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Astellia Online Russion Beta Registration is open!

MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196
edited March 2018 in The Pub at MMORPG.COM
I am registered and ready. :) 

There is an announcement about Russia License by Gamenet and CBT coming soon, you can apply for the beta now:

Posted a couple videos from Rendermax YouTube.

This is the Astellia prologue, as you can see the game has classic gameplay, tab-target combat (a bit buggy) and a summon system that seems to be the core system of the game.

Here is some low-level Archer gameplay. Playing with 500ms+ ping so I'm sure the combat is at half speed. The game has been announced recently for Korean release in the second half of the year. 


  • bairemin30bairemin30 Member CommonPosts: 7
    thx for thumbs up. I registered too.
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    edited April 2018
    lol i wouldn't play that cash shop game if last game on earth.
    It's designed exactly like those mobile card games,example Mobius,level up by combining.
    Archer looks like a direct rip from BDO.
    Then just like daybreak games, a business acquires 95+% Astellia that knows nothing about gaming.
    They simply bought into the cash shop and hope it makes a lot of money.
    This does NOTHING to change stereotypes of Kr games.
    Worst thing they could do is show me a Ranger because not one single KR game ever did it decently let alone very well.A big long coil and a spam attack,how original.
    Seeing how the cash shop tcg idea is designed,i would suggest stay very far away before youare sucked in by early game then realize..OH P2W,i'm out ,wasting all your time.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    edited April 2018
    LMFAO and yet another BDO clone , its almost like the Development community now have the Gaming community on farm , seeing how many they can easily seperate from there money
    Post edited by Scorchien on
  • EldurianEldurian Member EpicPosts: 2,736
    DMKano said:

    You basically obtain cards that summon combat pets that can tank, dps, heal, backstab (rogue) etc... and you use these in combat all the time.


    The questing is boring, its hub based - the game just feels like something that belongs in 2005.
    First part sounds cool. Controlling parties is something not often seen in the MMO sphere but can be really fun.

    The fact the game is questing based at all though means I'll be giving it a pass.
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    DMKano said:
    Scorchien said:
    LMFAO and yet another BDO clone , its almost like the Development community now have the Gaming community on farm , seeing how many they can easily seperate from there money

    Far from a BDO clone - Astelia is a completely different game.

    Its tab target combat, that is much slower in pace and the combat is heavily based on minions and pets.

    You basically obtain cards that summon combat pets that can tank, dps, heal, backstab (rogue) etc... and you use these in combat all the time.

    I played a healer (it has defined roles) but found it really mediocre - its not horrible, but its also not anything groundbreaking or amazing.

    The questing is boring, its hub based - the game just feels like something that belongs in 2005.

    The dungeons have a scoring system encouraging speed runs etc... as S rank completion gives the best rewards.

    Still it was just all so forgetable.
    yea , i here ya on all that especially forgetable , but the vids could very well be a BDO vid .. even parts of the UI looked the same
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564
    Scorchien said:
    LMFAO and yet another BDO clone , its almost like the Development community now have the Gaming community on farm , seeing how many they can easily seperate from there money
    You call a game a clone of another game on the basis of seeing a video that you don't understand?  Really?  And it's not like there are a ton of other games similar to Black Desert, either.
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    DMKano said:
    Scorchien said:
    DMKano said:
    Scorchien said:
    LMFAO and yet another BDO clone , its almost like the Development community now have the Gaming community on farm , seeing how many they can easily seperate from there money

    Far from a BDO clone - Astelia is a completely different game.

    Its tab target combat, that is much slower in pace and the combat is heavily based on minions and pets.

    You basically obtain cards that summon combat pets that can tank, dps, heal, backstab (rogue) etc... and you use these in combat all the time.

    I played a healer (it has defined roles) but found it really mediocre - its not horrible, but its also not anything groundbreaking or amazing.

    The questing is boring, its hub based - the game just feels like something that belongs in 2005.

    The dungeons have a scoring system encouraging speed runs etc... as S rank completion gives the best rewards.

    Still it was just all so forgetable.
    yea , i here ya on all that especially forgetable , but the vids could very well be a BDO vid .. even parts of the UI looked the same

    It's because Korean devs stick to very similar templates when making games - lots of it looks like other Korean games - except that Astellia just feels a lot less polished than lets say BDO, AA, TERA etc... it has that "B game" feeling.

    The card/minion system is what could have been the saving grace of this BUT even that it's just not anything interesting and it just feels forgettable. 

    One of the first minions is this gear-steampunkish-doll - a tank type - again could have been really cool but it's just meh

    But yeah the core gameplay is constantly summoning different minions to join the combat and help out - the entire time I played it just felt really boring to me - can't put my finger on it - it's just really mediocre.

    The questing was really bad - kill stuff, pick plants - and always have to run back to the quest guy - no remote turn in - just a bunch of time wasted. The first mount comes in early - I think at level 7 or 8, but even with the mount I felt like I was moving really.... slow... back from one NPC to another to do these mindless quests.

    The game does have sort of an old-school feel to it but it's nowhere near as good as old school MMORPGs.
    yea , and im just burned out on that stuff, *throws hands up*   Ive had enough its a blur now , probably why it reminds of BDO ...

        Honestly find myself most enjoying Anarchy Online these days
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,064
    Sounds like ASTA...You cant put your finger on it but its boring lol
  • CryomatrixCryomatrix Member EpicPosts: 3,223
    It reminds me of syphilis, same disease back in the day as it is today. Nothing new, no real innovation.

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