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I want to get into it...

LonzoLonzo Member UncommonPosts: 294

maybe you can help me. I tried to get into the game but everytime I play the game, after some hours it doesnt hook me. I like the lore, the grafics and atmosphere, but I cant get into the combat and classes. The classes feel so empty and lifeless. Does this get any better in mid/endgame?



  • SirAgravaineSirAgravaine Member RarePosts: 520
    It gets worse.
  • Saur0n69Saur0n69 Member UncommonPosts: 44
    It's kind of bland but it's a solid mmorpg.  PvP is instanced but fun.  You can become a Vampire and Werewolf too
  • AparitionAparition Member UncommonPosts: 91
    ive been where you are now, it should be great, but its mediocre at best...

  • XasapisXasapis Member RarePosts: 6,337
    Do you play 1st or 3rd person? 1st person plays a bit more like Skyrim, so that helps, at least when you solo.

    Btw, if you could offer an example of combat feeling "right", I'm sure somebody could suggest a decent mmorpg that would fit that feeling.
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    This would entirely depend on if you have something proper from previous experiences that you may have deemed 'good' etc. Only then will you get a proper answer if ESO ends up being the game for you at some point or not.
  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    The combat isn't all that complicated, but the 'classes' are really just for the specific skills as an adjunct to whatever weapon skills you want, if you took every skill in a class or a weapon you would pretty much gimp your character, you have to select from within each one which skills/abilities are most beneficial to your character build as you can only slot 5 skills anyway so choosing which skills and abilities to focus on is critical to the build, its the same with armour, you need to choose the best armour type for your intended build because of passive and some active abilities, personally i think its too limited to only have 5 skill slots, it forces specialisation and removes a great deal of flexibility from possible builds. As for the 'Classes' they aren't really classes as such, but bases upon which to create a build, to give an example, i have 3 templar builds, one is 1h+shield with heavy armour using 2 healing abilities and 1 ranged offensive spell ability, the other 2 slotted abilities are weapon related with the ultimate a kind of 'bomb' effect, the second Templar i have is a medium armour wearing twin dagger build that has offensive magic melee attacks, the third is a heavy armour wearing destruction staff wielder with healing focus, only 1 slotted staff skill which is an aoe dot, and 4 healing abilities with a healing ultimate, all Templars, all completely different in how they play and what skills they use, they also use different stats (magic, stamina, health). There are imo issues with the game, but the game in its present form is a huge improvement on when it launched, although to get the most out of it, you need to join an active guild, not a trade guild, though once you reach end game it might be useful to have access to one, maybe. ;)
  • TheDarkrayneTheDarkrayne Member EpicPosts: 5,297
    If you don't like the start of the game then you won't like any of it. ESO isn't one of those games that gets better as you progress. It's not holding anything back. The only thing that will change from what you've already seen is that you'll need to press more buttons in combat.

    Some people will say the more recent content like Morrowind or Summerset is far better but, really, it's the same as all the other content in the game; A zone, a lot of little stories that hardly mean anything in the grand scheme of things and the same combat.
    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  • mcrippinsmcrippins Member RarePosts: 1,642
    I don't really agree with what most have said here. I personally didn't like the leveling process of ESO, but once I got to 50 and started earning CP and doing the veteran dungeons, it completely changed the game for me. Then I learned about the trials and PvP, and found those quite interesting and challenging as well. 

    It also took me a while to realize all the different builds you can do with classes. Currently I'm playing a 2 handed stamina based sorcerer build that I found off this AlcastHQ site. The person who runs the site takes a lot of time to explain the builds, and how they can be played. 

    ESO is definitely not for everyone, but it can be really fun if it's your type of game. It also has a very healthy community from what I've seen. Hope this helps!
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  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Depends on what you mean by "classes feel empty and lifeless," and what level you've gotten to.

    At the beginning you just have a couple of abilities and not many passives to make them better so you spend a lot of time doing basic weapon attacks and running out of resources to do many of the better ability attacks.

    By level 25 or so, if you know what you're doing, resource regen and extra passives and abilities start to give you a true feel for how a class actually plays. If you still don't like it at that point you probably won't later either.

    TLDR: yeah of course combat gets better once you have a full rational build. Pretty well the same in all games.
    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,045
    I didn't need 50 levels to see it was a game I didn't enjoy....I guess I was hoping for massive multiplayer Skyrim and got something much less....The combat was just so dull and boring.
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,021
    I didn't need 50 levels to see it was a game I didn't enjoy....I guess I was hoping for massive multiplayer Skyrim and got something much less....The combat was just so dull and boring.
    I still can get enjoyment from it and it's a well made online game. 

    But I still play skyrim actively as well as Morrowind and once I finish Morrowind (with the expansions) I'm going to do another run through of Oblivion. This game takes a bit for me to warm up to and only for a small amount of time.

    The game plays better, for me, if I just head out and find some trouble. Eventually I just run into a quest chain and do it.

    But I don't have that grand sense of adventure that I do with the other Elder Scrolls games.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    I didn't need 50 levels to see it was a game I didn't enjoy....I guess I was hoping for massive multiplayer Skyrim and got something much less....The combat was just so dull and boring.
    With games it only takes me a level or two to know if I will enjoy it or not.  I use to continue to play a game hoping once you got to a certain level it would play differently.  But I no longer do such things.  

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • alkarionlogalkarionlog Member EpicPosts: 3,584
    again I don't undertand why, why waste time on something you don't like? try something else
    FOR HONOR, FOR FREEDOM.... and for some money.
  • UtinniUtinni Member EpicPosts: 2,209
    Seeing a lot of posts like this around the internets. A few streamers tried/played it so people installed.
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,021
    again I don't undertand why, why waste time on something you don't like? try something else
    For the most part you are correct. Sometimes it just takes a player to be in a "different place" or try a different class to make it click.

    For example, during a lord of the rings online closed beta I was hyped about champion. But when I played it I sort of felt "meh."

    I then kept hearing a "thump" and seeing that someone had a shield. Looked up the guardian and I have to say it was that class that really stuck with me. I just can't get into any of the other classes.

    Or the game Titan Quest. I tried it twice before but couldn't get into it. This third try, for some reason, it is holding my attention and I'm enjoying it.

    But sure, if a game isn't grabbing a person then just stop for a bit. Maybe move on to other things.
    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • JeffSpicoliJeffSpicoli Member EpicPosts: 2,849
    I'v just recently given this my second go round as i search for the fountain of MMO Joy which i have been chasing for quite some time. Feel too lost to resume my lvl 47 nightblade so i rerolled a sorcerer. At level 10 I'm currently feeling a very "meh" from the game thus far.
    • Aloha Mr Hand ! 

  • JeffSpicoliJeffSpicoli Member EpicPosts: 2,849
    FYI ESO SUB is a must for extra bag space if you plan on crafting
    • Aloha Mr Hand ! 

  • blamo2000blamo2000 Member RarePosts: 1,130
    I'd like to agree with the above.  Sometimes I try a game and don't care for it - only to try it some eyars later and fall in love with it.

    As one example - I thought DDO was awful when it first came out.  Out of boredom I tried it years later after those initial couple of expansions came out and it hands-down became my favorite mmorpg.  

    But, it has also been true with games that don't have expansions.  I enjoyed Anarchy Online much more when they got the Global Auction House, or single player games that made no changes at all.  I guess I was just more in the mood for that particular type of game when I gave it a second chance.

    I think bad advice is always to slog through a game you aren't enjoying to get to a part you may or may not enjoy.  At least, personally, that has never happened to me and that sort of advice, when I tried, has never worked out.  Putting it aside and giving it another shot down the road has often worked out for me though.

  • Mors.MagneMors.Magne Member UncommonPosts: 1,549
    I've started to play it. Overall, I think it's a brilliant game. My biggest criticism with it is that character development isn't that intuative.

    For example, I thought I wanted to be a damage-dealing fighter. However, a 'tank' ended up being closest to what I wanted to do. (A tank in ESO isn't the same as a tank in WoW.) It's all a bit strange.

    I had to read specialist websites to understand what I needed to do.
  • gervaise1gervaise1 Member EpicPosts: 6,919
    Lonzo said:

    maybe you can help me. I tried to get into the game but everytime I play the game, after some hours it doesnt hook me. I like the lore, the grafics and atmosphere, but I cant get into the combat and classes. The classes feel so empty and lifeless. Does this get any better in mid/endgame?
    Sounds like you don't "dislike" the game but are unsure whether you like it enough to play seriously.

    Maybe get to level 10 and try one of the PvP campaigns - any will do. The campaigns are large scale, usually big groups roaming around to attack other groups or siege castles etc. You will die of course but there is no penalty and you will usually get a rez as long as someone close survives. And once you find out how you can use catapults, battering rams etc. as well. Can be a good way of finding a guild as well (that isn't focused on trading).

    It is entirely possible you may not like this either. However it is "different".

    As mentioned above classes are not that crucial. You do acquire more skills - the skill lines open out. And at level 50 you start earning cp points which opens up another avenue of abilities. And whilst this does open up vet dungeons you can do the same dungeons earlier at non-vet level.

    Have you discovered any of the public dungeons? These can be great fun as well.

    You don't need to sub - crafting is no longer what it was and you get everything without a sub that the original subscribers go.
  • Viper482Viper482 Member LegendaryPosts: 4,101
    Lonzo said:

    maybe you can help me. I tried to get into the game but everytime I play the game, after some hours it doesnt hook me. I like the lore, the grafics and atmosphere, but I cant get into the combat and classes. The classes feel so empty and lifeless. Does this get any better in mid/endgame?

    I've been trying to get into this game since release....still trying after one level 50 and a ton of mid-levels. You have to find a combination of weapon/class/skill lines that feel good to you. The problem with this game (if you aren't feeling the combat) is you will likely have to suffer through hours of shit gameplay to find something you actually like because you have to level up all the skill lines to even try it out. There are a gazillion combinations but of course metas rule. I recommend saying f**k the metas and going with what is fun to you. I am actually enjoying the necro more than I have the other classes, but still not sold on the game. The world is huge and there are a ton of quests, but every zone feels like a repeat just in a different package. Every delve, dungeon, etc. All of it plays the same. Tons of content, but when it all feels the same who cares? Good luck.
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  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,045
    Aparition said:
    ive been where you are now, it should be great, but its mediocre at best...
    Right it was very disappointing...I think many of us were hoping for Skyrim Online and we got something much less. I'm surprised so many people like it to be honest.
  • Viper482Viper482 Member LegendaryPosts: 4,101
    edited May 2019
    Aparition said:
    ive been where you are now, it should be great, but its mediocre at best...
    Right it was very disappointing...I think many of us were hoping for Skyrim Online and we got something much less. I'm surprised so many people like it to be honest.

    Agreed. I wanted an MMO in the Elder Scrolls universe....what I got was an MMO that plays like a mediocre single player game. And now this pushing out "expansions" which are just zones that end up feeling the same as every other zone. This one has dragons, but they are pretty lame. The first time you fight one cool because it's new, but from there it is just a gimmick.
    Make MMORPG's Great Again!
  • goboygogoboygo Member RarePosts: 2,141
    Lonzo said:

    maybe you can help me. I tried to get into the game but everytime I play the game, after some hours it doesnt hook me. I like the lore, the grafics and atmosphere, but I cant get into the combat and classes. The classes feel so empty and lifeless. Does this get any better in mid/endgame?
    The problem is that's its an MMO based in the Elder Scrolls universe but it has NONE of the elements of an Elder Scrolls game with the exception of Lore (more or less), so when you play you're reminded at every turn how much its not like an Elder Scrolls game. With the core game play being combat, which is where it misses the mark the most. If it wasn't trying to be an Elder Scrolls game, it could stand on its own, but its impossible. They made an Elder Scrolls game it should play like an Elder Scrolls game.
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