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[NO NO NO SPOILERS] Is Star Wars The Last Jedi worth seeing?

TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
Haven't seen it yet. My friend is a HUGE Star Wars fan and said it was even more amazing than The Force Awakens, but he loves anything Star Wars. I actually didn't see The Force Awakens, but I did see Rogue One and that was amazing

Tickets here aren't that much for person, like 12 dollars a person. More than a subscription to an MMO seeing that a sub lasts 30 days. And I'll probably see it anyway even if responses in this thread are negative, it be something nice for me and my wife to do together and get out of the apartment to do stuff.

But going in with knowing "well not as good as Rogue One or as good as my friend said, but still enjoyable to watch", or ..."well my friend was right and many people agree, even better than force awakens." 

either way, what you guys think of it?

Remember, NO NOOOOOOOOOOO NO spoilers :)

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  • HulluckHulluck Member UncommonPosts: 839
    I think it's on par with Rogue One and Force Awakens. I think rogue one might be top just but a gnats hair on both films in that it's a bitter sweet ending. But Force Awakens also had it's roller coaster moments. Not sure if The Last Jedi has moments like that or not. I just finished watching it. Definitely didnt make me feel like Rogue One did towards the end. Worth seeing all of them pretty much. They are on par with each other.  The only bad films were 1-3. The dialogue was often horrible along with the acting. Hope I didn' say to much.
  • HulluckHulluck Member UncommonPosts: 839
    edited December 2017
    Gorwe said:
    Honestly? No, it isn't. And by paying for it, you only encourage Disney to make more drivel like this. The biggest problem? It doesn't feel like Star Wars due to director's lack of understanding thereof. Again, DON'T FINANCE THIS. (it's much worse than TFA or R1 ; except maybe in visual dept)

    You might have a point. Actually I think you do. I think that i know why as well. It struck me as odd at the time mildly not to the point that it drufg me personally out of the story.  I wouldnt go as far as you though, The actor choice for young Anakin was horrible and so was the dialogue in those OTHER movies. So I would go that far for those.
  • KonfessKonfess Member RarePosts: 1,667
    Yes.  It will feel very long, because there are about 20 minutes that seem to drag the movie out.  They exist to support one scene at the very end of the movie.  The rest of the movie is good Star Wars fair.  But I saw it at 8 AM for $6.

    As for Eps. 1-3, these movies are rated PG-13, this limits how evil the plot can be.  I also suspect the writers can't imagine the kind of evil that is possible out there.  So thy can't possibly be expected to write about the Dark Side.

    For instance, if Anakin was interested in preventing the death of Padmé.  Why not have him practice trying to save the life of someone, the only way a Sith could?  By killing hundreds or thousands of innocents and failing.  He could have used Clone Troupers, he had thousands and they were treated as expendable.  This was meant to be a like take on the level of dark people may have wanted or expected in the fall of Anakin.  I kept my description minimal so as not to offend everyone.

    I feel the only problems with the prequels, is that the Dark Side audience wanted to see more dark.  But they must realize that the nature of the production would prevent that.  They consider Rogue One to be the best Star Wars movie because of what happens to all the heroes in the end.

    Pardon any spelling errors
    Konfess your cyns and some maybe forgiven
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    Mom: We don't talk to Priests.
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  • WarmakerWarmaker Member UncommonPosts: 2,246
    edited December 2017
    No spoilers, eh?  Man, that leaves out some hilarious things to say then.  I will keep this short and sweet.

    The Last Jedi was the only Star Wars movie that had me feeling angry when I left the theater.  I was forgiving to some of the other SW movies that have been lackluster.  But none of them had me feeling angry with what I just freaking saw.  Only TLJ did that.

    This anger wasn't solely due to a key thing happening with a certain character.  There are a lot of pointless things in this movie, and the way the story unfolds makes every character coming out looking like godd*mn idiots.  At least half of the evens in this movie could have been avoided.  You'll know what I'm talking about when you see this movie.  The unfolding story is so stupid, I was embarrassed for the Star Wars Franchise.

    This movie also gets one of the singularly most embarrassing things I have ever witnessed in a Star Wars production, just as bad as the Star Wars Christmas Special:  Space Leia or Super Leia.

    If you do go see the flick, try not to bust out laughing or scream, "What the f**k is that!!!" in the theater when you see *that* scene.

    This movie is filled to the brim with characters.
    Terrible characters.
    Pointless characters.
    Disappointing characters.
    Unrecognizable characters from what they were before.

    Lastly, if you don't want to take the word of this random guy on an internet message board, take a look at this warning from the reviews of this movie on Rotten Tomatoes.  The critics adore this movie with 93% rating.  But audience reviews are at 56%.

    "I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)

  • cameltosiscameltosis Member LegendaryPosts: 3,859
    If you like visually spectacular movies, go and see it. 

    Otherwise....nope. It took me about 10 minutes to settle on a word to describe the movie. I normally walk out of the theatre and immediately say "that was great!" or something similar, but this time I was literally speechless for about 10 minutes. 

    I finally settled on "retarded"

    I would rate The Last Jedi as the worst Star Wars movie so far. I started another thread with my issues about the movie if you want to read it. Its not as if my expectations were too high either, I'd deliberately avoided all trailers, forums, discussions, articles etc about the film so I was going in blind. 
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  • laxielaxie Member RarePosts: 1,123
    I did not enjoy it. But it's Star Wars. If they delivered a pile of shite with a Star Wars label on it, I'd smear it all over my face and run naked into the woods to howl at the winter sky.

    To me, the story felt completely unimpactful. I think it suffers from a similar issue that some superhero films do - it's a series of "cool scenes" glued together. You know that you need to have Spider-Man swing around a lamp post to kick over a car, glide under a railway bridge to catch a train about to derail, or have a super heroine jump from a rooftop to land on one knee with her cloak gracefully following.

    All of the recent Star Wars movies did it, but in this one it's too obvious. After The Force Awakens, I left the cinema thinking "This is pretty cool, they recreated the first movie." After this one, I was really disappointed. I had hoped the movie would return back to unpredictable nuanced story telling, but instead it felt like any other generic Sci-Fi movie.

    Don't get me wrong, it's not a terrible movie. Just for a Star Wars fan, it does not necessarily uncover any new interactions you haven't seen before. Even the prequels, which most people didn't enjoy, did create huge new chunks of the Star Wars universe. They felt very different to the original trilogy. These new canon movies seems to lack any of that.

    I am cautiously optimistic about the next non-trilogy one. Rogue One was a bit more creative in terms of the broader story, so perhaps the next one will let them take a bit more liberty beyond gluing cool scenes together.
  • PyndaPynda Member UncommonPosts: 856
    The first three movies I had a few problems with (Ewoks, for instance), but overall I still revere them all. The next three everyone seemed to be in an uproar over, but I was entertained. However 'The Force Awakens' was the end for me. I found that film so excruciatingly bad, the cast so wooden and lacking in any charisma whatsoever, the story such an idiotic and immersion breaking copy and paste ripoff of the original series, that I knew then and there that I was done with Star Wars forever.

    So what did I think of The Last Jedi? I don't know, I haven't seen it. And I probably never will.
  • HorusraHorusra Member EpicPosts: 4,411
    Movie as far as story telling is horrible.  Effects are great.  I wish I had waited to see it at home.
  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    Gorwe said:
    Honestly? No, it isn't. And by paying for it, you only encourage Disney to make more drivel like this. The biggest problem? It doesn't feel like Star Wars due to director's lack of understanding thereof. Again, DON'T FINANCE THIS. (it's much worse than TFA or R1 ; except maybe in visual dept)
    Looks like Disney will be making more drival as this was the second highest grossing opening weekend in US history.
  • EldurianEldurian Member EpicPosts: 2,736
    edited December 2017
    Pretty much every single criticism people have about the new films could be leveled at the original trilogy. People put Star Wars films on this shining golden pedestal that none of them can live up to when you aren't looking through rose colored glasses at the particular ones you already have decided are good.

    It's one of the better films in the series according to everyone I know who isn't a rabid frothing at the mouth fanboy. Most people I know who aren't butthurt about the EU getting removed from canon like all three of the recent films.

    Don't let other people form your opinions for you. Watch and decide for yourself.
  • PhaserlightPhaserlight Member EpicPosts: 3,079
    Eldurian said:
    Pretty much every single criticism people have about the new films could be leveled at the original trilogy. People put Star Wars films on this shining golden pedestal that none of them can live up to when you aren't looking through rose colored glasses at the particular ones you already have decided are good.

    It's one of the better films in the series according to everyone I know who isn't a rabid frothing at the mouth fanboy. Most people I know who aren't butthurt about the EU getting removed from canon like all three of the recent films.

    Don't let other people form your opinions for you. Watch and decide for yourself.
    Agreed.  I liked it slightly better than The Force Awakens, considerably less than Rogue One, and better than Episodes I-III.  It's a little early to say how it will hold up in time, but right now I'd place it at #5 out of all the Star Wars films so far; just behind Return of the Jedi and just ahead of The Force Awakens.

    @Warmaker too late to spare us your bleeding scientific heart (sorry), but of all the wild artistic licenses Star Wars takes "*that* scene" may actually be closer to reality in some ways than you think (minus "The Force" of course):

    It's definitely not *good* for one's survival prospects, but it may not be the instant death you imagine.

    I know, it goes against my intuition, too.  Just remember Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the book), 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Titan: After Earth.

    Story wise, I agree it may have been a missed opportunity considering real life events. /shrug

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  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    I had some time to kill and decided to go watch it instead of getting a cheeseburger. I really wish I had gotten the cheeseburger.
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