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Why Derek Smart is right about Star Citizen - His facts and why SC is likely to fail

TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
On June 24th, Derek Smart posted...

"THE STAR CITIZEN PROJECT IS IN FINANCIAL TROUBLE After raising over $150 million in crowd-funding, plus unknown investor amounts and bank loans, on June 13th, 2017, CIG/RSI took out a high-risk loan secured by all the assets backers had poured money into..."


"As I have reported in the past, for some time now sources have informed me that the project was in financial dire straits."

So his inside sources would know far more than fans or people watching the game, and know even more than the haters themselves. It is true, and signs point to mass money loss and vast management issues.

Not only that, but Chris Roberts is well known for mismanagement and wasting money, sort of like the guy behind Black and White god game series and Fable. So it should be no surprise about this.

On top of that, they keep adding shit to the game that isn't needed...why in the hell waste time literally adding shit? Like literal shit they added. That is the biggest waste of resources ever, and I do NOT want to play a game where I have to worry about going to the bathroom and also at the same time have to use the bathroom in real life. This is a great example of resources and feature creep taking over the game, and wasting so much money on NEW features and not enough on existing projects.

On top of that, while that large refund WAS a scam and lie, the game is still being refunded at a large rate according to Derek Smart and they took advantage of the lie, but do not tell the truth of how many are refunding the game. Even if the company refuses a refund, you can call a bank and get them to do a charge back...easy as that.

But the biggest worry and sign of a game being mismanaged, as seen in many games of mismanaged projects (like remember Kingdoms of Amalur?), is just so many unneeded features being added.

On top of that, taking out loans is NOT a good sign after making so much money from crowdfunding. What happened to all that crowd funded money that required to take out a loan?

Just this morning I did a charge back on Star Citizen (called my bank), only put in 50 dollars, but I can't support a company that is so badly mismanaged. And I don't want to play Sims in space, MMO edition where I have to worry about stupid thanks lol

What are your guys thoughts on all this and what Derek Smart has said and discovered about the game?

My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:



  • RexKushmanRexKushman Member RarePosts: 639
    Did you even bother trying to get a refund before doing a charge back?

    As for my thoughts on DS, he's a failed game dev.. thats pretty much it. He has about as much relevance as the crap i scooped out of the litter box this morning.

    If SC ever gets finished I'll give it a try, just like I do with any game that interests me regardless what some randoms on the internet are saying about it. 
    Erillionlancerxxgervaise1[Deleted User]MaxBaconAsm0deusConstantineMerusSirAgravainerpmcmurphyMellowTiggerand 8 others.

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    [Deleted User]Asm0deusJamesGoblinSirAgravainerpmcmurphyMellowTiggerMrMelGibsonFalstaffHatefullTealaand 4 others.
  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
    Did you even bother trying to get a refund before doing a charge back?

    As for my thoughts on DS, he's a failed game dev.. thats pretty much it. He has about as much relevance as the crap i scooped out of the litter box this morning.

    If SC ever gets finished I'll give it a try, just like I do with any game that interests me regardless what some randoms on the internet are saying about it. 
    I did actually. I tried a few months ago, don't have email anymore but they refused because they said I paid for the game too long ago (I paid into it back in December when they had a bunch of sales/deals going on). I just told my bank I didn't see I paid for it and got them to get my money back.

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503
    Did you even bother trying to get a refund before doing a charge back?

    As for my thoughts on DS, he's a failed game dev.. thats pretty much it. He has about as much relevance as the crap i scooped out of the litter box this morning.

    If SC ever gets finished I'll give it a try, just like I do with any game that interests me regardless what some randoms on the internet are saying about it. 
    Yup. DS and his opinions are less than useless in regards to, well anything.
    lancerxx[Deleted User]Asm0deusMrMelGibsonTealabarasawaWraithone

    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    Why are you giving him and what he says more attention?

    He is just copy/pasting the same crap for the past 2 years claiming the "end is near" like it's news, just move on from being that obsessed with him.
  • NyteWytchNyteWytch Member UncommonPosts: 53

    On top of that, they keep adding shit to the game that isn't needed...why in the hell waste time literally adding shit? Like literal shit they added. That is the biggest waste of resources ever, and I do NOT want to play a game where I have to worry about going to the bathroom and also at the same time have to use the bathroom in real life.

    Hmmm...You might be on to something here.  Instead of facial recognition we need poop recognition.  So my RL bathroom trips will count in game!  Genius!  Someone get on the horn to CR stat!
    [Deleted User]Octagon7711bartoni33
  • gir243gir243 Member UncommonPosts: 50
    I'm confused.  OP, weren't you pro-SC in your other thread that has now been edited?  Maybe I'm confusing you with someone else.
  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
    gir243 said:
    I'm confused.  OP, weren't you pro-SC in your other thread that has now been edited?  Maybe I'm confusing you with someone else.
    I'm not a big fan of SC anymore. I was a big fan, but they keep adding stupid crap that doesn't need to be in the game instead of finishing the game and THEN adding stuff. Plus I read lots of information from Derek Smart last night, and discovered a lot about the game that caused much suspicion.

    I'd rather use the 50 dollars to a different game, like I can get a bunch of games on sale on Steam for 50 dollars during the Winter sales
    NyteWytch[Deleted User]rpmcmurphyMrMelGibson

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    edited September 2017
    gir243 said:
    I'm confused.  OP, weren't you pro-SC in your other thread that has now been edited?  Maybe I'm confusing you with someone else.
    I was just wtf'ing at that.

    His ENTIRE narrative was spun just 1 hour ago, he edited all his posts to reflect his new narrative and made a post about DS claiming he did a charge-back.

    Is he looking for approval from the "critics"? Trolling? What the...

    edit: Okay he just became a fan of Derek Smart (his words).
    Post edited by MaxBacon on
  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
    gir243 said:
    I'm confused.  OP, weren't you pro-SC in your other thread that has now been edited?  Maybe I'm confusing you with someone else.
    I'm not a big fan of SC anymore. I was a big fan, but they keep adding stupid crap that doesn't need to be in the game instead of finishing the game and THEN adding stuff. Plus I read lots of information from Derek Smart last night, and discovered a lot about the game that caused much suspicion.

    I'd rather use the 50 dollars to a different game, like I can get a bunch of games on sale on Steam for 50 dollars during the Winter sales
    also to add. The people in that thread convinced me how SC has a lot of suspicion toward it and how it deserves its hate, because partly how badly mismanaged the game is. I DID try defending it because I didn't want my 50 dollars to be a waste, but they gave me a lot of information (plus the stuff I looked up) that caused me to lose faith in the game.

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • gir243gir243 Member UncommonPosts: 50
    gir243 said:
    I'm confused.  OP, weren't you pro-SC in your other thread that has now been edited?  Maybe I'm confusing you with someone else.
    I'm not a big fan of SC anymore. I was a big fan, but they keep adding stupid crap that doesn't need to be in the game instead of finishing the game and THEN adding stuff. Plus I read lots of information from Derek Smart last night, and discovered a lot about the game that caused much suspicion.

    I'd rather use the 50 dollars to a different game, like I can get a bunch of games on sale on Steam for 50 dollars during the Winter sales
    also to add. The people in that thread convinced me how SC has a lot of suspicion toward it and how it deserves its hate, because partly how badly mismanaged the game is. I DID try defending it because I didn't want my 50 dollars to be a waste, but they gave me a lot of information (plus the stuff I looked up) that caused me to lose faith in the game.
    It's good to have concerns but i'm not so sure jumping on the DS train is the way to go.
  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    edited September 2017
    also to add. The people in that thread convinced me how SC has a lot of suspicion toward it and how it deserves its hate, because partly how badly mismanaged the game is. I DID try defending it because I didn't want my 50 dollars to be a waste, but they gave me a lot of information (plus the stuff I looked up) that caused me to lose faith in the game.
    I'm calling BS on this, you just said you tried to refund the game months ago and supposedly got refused now you are here claiming you got a "heart change" in a matter of minutes from being aggressively defensive of the game?!?!

    Ya don't make sense to me, but whatever.
  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
    MaxBacon said:
    also to add. The people in that thread convinced me how SC has a lot of suspicion toward it and how it deserves its hate, because partly how badly mismanaged the game is. I DID try defending it because I didn't want my 50 dollars to be a waste, but they gave me a lot of information (plus the stuff I looked up) that caused me to lose faith in the game.
    I'm calling BS on this, you just said you tried to refund the game months ago and supposedly got refused now you are here claiming you got a "heart change" in a matter of minutes?!?!
    Yes, I tried refunding a few months ago not because I didn't like the game (at the time, now I have severe doubts with the game), but because rent was due and I needed 50 dollars. I was 47 dollars short of paying rent. For me, 50 dollars is a LOT of money (I'm on severe limited income, barely minimum wage), but I still wanted to support SC. I planned to put the 50 dollars back, but I got denied anyway and had to ask friends for money which was kinda pathetic. 

    That is actually the legit truth of it, I wanted a refund because I'm dirt poor and 50 dollars is a lot of money for me. The 2nd time just this morning, I skipped dealing with the company and went to the bank. 

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • NyteWytchNyteWytch Member UncommonPosts: 53
    So just trying to justify taking back money you used to back a game for the future?  Maybe in your best interest to only purchase released games in the future.
  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    That is actually the legit truth of it, I wanted a refund because I'm dirt poor and 50 dollars is a lot of money for me. The 2nd time just this morning, I skipped dealing with the company and went to the bank. 
    I don't buy this...

    You were, minutes ago, aggressively defensive of the game, you made a post about DS and his group wanted to destroy star citizen then you edit it MINUTES after saying "you're a fan of DS".

    That just does not happen, you don't make a post like that, change your heart, refund the game, and edit all your posts to reflect you are no longer a fan... In just a few minutes.
    borghive49[Deleted User]JamesGoblinbartoni33ExcessionMrMelGibsonHatefull
  • TalonsinTalonsin Member EpicPosts: 3,619
    Derek Smart has one of the biggest egos in the business.  Both him and Chris Roberts have been living for years off the work they did decades ago and that work was assisted by countless others who get no credit for their contributions.

    Derek has been predicting the financial collapse of CIG for years.  I think goons feed him this information just to watch him get an O-Face and then come and post another prediction of CIG collapsing.

    Chris Roberts is really just like Derek, if you gave Derek 150 million to build a game we would be looking at the same degree of mismanagement and the forever addition of useless features like we are now.

    If both of them were hanging from a building and I had to pick one to save I honestly dont know which one I would lend a hand to.  They would probably both die as I mulled the decision over in my head.

    [Deleted User]klash2defbartoni33rpmcmurphyAzaron_NightbladeMaxBaconMrMelGibsonHatefull
    "Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game."  - SEANMCAD

  • borghive49borghive49 Member RarePosts: 493
    This poster has a history of erratic posts. A few weeks ago the OP was singing praises about how great WoW was, then after a week or so 3-4 threads were started about how much they dislike MMOs. 
    MaxBacon[Deleted User]JamesGoblinMrMelGibsonRobsolfFrodoFraginsScolioz
  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
    MaxBacon said:
    That is actually the legit truth of it, I wanted a refund because I'm dirt poor and 50 dollars is a lot of money for me. The 2nd time just this morning, I skipped dealing with the company and went to the bank. 
    I don't buy this...

    You were, minutes ago, aggressively defensive of the game, you made a post about DS and his group wanted to destroy star citizen then you edit it MINUTES after saying "you're a fan of DS".

    That just does not happen, you don't make a post like that, change your heart, refund the game, and edit all your posts to reflect you are no longer a fan... In just a few minutes.
    I edited the posts because I didn't want to show support for a game that is very shady and suspicious, however the tone of the posts remained the same. For example, instead of complaining about haters in the original post of the other thread, I then asked a more broad question, "does the game deserve the hate", not a hate post nor a fan post but in the middle.

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    Talonsin said:
    If both of them were hanging from a building and I had to pick one to save I honestly dont know which one I would lend a hand to.  They would probably both die as I mulled the decision over in my head.
    The one that created or was involved with the successful games, one easy pick.

    I actually played CR's games when I was younger before I even knew who he was, only after backing SC I realized he created those games lol
  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    edited September 2017
    This poster has a history of erratic posts. A few weeks ago the OP was singing praises about how great WoW was, then after a week or so 3-4 threads were started about how much they dislike MMOs. 
    I noticed this, I saw how flippant it got and It doesn't even feel it is trolling, yet something else, with what happened here as well it just lacks logic to me.

    Maybe it's just someone who can feel strongly about something in a moment and easily change opinion to feel strongly about the polar opposite.
  • ShaddyDaddyShaddyDaddy Member UncommonPosts: 193
    edited September 2017
    This poster has a history of erratic posts. A few weeks ago the OP was singing praises about how great WoW was, then after a week or so 3-4 threads were started about how much they dislike MMOs. 
    It reminds me of the lost boys from Hook. You know, the scene where Pan and Rufio are in an arguement and depending on who was talking was dependant on who's side they ran to. 
  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
    MaxBacon said:
    That is actually the legit truth of it, I wanted a refund because I'm dirt poor and 50 dollars is a lot of money for me. The 2nd time just this morning, I skipped dealing with the company and went to the bank. 
    I don't buy this...

    You were, minutes ago, aggressively defensive of the game, you made a post about DS and his group wanted to destroy star citizen then you edit it MINUTES after saying "you're a fan of DS".

    That just does not happen, you don't make a post like that, change your heart, refund the game, and edit all your posts to reflect you are no longer a fan... In just a few minutes.
    I edited the posts because I didn't want to show support for a game that is very shady and suspicious, however the tone of the posts remained the same. For example, instead of complaining about haters in the original post of the other thread, I then asked a more broad question, "does the game deserve the hate", not a hate post nor a fan post but in the middle.
    for example, so no one gets false information

    "Am I right in being so suspicious of the game? I DO want the game to succeed, but its pretty suspicious with how its been managed and the huge amount of feature creep that keeps getting added to the game. Many features can be added post-release I feel, makes more sense to finish the game and THEN add more features"

    So pretty in the middle, though still leaning slightly on the suspicious side. But I tried to make the thread more neutral instead of one or the other.

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    edited September 2017
    So pretty in the middle,
    By no stretch of the imagination my friend. Most critics on this forum have more reasonable stands. Now you, you went from aggressive Zealot to Derek Smart in minutes, this is not in the middle, just no. lol

    Garick said:
    Didn't these /loans/ Turn out to be simply SC taking out money to use now based on their business credit from how EU handles big buisness over there?   Its not really a loan more than it is just taking advantage of a sure thing by using money now that the government is for certain going to pay back for you at a clear precise time.
    Yes, but he is basing himself on what Derek Smart claims, and obviously (for anyone who is here long enough), he will use anything to sustain his narrative that "the end is near".
  • SplattrSplattr Member RarePosts: 585
    edited September 2017
    Isn't it ironic one of the reasons the OP doesn't want the game any more is the poop mechanic, yet he is using a guy who constantly spews shit about the game from his mouth as his main source of "facts" about the game?

    [Deleted User]ShaighMrMelGibsonFalstaff
  • VrikaVrika Member LegendaryPosts: 8,023
    Garick said:
    Didn't these /loans/ Turn out to be simply SC taking out money to use now based on their business credit from how EU handles big buisness over there?   Its not really a loan more than it is just taking advantage of a sure thing by using money now that the government is for certain going to pay back for you at a clear precise time.
    Taking a loan against your future income is really a loan.

    CIG's official explanation is that it was just a smart money management move, but we could have a 10 page debate as to whether CIG gave their real reason in that statement, or just carefully obfuscated the situation.
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