Deeds are free and come with basic house for new players now. They start with a Row after complete of start zone. Then on complete of shroud main story they get a village deed and small house for it. House costs have dropped huge with the new in game store. As well there are the crafted ones which are just resources at no cost other then your time to get them.
Towns are all filling up pretty fast now with each player getting two deeds. They are taxed but costs are pretty lot now. 250g / day for row and 500/day for village.
Also Crowns are now dropping in game from every thing (mobs, gathering, mining) So people can actually get things now in the store with out needing to spend a dime
Towns are all filling up pretty fast now with each player getting two deeds. They are taxed but costs are pretty lot now. 250g / day for row and 500/day for village.
Also Crowns are now dropping in game from every thing (mobs, gathering, mining) So people can actually get things now in the store with out needing to spend a dime