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Realt Time Multi-Character MMO or RPG like Granado Espada?

learis1learis1 Member UncommonPosts: 169
There's this old MMO called Granado Espada where you control 3 characters. I'm interested in this style of game be it MMO or RPG. It seems way more complex and fulfilling than controlling one. However I'm not interested in games where you can pause whenever you want to change things (like the most popular crpgs like Pillars of Eternity). I'm looking for a fully real time mmo or rpg where you basically control multiple characters fulfilling all roles of tank/dps/healer. Are there any other options besides Granado Espada?

Mend and Defend


  • KabulozoKabulozo Member RarePosts: 932
    edited November 2018
    The closest to it was Lineage Eternal that allowed you to switch between 4 characters, and in some ocasions, you could play with your 4 characters at once.

    But koreans rage quited and Nc cancelled the game.
  • learis1learis1 Member UncommonPosts: 169
    Thx honestly the only other thing I can think of that's semi close is multiboxing in WoW with different classes. But that's way too costly and complicated with all the scripting and stuff.

    Mend and Defend

  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    Dark Age of Camelot you can use more than 1 character.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,059
    Theres quite a few single player games where you control the group and each character but not many MMOs
  • CaffynatedCaffynated Member RarePosts: 753
    You can't directly control when they use abilities, but in Guild Wars 1 you got to set up a party of heroes, pick their skills, their strategies, tell them where to move and stand, and then the AI would decide how they reacted.
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,558
    Fully controlling several characters simultaneously in real time sounds impractical unless there isn't very much to control.

    My first thought was Atlantica, in which you control nine characters at a time.  It's turn-based, but each side gets 30 seconds for a turn, so you don't get to pause it and change everything.

    There's also Guild Wars 1 as Caffynated said, in which you directly control one character and AI controls other characters in your party.  You can have some control over your heroes, but you don't customarily micromanage every single movement and skill usage of them.  GW1 doesn't have tanks, though.

    To go in a different direction, there's the Lu/Ciel character in Elsword.  It's two separate characters, one of which is active at a time, but you switch between them often.  The inactive character has mana recharge much faster than the active character, so you have one character use skills to burn through his mana, then switch to the other that now has full mana and repeat.
  • RidelynnRidelynn Member EpicPosts: 7,383

  • CazrielCazriel Member RarePosts: 419
    Granada Espada, one of my favorite early MMOs, was unique in how it was structured.  I've never encountered another MMO with the same mechanics.  And really, not any RPGs, either, which for the most part are the standard pause, switch, command, unpause. 

    Granada Espada was one of a kind. 
  • CleffyCleffy Member RarePosts: 6,414
    The problem with Granado Espada is it was grindy with a terrible localization company. Literally camped areas for hours or used macros to sort of bot. A single player RPG based on it would have been lovely.
  • GodeauGodeau Member UncommonPosts: 86
    edited December 2018
    Spiritwish by Nexon? Unfortunately it's currently in korea cbt and also a phone mmo, so don't keep your hopes up. It does look a lot like ToS/Ro thrown in with the 3 character system of Granado Espada though...

  • learis1learis1 Member UncommonPosts: 169
    Godeau said:
    Spiritwish by Nexon? Unfortunately it's currently in korea cbt and also a phone mmo, so don't keep your hopes up. It does look a lot like ToS/Ro thrown in with the 3 character system of Granado Espada though...

    Wow nice find. Kinda reminds me of Tree of Savior. But if it's a phone mmo then it probably has the complexity of a doorknob unfortunately.

    Mend and Defend

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