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How I Feel About Star Citizen At This Point



  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,069
    Babuinix said:
    Babuinix said:
    Eldurian said:
    Thankfully Star Citizen has 2 big things going for it.

    1. It has almost no competition from AAA MMOs currently in development because the only thing we are getting on AAA MMOs currently in development is rumors.

    2. As graphics improve it takes longer, and longer, and longer for me to feel like an older game is "outdated". The tech being used in Star Citizen is so cutting edge I question if it will ever feel outdated to me.

    Given these two factors I'm content to say "It will get here when it gets here."
    That Pic is outdated, it's from 2.5 I believe, with 3.0 and beyond lightning and character faces have improved exponentially!

    I keep seeing all these pics with incredible detail and resolution.  Does anyone believe that this will be how things actually look in-game?  That a modern desktop is capable of running something like this in-motion with dozens of other players on the screen?  It doesn't make sense.
    Those are all taken ingame by random players with the Cinematic camera mode.
    You can watch it from backers who use it at it's fullest like Hasgaha or XenthorX

    Pretty pictures from a non working game only goes so far.  How much further along could the be if they weren't so fixated on so many things other than gameplay and content
  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    And this is the new version of reality. It will be done when it's done. Deadlines no longer matter to the faithful. It takes as long as it takes. After all, when it is completed, it will be one of the best game ever devised by anyone in history. How could it not be? It is in the top five most funded games of all time, and without a AAA publisher, that money is worth 4 times that.

    "As much time as it takes," is the new mantra after so many failures to make the mark.
    "It will be done when it's done" is not a "new mantra". That was and is my position for years now - openly posted here many times before. 

    Deadlines never mattered to many of the backers. Better to have a great game than to launch an incomplete, badly tested game before an arbitrary deadline dictated by the timing of the next quarterly  ROI report for the investors. "It's done when it's done" is a sentiment shared by many backers I know. 

    Have fun
  • hfztthfztt Member RarePosts: 1,401
    Erillion said:
    "It will be done when it's done" is not a "new mantra". That was and is my position for years now - openly posted here many times before. 

    You did. You did.

    That said, you argued a half year ago that you believed release dates for both SQ42 and SC to be in 2018.

    I find that a bit dubious of you to champion both stances, as that just helps sucker more people, who might NOT share the first sentiment, to buy into SC now based on the second sentiment. 
  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    You find it dubious that a fan wishes a game to launch soon ? But wishes even more that it will be awesome, even if that means it will take longer. 

    Have fun
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    edited July 2018
    Eldurian said:
    I keep seeing all these pics with incredible detail and resolution.  Does anyone believe that this will be how things actually look in-game?  That a modern desktop is capable of running something like this in-motion with dozens of other players on the screen?  It doesn't make sense.
    This comment in a nutshell capsulizes how ignorant the SC anti-fanboys. I didn't even need to read his response to know that many of these pictures are taken by people in-game. They have delivered substantially more than most anti-fanboys seem to be aware of.
    And somewhere between fanboy and anti-fanboy lies a lot of healthy skepticism about the management of the project.  Land ownership wasn't a stretch goal, it was feature creep introduced to sell more stuff to backers.  There's no way you can read that stretch goal I posted and think it implies a land deed system.  That was added by CIG to monetize.

    For a game with over 100 stretch goals already, adding more shit like that is ludicrous.  That's not a small system to add.  In fact, it's given pretty much every MMORPG that's ever implemented it fits.  Yet, it was added here outta the blue and immediately served up for cash to backers through land deeds.

  • peanutabcpeanutabc Member UncommonPosts: 178
    5 years still no signs of a game.

    just empty world and empty promises.

  • rpmcmurphyrpmcmurphy Member EpicPosts: 3,502
    Chris explains all

  • kikoodutroa8kikoodutroa8 Member RarePosts: 565
    The positive thing about SC, as any fan will tell you, is that there are plenty of other games to play while sending money to CIG.
  • BabuinixBabuinix Member EpicPosts: 4,502
    The positive of SC is that we get to follow the making of a groundbreaking game (well 2 actualy) from the very beggining, play the earlier builds, provide feedback and laugh at the haters and doomsayers salty tears who keep saying it's not doable or it's gona crash for the past 4 years...

    90 days top ELE crew getting more and more desperate that they've gone full highschooler lvl's of trolling lol

    So sad...and the beauty of it is that it's only gona get better  B)
  • rpmcmurphyrpmcmurphy Member EpicPosts: 3,502
    edited July 2018
    Babuinix said:
    The positive of SC is that we get to follow the making of a groundbreaking game (well 2 actualy) from the very beggining, play the earlier builds, provide feedback 
    So just like any old kickstarter then :)

    Babuinix said:
     and laugh at the haters and doomsayers salty tears who keep saying it's not doable or it's gona crash for the past 4 years...
    While they laugh at the whiteknights defending $27,000 ship packs, missed dates, missed features, bailing staff and a shitty basic game that's sucking down money like nothing else...

    Babuinix said:
    ...getting more and more desperate that they've gone full highschooler lvl's of trolling lol

    Oh the irony :)

    Babuinix said:
    So sad...and the beauty of it is that it's only gona get better  B)
    Well it would be pretty damn stupid if it didn't get better.
  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    edited July 2018
    The hate shall always flow strong, years and years of hate, millions and billions of posts of hate.

    Meanwhile, SC continues to get better and more complete with every update it has been getting this year, with a major important one coming right next now that 3.2 is released. For the minority here who actually cares about the actual game.

    Better times for the SC fans this year, the SC haters will have to contend with beaten dead horses, memes and bug compilation videos, it's the circle of SC forum-drama-llama will never end.
  • PhaserlightPhaserlight Member EpicPosts: 3,079
    edited July 2018
    What I'd like to see is the answer to a question asked near the end of the first video I linked: 'if you have players dropping $27k to unlock everything in the game, honestly what's the point in playing?'

    By playing of course I mean playing the game, not playing keep up with the wallet warriors.
    Post edited by Phaserlight on

    "The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
    Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance

  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    edited July 2018
    By playing of course I mean playing the damn game, not playing keep up with the wallet warriors.
    What's the point of playing a game after it released if you won't be able to "keep up" with the ones who played since it released?!

    What's the point in playing a game where other people can play +10 hours a day while you can just play 5h a day and won't be able to "keep up" with them?

    What's the point in playing a game where you are playing solo while others are playing in large guilds and you won't ever be able to "keep up" with them?

    Because SC is not a sandboxy space sim MMO, it is a race to end-game instead. 
  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    edited July 2018
    What I'd like to hear from the "fans" is their answer *** snip ***
    The point is to ...

    Have fun
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    Babuinix said:
    The positive of SC is that we get to follow the making of a groundbreaking game (well 2 actualy) from the very beggining, play the earlier builds, provide feedback and laugh at the haters and doomsayers salty tears who keep saying it's not doable or it's gona crash for the past 4 years...

    90 days top ELE crew getting more and more desperate that they've gone full highschooler lvl's of trolling lol

    So sad...and the beauty of it is that it's only gona get better  B)
    How is it any sadder than creating a forum account on solely to troll skeptics and try and promote a game you backed?

  • BabuinixBabuinix Member EpicPosts: 4,502
    edited July 2018
    Babuinix said:
    The positive of SC is that we get to follow the making of a groundbreaking game (well 2 actualy) from the very beggining, play the earlier builds, provide feedback and laugh at the haters and doomsayers salty tears who keep saying it's not doable or it's gona crash for the past 4 years...

    90 days top ELE crew getting more and more desperate that they've gone full highschooler lvl's of trolling lol

    So sad...and the beauty of it is that it's only gona get better  B)
    How is it any sadder than creating a forum account on solely to troll skeptics and try and promote a game you backed?
    Haha that's a good one but I joined this forum back  in 2007 btw and I dont troll skeptics. I simply expose their misconceptions, lies and drama antics with good spirit :D
  • PhaserlightPhaserlight Member EpicPosts: 3,079
    MaxBacon said:
    By playing of course I mean playing the damn game, not playing keep up with the wallet warriors.
    What's the point of playing a game after it released if you won't be able to "keep up" with the ones who played since it released?!

    What's the point in playing a game where other people can play +10 hours a day while you can just play 5h a day and won't be able to "keep up" with them?

    What's the point in playing a game where you are playing solo while others are playing in large guilds and you won't ever be able to "keep up" with them?

    Because SC is not a sandboxy space sim MMO, it is a race to end-game instead. 
    The difference is that you are not allowed to spend $5 in a game of chess to promote a pawn to a queen. I don't resent losing to someone who has spent thousands of hours to study things like the Najdorf defense. I do resent pulling out a strategy like the Najdorf defense and losing to someone who pays $5 to promote a pawn to queen.

    Playing in a sandbox against someone who has spent $27,000 on a Legatus fleet is still playing against someone who has spent $27,000 for an advantage. It also goes without saying that the sandbox nature of Star Citizen remains to be seen in detail, if it even ever emerges at all.

    "The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
    Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance

  • XarkoXarko Member EpicPosts: 1,180
    Im gonna start fanboing SC and farm those LOLs.
  • mgilbrtsnmgilbrtsn Member EpicPosts: 3,430
    I don't feel one way or another.  It's a back burner for me and I only check in every now and again.  It's like long term investments.  It's best not to watch their daily fluctuations (I know it's not an investment)

    I self identify as a monkey.

  • CoticCotic Member UncommonPosts: 268
    What I'd like to see is the answer to a question asked near the end of the first video I linked: 'if you have players dropping $27k to unlock everything in the game, honestly what's the point in playing?'

    By playing of course I mean playing the game, not playing keep up with the wallet warriors.
    A good question.

    All too often gamers blast through content in their desire to reach endgame and end up regretting it. All too often gamers take advantage of get rich quick schemes and end up resenting it because they lose that sense of progression and challenge aka pride and accomplishment :wink:
    Bad enough if it is done by in-game means, imagine doing it with $5k, $10k, $27k on the table.
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    Babuinix said:
    Babuinix said:
    The positive of SC is that we get to follow the making of a groundbreaking game (well 2 actualy) from the very beggining, play the earlier builds, provide feedback and laugh at the haters and doomsayers salty tears who keep saying it's not doable or it's gona crash for the past 4 years...

    90 days top ELE crew getting more and more desperate that they've gone full highschooler lvl's of trolling lol

    So sad...and the beauty of it is that it's only gona get better  B)
    How is it any sadder than creating a forum account on solely to troll skeptics and try and promote a game you backed?
    Haha that's a good one but I joined this forum back  in 2007 btw and I dont troll skeptics. I simply expose their misconceptions, lies and drama antics with good spirit :D
    Those I see who are skeptical (or even qualify as haters) of the project post about other topics, they aren't here for one purpose.

    You may have joined prior to the SC Kickstarter, but you've been hyper-focused on one thing ever since the project started, man: promoting a game project you backed, and condescension whenever and wherever you see skepticism about said project.

  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    edited July 2018
    The difference is that you are not allowed to spend $5 in a game of chess to promote a pawn to a queen. I don't resent losing to someone who has spent thousands of hours to study things like the Najdorf defense. I do resent pulling out a strategy like the Najdorf defense and losing to someone who pays $5 to promote a pawn to queen.

    Playing in a sandbox against someone who has spent $27,000 on a Legatus fleet is still playing against someone who has spent $27,000 for an advantage. It also goes without saying that the sandbox nature of Star Citizen remains to be seen in detail, if it even ever emerges at all.
    It doesn't matter much, the end result is the same, if you join one MMO after it released for a while where the reality is PvPvE like SC, then you can forget about "keeping up" (like you starting today playing EvE), you should focus on your own gameplay and that's it. This desire to be "full equality to everyone else" in one MMO is just wishful thinking, paying or not paying, when you are in disadvantage you are in disadvantage, it's about playing smartly on a game where balance is risk vs reward, and higher reward adds the competitive risk of PvP.
  • PhaserlightPhaserlight Member EpicPosts: 3,079
    MaxBacon said:
    The difference is that you are not allowed to spend $5 in a game of chess to promote a pawn to a queen. I don't resent losing to someone who has spent thousands of hours to study things like the Najdorf defense. I do resent pulling out a strategy like the Najdorf defense and losing to someone who pays $5 to promote a pawn to queen.

    Playing in a sandbox against someone who has spent $27,000 on a Legatus fleet is still playing against someone who has spent $27,000 for an advantage. It also goes without saying that the sandbox nature of Star Citizen remains to be seen in detail, if it even ever emerges at all.
    It doesn't matter much, the end result is the same, if you join one MMO after it released for a while where the reality is PvPvE like SC, then you can forget about "keeping up" (like you starting today playing EvE), you should focus on your own gameplay and that's it. This desire to be "full equality to everyone else" in one MMO is just wishful thinking, paying or not paying, when you are in disadvantage you are in disadvantage, it's about playing smartly on a game where balance is risk vs reward, and higher reward adds the competitive risk of PvP, that's how it goes.
    It's not at all the same; I can only surmise your MMO gameplay experiences have been limited to vertical progression with "pay-to-win" mechanics.

    This is completely different from a game with horizontal progression where player skill matters, and you can't buy power with real-life currency.

    Discussing where Star Citizen falls along this spectrum is still (hilariously) theory crafting, because we won't really know until they release the game.  However, CIG launching campaigns such as a $27k "Legatus" kit have caused some such as YongYea to conclude "stay as far away as humanly possible".  I can't help but wonder if he's right, recalling the parable of boiling frogs.

    "The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
    Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance

  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    edited July 2018
    It's not at all the same; I can only surmise your MMO gameplay experiences have been limited to vertical progression with "pay-to-win" mechanics.

    This is completely different from a game with horizontal progression where player skill matters, and you can't buy power with real-life currency.

    Discussing where Star Citizen falls along this spectrum is still (hilariously) theory crafting, because we won't really know until they release the game.  However, CIG launching campaigns such as a $27k "Legatus" kit have caused some such as YongYea to conclude "stay as far away as humanly possible".  I can't help but wonder if he's right, recalling the parable of boiling frogs.
    One open world MMO with PvEvP mixed will never equal to that balance of say a game of chess even without the ability to put up money on the game.

    You gave the example of someone paying to promote a pawn to queen, I'll counter that example: Simply by playing more time than you, could have done 3 or 4 turns before you came back to the game again, simply playing for longer than you game me the advantage over you without the having to pay, the end result is the same for you. For several different reasons there is no real balance on this type of open world pvp because people will always be at different stages of progression; to me I'm more the strategy type on a game like this and I don't worry about blaming X or Y either that player(s) earned that ship or bought that ship(s), I worry to strategize and adapt to the situations I end up on.

    And exactly why I think guild-play will be a core pillar of SC and will add a lot of more variables to this, I don't think this will be any solo-type of game when its main competitive aspect is to be minded.
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    MaxBacon said:
    It's not at all the same; I can only surmise your MMO gameplay experiences have been limited to vertical progression with "pay-to-win" mechanics.

    This is completely different from a game with horizontal progression where player skill matters, and you can't buy power with real-life currency.

    Discussing where Star Citizen falls along this spectrum is still (hilariously) theory crafting, because we won't really know until they release the game.  However, CIG launching campaigns such as a $27k "Legatus" kit have caused some such as YongYea to conclude "stay as far away as humanly possible".  I can't help but wonder if he's right, recalling the parable of boiling frogs.
    One open world MMO with PvEvP mixed will never equal to that balance of say a game of chess even without the ability to put up money on the game.

    You gave the example of someone paying to promote a pawn to queen, I'll counter that example: Simply by playing more time than you, could have done 3 or 4 turns before you came back to the game again, simply playing for longer than you game me the advantage over you without the having to pay, the end result is the same for you. For several different reasons there is no real balance on this type of open world pvp because people will always be at different stages of progression; to me I'm more the strategy type on a game like this and I don't worry about blaming X or Y either that player(s) earned that ship or bought that ship(s), I worry to strategize and adapt to the situations I end up on.

    And exactly why I think guild-play will be a core pillar of SC and will add a lot of more variables to this, I don't think this will be any solo-type of game when its main competitive aspect is to be minded.
    Difference being one is an expenditure of a resource equally given to everyone (everyone gets 24 hours a day), money is not.

This discussion has been closed.