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LFmmo: grinder, or loot-em-up graphics don't matter.

SiveriaSiveria Member UncommonPosts: 1,422
Looking for a mmorpg thats grindy, and is very loot based, with alot of loot dropping (but most of it junk like diablo) Graphics don't really matter to me as long as the gameplay/combat/ui is not terrible. Bascally I want a game where it takes a long time to hit level cap, making the journey worth it. I know mmo's like this are rare if nay even exist anymore no thanks to world of warcraft killing the genre from what it was, but still... Anyone know of a mmo like this?

Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:

A. Proven right (if something bad happens)


B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)

Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!


  • sunandshadowsunandshadow Member RarePosts: 1,985
    Dofus, if you like tactical turn-based combat
    I want to help design and develop a PvE-focused, solo-friendly, sandpark MMO which combines crafting, monster hunting, and story.  So PM me if you are starting one.
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
  • DeadflagDeadflag Member UncommonPosts: 27

    Can play on phone and pc. No level cap so your efforts can make you strong as hell.
  • Sid_ViciousSid_Vicious Member RarePosts: 2,177
    edited March 2018
    Try Darkfall New Dawn... it was released a month ago. It is extremely grindy but the loot doesn't exactly drop unless you are active in PVP. Otherwise the only way to get loot is through crafting or trading. You can grind money from mobs, cap villages, explore dungeons, run through quests, harvest, move goods around the world for trade (it has localized banking). With the money you can buy things from the market or make friends with crafters or join an active clan. So yeah... loot is much harder to get but when you do have something its a much bigger deal.

    NEWS FLASH! "A bank was robbed the other day and a man opened fire on the customers being held hostage. One customer zig-zag sprinted until he found cover. When questioned later he explained that he was a hardcore gamer and knew just what to do!" Download my music for free! I release several albums per month as part of project "Thee Untitled" . .. some video game music remixes and cover songs done with instruments in there as well! Check out my roleplaying blog, collection of fictional short stories, and fantasy series... updated on a blog for now until I am finished! Watch me game on occasion or make music... and subscribe!

  • SiveriaSiveria Member UncommonPosts: 1,422
    Albatroes said:

    Tried BDO before back when it first came out, couldn't really get into it, might be worth trying it again though.

    Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:

    A. Proven right (if something bad happens)


    B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)

    Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!

  • SiveriaSiveria Member UncommonPosts: 1,422
    Deadflag said:

    Can play on phone and pc. No level cap so your efforts can make you strong as hell.
    I am going to give this a try, like I said graphics don't matter to me if it has what I am looking for. I think the game looks cute.

    Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:

    A. Proven right (if something bad happens)


    B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)

    Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!

  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    Soul Worker.  Phenomenal combat and definitely fits the grinder bill.
  • MikeJezZMikeJezZ Member UncommonPosts: 1,268
    Try Darkfall New Dawn... it was released a month ago. It is extremely grindy but the loot doesn't exactly drop unless you are active in PVP. Otherwise the only way to get loot is through crafting or trading. You can grind money from mobs, cap villages, explore dungeons, run through quests, harvest, move goods around the world for trade (it has localized banking). With the money you can buy things from the market or make friends with crafters or join an active clan. So yeah... loot is much harder to get but when you do have something its a much bigger deal.
    Don’t bother with Darkfall, they shut it down in six month and then relaunching it so you have to buy it again. 
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    edited March 2018
    Altho not an MMO , POE would best fit what you are looking , as you said "like Diablo"

      Anarchy Online may fit the bill .. very grindy and along time to reach max lvl ,also still to date one if not the deepest class customization in the genre

      Maybe the EA title Project Gorgon .. lots of Random Lot which is great , would take quite a while even to max all skills currently in game
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