I have little doubt that's what you've convinced yourself of. Probably easier when constructing an imaginary reality
AND....what confuses me is the stradegy. Lets say, for example, I do watch the video and I find the information I am seeking is actually not there. What is the expected outcome at that point?
You still seem to believe I'm invested in your fantasy. I've given you the answer - now it's up to you to listen.
I think if they had waited and launched this 6 to 12 months after launch, it would have been fine but why now? Why after 160 million dollars are they doing it now? Why start adding this new game mechanic when so many others are not finished?
If you had said 6 - 12 months from now, I would have agreed with all of this. They were just starting to get themselves into a nice position of proof, a couple of more patches down the line with all the new professions coming in and the system starting to build out, I don't think this land stuff would have had much negative impact at all. Utterly stupid market decision that might boost short term sales but have damaging long term consequences.
I have little doubt that's what you've convinced yourself of. Probably easier when constructing an imaginary reality
AND....what confuses me is the stradegy. Lets say, for example, I do watch the video and I find the information I am seeking is actually not there. What is the expected outcome at that point?
You still seem to believe I'm invested in your fantasy. I've given you the answer - now it's up to you to listen.
Have a nice day.
lol...cant even summarize it can you?
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
I think they might want to consider that now is the time to tell the audience specifically how they plan to make ships and now land not an advantage. I imagine some ways but I am just speculating. they need to step up to the plate and explain
They explain everything here.
Star Citizen: ATV Anniversary Special - Consolidated Outland & UEE Land Claim Licenses
let me ask before I watch that video (I cant tell you how often posted links are NOT related to what I say).
Does it cover HOW.........land claims.......will not....give an ....advantage.....to players....?
Here we go again...
again? actually my stance is different then it has been in the past.
for the third time, 'I think its now time for SC to step up to the plate and explain to its audience exactly how these purchases are not giving players an advantage as they claim is the plan'
clear yet?
Yes again. Every single time. It's not the questions you're asking, it's the result on the thread that I am referring to.
I think they might want to consider that now is the time to tell the audience specifically how they plan to make ships and now land not an advantage. I imagine some ways but I am just speculating. they need to step up to the plate and explain
They explain everything here.
Star Citizen: ATV Anniversary Special - Consolidated Outland & UEE Land Claim Licenses
let me ask before I watch that video (I cant tell you how often posted links are NOT related to what I say).
Does it cover HOW.........land claims.......will not....give an ....advantage.....to players....?
Here we go again...
again? actually my stance is different then it has been in the past.
for the third time, 'I think its now time for SC to step up to the plate and explain to its audience exactly how these purchases are not giving players an advantage as they claim is the plan'
clear yet?
Yes again. Every single time. It's not the questions you're asking, it's the result on the thread that I am referring to.
yeah I gotcha.
Not sure why people cant just give a summary. Hell I end up having to repeat myself often to be understood, maybe that is my lack of communication skills which I am working on but I really try not to say 'look it up' but yeah I can see how that is of course my fault. I will work on being a better citizen
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
I think they might want to consider that now is the time to tell the audience specifically how they plan to make ships and now land not an advantage. I imagine some ways but I am just speculating. they need to step up to the plate and explain
They explain everything here.
Star Citizen: ATV Anniversary Special - Consolidated Outland & UEE Land Claim Licenses
let me ask before I watch that video (I cant tell you how often posted links are NOT related to what I say).
Does it cover HOW.........land claims.......will not....give an ....advantage.....to players....?
Here we go again...
again? actually my stance is different then it has been in the past.
for the third time, 'I think its now time for SC to step up to the plate and explain to its audience exactly how these purchases are not giving players an advantage as they claim is the plan'
clear yet?
Yes again. Every single time. It's not the questions you're asking, it's the result on the thread that I am referring to.
yeah I gotcha.
Not sure why people cant just give a summary. Hell I end up having to repeat myself often to be understood, maybe that is my lack of communication skills which I am working on but I really try not to say 'look it up' but yeah I can see how that is of course my fault. I will work on being a better citizen
help me understand how someone who is not remotely intrested in SC comes to learn these things about the game? how much digging was involved? and why?
Desperate attempts to prove SC was a scam back then, a dead horse that has no rest I see lol
It's amazing how people here know about a Coffee machine CIG bought few years ago, yet know so little about the game. gg
when I think about someone going to extra efforts to proove something that they claim to not be interested in is bad, the first word that comes to my head is 'jealous'.
My theory is that some have a world view that only AAA certified companies taking a traditional funding path can be any good, it freaks them out at the possibility that they might be wrong.
this is just my theory.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
its like watching a car crash you dont want to look but you have to. Call it a morbid curiosity. Plus I want all these things on the record so when it crashes and burns there will be plenty to say.
I mean it was ridiculous 3 years ago now its exponentially MORE ridiculous. And watching these guys continually defend it is awesome.
I also love looking and the nonsense they said just a year or so ago and how far removed from reality it is is and how they continually change their timeline again and again and yet still say 'theyre developing the most ambitious game ever'.
If you go back 3 years and read some of the stuff people thought would be playable now and its just sad. Yet they still dont care.
its like watching a car crash you dont want to look but you have to. Call it a morbid curiosity. Plus I want all these things on the record so when it crashes and burns there will be plenty to say.
I mean it was ridiculous 3 years ago now its exponentially MORE ridiculous. And watching these guys continually defend it is awesome.
I also love looking and the nonsense they said just a year or so ago and how far removed from reality it is is and how they continually change their timeline again and again and yet still say 'theyre developing the most ambitious game ever'.
If you go back 3 years and read some of the stuff people thought would be playable now and its just sad. Yet they still dont care.
Like when it was said thay CIG would collapse back in 2015? Or was it 2016? Maybe 2017... Still a bit to 2018.
- Or was it that Big huge maps couldn't be done in Cryengine? - Or maybe the time when it was said that CIG wouldn't be able to make space flight-eva-fps-multicrew as a unified experience? - Maybe it's the time when Star Marine was canceled and impossible to integrate in the build?
- Oh,oh wait I know. It's the planetary landings! They cant pull it off seamlessly. It's a loading screen to play on planets. No make it moons. Just 1. Not 4...
Now it's networking, performance and player count increase. CIG can't make it work until they can...
Such a beautiful pattern of "concern" lol. Move goalposts, Rinse&Repeat the fud narrative.
See the irony?
All along with the "coffe machine\archering\loans" soap opera drama to give it a bit more flair lol
its like watching a car crash you dont want to look but you have to. Call it a morbid curiosity. ...
yes...that is absolutely morbid and abnormal. Even more so if one takes several hours out of their day to learn about that which they hate.
meh I am sitting here watching the LTC exchanges so I am online anyway.
Yeah I dont know where the line is to be honest, for example I might see an article about my least favorite president and I would be inclided to read it. However I dont think ever in a million years would I sit and listen to that asshat speak for an hour.
so not sure
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
I'm going to have to rethink EA loot boxes. Everything in the loot boxes can be earned in the game. No one 'has' to buy loot boxes so it's all good.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
I'm going to have to rethink EA loot boxes. Everything in the loot boxes can be earned in the game. No one 'has' to buy loot boxes so it's all good.
Nope, it's still cashing out on gambling. One thing is putting money and just buying the thing via microtransactions, another is putting money to get the chance to get that thing.
idk where all this hate and entitlement comes from, like this sort of stuff is not the standard revenue model of MMOs since forever... And even so, many do not let you earn what you can buy.
I'm going to have to rethink EA loot boxes. Everything in the loot boxes can be earned in the game. No one 'has' to buy loot boxes so it's all good.
Nope, it's still cashing out on gambling. One thing is putting money and just buying the thing via microtransactions, another is putting money to get the chance to get that thing.
These are not microtransactions, that term applies to items that are typically below $5.
idk where all this hate and entitlement comes from, like this sort of stuff is not the standard revenue model of MMOs since forever... And even so, many do not let you earn what you can buy.
Enttitlement... lol.
The only entitled people are the ones who want to purchase everything before the game releases. They're the people who don't have time to play anymore but hate the idea of feeling left behind, instead they want their real life income to fix their in game income.
The standard revenue for MMOs since forever was subscriptions, not exploitive cash shops where assets are sold for 10x the cost of the game.
I'm going to have to rethink EA loot boxes. Everything in the loot boxes can be earned in the game. No one 'has' to buy loot boxes so it's all good.
Nope, it's still cashing out on gambling. One thing is putting money and just buying the thing via microtransactions, another is putting money to get the chance to get that thing.
These are not microtransactions, that term applies to items that are typically below $5.
idk where all this hate and entitlement comes from, like this sort of stuff is not the standard revenue model of MMOs since forever... And even so, many do not let you earn what you can buy.
Enttitlement... lol.
The only entitled people are the ones who want to purchase everything before the game releases. They're the people who don't have time to play anymore but hate the idea of feeling left behind, instead they want their real life income to fix their in game income.
The standard revenue for MMOs since forever was subscriptions, not exploitive cash shops where assets are sold for 10x the cost of the game.
Entitlement means you actually deserve somethin because of a contractual agreement.
If you take a loan out with your bank the bank is entitled to get the money back
See how easy it is for people to understand it when you make it about bank instead of a person?
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Oh, still the "it's a scam but I have no evidence" claim
Let's ignore how it's the most ambitious game of all time with ~325 full time developers. That's obviously very cheap.
There are games with similar budgets that are much less ambitious and with fewer developers.
I guess they scammed their publisher - even though the publisher made all the money
how much of those budgets included things Roberts hasnt had to spend a dime on?
Or maybe thats how he justified 10K coffee makers 50K murals, a fleet of cars, million dollar doors etc etc etc
help me understand how someone who is not remotely intrested in SC comes to learn these things about the game? how much digging was involved? and why?
So, your position is it's OK to frivolously spend crowdfunded money as long as no one effortlessly finds out about it?
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Authored 139 missions in VendettaOnline and 6 tracks in Distance
Oh, still the "it's a scam but I have no evidence" claim
Let's ignore how it's the most ambitious game of all time with ~325 full time developers. That's obviously very cheap.
There are games with similar budgets that are much less ambitious and with fewer developers.
I guess they scammed their publisher - even though the publisher made all the money
how much of those budgets included things Roberts hasnt had to spend a dime on?
Or maybe thats how he justified 10K coffee makers 50K murals, a fleet of cars, million dollar doors etc etc etc
help me understand how someone who is not remotely intrested in SC comes to learn these things about the game? how much digging was involved? and why?
So, your position is it's OK to frivolously spend crowdfunded money as long as no one effortlessly finds out about it?
not even remotely close. I dont even understand what your saying in the context of what I said. Did you reply to the wrong person?
I am just facinated that someone would sit for an hour lecture about a game that they hate in the first place...unreasonable?
EDIT: I think I understand now what your saying and frankly I do not for a second believe that these posters at MMORPG are motovated to protect other peoples spending decisions that they are doing deep investigation work in order to protect others... not for a microsecond
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Have a nice day.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Yes again. Every single time. It's not the questions you're asking, it's the result on the thread that I am referring to.
Not sure why people cant just give a summary. Hell I end up having to repeat myself often to be understood, maybe that is my lack of communication skills which I am working on but I really try not to say 'look it up' but yeah I can see how that is of course my fault. I will work on being a better citizen
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Or maybe thats how he justified 10K coffee makers 50K murals, a fleet of cars, million dollar doors etc etc etc
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
It's amazing how people here know about a Coffee machine CIG bought few years ago, yet know so little about the game. gg
My theory is that some have a world view that only AAA certified companies taking a traditional funding path can be any good, it freaks them out at the possibility that they might be wrong.
this is just my theory.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
I mean it was ridiculous 3 years ago now its exponentially MORE ridiculous. And watching these guys continually defend it is awesome.
I also love looking and the nonsense they said just a year or so ago and how far removed from reality it is is and how they continually change their timeline again and again and yet still say 'theyre developing the most ambitious game ever'.
If you go back 3 years and read some of the stuff people thought would be playable now and its just sad. Yet they still dont care.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
- Or was it that Big huge maps couldn't be done in Cryengine?
- Or maybe the time when it was said that CIG wouldn't be able to make space flight-eva-fps-multicrew as a unified experience?
- Maybe it's the time when Star Marine was canceled and impossible to integrate in the build?
- Oh,oh wait I know. It's the planetary landings!
They cant pull it off seamlessly. It's a loading screen to play on planets. No make it moons. Just 1. Not 4...
Now it's networking, performance and player count increase.
CIG can't make it work until they can...
Such a beautiful pattern of "concern" lol. Move goalposts, Rinse&Repeat the fud narrative.
All along with the "coffe machine\archering\loans" soap opera drama to give it a bit more flair lol
so not sure
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
idk where all this hate and entitlement comes from, like this sort of stuff is not the standard revenue model of MMOs since forever... And even so, many do not let you earn what you can buy.
This entire quote chain is irrelevant to his underlying point.
That person contains elements that come from the hot center of a star.
So if you want to visit the stars .... look around.
Have fun
Enttitlement... lol.
The only entitled people are the ones who want to purchase everything before the game releases. They're the people who don't have time to play anymore but hate the idea of feeling left behind, instead they want their real life income to fix their in game income.
The standard revenue for MMOs since forever was subscriptions, not exploitive cash shops where assets are sold for 10x the cost of the game.
Entitlement means you actually deserve somethin because of a contractual agreement.
If you take a loan out with your bank the bank is entitled to get the money back
See how easy it is for people to understand it when you make it about bank instead of a person?
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance
I am just facinated that someone would sit for an hour lecture about a game that they hate in the first place...unreasonable?
EDIT: I think I understand now what your saying and frankly I do not for a second believe that these posters at MMORPG are motovated to protect other peoples spending decisions that they are doing deep investigation work in order to protect others... not for a microsecond
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me