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Star Citizen - New $27,000 Pack



  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    I can't wait for CIG's apology video from their newly purchased yacht to all who backed the game when it fails.
  • RenoakuRenoaku Member EpicPosts: 3,157
    edited May 2018
    $27k package when is the game even going to be released?
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    Nice , ill take 3
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,257
    Not sure how well the game will turn out but likely marketing experts, monetization managers and psychologists will be studying the funding of SC for years to come.

    But hey, COE got people to throw in up to $20K for just the promise of being a king, with no actual game anywhere in sight.

    SpottyGekko[Deleted User]ArglebargleLackingMMO

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    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

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  • SpottyGekkoSpottyGekko Member EpicPosts: 6,916
    I doubt CIG will be selling these like hotcakes, but nowadays, anything seems to be possible !

    The genie's out of the bottle, and it's never going back in...
  • Asm0deusAsm0deus Member EpicPosts: 4,643
    And people think they will run out of money to make the game.....


    Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.

  • TsiyaTsiya Member UncommonPosts: 280
    I just payed $53,000 to start a business on franchise fees alone. I don't know why I'm saying it, but i guess for half what I put down, I could get everything in a game that has a very high likelihood of failure. Just like a small business. 

    Best of luck Cryo!


  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    Asm0deus said:
    And people think they will run out of money to make the game.....

    I chuckled aloud.

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    I don't get it, is this game only for the wealthy in real life?  I mean hey if that's what their going for that's fine do your thing, but I haven't seen nearly enough to want to give them 60 for the game.  I think i'm missing something.
    Reading interviews on people who spent tens of thousands of dollars on this game they were mostly middle class or upper middle class.  One guy worked a second job for the money.  Another had some extra bonus money to spend.  Still another guy got together with his fellow employees who pooled their money to buy for their corp.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • NildenNilden Member EpicPosts: 3,916
    I doubt CIG will be selling these like hotcakes, but nowadays, anything seems to be possible !

    The genie's out of the bottle, and it's never going back in...
    Million dollar golden Super Star Destroyer with monthly payment options.

    "You CAN'T buy ships for RL money." - MaxBacon

    "classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon

    Love Minecraft. And check out my Youtube channel OhCanadaGamer

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  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198
    No excuse really. They've made more than enough money to finish a game, we've had triple A studios that have made games with less.  

    I've been a whale before, it's not worth it. Seems great now, but when the game shuts down and all the real money has dried up after it gets stale, those dropping this kind of money won't feel anything but cheated.  These virtual items are meaningless in the grand scheme of things.  I feel bad for those with more money than sense.

  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    No excuse really. They've made more than enough money to finish a game, we've had triple A studios that have made games with less.  

    I've been a whale before, it's not worth it. Seems great now, but when the game shuts down and all the real money has dried up after it gets stale, those dropping this kind of money won't feel anything but cheated.  These virtual items are meaningless in the grand scheme of things.  I feel bad for those with more money than sense.
    They're not making a game though, remember?

    They're saving all that is gaming.

  • BabuinixBabuinix Member EpicPosts: 4,502
    edited May 2018
    I feel bad for those who are so greed of envy that people can spend such amounts on their hobbies that they resort to pretending to care about how other people spend their money. :D

    Randoms should be thankful that people are funding 2 (not 1) unprecedented and ambitious games for as low as 20$ for them instead they complain lol

    A lot of gamers want this to be made and have no problem putting their $$$upport  since 2012, there's always been people complaining because that's the easiest path I guess, haters gona hate but in reality they are dying to play a game like this lol

    Have you ever wondered why, after all these years, nothing close as released?

    EA where's our Star Wars space epic opera or Online Universe battles?
    Bioware what have you done to Mass Effect?
    Blizzard where's StarCraft Online?
    RockStar where's our GTA in Space?
    Ubisoft where's Beyond Good  & Evil 2?

    If it was easy some company would have been done by now to cash in on the space whales, just like Epic's Fortnite cashed in on PUBG's battleroyall success. Yeah haters gona hate but they will still play Star Citizen in the end of it lol
  • PhaserlightPhaserlight Member EpicPosts: 3,079
    *sigh* Oh great another cockamamie hate thread about Star Citi ...... 27,000 motherfucking dollars!!?? WHAT THE FUCK!!!???

    Like this is news?  They've been selling a $2,500 single digital asset off and on since 2014.  How long have they had the $15,000 completionist package available?

    No surprise, here.
    Babuinix[Deleted User]

    "The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
    Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance

  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    Thankful?  Arrogant.

    When the game is feature and content complete, we'll judge it on its merits.

    Regardless, $27k to lease pixels (Remember, you don't actually own any of these ships.  CIG can change them in any way they like, and if CIG decides to shut down shop, they're gone with it) is hilariously silly.

  • hyllyhhyllyh Member UncommonPosts: 477
    just shocked, i'll comment later...
  • BabuinixBabuinix Member EpicPosts: 4,502
    Thankful?  Arrogant.

    When the game is feature and content complete, we'll judge it on its merits.

    Regardless, $27k to lease pixels (Remember, you don't actually own any of these ships.  CIG can change them in any way they like, and if CIG decides to shut down shop, they're gone with it) is hilariously silly.
    Doesn't matter, they could spend 2k's on gifts, food and beverages for the staff (and many do) and it's none of your business. What people choose to do with their money is their problem alone. How many spend 27k a night in Vegas gambling, hookers, blow and champagne and wake up remembering nothing the next morning lol, are you going to pretend about them too? 

    Now if you say "but it's a game that I'm interested in and seeing people spend money upfront makes uncomfortable because It might hinder my possible future enjoyment from it" that's another story altogether...

    I'm glad that they are even trying what they are trying, no holds barred. I don't care about whales "getting ahead and ruining my fun" because I'm already having fun play-testing and watching the game progress year by year. I'm enjoying the ride thoroughly.

    Spend 27$k on Star Citizen, FIFA Cards, Clash of Clans or WoW Accounts/Gold why should anyone pretend to care about other's money when it's none of their business in the first place?
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    edited May 2018
    Babuinix said:
    Thankful?  Arrogant.

    When the game is feature and content complete, we'll judge it on its merits.

    Regardless, $27k to lease pixels (Remember, you don't actually own any of these ships.  CIG can change them in any way they like, and if CIG decides to shut down shop, they're gone with it) is hilariously silly.
    Doesn't matter, they could spend 2k's on gifts, food and beverages for the staff (and many do) and it's none of your business. What people choose to do with their money is their problem alone. How many spend 27k a night in Vegas gambling, hookers, blow and champagne and wake up remembering nothing the next morning lol, are you going to pretend about them too? 

    Now if you say "but it's a game that I'm interested in and seeing people spend money upfront makes uncomfortable because It might hinder my possible future enjoyment from it" that's another story altogether...

    I'm glad that they are even trying what they are trying, no holds barred. I don't care about whales "getting ahead and ruining my fun" because I'm already having fun play-testing and watching the game progress year by year. I'm enjoying the ride thoroughly.

    Spend 27$k on Star Citizen, FIFA Cards, Clash of Clans or WoW Accounts/Gold why should anyone pretend to care about other's money when it's none of their business in the first place?
    They can spend it on whatever they like.  And I can make a judgement on the wisdom of their spending based upon what they get for the cash and the other relative things they could've purchased with the same money.  It's not like we don't all make judgments on relative value of items purchased by others every day of our lives.  We do.  It's sort of like folks that say "don't judge others."  I do get the idea behind these statements, but we judge others every day and we do it subconsciously and we do it because we're wired to.

    Now, I'll agree that we all judge differently due to different perspectives, but I always assume a post like this is spoken from the poster's perspective.

    And really Bab, that third paragraph; I can't disagree or hate on that.  I want innovation as much as the next guy.  My reservations and critique of things like a $27k ship isn't unique to this title.  I judge the packages in games like SotA the same way.  It's more of a critique of the beast crowdfunding has become than a specific critique of any one game.

  • sgelsgel Member EpicPosts: 2,197
    Yeah, stop being jealous of people who can afford to pay 27.000$ to save PC gaming you "randoms".


  • CryomatrixCryomatrix Member EpicPosts: 3,223
    So I was talking to a helicopter pilot two days ago. He used to fly privately for a billionaire. He told me that the guy would complain about wasting money on $20 for pillow covers on the helicopter or private jet, but would put down 50k on a deposit for a vacation and then change his mind on a whim. That's 50k for an option for vacation, but for pillow covers, oh hell no. 

    It's like me. I am so cheap that I will skip meals if I have to pay for them (luckily where I work the food is free) if it wasn't, I'd probably skip meals. But then again, I bought a luxury car. We all do crazy things with money and their perceived value. The psychology of what we spend money on and what we don't is hilarious. 

    The person who blows $27k on pixels if they can afford it without putting themselves or their family in financial jeopardy then who cares, if they are blowing money earmarked for rent, well that's a problem. The line is drawn based on the repercussions. 

    Catch me streaming at
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  • BeansnBreadBeansnBread Member EpicPosts: 7,254
    So I was talking to a helicopter pilot two days ago. He used to fly privately for a billionaire. He told me that the guy would complain about wasting money on $20 for pillow covers on the helicopter or private jet, but would put down 50k on a deposit for a vacation and then change his mind on a whim. That's 50k for an option for vacation, but for pillow covers, oh hell no. 

    It's like me. I am so cheap that I will skip meals if I have to pay for them (luckily where I work the food is free) if it wasn't, I'd probably skip meals. But then again, I bought a luxury car. We all do crazy things with money and their perceived value. The psychology of what we spend money on and what we don't is hilarious. 

    The person who blows $27k on pixels if they can afford it without putting themselves or their family in financial jeopardy then who cares, if they are blowing money earmarked for rent, well that's a problem. The line is drawn based on the repercussions. 

    It's not about the guy that actually spends the money. It's about the P2W scheme of the company that provides the guy the option.
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    So I was talking to a helicopter pilot two days ago. He used to fly privately for a billionaire. He told me that the guy would complain about wasting money on $20 for pillow covers on the helicopter or private jet, but would put down 50k on a deposit for a vacation and then change his mind on a whim. That's 50k for an option for vacation, but for pillow covers, oh hell no. 

    It's like me. I am so cheap that I will skip meals if I have to pay for them (luckily where I work the food is free) if it wasn't, I'd probably skip meals. But then again, I bought a luxury car. We all do crazy things with money and their perceived value. The psychology of what we spend money on and what we don't is hilarious. 

    The person who blows $27k on pixels if they can afford it without putting themselves or their family in financial jeopardy then who cares, if they are blowing money earmarked for rent, well that's a problem. The line is drawn based on the repercussions. 

    I've noticed that about rich people also, old money rich people, they will penny pinch to conserve and spend lots on things they really like.  It's a good idea because it's so easy to bleed money on all kinds of things unless you audit your finances and weed out stuff you don't really need on a regular basis.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198
    Babuinix said:
    I feel bad for those who are so greed of envy that people can spend such amounts on their hobbies that they resort to pretending to care about how other people spend their money. :D

    Randoms should be thankful that people are funding 2 (not 1) unprecedented and ambitious games for as low as 20$ for them instead they complain lol

    A lot of gamers want this to be made and have no problem putting their $$$upport  since 2012, there's always been people complaining because that's the easiest path I guess, haters gona hate but in reality they are dying to play a game like this lol

    Have you ever wondered why, after all these years, nothing close as released?

    EA where's our Star Wars space epic opera or Online Universe battles?
    Bioware what have you done to Mass Effect?
    Blizzard where's StarCraft Online?
    RockStar where's our GTA in Space?
    Ubisoft where's Beyond Good  & Evil 2?

    If it was easy some company would have been done by now to cash in on the space whales, just like Epic's Fortnite cashed in on PUBG's battleroyall success. Yeah haters gona hate but they will still play Star Citizen in the end of it lol
    As someone who has spent thousands in games before, no it's not jealousy, you just learn.  In the end none of that money means anything, it's temporary bragging rights, which only turns into foolishness when the game shuts down.

  • IceDarkIceDark Member UncommonPosts: 207
    MaxBacon said:
    Kyleran said:
    I  would, I need some rich friends I can sponge from.


    I had a friend that just sees a videogame and SPENDS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLY can, he got the max package for SC then, the 15k, he spent even more on World of Tanks, he is just unstoppable with money spending on games.

    The moment he buys a 1.5k bundle on an online game time ago and he got bored after playing a few days I just poker'face. 

    I even tried to talk him out of why even spending 15k out of sudden he got offended (consider he had not even played before he bought that lol) , there are quite a few people out there like that, they have the money and they don't really think twice.

    Hence why the offer exists.

    AND I don't complain because when my PC broke down he gave me 700$ to buy a new one :D
    Well , is an easy answer as to why he's doing that : He got to much money andso , he doesn't care, which in the end is doing more bad then good. 

    He got offended for trying to know why he spends so much money on things he basically, don't really care. That's an attitude of a .. frustrated guy.

    I know, I know ................ to each his own, but , we are discussing so .. yeah!

    About the awesome latest pack pixels , well .. it seems they already took that page down. And if is true, that wanting The Legatus Pack, you specifically need to contact them in order to buy it, then it seems that .. this particular Pack , is targeted to people like your friend , "high , respected buyers". So why not contact him and tell him about this super Pack?

    All in all , now if someone is telling me that this is no where near P2W or very , very unusual for a game to ask this much , then you are a blind fan(atic).
    The Ice is dark and full of terror.
  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    I don't get it, is this game only for the wealthy in real life?  I mean hey if that's what their going for that's fine do your thing, but I haven't seen nearly enough to want to give them 60 for the game.  I think i'm missing something.
    Reading interviews on people who spent tens of thousands of dollars on this game they were mostly middle class or upper middle class.  One guy worked a second job for the money.  Another had some extra bonus money to spend.  Still another guy got together with his fellow employees who pooled their money to buy for their corp.
    The fact that one guy talked to other people about it and they collectively decided to do it is even more disturbing to me than the more understandable single individual doing it quietly behind his spouse/children/parent's back :)
    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

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    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

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