well they had to do something the anniversary ship sales slumped a lot I would say, after that second day and even with adding land they have only collected 3,689,625 for the first 5 days of the sale. Only 388473 after they put these land claims up for sale. The number for today (29th) will be interesting. But the numbers on that spread sheet arent adding up right, taking individual numbers from the daily lines and you get ~3,330,000 but their 'holiday sale' number is the aforementioned 3,689,625 quite a difference.
So releasing 3.0 (they didnt even have 2.6 live last anniversary sale), adding land, adding a few new jpegs they have sold a bit less than a million bucks more worth of digital crap this year than last. They had raised (according to daily numbers) 2,841,504 in the first 5 days. So taking the smallest numbers (which was done using the same method as getting the 5 day numbers for last year) they sold a little less than 500K more this year than last. if you use the biggest number (which who knows where that came from) they have sold around 849K more.
So selling everything they have, adding a few new jpegs, adding land, releasing the version everyone was dreaming about they have increased sales about 15%. Which may or may not hold up. We will see. They sold 6.74 million (according to their 'anniversary sale number, I havent added the individual days up to see how they compared) last year. They have 7 more days to go. Right now theyre on schedule to sell a little over 7.75 million, which would be an increase of a million over last year. Considering all the 'accomplishments' they have seen over this past year and all the crap (including this land sale nonsense) thats not a very good result. Remains to be seen, but anything under 9 million would be a flop IMO.
But in the end I guess it doesnt matter theyre still raking in the money they still have people foolish enough to keep spending despite all the stuff that is going on and continues to go on, and I also seem to remember I said some where that they would eventually sell planets, with the caveat that they could get them to work in the first place. We havent quite gotten there but this is basically the same thing.
But you can see that no matter how ridiculous these guys get there isnt anything they can do that would make the guys that defend them here say a critical thing about them. Its pretty hilarious. Like I also said, they could all disappear with all the money to some unknown place, test bed could go offline, websites could go down, all the fancy video blogs they do every week could be long gone and everyone in the upper echelon could fall off the face of the earth, basically everything SC could cease to exist, and these guys would try and claim they were just going 'underground' to escape the naysayers.
You DO realize that this "not very good result" in only a few days is A LOT more than what 99 % of all crowdfunding projects make in their whole lifecycle, do you not ?
You DO realize that this "not very good result" in only a few days is A LOT more than what 99 % of all crowdfunding projects make in their whole lifecycle, do you not ?
Have fun
Some year SC funded more than the entirety of Kickstarter I think. lol
Whelp it's a large-scale project, and with it, large-scale costs, nobody would have imagined something could be brought up to the "AAA" tier in terms of company and dev team.
It's delicious that the detractors keep switching between:
1. How can they possibly need more money than xxx million dollars? They're just scamming people.
2. They're running dry - they had to make more money selling JPGs.
I love the irony of complete ignorance
Those aren't actually mutually exclusive. People can be flabbergasted by the huge amount of money raised with little to show for it while also believing they're running dry and need to sell jpegs. A huge company requires huge resources.
I'm not saying either of those are true, but they are definitely possible to believe at the same time and make perfect sense together.
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
You DO realize that this "not very good result" in only a few days is A LOT more than what 99 % of all crowdfunding projects make in their whole lifecycle, do you not ?
Have fun
They are bringing in money faster than many "released" games do, and most any indie dev would love to have.
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Yet Max posted a picture of a land being attacked.
You saying with a claim it can't be attacked for any reason?
Easy to explain.
This is only for UEE owned planets and moons, those should be policed areas, so what happens is if anything happens the AI of the game will respond to it.
It's a protection, not one immunity. You can still build stuff on the planets without this, there will be a difference between legal or illegal if it's owned by UEE and that is what this is about.
I would assume that planets that are unclaimed, like that aren't controlled will be whatever goes, not policed, no claim or licenses.
Yet Max posted a picture of a land being attacked.
You saying with a claim it can't be attacked for any reason?
Easy to explain.
This is only for UEE owned planets and moons, those should be policed areas, so what happens is if anything happens the AI of the game will respond to it.
It's a protection, not one immunity. You can still build stuff on the planets without this, there will be a difference between legal or illegal if it's owned by UEE and that is what this is about.
I would assume that planets that are unclaimed, like that aren't controlled will be whatever goes, not policed, no claim or licenses.
Thanks Max. You know, this game's territory control and PVP is leaning more and more towards EVE's, will be interesting to see how well it's received.
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
The best part of all this is theyre CLAIMING to have millions of these plots available (thus trying to quell the pay to win concerns) but that in and of itself is ridiculous considering even by their best guess estimates you can have 100 people on a server, and more than likely less than half that to have any sort of playability.
So now on an empty test bed in empty space who knows how far away from any assets the game runs like crap. Watching streamers, even after a couple patches going to bases or planetary places with buildings the frames go to complete crap. How on earth to they think they will be able to hold up performance if a corporation builds mega cities?
Stupid question because its unlikely we will ever get that far.
The particulars about this are too screwy. They give a huge disclaimer about the land claims, Then they say 'cash only'. Which more than likely you will never ever be able to see a refund from for any reason. Including if it never makes into the game (whenever the game exists) at all. 170 million obviously isnt enough. I suspect they might be using this to pay off that pay day loan they took out a few months ago. Or maybe the interest on it.
I have said it forever with zero transparency involving their funds no one knows anything. Everyone sees 168 million and thinks they cant possibility not have enough money or even money in the bank somewhere. Then they take loans out, they pull more money grab stunts like this and the always present 'we may take on investors' whispers. That is all very concerning. Add in their unwillingness to give refunds and it cant be more obvious.
People will always see what they want to see (on both sides) but if you cant see the obvious then there isnt much anyone can say.
Everyone ran the 'math' quite awhile ago, and once the math stopped working they remade the formula. They have been running at a loss for who knows how long, and that is with all the stupid shit they spent ridiculous amounts of money on aside. Even low end salary estimates have had them at a shortfall for awhile, and when that becomes apparent the white knights change the narrative, when its ok to brag about how 'big' CiG is they then claim 'well they dont have that many people now' when someone shows them math and how they are paying more in salary than theyre taking in.
I said it a long time ago and I say it every time a new money grab comes along...its amazing these guys havent had any sort of oversight placed on them or any sort of consumer protection agencies check them out. But in the grey area there probably isnt a lot they can do until its too late.
And I am not even saying land is pay to win. It isnt its the other actual real world implications that are so obvious theyre stupid. CASH only for something that even if anything ever happens is a minimum of a year away (in the test server, more than likely 2 or 3) and who knows how long after the 'release' of the 'game' it will come in. So how many years is that? Again the white knights are always the first ones to say 'it takes as long as it takes' but in the mean time people have hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of dollars tied up in something that despite all that money is moving slower than any other project ever.
Just sickening the level of deception this business is pulling.
It was onl ya matter of time,more and more and more cash shop,no game but lots of cash shop.
Either Chris Roberts is a brilliant scammer or there are just lots of dumb gamer's.
Yeah good idea,let's support the buying of virtual items that you never actually own...EVER and NEVER will own.
Finally someone gets it
Games have come a long way from being an honest bussiness with passionate programmers pushing boundaries Now its just a bunch of money hungry suits [mod edit] Every game has them and they are the reason microtransactions thrive and are ruining the entire industry
Im sick of you all
Post edited by Vaross on
I think I actually spent way more time reading and theorycrafting about MMOs than playing them
I think they might want to consider that now is the time to tell the audience specifically how they plan to make ships and now land not an advantage. I imagine some ways but I am just speculating. they need to step up to the plate and explain
They explain everything here.
Star Citizen: ATV Anniversary Special - Consolidated Outland & UEE Land Claim Licenses
I think they might want to consider that now is the time to tell the audience specifically how they plan to make ships and now land not an advantage. I imagine some ways but I am just speculating. they need to step up to the plate and explain
They explain everything here.
Star Citizen: ATV Anniversary Special - Consolidated Outland & UEE Land Claim Licenses
It's delicious that the detractors keep switching between:
1. How can they possibly need more money than xxx million dollars? They're just scamming people.
2. They're running dry - they had to make more money selling JPGs.
I love the irony of complete ignorance
Those aren't actually mutually exclusive. People can be flabbergasted by the huge amount of money raised with little to show for it while also believing they're running dry and need to sell jpegs. A huge company requires huge resources.
I'm not saying either of those are true, but they are definitely possible to believe at the same time and make perfect sense together.
Well, people believed Trump deserved to be president, so I guess you have a point.
I think they might want to consider that now is the time to tell the audience specifically how they plan to make ships and now land not an advantage. I imagine some ways but I am just speculating. they need to step up to the plate and explain
They explain everything here.
Star Citizen: ATV Anniversary Special - Consolidated Outland & UEE Land Claim Licenses
let me ask before I watch that video (I cant tell you how often posted links are NOT related to what I say).
Does it cover HOW.........land claims.......will not....give an ....advantage.....to players....?
Here we go again...
again? actually my stance is different then it has been in the past.
for the third time, 'I think its now time for SC to step up to the plate and explain to its audience exactly how these purchases are not giving players an advantage as they claim is the plan'
clear yet?
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
I love the "concern about backers money" narrative pushed toguether with the "insults and failure wishing" one.
So heartwarming
After the bitcoin jump and cig selling land the haters and doubters reaction are the best.
ironically I was going to post something about how someone who bought a starter pack in 2012 for 40 bucks woulds have over 22K right now had they put that 40 bucks into bitcoins. And how the ride with bitcoins has even outshined the craziness that is Star Citizen. and with BTC you have made a lot of money.
I sold some of what I had at 9960 looking to buy back off a dip that never came. So now I have to sit here with what I have left and not sell too soon. With all the crazy talk 15K may actually be possible because once they cleared 10K then it was open season. Which has been seen since they went up a thousand bucks in about 4 hours after they broke the 10K barrier last night.
But much like Star Citizen BTC will come crashing and burning down once they have the next sca, set up, this latest 3 weeks is unprecedented which makes it obvious. Even back when the price doubled in the short time it did this blows that away by along shot. Nov 12 I bought BTC for under 5550 a coin (they bottomed out at 5524) Since then its been nothing but up and up and at speeds we have never seen. Breaking through 8,9,10, and 11k barriers in less than 10 days. All for a reason which will become clear here once they feel safe.
But not to interject reality with fantasy back to SC talk.
I'm really in shock. People went off on other MMO's for selling land before a game launched. But it's OK for SC to do it?
If CIG went CoE on it, they would sell the actual moon for 10K
If the numbers myRadar posts about the moons in 3.0 are correct (planetary diameter), they could sell the area of one moon for over 30 million bucks. way more than 10k lol
Daymar = Diameter of 1,771 km, Radius of 885.5km
Spherical area = 9853420 km^2
4km x 4km (16 km^2) land parcel cost of 50 usd
9,853,420 km^2 / 16 km^2 = 615,838.75 Maximum land parcels available for Daymar alone.
615,838.75 x 50 usd = 30,791,937.5 USD
those numbers are for a single moon of a single planet...there will be a LOT more....those numbers are staggering lol
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone www.spankybus.com -3d Artist & Compositor -Writer -Professional Amature
It's delicious that the detractors keep switching between:
1. How can they possibly need more money than xxx million dollars? They're just scamming people.
2. They're running dry - they had to make more money selling JPGs.
I love the irony of complete ignorance
Those aren't actually mutually exclusive. People can be flabbergasted by the huge amount of money raised with little to show for it while also believing they're running dry and need to sell jpegs. A huge company requires huge resources.
I'm not saying either of those are true, but they are definitely possible to believe at the same time and make perfect sense together.
Well, people believed Trump deserved to be president, so I guess you have a point.
I think they might want to consider that now is the time to tell the audience specifically how they plan to make ships and now land not an advantage. I imagine some ways but I am just speculating. they need to step up to the plate and explain
They explain everything here.
Star Citizen: ATV Anniversary Special - Consolidated Outland & UEE Land Claim Licenses
let me ask before I watch that video (I cant tell you how often posted links are NOT related to what I say).
Does it cover HOW.........land claims.......will not....give an ....advantage.....to players....?
Here we go again...
again? actually my stance is different then it has been in the past.
for the third time, 'I think its now time for SC to step up to the plate and explain to its audience exactly how these purchases are not giving players an advantage as they claim is the plan'
clear yet?
It's an advantage like being first in line to buy something with infinite supply at the local supermarket is an advantage. It means you get to go claim land from any of at least 300 planets before the guy right behind you gets to go claim it.
Of course, if he has a faster ship - he just might find a spot before you do
So releasing 3.0 (they didnt even have 2.6 live last anniversary sale), adding land, adding a few new jpegs they have sold a bit less than a million bucks more worth of digital crap this year than last. They had raised (according to daily numbers) 2,841,504 in the first 5 days. So taking the smallest numbers (which was done using the same method as getting the 5 day numbers for last year) they sold a little less than 500K more this year than last. if you use the biggest number (which who knows where that came from) they have sold around 849K more.
So selling everything they have, adding a few new jpegs, adding land, releasing the version everyone was dreaming about they have increased sales about 15%. Which may or may not hold up. We will see. They sold 6.74 million (according to their 'anniversary sale number, I havent added the individual days up to see how they compared) last year. They have 7 more days to go. Right now theyre on schedule to sell a little over 7.75 million, which would be an increase of a million over last year. Considering all the 'accomplishments' they have seen over this past year and all the crap (including this land sale nonsense) thats not a very good result. Remains to be seen, but anything under 9 million would be a flop IMO.
But in the end I guess it doesnt matter theyre still raking in the money they still have people foolish enough to keep spending despite all the stuff that is going on and continues to go on, and I also seem to remember I said some where that they would eventually sell planets, with the caveat that they could get them to work in the first place. We havent quite gotten there but this is basically the same thing.
But you can see that no matter how ridiculous these guys get there isnt anything they can do that would make the guys that defend them here say a critical thing about them. Its pretty hilarious. Like I also said, they could all disappear with all the money to some unknown place, test bed could go offline, websites could go down, all the fancy video blogs they do every week could be long gone and everyone in the upper echelon could fall off the face of the earth, basically everything SC could cease to exist, and these guys would try and claim they were just going 'underground' to escape the naysayers.
Have fun
1. How can they possibly need more money than xxx million dollars? They're just scamming people.
2. They're running dry - they had to make more money selling JPGs.
I love the irony of complete ignorance
Whelp it's a large-scale project, and with it, large-scale costs, nobody would have imagined something could be brought up to the "AAA" tier in terms of company and dev team.
I'm not saying either of those are true, but they are definitely possible to believe at the same time and make perfect sense together.
You saying with a claim it can't be attacked for any reason?
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Phenomenal as I said.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
This is only for UEE owned planets and moons, those should be policed areas, so what happens is if anything happens the AI of the game will respond to it.
It's a protection, not one immunity. You can still build stuff on the planets without this, there will be a difference between legal or illegal if it's owned by UEE and that is what this is about.
I would assume that planets that are unclaimed, like that aren't controlled will be whatever goes, not policed, no claim or licenses.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
So now on an empty test bed in empty space who knows how far away from any assets the game runs like crap. Watching streamers, even after a couple patches going to bases or planetary places with buildings the frames go to complete crap. How on earth to they think they will be able to hold up performance if a corporation builds mega cities?
Stupid question because its unlikely we will ever get that far.
The particulars about this are too screwy. They give a huge disclaimer about the land claims, Then they say 'cash only'. Which more than likely you will never ever be able to see a refund from for any reason. Including if it never makes into the game (whenever the game exists) at all. 170 million obviously isnt enough. I suspect they might be using this to pay off that pay day loan they took out a few months ago. Or maybe the interest on it.
I have said it forever with zero transparency involving their funds no one knows anything. Everyone sees 168 million and thinks they cant possibility not have enough money or even money in the bank somewhere. Then they take loans out, they pull more money grab stunts like this and the always present 'we may take on investors' whispers. That is all very concerning. Add in their unwillingness to give refunds and it cant be more obvious.
People will always see what they want to see (on both sides) but if you cant see the obvious then there isnt much anyone can say.
Everyone ran the 'math' quite awhile ago, and once the math stopped working they remade the formula. They have been running at a loss for who knows how long, and that is with all the stupid shit they spent ridiculous amounts of money on aside. Even low end salary estimates have had them at a shortfall for awhile, and when that becomes apparent the white knights change the narrative, when its ok to brag about how 'big' CiG is they then claim 'well they dont have that many people now' when someone shows them math and how they are paying more in salary than theyre taking in.
I said it a long time ago and I say it every time a new money grab comes along...its amazing these guys havent had any sort of oversight placed on them or any sort of consumer protection agencies check them out. But in the grey area there probably isnt a lot they can do until its too late.
And I am not even saying land is pay to win. It isnt its the other actual real world implications that are so obvious theyre stupid. CASH only for something that even if anything ever happens is a minimum of a year away (in the test server, more than likely 2 or 3) and who knows how long after the 'release' of the 'game' it will come in. So how many years is that? Again the white knights are always the first ones to say 'it takes as long as it takes' but in the mean time people have hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of dollars tied up in something that despite all that money is moving slower than any other project ever.
Star Citizen starts selling space today.
cant wait.
edit,actually i can wait.
So, did ESO have a successful launch? Yes, yes it did.By Ryan Getchell on April 02, 2014.
**On the radar: http://www.cyberpunk.net/ **
So heartwarming
After the bitcoin jump and cig selling land the haters and doubters reaction are the best.
Finally someone gets it
Games have come a long way from being an honest bussiness with passionate programmers pushing boundaries
Now its just a bunch of money hungry suits
[mod edit]
Every game has them and they are the reason microtransactions thrive and are ruining the entire industry
Im sick of you all
I think I actually spent way more time reading and theorycrafting about MMOs than playing them
Does it cover HOW.........land claims.......will not....give an ....advantage.....to players....?
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Here we go again...
for the third time, 'I think its now time for SC to step up to the plate and explain to its audience exactly how these purchases are not giving players an advantage as they claim is the plan'
clear yet?
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
I sold some of what I had at 9960 looking to buy back off a dip that never came. So now I have to sit here with what I have left and not sell too soon. With all the crazy talk 15K may actually be possible because once they cleared 10K then it was open season. Which has been seen since they went up a thousand bucks in about 4 hours after they broke the 10K barrier last night.
But much like Star Citizen BTC will come crashing and burning down once they have the next sca, set up, this latest 3 weeks is unprecedented which makes it obvious. Even back when the price doubled in the short time it did this blows that away by along shot. Nov 12 I bought BTC for under 5550 a coin (they bottomed out at 5524) Since then its been nothing but up and up and at speeds we have never seen. Breaking through 8,9,10, and 11k barriers in less than 10 days. All for a reason which will become clear here once they feel safe.
But not to interject reality with fantasy back to SC talk.
Daymar = Diameter of 1,771 km, Radius of 885.5km
Spherical area = 9853420 km^2
4km x 4km (16 km^2) land parcel cost of 50 usd
9,853,420 km^2 / 16 km^2 = 615,838.75 Maximum land parcels available for Daymar alone.
615,838.75 x 50 usd = 30,791,937.5 USD
those numbers are for a single moon of a single planet...there will be a LOT more....those numbers are staggering lol
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
Of course, if he has a faster ship - he just might find a spot before you do