of years later, the name is similar in Arabic and may be connected to the root ṣiyya ("dry land") or the Arabic šanā ("protect" or "citadel"). It might also be related to the Arabic root ṣahî ("ascend to the top") or ṣuhhay ("tower" or "the top of the mountain"). A non-Semitic relationship to the Hurrian word šeya ("river" or "brook") has also been suggested.
2 Samuel 5:7
Sahyun (Arabic: صهيون, Ṣahyūn or Ṣihyūn) is the word for Zion in Arabic and Syriac. A valley called Wâdi Sahyûn (wadi being the Arabic for "valley") seemingly preserves the name and is located approximately one and three-quarter miles (2.8 km) from the Old City of Jerusalem's Jaffa Gate.
1869, hypothetical reconstruction of the tetragrammaton YHWH (see Jehovah), based on the assumption that the tetragrammaton is the IMPERFECTIVE of Hebrew verb HAWAH, earlier form of HAYAH "was," in the sense of "the one who is, the existing."