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Sea of Thieves

ChimborazoChimborazo Member UncommonPosts: 146
I haven't found any trace of this game on the site. I played it for a couple hours with some friends and was very intrigued, although I can already spot its limitations. 
I believe it would be a great base for developing a sandboxish "not so massive" multiplayer online RPG.
Anybody here who's played it?
Currently on: Guild Wars 2


  • ChimborazoChimborazo Member UncommonPosts: 146
    Are you kidding me? I used the search function and I got ZERO results! 
    [Deleted User]
    Currently on: Guild Wars 2
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,619
    Yeah, that's the benefit of being Orange, when you are Green half the sites functions do not work. :)
    [Deleted User]kitaradlancerxxAlBQuirkyQuizzicalHatefullKyleran
  • lancerxxlancerxx Member UncommonPosts: 63
    Scot said:
    Yeah, that's the benefit of being Orange, when you are Green half the sites functions do not work. :) 
    What does the green mean?
  • TiamatRoarTiamatRoar Member RarePosts: 1,694
    edited July 2018
    It means you're a greenhorn, boy!

    (greenhorn is a military term for "new")

    (no, it's actually just your forum level.  Probably comes from mobile/hero-collector games, where orange is typically the color for legendary units while green is the color for low rarity uncommon units)
  • RofusEURofusEU Member UncommonPosts: 58
    Sea of Thieves looks fun but you really needs a group of friends to play it and even then it gets boring fast. I can't justify the hefty price tag if I'm gonna get only few fun hours out of a game
  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503
    It means you're a greenhorn, boy!

    (greenhorn is a military term for "new")

    (no, it's actually just your forum level.  Probably comes from mobile/hero-collector games, where orange is typically the color for legendary units while green is the color for low rarity uncommon units)
    Greenhorn is not a common U.S. military term. We use "Boot" in the Marines (or shower shoe) and various other terms, in 23 years in the Corps I never heard anyone referred to as Green Horn. I can't speak for other branches, but not something my buddies and I have ever used or heard used (and we cover all branches, including the coasties).

    As far as Sea of Thieves goes, all I have read is that it depends on with whom you are playing more so than the game.

    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

  • Vermillion_RaventhalVermillion_Raventhal Member EpicPosts: 4,199
    A sandbox without the sand.  
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251
    It sank rather quickly off the sales charts from what I can see 

    No pun intended.  ;)

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251
    edited July 2018
    I used the Enterprise's advanced sensors ;)

    Joke aside, I just used the game list.
    What is a joke is this sites search function, absolutely the worst...

    Well right next to this craptastic Vanilla browser. One of the few times I've seen an "upgrade" provide less functionality...

    Yeah, I still miss colored text.... even Jira can do it, and it's editor sux.

    Its "crabby Monday."

    [Deleted User]

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,059
    I'm guessing this game will drown in a sea of MMOs within a year.
  • Vermillion_RaventhalVermillion_Raventhal Member EpicPosts: 4,199
    Could have been a cool concept.  If they laid out a foundation of the gamr right it would have given them more options.  You didn't have to play long to realize it would be boring quick.  

    A huge map, more player playing together.  Most customizations with ships, weapons, ability to build forts and other goals.  Progression is needed to make any game fun even if they wanted character to stay the same.
  • madazzmadazz Member RarePosts: 2,115
    edited July 2018
    I'm guessing this game will drown in a sea of MMOs within a year.
    Why? Its not an MMO and therefore isn't competing against MMO's. This thread shouldn't even be in this forum. Not only does it not allow for an MMO experience as its got a small capped player concurrency, but even Phil Spencer labels it as a co-op experience.

    This very site is still labeling Path of Exile as an MMO even though the game isn't and the devs get upset that they do as it creates a misconception of their game, and what mmo stands for.

    So I can understand why people get confused when they can't figure out that MMO stands for Massively Multiplayer Online, when this site can barely grasp what one is.
    [Deleted User]
  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,068
    I'm guessing this game will drown in a sea of MMOs within a year.
    Well it's not an MMO and to many it was less of a launch disappointment than NMS.  Everybody could see what the game was before launch anyway.
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