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Still Forced to Quest?

dreamer05dreamer05 Member UncommonPosts: 679
I played FFIV on and off for quite a bit when it first got revamped. Not sure what level I got to, but my biggest issue was all of the forced questing to unlock content. I've always hated questing, especially just for the sake of it. Strange as a huge mmo fan I know. However, I hated especially that you had to quest to unlock new classes.

What does questing and new content look like? I always liked the way they did grouping, and I enjoyed the white mage. Is it still pretty much just play all classes on one character? Which classes can main heal?


"God, please help us sinful children of Ivalice.."



  • GhavriggGhavrigg Member RarePosts: 1,308
    edited July 2018
    You can get through the leveling process just doing the Main Story quests, so unless you're a completionist, you can keep the side quests to a minimum. Just maybe look up which ones unlock what. Still gotta do that main story, though, to unlock most of the content.

    Or you can pay your way through most of it in the shop, but it's pretty expensive.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,059
    I had the same isseus with the game as the OP.....I remember getting my first quest, then wanting to look around a bit...and then the messages start coming "you cant enter here, you cant enter there, your quest allows you to only go to such and such spot"...... That turned me off of the game more than anything.....I don't like being severely limited where I can go or what I can do...To me that kind of play is just going through the motions.
  • DAOWAceDAOWAce Member UncommonPosts: 436
    FFXIV is a story based game.  Those stories happen to come in quests, mainly the "MSQ", but also numerous sidequests with their own lore and even cutscenes for special ones.

    You play it for the story/lore first, everything else second.

    Same thing with SWTOR, except I feel SWTOR is better in its story because -everything- is voice acted, and it honestly feels like KOTOR3 if you take out the MMO elements.

    Bur regardless, if you don't care about story, you're really looking at the wrong game.
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,617
    First they said we had been forced to group, then they said we had been forced to quest, soon they will say they were forced to play. :)
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    edited July 2018
    DAOWAce said:
    FFXIV is a story based game.  Those stories happen to come in quests, mainly the "MSQ", but also numerous sidequests with their own lore and even cutscenes for special ones.

    You play it for the story/lore first, everything else second.

    Same thing with SWTOR, except I feel SWTOR is better in its story because -everything- is voice acted, and it honestly feels like KOTOR3 if you take out the MMO elements.

    Bur regardless, if you don't care about story, you're really looking at the wrong game.
    "This is a story/lore mmorpg first" is the dumbest excuse that I see everyone on the official forums make, like FFXI didn't exist or something. XI told a better story but it wasn't as forced fed to you as XIV is, which is super linear. If people actually played it, they'd understand that its perfectly fine to seperate expansions in terms of progression so you don't feel like you have to clear through one expansion in order to access the next. If people truly want to experience the "story" then they have the >>> option <<< to do so, not be forced to do so.

    Alternatively OP, because of the development team's laziness to separate story progression, they thought it would be best if people want to "truly" skip through the story restrictions that they could just buy either story skip potions, which just skip most story stuff up to Stormblood I believe or a level increase potion (I'm not sure if it does both since I never bought one). To be "fair" Heavensward and Stormblood (so far) story chains are probably as long combined as ARR's entire chain.
  • k61977k61977 Member EpicPosts: 1,528
    I am a little bit confused by this.  Final Fantasy is a story game has always been and always hopefully will be.  Quest are one way to tell a story, doesn't necessarily have to be done that way but is a great way to do it.  It is one of the best parts of this particular game for me at least. 

    Why does someone want to play a game that from the bottom up has been geared toward questing and story if that isn't your thing?  Why do people think every game has to be directed for their own wants and needs instead of what the devs set out to make?  First and foremost if you don't like questing there are many, many other games that don't force this type of game play, mostly grinders which are to me the worst type of game made unless it is a ARPG.   Secondly the quest are there for a couple reasons, one being to level up along a guided path, secondly to let the player know about the lore, third to give rewards for completing them.

    Overall if you do not enjoy questing I wouldn't suggest playing a game that is geared 100% toward questing like this one.  Without quest this game would be nothing but a boring grind fest.

  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
    Astrologian, Scholar and white mage.

    And yes still "forced". My sister is trying it now, she is level 16 and just wanna dungeons but she cant cause she havent finished the main scen quests thay unlock the dungeon  :(

  • Jamar870Jamar870 Member UncommonPosts: 573
    edited July 2018
    Like others have said, if you don't like questing then this game is not for you. It's a bit late to ask SE to remove questing from it, especially Main Story Quests. If your leanings are towards PvP then again this game is probably not for you. Compared to some other MMOs, it's PvP is limited.
  • dreamer05dreamer05 Member UncommonPosts: 679
    k61977 said:
    I am a little bit confused by this.  Final Fantasy is a story game has always been and always hopefully will be.  Quest are one way to tell a story, doesn't necessarily have to be done that way but is a great way to do it.  It is one of the best parts of this particular game for me at least. 

    Why does someone want to play a game that from the bottom up has been geared toward questing and story if that isn't your thing?  Why do people think every game has to be directed for their own wants and needs instead of what the devs set out to make?  First and foremost if you don't like questing there are many, many other games that don't force this type of game play, mostly grinders which are to me the worst type of game made unless it is a ARPG.   Secondly the quest are there for a couple reasons, one being to level up along a guided path, secondly to let the player know about the lore, third to give rewards for completing them.

    Overall if you do not enjoy questing I wouldn't suggest playing a game that is geared 100% toward questing like this one.  Without quest this game would be nothing but a boring grind fest.

    I have played almost every FF, and am a huge fan. However, saying that you should have to quest is just ignorant. I liked the little flash raids and dungeons. I love grouping, that's why I play MMOs. The forced questing means I have to solo these boring quests just to progress. I'd prefer to dungeon and other group content rather than quest.

    It's an MMO. I'm not trying to force it to my desires, but their design was unimaginative and lazy. They could have created other options for the rest of us.

    How much are these "story skipping" potions?
    pantaro[Deleted User]


    "God, please help us sinful children of Ivalice.."

  • pantaropantaro Member RarePosts: 515
    dreamer05 said:
    k61977 said:
    I am a little bit confused by this.  Final Fantasy is a story game has always been and always hopefully will be.  Quest are one way to tell a story, doesn't necessarily have to be done that way but is a great way to do it.  It is one of the best parts of this particular game for me at least. 

    Why does someone want to play a game that from the bottom up has been geared toward questing and story if that isn't your thing?  Why do people think every game has to be directed for their own wants and needs instead of what the devs set out to make?  First and foremost if you don't like questing there are many, many other games that don't force this type of game play, mostly grinders which are to me the worst type of game made unless it is a ARPG.   Secondly the quest are there for a couple reasons, one being to level up along a guided path, secondly to let the player know about the lore, third to give rewards for completing them.

    Overall if you do not enjoy questing I wouldn't suggest playing a game that is geared 100% toward questing like this one.  Without quest this game would be nothing but a boring grind fest.

    I have played almost every FF, and am a huge fan. However, saying that you should have to quest is just ignorant. I liked the little flash raids and dungeons. I love grouping, that's why I play MMOs. The forced questing means I have to solo these boring quests just to progress. I'd prefer to dungeon and other group content rather than quest.

    It's an MMO. I'm not trying to force it to my desires, but their design was unimaginative and lazy. They could have created other options for the rest of us.

    How much are these "story skipping" potions?
    thank you for saying what i wanted to say!
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,617
    As long as the quests are decent, I cannot see how you are being forced to do anything?
  • RazzornRazzorn Member UncommonPosts: 2
    dreamer05 said:

    I have played almost every FF, and am a huge fan. However, saying that you should have to quest is just ignorant. I liked the little flash raids and dungeons. I love grouping, that's why I play MMOs. The forced questing means I have to solo these boring quests just to progress. I'd prefer to dungeon and other group content rather than quest.

    It's an MMO. I'm not trying to force it to my desires, but their design was unimaginative and lazy. They could have created other options for the rest of us.

    How much are these "story skipping" potions?

    Sorry, but saying the design is unimaginative and lazy is just acting entitled.  It's absolutely ok to not like something.  That doesn't mean it's shit just because you don't enjoy it.

    SE wanted to make a story based MMO leaning heavily on story.  Your progression through the game is completely gated by you completing the main story quests(MSQ). Many dungeons are gated by completing the MSQ, or side story quests(some extremely large). Certain job abilities will require you to complete job quest lines to obtain.  Hardly anything in FFXIV is handed to you without some type of questline explanation as to why.  That's the game.  If you wanted a game where you can just grind to cap and then start raiding for loot never having once talked with an NPC, look elsewhere. 

    The "Skip" potions are here  The price is pretty high though, and the furthest it'll get you is to level 60 at the start of Stormblood content.  The devs said the price is purposely high so people won't go that route, but it's there for people crazy enough to throw cash at it.

    Price of a FFXIV:ARR+Heavensward Box + $25 Skip ARR+Heavensward content + $25 One job to level 60.  So basically, $50 on top of whatever your purchase price for FFXIV:ARR+Heavensward Box is.  Of course, you could just pay $25, and grind your way from 1-60.  Your choice.

  • WarlyxWarlyx Member EpicPosts: 3,375
    Dragnelus said:
    Astrologian, Scholar and white mage.

    And yes still "forced". My sister is trying it now, she is level 16 and just wanna dungeons but she cant cause she havent finished the main scen quests thay unlock the dungeon  :(

    it doesnt take that much to unlock the dungeons , plus u get free unlocks w/o story at some levels , hell the 1 dungeon is lvl 15 msq if im not mistaken , just clear MSQ as soon as u are able too (it give tons of XP and its the fast/main way to level anyway)
  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    Yes, and it's stupid.  Tying everything to the MSQ is one of the worst decisions they made.  That's not even the worst though, the absolute biggest offense was making the boring fetch quests from between expacs ALSO required. 

    Not a single one of those quests are worth a damn and you have hundreds to do between expacs. 
  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    k61977 said:
    I am a little bit confused by this.  Final Fantasy is a story game has always been and always hopefully will be.  Quest are one way to tell a story, doesn't necessarily have to be done that way but is a great way to do it.  It is one of the best parts of this particular game for me at least. 

    Why does someone want to play a game that from the bottom up has been geared toward questing and story if that isn't your thing?  Why do people think every game has to be directed for their own wants and needs instead of what the devs set out to make?  First and foremost if you don't like questing there are many, many other games that don't force this type of game play, mostly grinders which are to me the worst type of game made unless it is a ARPG.   Secondly the quest are there for a couple reasons, one being to level up along a guided path, secondly to let the player know about the lore, third to give rewards for completing them.

    Overall if you do not enjoy questing I wouldn't suggest playing a game that is geared 100% toward questing like this one.  Without quest this game would be nothing but a boring grind fest.

    Yeah, cause those quests between expacs are Oscar-worthy......
  • RazzornRazzorn Member UncommonPosts: 2
    Yes, and it's stupid.  Tying everything to the MSQ is one of the worst decisions they made.  That's not even the worst though, the absolute biggest offense was making the boring fetch quests from between expacs ALSO required. 

    Not a single one of those quests are worth a damn and you have hundreds to do between expacs. 
    It's just flavor.  There is light-hearted story that goes along with all of that.  You can certainly skip any cutscenes if you don't really care.  But yes, you still do have to travel to the locations and complete whatever objectives you have to do.  The big perk is the giant amount of XP you get for doing the MSQ. Saying you need to complete  "hundreds" of these types of quests is hyperbole though.

    Once again.  If you don't care about story and hate reading, you should probably stay away from this game.
  • DillingerEPDillingerEP Member UncommonPosts: 366
    I don't know why some people continue to whine about it. Some people want everything handed to them, or be able to do everything day 1... or both. Sorry you can't have your cake and eat it too. But hey if you don't like it that's completely fine, but don't go around throwing your opinions as fact. There is other MMO's to play that could be up to your standards..... it will be fine. There where still be a ton of people playing this so we won't miss ya :)
  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    edited July 2018
    Razzorn said:
    Yes, and it's stupid.  Tying everything to the MSQ is one of the worst decisions they made.  That's not even the worst though, the absolute biggest offense was making the boring fetch quests from between expacs ALSO required. 

    Not a single one of those quests are worth a damn and you have hundreds to do between expacs. 
    It's just flavor.  There is light-hearted story that goes along with all of that.  You can certainly skip any cutscenes if you don't really care.  But yes, you still do have to travel to the locations and complete whatever objectives you have to do.  The big perk is the giant amount of XP you get for doing the MSQ. Saying you need to complete  "hundreds" of these types of quests is hyperbole though.

    Once again.  If you don't care about story and hate reading, you should probably stay away from this game.

    So you have resorted to outright lies then? These are only the X.1-X.5 quests, doesn't include any of the "main" MSQ

    I read for pleasure, when the material is beyond a third grade level.  These are trash-tier fetch quests for the most part.  They only get interesting in the x.5 set because it's leading into the xpac.
  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    I don't know why some people continue to whine about it. Some people want everything handed to them, or be able to do everything day 1... or both. Sorry you can't have your cake and eat it too. But hey if you don't like it that's completely fine, but don't go around throwing your opinions as fact. There is other MMO's to play that could be up to your standards..... it will be fine. There where still be a ton of people playing this so we won't miss ya :)

    Because it's a boring slog and not at all necessary.  You could skip all the between xpac quests and never miss a beat.
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,101
    I don't know why some people continue to whine about it. Some people want everything handed to them, or be able to do everything day 1... or both. Sorry you can't have your cake and eat it too. But hey if you don't like it that's completely fine, but don't go around throwing your opinions as fact. There is other MMO's to play that could be up to your standards..... it will be fine. There where still be a ton of people playing this so we won't miss ya :)

    Because it's a boring slog and not at all necessary.  You could skip all the between xpac quests and never miss a beat.
    But it's a quest based game. That's what it is. There is no "forced to quest" as the title of the thread indicates. One buys a quest based game one should know the are going to do "quests."

    Just like someone buys a pvp game one is going to have pvp as part of the game play and therefore no "forced pvp."

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,617
    Razzorn said:
    Yes, and it's stupid.  Tying everything to the MSQ is one of the worst decisions they made.  That's not even the worst though, the absolute biggest offense was making the boring fetch quests from between expacs ALSO required. 

    Not a single one of those quests are worth a damn and you have hundreds to do between expacs. 
    It's just flavor.  There is light-hearted story that goes along with all of that.  You can certainly skip any cutscenes if you don't really care.  But yes, you still do have to travel to the locations and complete whatever objectives you have to do.  The big perk is the giant amount of XP you get for doing the MSQ. Saying you need to complete  "hundreds" of these types of quests is hyperbole though.

    Once again.  If you don't care about story and hate reading, you should probably stay away from this game.
    Welcome to the boards!

    It does seem that for some players there is only one way to make a MMO and any that try anything different get slated. FF and to a lesser extent the likes of SWTOR are story based, sorry you can't grind to top level in a few days. It seems to me one of the reasons for having such a system is to stop players doing just that.
  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    edited July 2018
    Sovrath said:
    I don't know why some people continue to whine about it. Some people want everything handed to them, or be able to do everything day 1... or both. Sorry you can't have your cake and eat it too. But hey if you don't like it that's completely fine, but don't go around throwing your opinions as fact. There is other MMO's to play that could be up to your standards..... it will be fine. There where still be a ton of people playing this so we won't miss ya :)

    Because it's a boring slog and not at all necessary.  You could skip all the between xpac quests and never miss a beat.
    But it's a quest based game. That's what it is. There is no "forced to quest" as the title of the thread indicates. One buys a quest based game one should know the are going to do "quests."

    Just like someone buys a pvp game one is going to have pvp as part of the game play and therefore no "forced pvp."

    ESO is probably the most Quest based game there is besides SWTOR.  Guess what?  They recognize that having every player go through an ever-increasing mountain of quests in order to do simple things like unlock dungeons and fast travel (airships, etc) is stupid.  How far will it go before you're willing to say it's too much?  1k quests?  2k?   

    It's easy to defend it when you've been playing since ARR launched and you only have to do the quests as they come out. 
  • GutlardGutlard Member RarePosts: 1,019
    Well, I tried logging into the game last night after taking forever to DL, but maybe it was a good thing I forgot my ID/PW, and the reminder email still hasn't show up 11 hours later!

    Gut Out!

    What, me worry?

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,101
    edited July 2018
    Sovrath said:
    I don't know why some people continue to whine about it. Some people want everything handed to them, or be able to do everything day 1... or both. Sorry you can't have your cake and eat it too. But hey if you don't like it that's completely fine, but don't go around throwing your opinions as fact. There is other MMO's to play that could be up to your standards..... it will be fine. There where still be a ton of people playing this so we won't miss ya :)

    Because it's a boring slog and not at all necessary.  You could skip all the between xpac quests and never miss a beat.
    But it's a quest based game. That's what it is. There is no "forced to quest" as the title of the thread indicates. One buys a quest based game one should know the are going to do "quests."

    Just like someone buys a pvp game one is going to have pvp as part of the game play and therefore no "forced pvp."

    ESO is probably the most Quest based game there is besides SWTOR.  Guess what?  They recognize that having every player go through an ever-increasing mountain of quests in order to do simple things like unlock dungeons and fast travel (airships, etc) is stupid.  How far will it go before you're willing to say it's too much?  1k quests?  2k?   

    It's easy to defend it when you've been playing since ARR launched and you only have to do the quests as they come out. 
    Well, that's certainly an opinion.

    I should also add that these games don't have to be similar. If a game wants you to do a quest in order to open up a travel place then so be it.

    Lineage 2 had extremely involved quests in order to advance your class to "the next level" once a certain point was reached.

    Personally I think Elder Scrolls Online has too many quests. But there are people who love them and they call it content. I go in knowing that and don't generally "complain" though if it comes up I'm willing to talk about it.

    To each his/her own I suppose.
    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686
    Ff14 to me is a linear based content game...  i dont mind that...
    just follow the breadcrumbs and prepare to be amazed and entertained..
    its so much better entertainment then any movie out there..

    no need for cutting my own path..
    just follow the roads...

    if i wanted to cut my own roads, i would not be playing an MMO at all...

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

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