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New Caspien tantrum about news coverage



  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342
    cochs said:
    Equity crowd funding is actually a thing.  Not aware of any games that went that route, some might have just not any I know about. allows equity crowdfunding and there are couple games funded via equity crowdfunding already, most notable being Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire.

    I sort of can't see a point going with equity crowdfunding when there is non-equity alternative...
  • WellspringWellspring Member EpicPosts: 1,464
    Gdemami said:
    etlar said:
    When people back or co-fund are project, they are in their rights to know whats going on, they are your investors..

    Sorry to disappoint you but they are not an investor, backing on KS is done via donations - there is no other liability for the donee but to 'make their best'.

    Projects can't offer equity.

    Investment is not permitted on Kickstarter. Projects can't offer incentives like equity, revenue sharing, or investment opportunities.

    Show me one spot on the CoE KS page or the KS TOS where they are called "donations"...

    Instead they were called "pledges". Definition: noun, in law, a thing that is given as security for the fulfillment of a contract or the payment of a debt and is liable to forfeiture in the event of failure. 

    And Caspian failed to to fulfill that contract. 

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251
    Gdemami said:
    ConstantineMerus said:
    To be honest mate, I find it strange that you of all people would support this, even if you are a major shareholder in SBS. 
    That is the point, me, nor anyone else here is a major shareholder, yet people act like they are...

    Whether his decision was rational or not, is just his business, yet you seem to have an issue with that because you keep bringing it up over and over.

    You cannot say you acknowledge his right to do as he wish and then keep pondering how immature his decision was.
    I'll agree being a kick starter backer does not grant any sort of legal rights on how the project should be run nor even to provide any information on its progress. 

    There is such a thing as keeping ones word, granted an archaic concept in this day and age but I believe Caspian did promise transparency,  along with delivering a game by Dec 2017.

    Finally,  while KSers provide backers few legal rights, it also does not grant the developer any sort of "right" to be shielded from valid criticism either.

    PhaserlightGdemamiSlapshot1188[Deleted User]alkarionlogNildenSpottyGekkotweedledumb99craftseekerKumaponand 1 other.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,772
    Kyleran said:
    Gdemami said:
    ConstantineMerus said:
    To be honest mate, I find it strange that you of all people would support this, even if you are a major shareholder in SBS. 
    That is the point, me, nor anyone else here is a major shareholder, yet people act like they are...

    Whether his decision was rational or not, is just his business, yet you seem to have an issue with that because you keep bringing it up over and over.

    You cannot say you acknowledge his right to do as he wish and then keep pondering how immature his decision was.
    I'll agree being a kick starter backer does not grant any sort of legal rights on how the project should be run nor even to provide any information on its progress. 

    There is such a thing as keeping ones word, granted an archaic concept in this day and age but I believe Caspian did promise transparency,  along with delivering a game by Dec 2017.

    Finally,  while KSers provide backers few legal rights, it also does not grant the developer any sort of "right" to be shielded from valid criticism either.

    While Capt LOL will undoubtedly hit you up, it's easy to simply go and get what was posted and PROMISED at the Kickstarter and compare. 

    Heres where the whole Dec 2017 for FULL RELEASE came from.  No this wasn't a promise but a target, but for Caspien to now try and make it sound like people are crazy for expecting the game to be released is just laughable:

    Here's where he PROMISES (no weaseling) to publish and update the schedule on the CoE website. Something that was last done July 2017 as far as I can tell.

    Here is where he explains that his wild ambitions will be made possible through SpatialOS (which he cancelled):

    That's just a small slice.  I could go on and on and on.  We didn't even GET to Gannt Charts, not mentioning that he needed millions more in funding on the main Kickstarter page, shutting down Refunds at the same time he announced they needed that funding, ElyriaMud(canceled), VoxElyria(canceled), single player Prelude (years late), players not having to fund anything after the Kickstarter,  lootbox RNG soulpacks, Lootbox RNG sales events... it goes on and on and on.

    Then, when an article actually mentions the fact that he's late and hasn't delivered on what he said he would (and does so in a pretty mild manner), he throws a tantrum and says he is, in essence, going to cut off MMORPG.COM and Massively from "exclusive" info and then proceeds to cry that he had to take a few minutes on a Sunday to respond to the thread on his website.  

    Sorry... that's absolutely childish and about as far from a "startup" mentality as you can get.  When you took literally MILLIONS of dollars from the public and are literally YEARS behind, you should get your ass into work every damn day, not whine like a Baby that you had to login for 10 minutes on a Sunday to type a response.

    As I said earlier.  If a company making an MMORPG that relies on crowdfunding avoids the 2 biggest MMORPG news sites it should set off every spidey-sense you have.
    GdemamiWellspring[Deleted User][Deleted User]etlarNildenSpottyGekkotweedledumb99craftseeker

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • ConstantineMerusConstantineMerus Member EpicPosts: 3,338
    Gdemami said:
    ConstantineMerus said:
    To be honest mate, I find it strange that you of all people would support this, even if you are a major shareholder in SBS. 
    That is the point, me, nor anyone else here is a major shareholder, yet people act like they are...

    Whether his decision was rational or not, is just his business, yet you seem to have an issue with that because you keep bringing it up over and over.

    You cannot say you acknowledge his right to do as he wish and then keep pondering how immature his decision was.
    Maybe I have worded what I meant not so well. I didn't mean that I think you are a shareholder. I meant it is irrelevant if you are or not, and even if you are, supporting this decision doesn't make any sense. 

    Of course it is his business. And I don't have an issue per se. I'm not here to resolve my personal issues or world's problems. I come here for jabber and banter. Same applies if you were ever to find me in a bar, country club or a gentleman's den. 

    There's a good difference between saying someone doesn't have the right to do something and saying I believe their actions are wrong, emotional, ridiculous, etc. I acknowledge his right, while exercising my own right--which is to say whatever the hell I want within the boundaries of the platform that I am on. The two don't contradict each other. You can also say I'm an idiot for having such an opinion, which kinda do, which is again, fine, more power to you voicing your opinion. 

    Anyways, from some of your other comments I've gathered that you don't actually agree with his decision and that kinda answers my question. Peace. 
    [Deleted User]tweedledumb99craftseeker
    Constantine, The Console Poster

    • "One of the most difficult tasks men can perform, however much others may despise it, is the invention of good games and it cannot be done by men out of touch with their instinctive selves." - Carl Jung
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    Gdemami said:
    ConstantineMerus said:
    To be honest mate, I find it strange that you of all people would support this, even if you are a major shareholder in SBS. 
    That is the point, me, nor anyone else here is a major shareholder, yet people act like they are...

    Whether his decision was rational or not, is just his business, yet you seem to have an issue with that because you keep bringing it up over and over.

    You cannot say you acknowledge his right to do as he wish and then keep pondering how immature his decision was.
    Actually, yes he can.  It's telling that you have no clue about how reality works.

    Saying he has a right to do what he wishes doesn't mean no one has a right to make a judgement based on what he chooses to do.  You're making up nonsense to defend Caspian because, well: fanboy.

  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342
    There's a good difference between saying someone doesn't have the right to do something and saying I believe their actions are wrong, emotional, ridiculous, etc. I acknowledge his right, while exercising my own right--which is to say whatever the hell I want within the boundaries of the platform that I am on.
    Sure, however I wouldn't say one respects someone/something much if he keeps bantering about it or says that 'supporting this decision doesn't make any sense' :-P

    See, I can disagree with what he did but I have no need to comment on it any more - it is his decision/opinion, I have mine. There is nothing more to add.

    Maybe I got your intentions wrong and you are rather bewildered of his motives rather than disagreeing with him?

    I dare not to speak for him but like I said before I can see reasons for his reaction and even "burning bridges". Just look at all the posts in this thread(or any other COE thread) and ask yourself: the akward, untrue image of the game development is shaped by posters/columnist that lack any qualification and critical thinking, is there any point exposing a 'niche' product with already low covarage there? I could just be at least as good without as I am with them.

    Sounds that unreasonable?

    Even with bigger projects, there will always be people either trolling, ranting, rallying or w/e against your project but you will have wider coverage so it probably won't be as impactful.

    ...just my 0.6 ISK
    [Deleted User]ragebulletcraftseekerYashaXKumapon
  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342
    Show me one spot on the CoE KS page or the KS TOS where they are called "donations"...

    Instead they were called "pledges". Definition: noun, in law, a thing that is given as security for the fulfillment of a contract or the payment of a debt and is liable to forfeiture in the event of failure. 

    And Caspian failed to to fulfill that contract. 
    Covered in my KS rewards post already.

    Sometimes, google university is not enough...
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    edited January 2019
    You're overlooking the fact that no one forced them to seek funds from unqualified consumers.

    That's their choice.  As others have said, we have backers in this community.  Caspian and his crew dealing with the blowback from "unqualified" sources is a direct result of his choice to seek funding from them.  That's not hard to see.

    Him dealing with blowback from the sources he pursued funding from is called, wait for it: personal responsibility.

  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342
    edited January 2019
    Caspian and his crew dealing with the blowback from "unqualified" sources is a direct result of his choice to seek funding from them
    Oh, so trolling is justified because an individual is ignorant and stupid?

    Got it!

    Somehow, I don't see many agreeing with your assesment though...
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    Gdemami said:
    Caspian and his crew dealing with the blowback from "unqualified" sources is a direct result of his choice to seek funding from them
    Oh, so trolling is justified because an individual is ignorant and stupid?

    Got it!

    Somehow, I don't see many agreeing with your assesment though...
    Point flew right over your head, but only because you insist on being obtuse.

    You'll be surprised.  This is what happens when you give the signature on your paycheck directly to consumers.  That was his choice.  Life's tough, maybe Caspian should get a helmet.

  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342
    Point flew right over your head, but only because you insist on being obtuse.
    I got your point perfectly, you are just so bad(good?) at making invalid points...
    [Deleted User]MadFrenchietweedledumb99craftseekerLackingMMOKumapon
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    edited January 2019
    Gdemami said:
    Caspian and his crew dealing with the blowback from "unqualified" sources is a direct result of his choice to seek funding from them
    Oh, so trolling is justified because an individual is ignorant and stupid?

    Got it!

    Somehow, I don't see many agreeing with your assesment though...
    Point flew right over your head, but only because you insist on being obtuse.

    You'll be surprised.  This is what happens when you give the signature on your paycheck directly to consumers.  That was his choice.  Life's tough, maybe Caspian should get a helmet.
    Pretty sure he already has a medically prescribed helmet.  Thicker skin may be better in his case because walls hurt and apparently so do words.
    @Gdemami point seems to ignore the fact that Caspian also enjoys support from the same "unqualified" folks he rants shouldn't be able to criticize the project.  No criticism is allowed from them, but you sure should be able to market to these same folks to get them to send you their cash!

    Again, he gets both sides of the consumer spectrum because he chose to fund his project directly with their dollars.  A traditional publisher means they don't have to string any backers along who feel any rights to project information or demands as an "unqualified" consumer.  But, it also means his project actually has to show satisfactory promise and progress for the publisher, something it apparently didn't achieve.

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,772
    Stay on target folks. Don't let this thread turn into a discussion of GDemanis strange beliefs.  He stated them.  We all disagree.  Great.

    Back to Caspien's reaction! 

    Does anyone think this ends up with an olive branch softball email based "interview" without any chance for follow-up questions?  I'd hate to see that.  I would LOVE to see a live interview.

    [Deleted User][Deleted User]tweedledumb99

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • WellspringWellspring Member EpicPosts: 1,464
    Welp, it looks like Caspian has already taken action. The last exclusive he gave (a demo picture from 2016), is now completely gone! :wink:

    ScotSlapshot1188[Deleted User]MadFrenchiecraftseekerLackingMMO
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    Stay on target folks. Don't let this thread turn into a discussion of GDemanis strange beliefs.  He stated them.  We all disagree.  Great.

    Back to Caspien's reaction! 

    Does anyone think this ends up with an olive branch softball email based "interview" without any chance for follow-up questions?  I'd hate to see that.  I would LOVE to see a live interview.

    Honestly, I don't see the point of @BillMurphy and the gang providing a softball interview.  CoE is obscure, even among MMORPGs.  Hyping or softballing coverage isn't going to drive a lot of clicks to this site.

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,772
    TimEisen said:
    Gdemami said:

    Covered in my KS rewards post already.

    Sometimes, google university is not enough...
    I appreciate your dedication. It's an art and you've shown your skill in this thread. 9/10. Elite level stuff without a single break of character. You did however fail to respond to one post that I now challenge you with. I'll quote it below. You want to hit max level and this thing stands as your final boss fight. 

    'Slapshot1188 said:
    Kyleran said:
    Gdemami said:
    ConstantineMerus said:
    To be honest mate, I find it strange that you of all people would support this, even if you are a major shareholder in SBS. 
    That is the point, me, nor anyone else here is a major shareholder, yet people act like they are...

    Whether his decision was rational or not, is just his business, yet you seem to have an issue with that because you keep bringing it up over and over.

    You cannot say you acknowledge his right to do as he wish and then keep pondering how immature his decision was.
    I'll agree being a kick starter backer does not grant any sort of legal rights on how the project should be run nor even to provide any information on its progress. 

    There is such a thing as keeping ones word, granted an archaic concept in this day and age but I believe Caspian did promise transparency,  along with delivering a game by Dec 2017.

    Finally,  while KSers provide backers few legal rights, it also does not grant the developer any sort of "right" to be shielded from valid criticism either.

    While Capt LOL will undoubtedly hit you up, it's easy to simply go and get what was posted and PROMISED at the Kickstarter and compare. 

    Heres where the whole Dec 2017 for FULL RELEASE came from.  No this wasn't a promise but a target, but for Caspien to now try and make it sound like people are crazy for expecting the game to be released is just laughable:

    Here's where he PROMISES (no weaseling) to publish and update the schedule on the CoE website. Something that was last done July 2017 as far as I can tell.

    Here is where he explains that his wild ambitions will be made possible through SpatialOS (which he cancelled):

    That's just a small slice.  I could go on and on and on.  We didn't even GET to Gannt Charts, not mentioning that he needed millions more in funding on the main Kickstarter page, shutting down Refunds at the same time he announced they needed that funding, ElyriaMud(canceled), VoxElyria(canceled), single player Prelude (years late), players not having to fund anything after the Kickstarter,  lootbox RNG soulpacks, Lootbox RNG sales events... it goes on and on and on.

    Then, when an article actually mentions the fact that he's late and hasn't delivered on what he said he would (and does so in a pretty mild manner), he throws a tantrum and says he is, in essence, going to cut off MMORPG.COM and Massively from "exclusive" info and then proceeds to cry that he had to take a few minutes on a Sunday to respond to the thread on his website.  

    Sorry... that's absolutely childish and about as far from a "startup" mentality as you can get.  When you took literally MILLIONS of dollars from the public and are literally YEARS behind, you should get your ass into work every damn day, not whine like a Baby that you had to login for 10 minutes on a Sunday to type a response.

    As I said earlier.  If a company making an MMORPG that relies on crowdfunding avoids the 2 biggest MMORPG news sites it should set off every spidey-sense you have.

    Personally, I don't think we need to hear from GDemani.  Caspien on the other hand...

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • HashbrickHashbrick Member RarePosts: 1,851
    Tiller said:
    I remember a time when SOE did something similar over 'angry vets' on the SWG forum here. It forced to start deleting threads, then when people started leaving the site over it they tried to make them happy by creating a separate forum for disgruntled players to post their grievances. All this in an effort to keep them out of the general forum. That "Veteran Refuge' forum blew up, leaving the general forum empty for sometime. Fast forward to today, the game no longer exists.

    This isn't the same thing, but attacking game sites and their users is never a good idea.
    Good times.
    [[ DEAD ]] - Funny - I deleted my account on the site using the cancel account button.  Forum user is separate and still exists with no way of deleting it. Delete it admins. Do it, this ends now.
  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,772
    TimEisen said:
    TimEisen said:
    Gdemami said:

    Covered in my KS rewards post already.

    Sometimes, google university is not enough...
    I appreciate your dedication. It's an art and you've shown your skill in this thread. 9/10. Elite level stuff without a single break of character. You did however fail to respond to one post that I now challenge you with. I'll quote it below. You want to hit max level and this thing stands as your final boss fight. 

    'Slapshot1188 said:
    Kyleran said:
    Gdemami said:
    ConstantineMerus said:
    To be honest mate, I find it strange that you of all people would support this, even if you are a major shareholder in SBS. 
    That is the point, me, nor anyone else here is a major shareholder, yet people act like they are...

    Whether his decision was rational or not, is just his business, yet you seem to have an issue with that because you keep bringing it up over and over.

    You cannot say you acknowledge his right to do as he wish and then keep pondering how immature his decision was.
    I'll agree being a kick starter backer does not grant any sort of legal rights on how the project should be run nor even to provide any information on its progress. 

    There is such a thing as keeping ones word, granted an archaic concept in this day and age but I believe Caspian did promise transparency,  along with delivering a game by Dec 2017.

    Finally,  while KSers provide backers few legal rights, it also does not grant the developer any sort of "right" to be shielded from valid criticism either.

    While Capt LOL will undoubtedly hit you up, it's easy to simply go and get what was posted and PROMISED at the Kickstarter and compare. 

    Heres where the whole Dec 2017 for FULL RELEASE came from.  No this wasn't a promise but a target, but for Caspien to now try and make it sound like people are crazy for expecting the game to be released is just laughable:

    Here's where he PROMISES (no weaseling) to publish and update the schedule on the CoE website. Something that was last done July 2017 as far as I can tell.

    Here is where he explains that his wild ambitions will be made possible through SpatialOS (which he cancelled):

    That's just a small slice.  I could go on and on and on.  We didn't even GET to Gannt Charts, not mentioning that he needed millions more in funding on the main Kickstarter page, shutting down Refunds at the same time he announced they needed that funding, ElyriaMud(canceled), VoxElyria(canceled), single player Prelude (years late), players not having to fund anything after the Kickstarter,  lootbox RNG soulpacks, Lootbox RNG sales events... it goes on and on and on.

    Then, when an article actually mentions the fact that he's late and hasn't delivered on what he said he would (and does so in a pretty mild manner), he throws a tantrum and says he is, in essence, going to cut off MMORPG.COM and Massively from "exclusive" info and then proceeds to cry that he had to take a few minutes on a Sunday to respond to the thread on his website.  

    Sorry... that's absolutely childish and about as far from a "startup" mentality as you can get.  When you took literally MILLIONS of dollars from the public and are literally YEARS behind, you should get your ass into work every damn day, not whine like a Baby that you had to login for 10 minutes on a Sunday to type a response.

    As I said earlier.  If a company making an MMORPG that relies on crowdfunding avoids the 2 biggest MMORPG news sites it should set off every spidey-sense you have.

    Personally, I don't think we need to hear from GDemani.  Caspien on the other hand...
    Have you considered if a harbinger is in fact an elite level investigative journalist?
    Not at all.  Those 3 screenshots are literally right on the Kickstarter page.  It's not exactly Watergate level stuff.

    If I had time I would just go through his various updates, list the statements he made and then list reality.

    The best conversation is actually Caspien vs Caspien.

    [Deleted User]tweedledumb99

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • MendelMendel Member LegendaryPosts: 5,609
    I've been avoiding this thread since I discovered it Sunday afternoon.  (I had real world stuff to do.  Inconvenient, but necessary).  The only surprise I've seen is that @Gdemami actually posted some opinions in an attempt to interact with the community.  Congratulations on that, GD.  At least, this thread has been interesting, so far.


    Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,619
    Mendel said:
    I've been avoiding this thread since I discovered it Sunday afternoon.  (I had real world stuff to do.  Inconvenient, but necessary).  The only surprise I've seen is that @Gdemami actually posted some opinions in an attempt to interact with the community.  Congratulations on that, GD.  At least, this thread has been interesting, so far.
    Even the LoL Tooth Fairy who takes posts and awards you a lol, sometimes feels the need to speak. :)

    And talking of which quite happy to hear from him and anyone else on here regardless of how much I disagree with what he has had to say.
  • SpottyGekkoSpottyGekko Member EpicPosts: 6,916
    It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Jeromy Walsh's final tantrum will consist of shutting down the project completely, citing "the betrayal and hostility of the public and erstwhile supporters, which have made further work on the project untenable" !

    That will happen roughly around the time that funding no longer covers his living expenses...
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251
    TimEisen said:
    TimEisen said:
    Gdemami said:

    Covered in my KS rewards post already.

    Sometimes, google university is not enough...
    I appreciate your dedication. It's an art and you've shown your skill in this thread. 9/10. Elite level stuff without a single break of character. You did however fail to respond to one post that I now challenge you with. I'll quote it below. You want to hit max level and this thing stands as your final boss fight. 

    'Slapshot1188 said:
    Kyleran said:
    Gdemami said:
    ConstantineMerus said:
    To be honest mate, I find it strange that you of all people would support this, even if you are a major shareholder in SBS. 
    That is the point, me, nor anyone else here is a major shareholder, yet people act like they are...

    Whether his decision was rational or not, is just his business, yet you seem to have an issue with that because you keep bringing it up over and over.

    You cannot say you acknowledge his right to do as he wish and then keep pondering how immature his decision was.
    I'll agree being a kick starter backer does not grant any sort of legal rights on how the project should be run nor even to provide any information on its progress. 

    There is such a thing as keeping ones word, granted an archaic concept in this day and age but I believe Caspian did promise transparency,  along with delivering a game by Dec 2017.

    Finally,  while KSers provide backers few legal rights, it also does not grant the developer any sort of "right" to be shielded from valid criticism either.

    While Capt LOL will undoubtedly hit you up, it's easy to simply go and get what was posted and PROMISED at the Kickstarter and compare. 

    Heres where the whole Dec 2017 for FULL RELEASE came from.  No this wasn't a promise but a target, but for Caspien to now try and make it sound like people are crazy for expecting the game to be released is just laughable:

    Here's where he PROMISES (no weaseling) to publish and update the schedule on the CoE website. Something that was last done July 2017 as far as I can tell.

    Here is where he explains that his wild ambitions will be made possible through SpatialOS (which he cancelled):

    That's just a small slice.  I could go on and on and on.  We didn't even GET to Gannt Charts, not mentioning that he needed millions more in funding on the main Kickstarter page, shutting down Refunds at the same time he announced they needed that funding, ElyriaMud(canceled), VoxElyria(canceled), single player Prelude (years late), players not having to fund anything after the Kickstarter,  lootbox RNG soulpacks, Lootbox RNG sales events... it goes on and on and on.

    Then, when an article actually mentions the fact that he's late and hasn't delivered on what he said he would (and does so in a pretty mild manner), he throws a tantrum and says he is, in essence, going to cut off MMORPG.COM and Massively from "exclusive" info and then proceeds to cry that he had to take a few minutes on a Sunday to respond to the thread on his website.  

    Sorry... that's absolutely childish and about as far from a "startup" mentality as you can get.  When you took literally MILLIONS of dollars from the public and are literally YEARS behind, you should get your ass into work every damn day, not whine like a Baby that you had to login for 10 minutes on a Sunday to type a response.

    As I said earlier.  If a company making an MMORPG that relies on crowdfunding avoids the 2 biggest MMORPG news sites it should set off every spidey-sense you have.

    Personally, I don't think we need to hear from GDemani.  Caspien on the other hand...
    Have you considered if a harbinger is in fact an elite level investigative journalist?
    Or just a run of the mill forum troll depending on who you are asking.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • laseritlaserit Member LegendaryPosts: 7,591
    It seems that there isn't much if any progress to display, so integrity is the only measuring stick we have in this case.

    People who have put money into this project whether they be an investor or crowd funding supporter have every right to ask the hard questions.

    Beware of someone who is unwilling or unable to answer.

    "Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251
    Stay on target folks. Don't let this thread turn into a discussion of GDemanis strange beliefs.  He stated them.  We all disagree.  Great.

    Back to Caspien's reaction! 

    Does anyone think this ends up with an olive branch softball email based "interview" without any chance for follow-up questions?  I'd hate to see that.  I would LOVE to see a live interview.

    I don't feel Caspian really has anything to gain by speaking out or responding further to issues concerning the delays, in fact going dark on the subject is probably the better move.  (For him, not the backers)

    You don't see Brad, Mark, or Chris directly responding to missed promises anymore, so why should Jeremy either? (Again, for him, not the backers)

    All four games are now in the "deliver" or shut up phase IMO as I don't  care how busy they are, just show me the final results.  YMMV.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

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