I played FFIV on and off for quite a bit when it first got revamped. Not sure what level I got to, but my biggest issue was all of the forced questing to unlock content. I've always hated questing, especially just for the sake of it. Strange as a huge mmo fan I know. However, I hated especially that you had to quest to unlock new classes.
What does questing and new content look like? I always liked the way they did grouping, and I enjoyed the white mage. Is it still pretty much just play all classes on one character? Which classes can main heal?

"God, please help us sinful children of Ivalice.."
Or you can pay your way through most of it in the shop, but it's pretty expensive.
You play it for the story/lore first, everything else second.
Same thing with SWTOR, except I feel SWTOR is better in its story because -everything- is voice acted, and it honestly feels like KOTOR3 if you take out the MMO elements.
Bur regardless, if you don't care about story, you're really looking at the wrong game.
And yes still "forced". My sister is trying it now, she is level 16 and just wanna dungeons but she cant cause she havent finished the main scen quests thay unlock the dungeon
"God, please help us sinful children of Ivalice.."
Sorry, but saying the design is unimaginative and lazy is just acting entitled. It's absolutely ok to not like something. That doesn't mean it's shit just because you don't enjoy it.
SE wanted to make a story based MMO leaning heavily on story. Your progression through the game is completely gated by you completing the main story quests(MSQ). Many dungeons are gated by completing the MSQ, or side story quests(some extremely large). Certain job abilities will require you to complete job quest lines to obtain. Hardly anything in FFXIV is handed to you without some type of questline explanation as to why. That's the game. If you wanted a game where you can just grind to cap and then start raiding for loot never having once talked with an NPC, look elsewhere.
The "Skip" potions are here https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/tales_of_adventure/#job. The price is pretty high though, and the furthest it'll get you is to level 60 at the start of Stormblood content. The devs said the price is purposely high so people won't go that route, but it's there for people crazy enough to throw cash at it.
Price of a FFXIV:ARR+Heavensward Box + $25 Skip ARR+Heavensward content + $25 One job to level 60. So basically, $50 on top of whatever your purchase price for FFXIV:ARR+Heavensward Box is. Of course, you could just pay $25, and grind your way from 1-60. Your choice.
Not a single one of those quests are worth a damn and you have hundreds to do between expacs.
Yeah, cause those quests between expacs are Oscar-worthy......
Once again. If you don't care about story and hate reading, you should probably stay away from this game.
So you have resorted to outright lies then? These are only the X.1-X.5 quests, doesn't include any of the "main" MSQ
I read for pleasure, when the material is beyond a third grade level. These are trash-tier fetch quests for the most part. They only get interesting in the x.5 set because it's leading into the xpac.
Because it's a boring slog and not at all necessary. You could skip all the between xpac quests and never miss a beat.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
It does seem that for some players there is only one way to make a MMO and any that try anything different get slated. FF and to a lesser extent the likes of SWTOR are story based, sorry you can't grind to top level in a few days. It seems to me one of the reasons for having such a system is to stop players doing just that.
ESO is probably the most Quest based game there is besides SWTOR. Guess what? They recognize that having every player go through an ever-increasing mountain of quests in order to do simple things like unlock dungeons and fast travel (airships, etc) is stupid. How far will it go before you're willing to say it's too much? 1k quests? 2k?
It's easy to defend it when you've been playing since ARR launched and you only have to do the quests as they come out.
Gut Out!
What, me worry?
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
just follow the breadcrumbs and prepare to be amazed and entertained..
its so much better entertainment then any movie out there..
no need for cutting my own path..
just follow the roads...
if i wanted to cut my own roads, i would not be playing an MMO at all...
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)