Major Known Issues:
- 40014 will cause a client crash. W/A: If this occurs, wait 10 minutes and relaunch.
- The missing person/crew missions immediately abandon after accepting.
- IFCS fixes are still pending.
- Some ships still intended are missing (Reclaimer, Terrapin) while awaiting some final bug fixes.
New Features
- Added a logout timer when logging out in range of other players.
- Implemented the Character Customizer.
- Players will be required to create a character when attempting to access the "Universe" menu.
- Available to customize: Head, eye color, hairstyle, hair color, and skin tone.
- Once selections are made, players can "accept" or "revert" back to default.
- After a custom character is created, that character will be used for all game modes.
- Character's can be changed after being accepted via the "Character Customization" tab on the "Universe" menu.
- Safe/persistent
logout locations: Ship beds, major stations (Levski, GrimHex, Port
Olisar). Note: These logout locations should persist between sessions.
- Added the ability to earn virtue reputation for killing NPC pirates.
Ships and Vehicles (coming soon, but not part of initial focus)
- Added: Tumbril Cyclone.
- Added: MISC Razor.
- Added: Nox Kue
- Added: PRAR Distortion Scattergun including size 4(Salvation), size 5(Absolution), size 6(Condemnation).
- Added: APAR Ballistic Scattergun including size 1(Havoc), size 2 (Hellion), and size 3 (Predator).
- Added: KBAR 10-Series Greatsword (size 2)
- Added: GATS Yellowjacket Ballistic Gatling (size 1)
- Added: KLWE CF-447 Rhino Repeater (size 4)
- Added: Omnisky IX Laser Cannon (size 3)
- Added visual change to better indicate when the player is in "focus mode" of interaction mode.
- Replaced old combat markers with new 3D markers including target brackets, hit indication, and missile locks.
- Added outline and further polish to target/self visor screens including additional hit effects for shields and hull areas.
- Added an additional MFD screen to customize the view angles of the target/self visor screens.
Star Marine
Feature Updates
- Removed the port modification system from all vehicles.
- There is now an interaction trigger to exit a usable (seat, stool, ect.).
- Reduced the sideways sway of the camera during breathing.
- Minor adjustments to options menu text to increase readability.
- Updates to AI behavior relating to accuracy variability and missile usage, along with bug fixes.
- Expanded the interactable seating in GrimHex.
- Increased the brightness of the interaction highlight on GrimHex's elevator buttons.
- Lock on interactions during quantum travel to prevent passengers from climbing out mid-travel.
- Improved GrimHex audio ambience.
- Expanded seating usables and updated some interaction points in Port Olisar.
- Lowered the virtue cost for ramming and removed the virtue pentalyt for illegal parking.
- Updated lighting within Levski hangars.
- Updated the various shopkeepers with additional performance capture and dialogue.
- Updated surface textures and topography of Crusader's moons.
- Expanded the "00" landing pad at Port Olisar to accomodate the Reclaimer.
- Additional environmental missions added.
- Polish to admin NPC animations.
- When first opening the MobiGlas the contract maanger should now display the first mission.
- When accepting a mission, the MobiGlas contract manager automatically displays that missions objectives.
- Updated missions with additional dialogue.
- Reduced the virtue penalty for criminal missions and added virtue reward for killing criminal players.
- Improved the planetside audio effects for all first person weapons.
- Removed UI shake from weapon recoil animations.
- Various menu and MobiGlas audio fixes and improvements.
- Visor's target/own screens should now default to the "live", rotating view.
- The VMA should now function while in the hangar.
- VMA and PMA now use RTT.
- Improved character lighting, color, and brightness for the PMA.
Ships and Vehicles
- Updated
glass shader on MFDs for the following ships: Vanguard, Cutlass,
Prospector, 85x, Hornet F7C, Nox, Dragonfly, 300 series, M50,
Prospector, Gladius.
- Increased the power draw of the EMP when charging, increased the cooldown after use, lowered distortion damage.
- Added new distortion values to all ship items capable of taking that kind of damage.
- Increased the self-destruct timer length on ships that require multiple interactions to exit.
- Increased
the EM and IR signatures on countermeasures altered ship countermeasure
sizes and loadouts to better reflect their relative signatures.
- Reduces
shield health, updates shields to operate as independent faces for
regen, increased setback, lower regen and regen acceleration.
- Adjusted countermeasure signal decay to reduce the need to spam CMs to divert missiles.
- 300
series: Increased the hardpoint size of all gun mounts: 325A: Nose S4,
wing S3. Other 300 series: All mounts S3. Updated fuel usage and retuned
atmospheric flight.
- Decreased the spread on the Sawbuck repeaters.
- The Scorpion Gatling is can now be mounted on any size compatable hardpoint.
Arena Commander
- Removed ejection ability from multiplayer modes.
- Allowed the Prospector to be selected in race modes.
- Players will now periodically gain lives during swarm modes.
- Removed the interaction nodes for open/close esterior and lock/unlock ship in competitive multiplayer.
- Reduced the health of Vanduul scavengers.
Star Marine
- The prior loadout customizer has been replaced with management system mirroring the PMA app of the StarMap.
Cargo and Trading
- Kiosks should now display first two digits after decimal place under buy/sell price.
- Altered the despawn timer on cargo so it will persist for longer.
- Various polish to box carry animations and placing.
- Added
a holo effect to held items when attemtping to "place" them so players
aren't visually blocked by the held item. Added a "quick place" mechanic
where you can hold LMB to start placing (don't need to select the place
Numerous performance tweaks.
Will be interesting to see what the gains are.
Strange people - rare special snowflakes ... there are always some in a crowd.
I AM a subscrber. I do not moan because this time everyone got access at the same time.
1st wave access is only relevant if CIG wants to slowly ramp up the server load with more and more players.
If i (and everyone else) can get my/our hands on the newest build, i am happy.
Have fun
"Expanding Star Citizen Alpha 3.1 PTU Testing
Hi everyone,
We’ll be opening the latest version of Star Citizen Alpha 3.1 to a wider audience in an effort to increase concurrency for stress testing. Specifically, tonight we are granting access to Subscribers and Concierge so they can assist us with this crucial level of testing as we move one step closer to a live release.
Due to the nature of this stress test, it is very likely that servers will fill up to capacity, which may prevent some of you from connecting. We’ll be monitoring closely, and increasing capacity if needed.
In order to play, you will need to copy your account to the PTU. Here’s a refresher on how to do that:
Patch Notes:
Lastly, you are allowed to create content/stream with this patch."
Sounds like there WAS a "1st wave" ... it was just very short in duration.
Have fun
Besides the usual bug fixes and performance improvements 3.0.1 adds:
- Basic Character Customization
- Revamped Yela (moon) GFX
- New Ships, Vehicles and Weapons
- Enhanced Avatar Locomotion tech
- Service Beacons
- Safe/persistent logout locations (Ship beds, Major Locations)
Tumbril Cyclone:
Misc Razor:
Congratulations CIG for another Patch delivered on time! You are still in debt to us but working your way nicely! Keep it up!
It's better for the CPU, the memory is the same, I think this is the main thing due the lack of the object container streaming it just has to put everything on RAM.
The most noticeable improvement I've seen is the overall polish of things, UI and such feeling better and more quality of life things that were frustrating before, the UI of ships is going in the right direction.
Aside of those things, good thing they are being able to keep by the release schedule, so it becomes expectable to know when the next update is, what puts 3.2 the end of June.
Everyone of these hills looks inviting for Evel Knievel style mega-jump competitions !
Have fun
Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.
Full Album:
I'm very curious to see when my Carrack comes out because I'd love to test it out for some planetary missions.
Either way looking great! Seems like there is going to be a lot to work with by the time I work my way back over to SC to test the latest content.
No Carrack this year. Check again next year.
Have fun
How is trade in the current iteration? Like is hauling cargo from place to place a thing yet or is that still something being waited on?
Because once both mining, trading, and landclaims are implemented and working well you really have kind of the core systems I feel they are lacking atm. Prettymuch the only things I'd be waiting on past that point is the announcement that they will never wipe your wallet/assets again. Especially with character customization out and female characters (Which I know my fiancé will demand before she plays XD) both set to be out by Q4
You can fly between stations and buy/sell and you can also go around finding derelict ship's/stations and scavenge for stuff to sell.
Also remember RSI's roadmap is, even by their own admission, optimistic. The time it takes to build ships is relatively predictable and they've got a good chance of keeping to that schedule, but for harder stuff like new game mechanics and engine upgrades it'll be a miracle if they manage to keep to the that roadmap's schedule.
Pretty much all that's missing at that point is a sense of permanence (Unless the money you make in 3.0 carries over into the MMO?). So if they finish their Q4 objectives, polish up the current systems / bugs and lend some sense of permanency to the game, that is the point Star Citizen will effectively be "out" in my mind.
Most of this year's content was scheduled to arrive in quarterly patches during '17, I wonder if they will be able to hit their targets this year?
It would be nice if they had additional star systems in Q4 as they are required for the game being "out" in my opinion, I seem to remember they were originally arriving end of '17 but now they are not even on the roadmap.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey