So, I'm just hanging out reading up on stuff. Waiting on the Mercury Q&A. It's a dud. It's slow, sold as fast smuggling ship. Data limitations, but more computers than any other sub-capital ship.
Then, I noticed in the last 2 days, threads about private servers and getting rid of PVP from the game popping up.
I'm sitting there reading all this about PVP needs to go, it's not fair, I just want to play with my friends, etc etc. Like, great, here we go with casual carebears ruining another MMORPG.
So casual carebears, whom will leave the game after their first 30 days, are asking for a PVP/PVE toggle, PVE servers, and outright getting rid of PVP.
THEN, I found a thread about private servers. And from the thread discussions, there will be:
Private servers
Public servers
Official Public servers
PvE servers
PvP servers
Capital Ships Only servers
Sub-Capital Ships Only servers
[Insert another way to split up the playerbase] server
I asked for citations. Yep, it's true. Everybody is going to be spread out across a million different private servers. The casuals support this so they don't have to play with others or PVP, etc.
So, if you think server pop in an MMORPG is important. There ya go.
Those citations were from 2013, but no updates. They are hard to find, as with any important information with this game.
Kinda mad about it.
It's not because of the $200 I threw at them. Not because of the new SSD I bought this past Saturday, solely for the game. Not the hours of reading and watching videos.
No, I'm mad because I have been waiting over a decade to have a large, OWPVP, sandbox MMORPG that I could get lost in again. Now it's a co-op or single-player game or, MMORPG if you're willing to pay to play on an empty Official server (why would you if there are 100K free ones to play on?)
So, another game I have to move on from. I'm so damn sick of casuals ruining games. I hope you people that care about PVP and challenging MMORPGs start speaking up loudly. I don't know what casuals do or say to devs, but, it's not a joke or something that should be ignored. If you get in an alpha or beta and see some casual thread, stomp it into the mud and make it clear to the devs that little Billy who only plays 2 hours on Saturdays isn't worth more than you.
The game you want already exists, its called EVE but I assume you aren't playing for "reasons."
There are others as well.
Those deeply inculcated by SC culture tend to have a pair of blinders on; they have been told SC is the only worthwhile space sim on the market or even that SC will 'save PC gaming'.
There are others.
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Authored 139 missions in VendettaOnline and 6 tracks in Distance
If there was anything else worthwhile people would be playing it while waiting for Star Citizen, gamers can have more than one game installed at the same time you guys know that right
Those deeply inculcated by SC culture tend to have a pair of blinders on; they have been told SC is the only worthwhile space sim on the market or even that SC will 'save PC gaming'.
There are others.
> The OP said he doesn't like OWPvP. > Kyleran says he should be playing EvE. (Ohreally?) > Phaserlight turns that into a garbage post targetting the backers of the game. lol
Now you've lost me xD
Edit: Oh wait the OP is on about SC "gutting Open World PvP", when SC has done no such thing, in fact, it invested more on OWPVP since the original design because they no longer plan in giving the ability to "toggle PvP"... I got it now, he is picking a beef with SC for not being something it is. Uff thread goes places xD
And you’ve now arrived at where many a critic has been sitting at for a while. Critics likes to spew out as much as they can but very little of it is useful. They prefer the quantity over quality method.
It's not like all one has to do is ask in the right places... I mean anyone who gives the trouble to post on a outside forum could have done the same on the official forum and get an up to date straightforward answer....
LMAO there is never an up to date straight forward answer from anyone about anything. And even if there is it is just as likely to be walked back a day or two later.
If there was anything else worthwhile people would be playing it while waiting for Star Citizen, gamers can have more than one game installed at the same time you guys know that right
Actually, no. I play one game and only one game from start to finish, never playing anything else.
As my signature says....I need to finish.
I may not play many games, but when I do they have to be great ones.
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Just because some people lack the maturity and knowledge to understand basic concepts of crowdfunding or game development doesn't mean there's no info.
It could well be splattered in front of them and they wouldn't notice it because they are blinded by ignorance, frustration or sheer malice.
That's why we have people writing dissertations about Star Citizen who know jack shit about it lol
They talk about features and content they barely know about while making opinions and false judgements bases on outdated or plain wrong info...
Armchair dev's mixed with angry gamers and you have a whole lot of typing and very little writing
Just because some people lack the maturity and knowledge to understand basic concepts of crowdfunding or game development doesn't mean there's no info.
It could well be splattered in front of them and they wouldn't notice it because they are blinded by ignorance, frustration or sheer malice.
That's why we have people writing dissertations about Star Citizen who know jack shit about it lol
They talk about features and content they barely know about while making opinions and false judgements bases on outdated or plain wrong info...
Armchair dev's mixed with angry gamers and you have a whole lot of typing and very little writing
How come when asked for a citation, you shut that fat mouth of yours?
1. Prove me wrong with citations right off their website.
2. Continue to be a dick to everyone because you can't provide citations (everyone sees this).
You need to calm down. You're being too obvious.
I actually like my time in SC. I hope it does well.
You want to attack me over concerns that I have experienced over and over for almost 20 years? Then mad at me because SC might not end up being the right MMORPG for me? lol Piss off, kid.
It wasn't that long ago that you acted exactly like him.
I don't, it doesn't make sense as it went full MMO. Originally they made sense because SC was literally made of official/private server mix.
SC has moved past both this and the whole offline/solo mode, it focused what it wants to be instead of trying to please everyone by segregating the player base into different "modes".
Just because some people lack the maturity and knowledge to understand basic concepts of crowdfunding or game development doesn't mean there's no info.
It could well be splattered in front of them and they wouldn't notice it because they are blinded by ignorance, frustration or sheer malice.
That's why we have people writing dissertations about Star Citizen who know jack shit about it lol
They talk about features and content they barely know about while making opinions and false judgements bases on outdated or plain wrong info...
Armchair dev's mixed with angry gamers and you have a whole lot of typing and very little writing
How come when asked for a citation, you shut that fat mouth of yours?
1. Prove me wrong with citations right off their website.
2. Continue to be a dick to everyone because you can't provide citations (everyone sees this).
You need to calm down. You're being too obvious.
I actually like my time in SC. I hope it does well.
You want to attack me over concerns that I have experienced over and over for almost 20 years? Then mad at me because SC might not end up being the right MMORPG for me? lol Piss off, kid.
It wasn't that long ago that you acted exactly like him.
"As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*"
Private servers may end up being the way to go if object container streaming doesn't work out, they would have to limit the number of players in a given area anyway or simply add a lot of instancing.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Private servers may end up being the way to go if object container streaming doesn't work out, they would have to limit the number of players in a given area anyway or simply add a lot of instancing.
Uhhh object container streaming is not related to servers, it's on its core a client-side optimization. The only part relevant to servers is what they'll do after to make game-server capable to "turn off" areas of the game-world where there are no players.
Private servers are irrelevant to all that, they are already not compatible with the current scope and direction of the game where multiple physical servers and the cloud setup of the game are depending on each other so features work. With SC's MMO direction, private servers do not belong, this is not a game like Ark Survival or Conan.
Private servers may end up being the way to go if object container streaming doesn't work out, they would have to limit the number of players in a given area anyway or simply add a lot of instancing.
Uhhh object container streaming is not related to servers, it's on its core a client-side optimization. The only part relevant to servers is what they'll do after to make game-servers capable to "turn off" areas of the game-world where there are no players.
Private servers are irrelevant to all that, they are already not compatible with the current scope and direction of the game where multiple physical servers and the cloud setup of the game are depending on each other so features work. With SC's MMO direction, private servers do not belong, this is not a game like Ark Survival or Conan.
I thought this was a game still working on it's core. You sound like the core work is completed and locked in which I don't believe it is.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
No. Made of official and private servers, something if we look at the very original scope of SC, it played on similar lines to a game like Ark or Conan.
I thought this was a game still working on it's core. You sound like the core work is completed and locked in which I don't believe it is.
You are the one with the wrong perception of what the technology means, OCS is a core tech but it is a client-side optimization (how things are loaded in vs now streamed in and out in chunks). The core work in technology that determines the very fundamental part of the game is there, what they are missing is the server-meshing after OCS now releases. But the fact it is not completed doesn't mean your speculations are not being based on wrong assumptions or lack of understanding of the technology side of things (like you mixing up private servers and OCS).
And we are now back to the semantics game. This topic breaks down just like all the others do.
Before its over I wouldnt be surprised that if (and thats a huge if) this thing ever does get released it ends up being some sort of battle royal type game.
People talking about MMO and all this and that and its still widely known that you can do anything with more than a few people in one spot. Despite those make believe videos where 50 people are supposedly having some planetary battle. Which even if it were true 50 people in 2018 is a frigging joke. But I guess its along way from the 12 or whatever they claimed they were going to have to go with a year or so ago.
No. Made of official and private servers, something if we look at the very original scope of SC, it played on similar lines to a game like Ark or Conan.
I thought this was a game still working on it's core. You sound like the core work is completed and locked in which I don't believe it is.
You are the one with the wrong perception of what the technology means, OCS is a core tech but it is a client-side optimization (how things are loaded in vs now streamed in and out in chunks). The core work in technology that determines the very fundamental part of the game is there, what they are missing is the server-meshing after OCS now releases. But the fact it is not completed doesn't mean your speculations are not being based on wrong assumptions or lack of understanding of the technology side of things (like you mixing up private servers and OCS).
You do understand what I mean. You said certain things were locked in and I pointed out they are still working on the foundations of the game. Then you jumped on me several times for not using the correct terminology, thanks for clearing that up Max. Now I know remember why I don't post much in SC threads.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
The game is a work in progress and keeps changing. This has been the case for years. Most veteran backers have learned by now that the game consists of an imaginary list of features, and there's no way to tell which ones will make it into the final release.
I suggest saving yourself some stress and accepting the fact that you have no control over what features will end up being in the game. Just cross your fingers and hope for the best.
I wonder how many backers actually think this. Pretty sure most backers don't throw money at developers while saying 'Here you go, make whatever you can, surprise me!'
I understand that certain stretch goals might not be met before release. But at least there should be a core set of features that will go into the game no matter what. There needs to be a plan. How else can you convince people to give money?
On a side note: this Google Compute Cloud as server back end. Does anyone know of a fps like game that uses Google Cloud for this? I wonder how they will handle latency and syncing between different google cloud locations. Also, how can this compete with a dedicated server farm specifically made for SC? Are they maybe reinventing the wheel here? I am genuinely curious about this.
I think I asked this before but I don't remember if I got and answer. SC is going to be what kind of game? Like to know if it's going to be an "mmo", is it going to have fair amount of PvE elements and if it is PvP, is strictly PvP?
I think I asked this before but I don't remember if I got and answer. SC is going to be what kind of game? Like to know if it's going to be an "mmo", is it going to have fair amount of PvE elements and if it is PvP, is strictly PvP?
No it's a PvE game, no a PvP game, no it's a PvPvE game, no its a lot like EVE, but not at all like EVE! It's got lots of really cool ships with really cool gimicks, but no one knows if they will be there or not at release. It is one huge game with everything thing you can think of, or maybe three games or six, maybe with links between them maybe not. It's in beta so you can try it! But everything is subject to change without notice, and things that work today may not work tomorrow and there is always the possibility that they will be removed entirely. There are huge amounts of videos telling you all about it, but all of the information in them is subject to change without notice.
Every one knows everything about it, but everyone's opinion is different, but all valid, except Derek Smart ---- he is evil, satan personified!
And we are now back to the semantics game. This topic breaks down just like all the others do.
Before its over I wouldnt be surprised that if (and thats a huge if) this thing ever does get released it ends up being some sort of battle royal type game.
People talking about MMO and all this and that and its still widely known that you can do anything with more than a few people in one spot. Despite those make believe videos where 50 people are supposedly having some planetary battle. Which even if it were true 50 people in 2018 is a frigging joke. But I guess its along way from the 12 or whatever they claimed they were going to have to go with a year or so ago.
Well it's not just about player count, it's about the map span they can cover (that the server has to track) and what they can do / server needs to track (pilot ships, get inside other player ships, shoot guns) etc.
And if you have a good connection and a good gaming PC performance can be quite good.
If you want to check more org (guild) gameplay there's some youtubers who make great content regularly like Sitarow and Noctisbot .
You do understand what I mean. You said certain things were locked in and I pointed out they are still working on the foundations of the game. Then you jumped on me several times for not using the correct terminology, thanks for clearing that up Max. Now I know remember why I don't post much in SC threads.
One does not simply bring in "oh the core of the game is not finished" argument to justify wrong technical speculations as possibilities.
I think I asked this before but I don't remember if I got and answer. SC is going to be what kind of game? Like to know if it's going to be an "mmo", is it going to have fair amount of PvE elements and if it is PvP, is strictly PvP?
SC is stated as one Trade Space Sim OW MMO on a PvPvE setting. While that is still in dev, it's stated even if you want to be a PvP player you'll still have to play through PvE content because they want a heavy AI population against players.
On a side note: this Google Compute Cloud as server back end. Does anyone know of a fps like game that uses Google Cloud for this?
Star Citizen does not use Google Clould, it uses Amazon Cloud, as part of the lumberyard license, Amazon's current MMO in development, New World, should be using the same backend, they also announced a complex server setup for the open world to allow large-scale MP population that is most likely a cloud setup.
Those deeply inculcated by SC culture tend to have a pair of blinders on; they have been told SC is the only worthwhile space sim on the market or even that SC will 'save PC gaming'.
There are others.
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance
> Kyleran says he should be playing EvE. (Ohreally?)
> Phaserlight turns that into a garbage post targetting the backers of the game. lol
Now you've lost me xD
Edit: Oh wait the OP is on about SC "gutting Open World PvP", when SC has done no such thing, in fact, it invested more on OWPVP since the original design because they no longer plan in giving the ability to "toggle PvP"... I got it now, he is picking a beef with SC for not being something it is. Uff thread goes places xD
As my signature says....I need to finish.
I may not play many games, but when I do they have to be great ones.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
It could well be splattered in front of them and they wouldn't notice it because they are blinded by ignorance, frustration or sheer malice.
That's why we have people writing dissertations about Star Citizen who know jack shit about it lol
They talk about features and content they barely know about while making opinions and false judgements bases on outdated or plain wrong info...
Armchair dev's mixed with angry gamers and you have a whole lot of typing and very little writing
Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.
SC has moved past both this and the whole offline/solo mode, it focused what it wants to be instead of trying to please everyone by segregating the player base into different "modes".
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Private servers are irrelevant to all that, they are already not compatible with the current scope and direction of the game where multiple physical servers and the cloud setup of the game are depending on each other so features work. With SC's MMO direction, private servers do not belong, this is not a game like Ark Survival or Conan.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
You are the one with the wrong perception of what the technology means, OCS is a core tech but it is a client-side optimization (how things are loaded in vs now streamed in and out in chunks). The core work in technology that determines the very fundamental part of the game is there, what they are missing is the server-meshing after OCS now releases. But the fact it is not completed doesn't mean your speculations are not being based on wrong assumptions or lack of understanding of the technology side of things (like you mixing up private servers and OCS).
Before its over I wouldnt be surprised that if (and thats a huge if) this thing ever does get released it ends up being some sort of battle royal type game.
People talking about MMO and all this and that and its still widely known that you can do anything with more than a few people in one spot. Despite those make believe videos where 50 people are supposedly having some planetary battle. Which even if it were true 50 people in 2018 is a frigging joke. But I guess its along way from the 12 or whatever they claimed they were going to have to go with a year or so ago.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Every one knows everything about it, but everyone's opinion is different, but all valid, except Derek Smart ---- he is evil, satan personified!
And if you have a good connection and a good gaming PC performance can be quite good.
If you want to check more org (guild) gameplay there's some youtubers who make great content regularly like Sitarow and Noctisbot .
SC is stated as one Trade Space Sim OW MMO on a PvPvE setting. While that is still in dev, it's stated even if you want to be a PvP player you'll still have to play through PvE content because they want a heavy AI population against players.
Star Citizen does not use Google Clould, it uses Amazon Cloud, as part of the lumberyard license, Amazon's current MMO in development, New World, should be using the same backend, they also announced a complex server setup for the open world to allow large-scale MP population that is most likely a cloud setup.