lol love it when someone is shown proof of what they said and they still try to play the victim.
To be fair there's a rather circle-jerking behavior on this.
@Cotic brought that uncalled for what hints me it's about slander @Vikingir, I really don't see a reason to pursue such (because it's not the first time he has a go at him in this forum because of how much money he has spent).
How can it be slander/libel if he said/wrote it himself?
You must be either blind or - to be diplomatic and not use a derogatory word - unable to interpret what you see. I never said/wrote what you claim I did. It's slander. And you're doing it on purpose.
Besides, you're attacking me just to troll. It's called flaming and is used by trolls to stir up bad emotions in discussions. MaxBacon is also right - you have ill intent.
In addition, you're off topic. You have not answered OP's question, as I can see.
lol love it when someone is shown proof of what they said and they still try to play the victim.
To be fair there's a rather circle-jerking behavior on this.
@Cotic brought that uncalled for what hints me it's about slander @Vikingir, I really don't see a reason to pursue such (because it's not the first time he has a go at him in this forum because of how much money he has spent).
How can it be slander/libel if he said/wrote it himself?
You must be either blind or - to be diplomatic and not use a derogatory word - unable to interpret what you see. I never wrote what you claim I did.
Besides, you're attacking me just to troll. It's called flaming and is used by trolls to stir up bad emotions in discussions. MaxBacon is also right - you have ill intent.
Did you spend around18k at the time of your post on the other forums? Cause unless you were lying at the time then I fail to see the issue.
No, as always I'm focused on the "precision and accuracy is vital" phase. There's no excuse for adding $2,000 just because it looks better with a round number (or something like that). If he'd said I had pledged $18K then we'd never had this argument. Then I'd just reported his personal attack on me to the mods and ignored him. But unprecise slander is something I reply to.
No, as always I'm focused on the "precision and accuracy is vital" phase. There's no excuse for adding $2,000 just because it looks better with a round number (or something like that). If he'd said I had pledged $18K then we'd never had this argument. Then I'd just reported his personal attack on me to the mods and ignored him. But unprecise slander is something I reply to.
Are we talking "precision and accuracy" to the level of "weeks not months", or something else entirely? I need to know what the baseline is for this and any future SC thread.
No, as always I'm focused on the "precision and accuracy is vital" phase. There's no excuse for adding $2,000 just because it looks better with a round number (or something like that). If he'd said I had pledged $18K then we'd never had this argument. Then I'd just reported his personal attack on me to the mods and ignored him. But unprecise slander is something I reply to.
So your whole argument is because they rounded up like most of the populace does when reporting numbers imprecisely? Why didn't you just say that in your original post instead of trying to play the victim and ended this pages ago?
And yes I did look back at the post in question and you just went the route of saying it's slander and you never actually said that without actually trying to correct them
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
lol love it when someone is shown proof of what they said and they still try to play the victim.
To be fair there's a rather circle-jerking behavior on this.
@Cotic brought that uncalled for what hints me it's about slander @Vikingir, I really don't see a reason to pursue such (because it's not the first time he has a go at him in this forum because of how much money he has spent).
How can it be slander/libel if he said/wrote it himself?
You must be either blind or - to be diplomatic and not use a derogatory word - unable to interpret what you see. I never said/wrote what you claim I did. It's slander. And you're doing it on purpose.
Besides, you're attacking me just to troll. It's called flaming and is used by trolls to stir up bad emotions in discussions. MaxBacon is also right - you have ill intent.
In addition, you're off topic. You have not answered OP's question, as I can see.
I politely agreed that I wouldn't discuss it any more but it seems you do want to talk about it now while impolitely calling me a troll, accusing me of slander and so on.
If the goalposts have moved from slander to precision and accuracy perhaps you should inform with the actual amount spent to date, receipts would be beneficial. It would go a long way to avoiding any misunderstandings next time it gets mentioned.
The "goalposts" haven't moved. One should always be careful to be precise with facts, especially when trying to ridicule someone. Most people understand this. But you seem to don't care about correct facts at all.
Yes, you're trolling with flaming. And it's slander and ill intent you're trolling with. Just stop replying to me and don't mention me ever again.
He already said he wouldn't mention it again and yet you are forcing him to talk about it. Where's the logic in that?
Most people round up numbers, we get taught this in primary schools so him rounding 18K up to 20K is not slander. He responded to you at your bequest so it's not really trolling, he might be trying to wind you up with his comment about the receipts but just let it go.
You made an issue about him being off-topic and yet here you are repeatedly going off-topic....
The "goalposts" haven't moved. One should always be careful to be precise with facts, especially when trying to ridicule someone. Most people understand this. But you seem to don't care about correct facts at all.
Yes, you're trolling with flaming. And it's slander and ill intent you're trolling with. Just stop replying to me and don't mention me ever again.
So, you are being pedantic because according to you, someone is not being precise with how much you spent on SC.
Since you are into being precise, why did you make a post with imprecise information?
The exact statement you made is: "40K is more than twice me. I think I'm around 18K (havent the exact number).
So, if you only "think" it is around 18K, why is it such a big deal that someone suggests you spent around 20K?
Play the victim much?
A creative person is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others.
The "goalposts" haven't moved. One should always be careful to be precise with facts, especially when trying to ridicule someone. Most people understand this. But you seem to don't care about correct facts at all.
Yes, you're trolling with flaming. And it's slander and ill intent you're trolling with. Just stop replying to me and don't mention me ever again.
So, you are being pedantic because according to you, someone is not being precise with how much you spent on SC.
Since you are into being precise, why did you make a post with imprecise information?
The exact statement you made is: "40K is more than twice me. I think I'm around 18K (havent the exact number).
So, if you only "think" it is around 18K, why is it such a big deal that someone suggests you spent around 20K?
Play the victim much?
Come on, obviously rounding up by a paltry amount (in this case) is slander and should be met with extreme prejudice and face the full wrath of the law.
On topic I'd say i'm somewhere in between Agnostics and Heretics and it can swing either way depending on what BS is being put out week to week.
The "goalposts" haven't moved. One should always be careful to be precise with facts, especially when trying to ridicule someone. Most people understand this. But you seem to don't care about correct facts at all.
Yes, you're trolling with flaming. And it's slander and ill intent you're trolling with. Just stop replying to me and don't mention me ever again.
So, you are being pedantic because according to you, someone is not being precise with how much you spent on SC.
Since you are into being precise, why did you make a post with imprecise information?
The exact statement you made is: "40K is more than twice me. I think I'm around 18K (havent the exact number).
So, if you only "think" it is around 18K, why is it such a big deal that someone suggests you spent around 20K?
Play the victim much?
I was going to mention this. But yeah, him saying he got outspent twice as much was extremely suspicious. It' likely he lying about how much he actually spent and on top of that is attacking someone else for exaggerating how much he spent (by ~10%).
Strangely, he also thinks it's an issue of law. And embarrassingly enough, he also has the law wrong.
I think Max keeps talking about how people are trying to humiliate him, but dude... $18,000+? There is a certain level of humiliation that should take place in my opinion.
I think Max keeps talking about how people are trying to humiliate him, but dude... $18,000+? There is a certain level of humiliation that should take place in my opinion.
If you want turn discussions into a circle-jerk to humiliate and laugh at other posters, sure. I still find people who do that despicable.
But don't mind me, this just shows the true nature of some of the posters here and what type of persons they are with this intentional nitpicking brought up and pursuing of this that is meant to break another poster on something that it's pretty much none of you guys business in my opinion.
I think Max keeps talking about how people are trying to humiliate him, but dude... $18,000+? There is a certain level of humiliation that should take place in my opinion.
If you want turn discussions into a circle-jerk to humiliate and laugh at other posters, sure. I still find people who do that despicable.
But don't mind me, this just shows the true nature of some of the posters here and what type of persons they are with this intentional pursuing of this that is meant to break another post on something that it's pretty much none of your business in my opinion.
Cotic to Vikingir: we should ask Gorf if he'll put a new section in for snowflakes that spend $20,000+ on $60 computer games?
Vikingir: I haven't spent $20,000+ but you still continue with attacking me with untrue slander... Stop this!
Cotic: *provides screenshot of Vikingir posting in RSI forums that he thinks he has spent around 18k but doesn't have exact number*
Vikingir: I never said I've spent $20,000+. If you read carefully... you'll see that's not true... You're attacking me with untrue slander.
More semi coherent legal rambling for pages and pages...
And so the wheel turns
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Authored 139 missions in VendettaOnline and 6 tracks in Distance
I love how some people here really let the worse on them surface when it comes to shame other posters. If I ever pulled off one of those calling out someone else, no doubts in my mind some posters here would felt instantly outraged and gang up on me.
But because the poster in question doesn't share your bias, you're happy to stand by and legitimate the instigation of a circle-jerking behavior by pursuing something that is really none of your business in the first place.
I love how some people here really let the worse on them surface when it comes to shame other posters. If I ever pulled off one of those calling out someone else, no doubts in my mind some posters here would felt instantly outraged and gang up on me.
But because the poster in question doesn't share your bias, you're happy to stand by and legitimate the instigation of a circle-jerking behavior by pursuing something that is really none of your business in the first place.
Besides, you're attacking me just to troll. It's called flaming and is used by trolls to stir up bad emotions in discussions. MaxBacon is also right - you have ill intent.
In addition, you're off topic. You have not answered OP's question, as I can see.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
And yes I did look back at the post in question and you just went the route of saying it's slander and you never actually said that without actually trying to correct them
The are extremely proficient and I think get more pleasure from metagaming than actually playing the game itself.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
I politely agreed that I wouldn't discuss it any more but it seems you do want to talk about it now while impolitely calling me a troll, accusing me of slander and so on.
If the goalposts have moved from slander to precision and accuracy perhaps you should inform with the actual amount spent to date, receipts would be beneficial. It would go a long way to avoiding any misunderstandings next time it gets mentioned.
Yes, you're trolling with flaming. And it's slander and ill intent you're trolling with. Just stop replying to me and don't mention me ever again.
He already said he wouldn't mention it again and yet you are forcing him to talk about it. Where's the logic in that?
Most people round up numbers, we get taught this in primary schools so him rounding 18K up to 20K is not slander. He responded to you at your bequest so it's not really trolling, he might be trying to wind you up with his comment about the receipts but just let it go.
You made an issue about him being off-topic and yet here you are repeatedly going off-topic....
Since you are into being precise, why did you make a post with imprecise information?
The exact statement you made is:
"40K is more than twice me. I think I'm around 18K (havent the exact number).
So, if you only "think" it is around 18K, why is it such a big deal that someone suggests you spent around 20K?
Play the victim much?
A creative person is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others.
On topic
I'd say i'm somewhere in between Agnostics and Heretics and it can swing either way depending on what BS is being put out week to week.
Strangely, he also thinks it's an issue of law. And embarrassingly enough, he also has the law wrong.
I think Max keeps talking about how people are trying to humiliate him, but dude... $18,000+? There is a certain level of humiliation that should take place in my opinion.
I still find people who do that despicable.
But don't mind me, this just shows the true nature of some of the posters here and what type of persons they are with this intentional nitpicking brought up and pursuing of this that is meant to break another poster on something that it's pretty much none of you guys business in my opinion.
But I'm cool with that.
The SA forums would be the right place to take these things as far as you want with no real perception of limits.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Cotic to Vikingir: we should ask Gorf if he'll put a new section in for snowflakes that spend $20,000+ on $60 computer games?
Vikingir: I haven't spent $20,000+ but you still continue with attacking me with untrue slander... Stop this!
Cotic: *provides screenshot of Vikingir posting in RSI forums that he thinks he has spent around 18k but doesn't have exact number*
Vikingir: I never said I've spent $20,000+. If you read carefully... you'll see that's not true... You're attacking me with untrue slander.
More semi coherent legal rambling for pages and pages...
And so the wheel turns
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance
But because the poster in question doesn't share your bias, you're happy to stand by and legitimate the instigation of a circle-jerking behavior by pursuing something that is really none of your business in the first place.
Congra-freaking-lations people!