I don't think quests should exist in MMO's, unless they're generated, generic or coherent with virtuality (like collecting bricks to rebuild a wall of a fort). I hated quests in anarchy online, but now that i experienced how WoW-like story-centred quests can suck the content off a MMO like a parasite, and suck your activity, i hate them way more than AO quests, i've been hating them since about 2005.
So, in this MMO made by what will always be to me a genius (the inventor of MMO's), can i be free to play with the virtual world as a whole, to roam free to understand the persistancy again, to be able to interact with everything and understand it with my own damn mind, instead of having to obey to fricking npc's telling me what to do?
did you just send me off to play a game most players left and hope it gets shut down?
and i'm seeing here, that is meant for mobile??!?
but seriously, like everyone, i think i have the right to play a present-gen MMO.
But what i wanted here was a confrontation with players who prefer being incapsulated inside a quests-system of errands, selfish, limited to their enclave of buddies, instead of interacting with a virtual, believable world and its hundreds of thousands of people!
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ah. Some air. Ha *breathes*
will keep an eye on.
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It likely sounds dull to most people but I am with you. . I would rather have to go get bricks to finish a wall (if the wall actually had purpose), and have to fight my way there and back, then to talk to an NPC about his life story where I am the "hero" along with everyone else doing the same mission. WoW tried to address this with phasing but it still doesn't work well for me.
I also loved open world PvP rather than battlefields etc. It needs to be organic and generated in a more non predictable way.
I think that Rifts tried to do this with Rifts. I did like that more. Nothing worse than killing 10 rats. The first time I did that in context in The Realm it made sense. It is almost like Rat killing is now a necessity for an MMO to be taken seriously
UO had the right plan with the monsters having goals, stomachs, hunger etc. but that never worked because people killed the things too fast.
The only way for that to work would be to have a world that was to scale with the number of players. That would be insane and people could complain about travel etc. Also. . it would need a Dungeon Finder
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
So, to really be able to not do quests in SOTA, these should not be the center of the game. WoW quests do everything, they make you explore maps, level up, get equipment, even socialize teaming up, they suck the whole gameplay for themselves, and you obey like a succubus of this parasite.
So how much do the quests in SOTA drain life from the game, its content (exploration, levelling and ofc lore)
please specify. How many quests are there? What's the damage to the organs of SOTA?
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Project Gorgon.
Noted. Thanks. Please continue. More true MMO's in development.
also, can we tackle the question of SOTA? How quest-ridden is it? Why is it?
Can we have a developer here please? we'll show him how much better a game can be with environment integrated tasks instead of quests, and that players don't necessarily want a WoW system,as their fake researches show
I'll start a petition to convince all players.
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As i mentioned, just saying "you can play without doing quests" doesn't tell me much. Allow me to pry a bit into your thought. Would you say "you can play without doing the quests" in WoW too? And i mean the only WoW i played, vanilla. If no, what is the difference?
And obvious consequence, if you mean it, then quests can't be very important for character advancement, unlike WoW. is that true?
technically you "can play without doing the quests" also in WoW, but doing it turned the game into DAoC, remember that one? It worked like WoW but had no quests, so ppl would spam kill crits. Then Blizzard understood it was bad and wrote quests, and here we are.
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if you want one that fits exaaaaactly your specifications, and you think you have the right to get that one, sure you do. go ahead, develop it
uh, and for that "believable world and its hundreds of thousands of people!", yep, total fun
"I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"
Why are they supposed to be done? Because they suck the game content, and keep it in. Aside from levelling, how do you discover the lore of the world? How do you explore? How do you Pve? How do you earn money and equipment? How do you socialize and team up?
Yes, you're thinking i can do all that and i did. But first of all i assume you did it well after your first character, and even if you did it, it wasn't efficient anyway, since you had to stop at 46.
So i'm not sure if SotA quests suck the game content too, and me asking in the op. Quests are a vacuum, or better yet a tin can, and content is imprisoned in it and offered to ppl for fast consumption. They're supposed to be done in WoW because otherwise there's really noway to know the lore, to get equipment, to socialize. They're "best" be done!
That's why "you can play without quests" doesn't say much. That's what i meant as being free, instead, with all the content tasted slowly and freely in the air. Aaaah, the world is in the open, you're not asphyxiated anymore, you can study the grass and the fauna however you want, every object holds a mystery that lies in itself, not when someone throws up stories about them upon you, you roam free because you know not everything is "taken care of" by some quest.
only problem is, that "feeling" that for me is exciting hardships and discovery, for some (i dunno how many) is scary and confusing, makes 'em feel dumb, makes 'em rage quit and then come here and criticize that "this s**t game doesn't guide you! It's crazy!"
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The only quest you have to do is your Awakening at 56. Outside of that you are free to do what you want.
No heavy reliance on quests, but not so good if you prefer looking at grass and fauna.
Me, I prefer staring into the cold blackness of space or the heart of a sun.
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Of course there is a population for it, but it's a small subset, and I don't believe there are enough to split between a lot of different MMOs like there are with tradititional quest based systems.
I self identify as a monkey.
Too bad, then, that there ARE quests at all, and what seems to be unacceptable instancing, making the game not really a virtual world.
But aside from that, i'm very pleased at seeing there's way more UO than i thought.
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