This release adds multiple regular activities to the game, including Harvesting (gatherers find resource “gushers” that attract attacking creatures while being harvested), Raids (feuding companies can attack each other’s vulnerable Holdings to steal bulk resources) and Invasions (creatures from nearby escalations, or just from the hex itself, can attack Holdings to steal that day’s bulk resource production). There is also a new quest to help guide new players up to Tier 2 capabilities, as well as new Town Criers to help players find and join a settlement. And to help everyone get the resources they need, raw materials were rebalanced to better match equipment needs, and muleteers were added to all +2 or better Holdings.
A new premium item, Azoth, is available for purchase and can be used to improve the output of refining and crafting projects. Azoth can also be converted into months of game time, and can be offered for sale at Auction Houses.
There are also several other significant changes, including changes to the Auction Houses (a new Active Bids view makes it possible to view only those items with bids on them, and the default sales prices try to match those of a character’s previous offers) and the addition of Take/Transfer All buttons to Vaults and Inventory screens to make transferring multiple items easier. As usual, there are also many other smaller bug fixes and tweaks.
To read the full release notes, please visit