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Over 2000 likes since 2012, been here so many years

TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
edited August 2018 in Off-Topic Discussion
Figured since this seems to be a thing

and that seems okay to post here in this section. Figured I'd post too. I know not exactly about MMOs, but his post isn't either.

So onto the post.

Back in 2012 I was still in school. I was bullied a lot (and I was almost choked to death once, and one time a kid pulled a knife on me but a teacher saw and never saw the kid again so must been seriously in trouble), and treated really badly. In real life I have high functioning autism, and VERY anti-social. In school I had a bad speech problem, but strangely I woke up and it went away (mostly) when I got older. But, I really hate people, and I'd rather be in a mountain cabin surrounded by nature and wilderness lol. Probably why I solo mostly in MMOs (but I'm more social in MMOs than real life)...which yeah defeats the purpose of most MMOs...but show me Warcraft the RPG that also gets updated for decades and decades with a massive expanding very large world that is exactly like WoW that is exactly about warcraft and I'll play it. No? Okay WoW it is then.

But, I did have one good friend, and one I still hang out with and talk to daily. He was bullied too, but he beat up his bully and everyone left him alone after that. They left me alone after that too since I always hung out with him. 

I was still playing WoW then too, which came out in 2004 so I was playing that a lot. Still play WoW to this day lol...can't believe been playing WoW for so many years. It was 2012 I registed here on forgot why though, I think there was a contest involving WoW or something so I signed up. At the time, a lot of people seemed excited about MMOs and everywhere else they were getting a lot of hate. But, that obviously changed lol. I did post a lot more serious stuff then, because everyone just really loved MMOs (mostly, there were a few trolls and haters). But once everyone just hated modern new MMOs, figured I'd give up posting serious stuff since so many on here became trolls and haters.

I actually don't care about the points, cause points don't matter. I just make whatever junk I can make up (I said I find stuff on Reddit, but that was a lie cause I thought it be funny to rile people and see who can get angry over something so stupid. Anyone who got angry about that needs a break from the internet lol. Thats such a dumb thing to get angry about rofl. But I really don't care how many points I get on a random niche site. I care more about points on Reddit than (which literally mean nothing) cause can at least sell reddit accounts for over 100 dollars if have enough points. I had a reddit account with 11k points in just posts (not including comments) that sold for 89 dollars), but sometimes I still make a serious post. I still love MMOs, but most people here hate all the new ones and some even hate new games so I treat very unseriously lol. But I actually just make up junk I'd say 75% of the time...don't even know if there is a reddit topic generator...maybe there is and if there is, thats dumber than the posts I make lol...but I don't feel like wasting time googling it.

A lot of old timers here that are stuck in their old ways, which is fine...its like people who play MUDs and started with MUDs sometimes think graphical games are bad and a de-evolution of gaming lol. MUDs are pretty awesome though, even as someone who missed that era by era :P Gotta like reading and need an imagination to enjoy them though which a lot of people my own generation definitely lack (for most part).

Then back to real was pretty shitty for me, but at least had my good friend. Never had a girlfriend until I was 24 so was single for a while...technically had one, but not really. at school one girl would like me one day, then be with another guy the next and was a huge cheater. I never actually asked her to be my girlfriend, so it doesn't count. Funny thing is, she got married once at 18 or 19 and cheated on the guy (saw her facebook posts before I removed her as a friend), married again at 20 or 21 and she got cheated on, and 3rd guy when she was 22 or 23 was some drug seller or criminal of some type cause they took a picture and in background was a massive huge stack of cash that definitely wasn't legally attained. I missed a bullet on that one. That and she already had so many kids from who knows how many guys, and I hate kids. I'd rather jump off a skyscraper than have kids or even be around kids lol.

But after graduating (I graduated with a full diploma, everyone else in my school (it was a school for people with disabilities, had only 200 students or so) didn't get a full diploma but whatever that lesser one is) things got a lot better. I opened up a lot more, going from saying very little to being kinda talkative. Found hobbies to do, and keep myself busy outside of PC stuff

It was 24 I met my girlfriend, who briefly actually went to my school for 2 months but was too young at the time, even though only 4 years younger (technically her actual age is only 2 years younger, but when adopted they changed it for some reason) 4 years is still a problem when about to graduate highschool compared to being both over 20 lol. She was living in a pretty bad place, so we reconnected by a random email her tablet automatically sent somehow and that following weekend she moved in with me and my parents (I still live with my parents, and she also has disabilities of her own like I do) and stayed with us ever since. Luckily for me, she is almost entirely what I wanted in someone. Likes a lot of the same stuff I do, but also is accepting of some of my hobbies (I like to keep weird insects, spiders and stuff, a lot of females probably wouldn't be happy with that) and she likes video games, but we haven't been able to afford to get her a laptop (she likes laptops better than PCs) to game on. But she has a tablet she plays on. But we share the PC sometimes and play games together...mostly tbh, she likes doing her own thing which is 100% good with me. Plus she doesn't want to ever have kids (hence surgery to stop that), and is good with just animals as "kids". That is always a big thing with a female is so many want kids.

My friend also ended up doing really well. In school, he played WoW with me (stopped playing in cataclysm, he hated that expansion and doesn't like the new version of WoW) but he had it bad with his girlfriend. She was really psychotic, but back then as kids its a bit difficult to handle things like that. But he moved on luckily. Now he has an awesome job and doing great with his college. His family even bought a house, after living in a junk condo for so long. But he moved to Washington, so we mostly talk to each other, but I go to washington quite often to visit and he comes down often to oregon to visit me. Not too far a distance though, since we're both kinda close to each other's state borders. He never managed to get a girlfriend though like I did. he had a lot more girlfriends than me, but he used dating sites and was cheated on by every women he met on them. He gave up dating sites cause he said they are BS for him.

But I know in these forums I'm not too well liked cause my junk posts. But that is just an act on my part in most of my actual posts (besides the occasional serious one where I stop the act). In real life and other places on the internet I'm actually rather nice and treat people the way I'd want to be treated and make actual serious comments, but I'm still not very social in real life...I hate the city and rather be in the wilderness with peaceful and quietness and nature around and no neighbors as far as they eye can see lol.

My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:



  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
    edited August 2018
    Also, as for thread title. I probably have a lot more points, but I don't remember how much I had. But when changed the point system/website design the points all got reset. I had a lot more positive likes before then, but now mostly LOLs cause I make people laugh lol. The WTFs are when someone probably gets triggered by my post, which is slightly worse than a LOL for me.

    With that I said...honestly don't care about the points. I only included them in my title cause I didn't want to copy the other guys title and it sounded okay I guess. And yeah I made a thread in off topic bragging about turning purple...but really didn't and still don't care cause its not like I can sell my account for a bunch of money like a reddit account lol. At most, I like LOLs the best cause it means I made someone chuckle or laugh. Even if they LOL cause the post is so stupid (like when I posted I used a reddit topic generator rofl)...can't make up something dumber than that lol. I think that was the best thing I randomly came up with to post...

    still don't want to google and see if a reddit topic generator is a thing cause I'd rather not know if it exists or not :neutral:

    But I've been here on a long time. I did like it how it was before though a lot more, people liked MMOs more. Still some people here excited about games like Star Citizen, AoC and new generation MMOs that aren't about old style MMOs...but they get overwhelmed by the majority that post negative stuff in those sections. And even some excitement for WoW which is great...but a lot of negativity on the forums caused me to be a lot less serious in most of my content.

    So I decided to make a persona of a dumb idiot who uses a reddit topic generator to make people laugh (or triggered lol) and make random inane posts for comedic effect on an overly negative forum lol. I do think the mods and admins do a great job though, continuously posting positive news about MMOs and not gonna call any mod out by name...but she makes really positive posts about WoW and is genuinely excited about WoW. I'd like to see a lot more positive posts about other MMOs like that, I think that make the forums a lot better.

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • JamesGoblinJamesGoblin Member RarePosts: 1,242
    So you came here to vote for WoW, and stayed!? I did the same for another game. Sometime around New Year 2014/2015 , had their standard "MMO of the Year" (knockout system) and, if I remember correctly, ESO was in semis against The Secret World.

    It was a close one and ESO won narrowly (since TSW had a very strong local following back in the day); Beating GW2 in the finals was easy peasy.

    PS It's cool that you have one good friend. I have a cat.
  • AragoniAragoni Member UncommonPosts: 384
    Been here since 2005. Time flies.
  • CryomatrixCryomatrix Member EpicPosts: 3,223
    Why would someone buy a reddit account, what is the benefit of points?

    Where do you keep these weird insects and spiders?

    And cool to have insight into who people are.
    Catch me streaming at
    You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations. 
  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
    So you came here to vote for WoW, and stayed!? I did the same for another game. Sometime around New Year 2014/2015 , had their standard "MMO of the Year" (knockout system) and, if I remember correctly, ESO was in semis against The Secret World.

    It was a close one and ESO won narrowly (since TSW had a very strong local following back in the day); Beating GW2 in the finals was easy peasy.

    PS It's cool that you have one good friend. I have a cat.
    yeah, back then was searching for a WoW community and came upon Think actually cause someone posted on WoW forums and said there was a contest for WoW, but I forgot what it was. Though I did browse anonymously once in a while, but never registered

    And yeah I remember that contest. That must been a great time to come lol. TSW made such a big push to vote, it was really "brutal" of the two going at it (but in a friendly competitor way for most part). That was quite an amazing mmo of the year year for between the two games. For TSW especially since it was much smaller of a community than ESO and still ended up winning. It was great to see such a niche game win, even though personally I did kinda prefer ESO more at the time

    And nice. Got four cats here, my parents have a tabby and my girlfriend's friend gave us a newborn long haired tuxedo kitten that we've had to hand feed, was only 2-3 days old when we got it but kitten was abandoned and found under someones car. Its close to eating on its own though, and can use the bathroom by itself now. Plus me and my girlfriend have two bengals, so our parents have two and me and her have two. Kinda a lot of cats lol.

    What kinda cat do you have? 

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
    Why would someone buy a reddit account, what is the benefit of points?

    Where do you keep these weird insects and spiders?

    And cool to have insight into who people are.
    Honestly, people will buy anything on the internet. When I found a site of people selling accounts, it sounded like a scam but people actually buy them. But the points are probably even more useless than the ones...just harder to get a lot of since random people can downvote your post and lose the points. pretty useless though. I guess some people for some reason like the points so much they'll buy an account with a ton of them.

    And I keep the insects+spiders both on the porch (we live in an apartment) and in the living room. Don't keep them in me and my girlfriends room cause of the cats.

    And yeah, actually while I at first didn't like that other thread. Thought about it...and it is cool to get an idea of who people are on here.

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • JamesGoblinJamesGoblin Member RarePosts: 1,242
    So you came here to vote for WoW, and stayed!? I did the same for another game. Sometime around New Year 2014/2015 , had their standard "MMO of the Year" (knockout system) and, if I remember correctly, ESO was in semis against The Secret World.

    It was a close one and ESO won narrowly (since TSW had a very strong local following back in the day); Beating GW2 in the finals was easy peasy.

    PS It's cool that you have one good friend. I have a cat.
    yeah, back then was searching for a WoW community and came upon Think actually cause someone posted on WoW forums and said there was a contest for WoW, but I forgot what it was. Though I did browse anonymously once in a while, but never registered

    And yeah I remember that contest. That must been a great time to come lol. TSW made such a big push to vote, it was really "brutal" of the two going at it (but in a friendly competitor way for most part). That was quite an amazing mmo of the year year for between the two games. For TSW especially since it was much smaller of a community than ESO and still ended up winning. It was great to see such a niche game win, even though personally I did kinda prefer ESO more at the time

    And nice. Got four cats here, my parents have a tabby and my girlfriend's friend gave us a newborn long haired tuxedo kitten that we've had to hand feed, was only 2-3 days old when we got it but kitten was abandoned and found under someones car. Its close to eating on its own though, and can use the bathroom by itself now. Plus me and my girlfriend have two bengals, so our parents have two and me and her have two. Kinda a lot of cats lol.

    What kinda cat do you have? 
    Haha, that final part about a cat was supposed to be a joke (obviously, only in my head) about having friends :) I had a cat once...Now that I think of it, It was a common, domestic cat - didn't really have a pedigree; At least I never thought of it in terms of race (and even if I did, I'm not really much of an an expert in catology) - same with humans, I never really cared about colors or who-came-from-where and all that.

    Back to gaming, I remember that ESO won both in semis and in finals!? CBAed to doublecheck, might be wrong; Someone on ESO reddit mentioned that has that competition and that it's close (was TSW winning at that point? not sure), so I came to vote. I started posting here because I felt it would be unfair to just vote and disappear, then I came tomorrow to check the replies and so it started.
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,609
    Not sure every point you got was a "Like" but guess this is standing in as an "I am all purple now" thread as well. :)

    Your posts are your posts, we may not all get them but who cares? You add your own unique perspective to the threads, that's all that counts.

    I am going to send people a fee for my Dr Scot advice:

    As you get older, men particularly, become more antisocial, so you will need to watch out for that as from what you said you are somewhat that way already. I remember my gran under pressure from relatives went to a social club for old people, she hated nearly everyone there, got one friend out of it and even they did not get on famously. :)
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    So you came here to vote for WoW, and stayed!? I did the same for another game. Sometime around New Year 2014/2015 , had their standard "MMO of the Year" (knockout system) and, if I remember correctly, ESO was in semis against The Secret World.

    It was a close one and ESO won narrowly (since TSW had a very strong local following back in the day); Beating GW2 in the finals was easy peasy.

    PS It's cool that you have one good friend. I have a cat.
    We all also have a cat here that moseys around rustling fan jimmies a lot. ;)

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,098
    edited August 2018
    Well, thank you.

    That does explain a lot. Always interesting to learn about others and see how their lives help lead them to "this point."

    As a point of note, I beat up a bully in high school and that was when people left me alone as well. Good for your friend.
    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Why would someone buy a reddit account, what is the benefit of points?

    Where do you keep these weird insects and spiders?

    And cool to have insight into who people are.
    Honestly, people will buy anything on the internet. When I found a site of people selling accounts, it sounded like a scam but people actually buy them. But the points are probably even more useless than the ones...just harder to get a lot of since random people can downvote your post and lose the points. pretty useless though. I guess some people for some reason like the points so much they'll buy an account with a ton of them.

    And I keep the insects+spiders both on the porch (we live in an apartment) and in the living room. Don't keep them in me and my girlfriends room cause of the cats.

    And yeah, actually while I at first didn't like that other thread. Thought about it...and it is cool to get an idea of who people are on here.
    Points must be like achievements in game. Some people really go after them but I rarely ever do unless it sounds like an interesting quest. Never been interested in points, only XP.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    Glad to have you around.

    EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,609
    edited August 2018
    Why would someone buy a reddit account, what is the benefit of points?

    Where do you keep these weird insects and spiders?

    And cool to have insight into who people are.
    Oh I didn't read that bit, skimming again!

    When I was a kid I was an arachnophile, I did not keep spiders or anything, my mum would have gone bonkers and she had enough problems with the hamster.

    I was a Natural History buff and what I loved about spiders was the intricacy of their form and its adaptations. From spinnerets to book lungs, fascinating.
    Post edited by Scot on
  • CryomatrixCryomatrix Member EpicPosts: 3,223
    I am arachnophobic, i crashed my car in my 20's due to a spider on the windshield.

    I still hate spiders with a passion.
    Catch me streaming at
    You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations. 
  • DarkswormDarksworm Member RarePosts: 1,081
    edited August 2018
    This is what I read from the OP:

    "I was "bullied" and I'm Autistic...

    But I'm totally a troll...  But that's fine, because I have tons of likes on the forums!  I'm here to rehabilitate myself!!!  Yaaaas!!!!!!

    (I will say I don't care about the likes, but I totally do.  I even wrote a huge wall of text to tell you about it.)"

    P.S.  Not sure why you think many people care to hear about your personal life on an MMORPG forums.  We don't come here for that.  The Cinderella story also does not excuse awful behavior and trolling.  As someone who has, apparently, lived the life you claim to live, you should have had some semblance of empathy for the people you've been shit-posting on these forums since ever...

    Other post was made in the Off-Topic forum.  Follow their example.

    3/10 - For Boldness, Irony, and Length.
  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
    I flagged my post, since other thread got moved to off topic (which is by far more fitting place) this one should as well. I only put it here cause other thread lasted so long in the pub lol

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • GutlardGutlard Member RarePosts: 1,019
    Bullies are sad sacks of shit most of the time. Sometimes I almost felt guilty taking away the only things they were 'good' at, but I'm sure they moved on to better more fulfilling things in life.

    Gut Out!

    What, me worry?

  • AlBQuirkyAlBQuirky Member EpicPosts: 7,432
    I agree, @Gutlard, bullies are the worst. I include this new batch of bullies that go online and bully bullies to stop bullying ;)

    - Al

    Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.

  • GutlardGutlard Member RarePosts: 1,019
    AlBQuirky said:
    I agree, @Gutlard, bullies are the worst. I include this new batch of bullies that go online and bully bullies to stop bullying ;)
    It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it... :'(

    I ran out of bullies IRL as they tend to not be grandiloquent about it for too long in my presence.

    Gut Out!

    What, me worry?

  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
    edited September 2018
    I'd treat the forums more seriously if people came to an MMORPG site...that actually liked MMOs

    Instead, its just rants about how all the new MMOs suck and how sucky the MMO genre is. Just a bunch of trolls here that come to a site for MMOs that don't like MMOs lol.

    The only thing I take seriously is the news articles or/and any posts made my staff, because generally they actually like MMOs unlike most of the forum users here.

    And funny enough, if you like an MMO, some people call you a "shill" because of no how can one possibly like an MMO!!?!? ON AN MMO SITE NO LESS! OMG SOMEONE LIKES AN MMO ON AN MMOSITE! SHILL!!!!!

    So actually, I'm forum RPing the average IQ of the users here that come to an MMO site and hate MMOs lol. I used to actually post like I usually do on forums/reddit etc, but too many stupid trolls here that hate MMOs on an MMO forum.

    I'm doing it because my posts in a way make most of the trolls here look stupider than they already are (because people come to the forums and see my posts and go "wow this poster is stupid and looks like a troll, and maybe others are stupid too because so many here hates MMOs" coming to an MMO site and hating MMOs ...on an MMO site.

    The only good posters here are those who truly enjoy MMOs and are excited for future upcoming MMOs and like some of the current MMOs. But the majority keep whining for the old days of MMOs and hate anything else and complain how much MMOs suck like the trolls they are. And the stupider ones are those trying to bring down those who are excited about upcoming MMOs because they hate MMOs so much and how dare anyone be excited for an MMO.

    You don't see me go to a car racing forum and say how much car racing sucks and how stupid it is and anyone who likes it are shills. NO! Because I'm not that brain dead stupid.

    But this post should be fine since didnt call anyone by name. And anyone who gets offended are probably the actual troll who comes to an MMO forum to hate MMOs. 

    The same trolls who have such a sad sad life that they'd go to a car racing forum and post how much they hate car racing...every single day nonstop or/and multiple posts of how much car racing sucks. 

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
    edited September 2018
    As for why I'm still here surrounded by MMO haters on an MMO site...

    well reddit /r/mmorpg is just as bad. Probably same exact people there as here. Just a bunch of trolls that hate MMOs

    And the only other big site is massivelyop...but I don't like blog style sites at all. They don't have a forum or reddit style anything, its just blog style comments and blog style news articles. Never been my thing. That and they sided with the GW2 dev that got fired, who said nasty things about TotalBiscuit and said other terrible stuff. Shows their true colors of how evil the staff there are.

    And MMORPG is the biggest MMO site. And the staff+news articles makes up for all the MMO haters on this site that troll about how much they hate MMOs and anyone who likes any MMO are shills.

    There is/was MMOsite, but that site is dead (just look at the forums and you'll see how dead it is. its been abandoned). It was never very popular either, and too much free MMO focused. And the site layout was the worst. Too confusing seeing where anything was on the front page. But mostly the big thing is how dead it is. I think its run by bots putting news articles up, cause if you look at the forums its literally 100% spam bots.

    And...nothing else. The rest are minor sites or just general forums/websites.

    I'd rather use reddit for communication than anything else. Or official game sites/forums. But for general stuff about MMOs (in regards to staff/news), this forum/site is still the best for MMOs in particular.

    But I like to make all the MMO haters that come to an MMO site to hate on MMOs look stupider than they already are.

    And you may ask "how does one person make all us MMO hater trolls look stupid?"

    Its like a family living together in a house. 3 brothers commit serious murders/crimes. Those three brothers make everyone else in that family look bad to the general public.

    But I only like to make the MMO haters look stupid because this is an MMO site and they have nothing better to do but hate MMOs on an MMO site lol. The people that come here that truly enjoy MMOs and are excited for MMOs and don't want to bring down those who are excited, they truly are smarter than anyone else that comes here to troll about how much they hate MMOs.

    They are the best people that come here, but sadly their voices are drown out by all the trolls that come here to hate MMOs.

    The MMO hater trolls live the saddest lives possible, because I never go to a forum/fansite/website for something I hate and post about it all the time of how much I hate it.

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
    edited September 2018
    I still like to contribute content though.

    For example, even with my current trend of low IQ made clickbait thread titles...I do actually try (which I do) to make good content inside the post. Like look here...

    Dumb title, randomly added dumb stuff in the post. But actually shows my true experience on Tichondrius in WoW. I never had such a great time on WoW until I went there, and I wanted to share my experience. Maybe help others at least check it out to see if its for them. Not everyone likes overly crowded servers of course, but some do. But I still used a dumb thread title...

    Actual content was an actual effort though besides the couple random clickbait stuff I added

    Like "That isn't all! Keep reading to find out something even more amazing!" but that was to keep in with my current clickbait RP trend :P The rest of it was actual effort to put in since the server has been such an amazing experience. All the others servers I've tried aren't anything like that.

    Plus the massive wars on that server in world pvp have been the best I've had in any MMO ever 

    And now this post has turned into a WoW tichondrius ad :P So I'll stop there lol

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • AlBQuirkyAlBQuirky Member EpicPosts: 7,432
    @TheScavenger, You done yet? 3 Posts in a row, not quoting anyone, and even linking another (asinine) thread of your own, as if YOU discovered something...

    I used to enjoy MMORPGs. Not anymore, because the "RPG" aspect was deemed useless, boring, and repetitive. There are no MMORPG's anymore. I despise these "new MMOs" that players play on their mobiles while waiting for a bus.

    Why do I come here, you ask? I have this possibly naive belief that maybe, someday, some developer may read my thoughts and others like them and think, "hmmm... that's an interesting point." I'm not here to poop on players' parades. I don't go to each individual game and rip them. I stay here in the Pub and General Gaming, with a foray into Off-Topic discussions. I want the "RPG" back in my MMOs. I want the "boring, tedious, non-combat" back and especially to see action combat go away. Not in all MMOs, mind you, for I appreciate many player enjoy these kinds of games (unlike other posters who expect every MMO to be games they enjoy). I just want a couple (for choice) that actually have "RPG" in the game.

    I realize this is not "the popular" view, which makes me want to voice it even more often, trying to be heard.

    - Al

    Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.

  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
    AlBQuirky said:
    @TheScavenger, You done yet? 3 Posts in a row, not quoting anyone, and even linking another (asinine) thread of your own, as if YOU discovered something...

    I used to enjoy MMORPGs. Not anymore, because the "RPG" aspect was deemed useless, boring, and repetitive. There are no MMORPG's anymore. I despise these "new MMOs" that players play on their mobiles while waiting for a bus.

    Why do I come here, you ask? I have this possibly naive belief that maybe, someday, some developer may read my thoughts and others like them and think, "hmmm... that's an interesting point." I'm not here to poop on players' parades. I don't go to each individual game and rip them. I stay here in the Pub and General Gaming, with a foray into Off-Topic discussions. I want the "RPG" back in my MMOs. I want the "boring, tedious, non-combat" back and especially to see action combat go away. Not in all MMOs, mind you, for I appreciate many player enjoy these kinds of games (unlike other posters who expect every MMO to be games they enjoy). I just want a couple (for choice) that actually have "RPG" in the game.

    I realize this is not "the popular" view, which makes me want to voice it even more often, trying to be heard.
    Well, everyone likes their MMOs. But in this case, the above posts weren't about you. I never seen you as a troll or anything like that, you actually make rather good quality posts.

    It was mostly about the people who go to Star Citizen forums, or Pantheon forums, or any other yet to be released/early access/alpha MMOs...or even released MMOs...and all people do all day is try to make people hate that MMO or make their excitement of upcoming MMOs ruined.

    The best example is SC simply cause its the "biggest" non-released MMO.There are so many people that troll that section and want to ruin peoples enjoyment of the game or ruin their excitement for it.

    But it isn't just that game, but many other games people hate on in each its own sections of the forum. There is WoW for a released MMO where people called a shill or advertiser just because they enjoy it. And people say that about pretty much to anyone who likes a certain MMO, no matter what MMO it is.

    But like I said, the above overly long posts were about those people. Not posters like you that actually make good quality posts

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • AlBQuirkyAlBQuirky Member EpicPosts: 7,432
    AlBQuirky said:
    @TheScavenger, You done yet? 3 Posts in a row, not quoting anyone, and even linking another (asinine) thread of your own, as if YOU discovered something...

    I used to enjoy MMORPGs. Not anymore, because the "RPG" aspect was deemed useless, boring, and repetitive. There are no MMORPG's anymore. I despise these "new MMOs" that players play on their mobiles while waiting for a bus.

    Why do I come here, you ask? I have this possibly naive belief that maybe, someday, some developer may read my thoughts and others like them and think, "hmmm... that's an interesting point." I'm not here to poop on players' parades. I don't go to each individual game and rip them. I stay here in the Pub and General Gaming, with a foray into Off-Topic discussions. I want the "RPG" back in my MMOs. I want the "boring, tedious, non-combat" back and especially to see action combat go away. Not in all MMOs, mind you, for I appreciate many player enjoy these kinds of games (unlike other posters who expect every MMO to be games they enjoy). I just want a couple (for choice) that actually have "RPG" in the game.

    I realize this is not "the popular" view, which makes me want to voice it even more often, trying to be heard.
    Well, everyone likes their MMOs. But in this case, the above posts weren't about you. I never seen you as a troll or anything like that, you actually make rather good quality posts.

    It was mostly about the people who go to Star Citizen forums, or Pantheon forums, or any other yet to be released/early access/alpha MMOs...or even released MMOs...and all people do all day is try to make people hate that MMO or make their excitement of upcoming MMOs ruined.

    The best example is SC simply cause its the "biggest" non-released MMO.There are so many people that troll that section and want to ruin peoples enjoyment of the game or ruin their excitement for it.

    But it isn't just that game, but many other games people hate on in each its own sections of the forum. There is WoW for a released MMO where people called a shill or advertiser just because they enjoy it. And people say that about pretty much to anyone who likes a certain MMO, no matter what MMO it is.

    But like I said, the above overly long posts were about those people. Not posters like you that actually make good quality posts

    I sometimes feel like people want to "help" others who seem overly pumped for a game, as Star Citizen backers seem to be, so that "if" it fails, the crash won't be so hard. Other times, the responses seem to be just immature parade raining.

    You need to understand that many of "us old gamers" don't have MMOs to play right now. That can make us old geezers even more surly than usual (if that's possible). It's a tough pill to swallow that once we old gamers gave these new games a chance by keeping the old ones alive, now have nothing to play. Not an excuse, but hopefully some understanding ;)

    - Al

    Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.

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