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SorcedSorced Member CommonPosts: 55

TODAY, we start a new series of interviews on Dark and Light development and evolution. These questions and answers aim at giving you a better overview of your future universe. As you will see, you can expect epic adventures in Ganareth, and we invite you to subscribe to join the beta test, if you didn’t do it yet!

1- What have the developers been working on since E3 2005 ?
The development team has been working on the following features (among others):

- Mana tower management: influence on gamers regeneration and mana tower inventory system.
- Communication system.
- Territory conquest management.
- Pets magic implementation...for more aid while fighting.
- Birth villages creation for respective races.
- New atmosphere management (volcanoes, swamps...)
- Enhancing the combat system: enable the power to stick your opponent very close to you while fighting...your opponent won’t be able to escape.

2- Are the developers still serious about the ’end of this year’-release?
More than ever! Nov 05 is the moment when you will finally discover what is really Dark and Light.

3- Will there be any major changes to the Game concerning the cooperation with SnailGame?
Snailgame is a strong partner for all that concerns graphics. Working with Snailgame will bring even more variety and richness to Dark and Lights’ graphical features. Snailgame will participate in the graphical design while creating some characters, equipment slots, armors and weapons for instance.
link to site:
[I posted this, as many people argue that it won't launch, it lacks contents, no real information etc. etc. etc.         Also, the popularity was 4%, meaning not many have read this]

In pendants
(Natal trophies torn from bellies of desanctified nuns)
A demon, bewinged, bedight
In scum, prowled their circle seeking entry to run
An arctic tongue upon Her vulva
Where rubies smeared to alabaster thighs
Glittered like a contract in the purse of a whore
Receiving sole communion from the body of christ


  • SorcedSorced Member CommonPosts: 55
    *Bump*! ;) Hmmm... try searching the archives on if you want some info.

    In pendants
    (Natal trophies torn from bellies of desanctified nuns)
    A demon, bewinged, bedight
    In scum, prowled their circle seeking entry to run
    An arctic tongue upon Her vulva
    Where rubies smeared to alabaster thighs
    Glittered like a contract in the purse of a whore
    Receiving sole communion from the body of christ

  • JackdogJackdog Member UncommonPosts: 6,321

    Originally posted by Sorced
    *Bump*! ;) Hmmm... try searching the archives on if you want some info.

    Ok so now I am totaly confused. The archives don't say diddly squat except "we plan to have". To heck with the "we plan to haves" what about some "we haves". Even better some third party previews that say "they haves" instead of coporate PR spins...grumble curse

    Go to this link here and what do you get...Screenshots endless links to screeenshots. Where are the previews? Where are the reviewers going oooh and ahhh. Middle Earth  or LoTRO as it's called now showed more of their game this year at E3 than DnL did and that game is not supposed to be released until 2006. Bah.. back to being a pessimist Iguess


    I miss DAoC

  • SorcedSorced Member CommonPosts: 55

    Originally posted by Jackdog

    Originally posted by Sorced
    *Bump*! ;) Hmmm... try searching the archives on if you want some info.

    Ok so now I am totaly confused. The archives don't say diddly squat except "we plan to have". To heck with the "we plan to haves" what about some "we haves". Even better some third party previews that say "they haves" instead of coporate PR spins...grumble curse

    read the testamonials.

    and I think this might help you...

    In pendants
    (Natal trophies torn from bellies of desanctified nuns)
    A demon, bewinged, bedight
    In scum, prowled their circle seeking entry to run
    An arctic tongue upon Her vulva
    Where rubies smeared to alabaster thighs
    Glittered like a contract in the purse of a whore
    Receiving sole communion from the body of christ

  • JackdogJackdog Member UncommonPosts: 6,321
    I really think the best thing for me to do is just go away until I see on the front page of this site that the game has launched or until I recieve a beta invite. The testimonials sound way too much like infomercial marketing babble to me LOL. After all the screwed up MMORPG launches, near launches and marketing BS in the last couple of years I am too burned, pessimistic, and jaded to believe anything on the developers sites anymore.

    I miss DAoC

  • SorcedSorced Member CommonPosts: 55
    sigh... well the beta testers know, they play it. If you don't believe them, your loss... I think you came here *wanting* not to like DnL

    In pendants
    (Natal trophies torn from bellies of desanctified nuns)
    A demon, bewinged, bedight
    In scum, prowled their circle seeking entry to run
    An arctic tongue upon Her vulva
    Where rubies smeared to alabaster thighs
    Glittered like a contract in the purse of a whore
    Receiving sole communion from the body of christ

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