This thread is starting to check off some of the "classic SC thread boxes". We're still missing where Max says he has been attacked but I'm positive it will deliver.
Where does someone who really doesn't care about the MMO but just wants their copy of Squadron 42 fall?
Very good point. It's a separate game but tied together by development. It's probably the reason why so much gets reworked in SC. A nice ship update comes out in S42 so they want it in SC ASAP.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
I find the "chart" extremely antagonistic towards everybody and anybody that comments about SC. So, does that mean the chart is pointing out how absurd the whole SC debate is no matter what side you take?
I find the "chart" extremely antagonistic towards everybody and anybody that comments about SC. So, does that mean the chart is pointing out how absurd the whole SC debate is no matter what side you take?
I think it just reminds us how many things about SC are absurd, no matter what side you're talking about.
I find the "chart" extremely antagonistic towards everybody and anybody that comments about SC. So, does that mean the chart is pointing out how absurd the whole SC debate is no matter what side you take?
I think it just reminds us how many things about SC are absurd, no matter what side you're talking about.
It just reminds us that it comes from the Goons and the Goons are waging a propaganda war. Always have, always will be.
I find the "chart" extremely antagonistic towards everybody and anybody that comments about SC. So, does that mean the chart is pointing out how absurd the whole SC debate is no matter what side you take?
I think it just reminds us how many things about SC are absurd, no matter what side you're talking about.
It just reminds us that it comes from the Goons and the Goons are waging a propaganda war. Always have, always will be.
It just reminds us that it comes from the Goons and the Goons are waging a propaganda war. Always have, always will be.
Don't say those things, remember, we are the villains here.
That's the propaganda machine, but mind, the game speaks louder the end of the day and how frustrated they get at that, it becomes harder as the game develops they need to find new material, currently, they're in the graph phase, before they were on the "CIG sources leaks" phase.
I find the "chart" extremely antagonistic towards everybody and anybody that comments about SC. So, does that mean the chart is pointing out how absurd the whole SC debate is no matter what side you take?
I think it just reminds us how many things about SC are absurd, no matter what side you're talking about.
It just reminds us that it comes from the Goons and the Goons are waging a propaganda war. Always have, always will be.
Have fun
They're just having fun at your expense. That's what they always do. Robert's pompous claims and CIG's constant shortcomings, combined with zealot fans like yourself, are an easy target.
I don't fit into any of those boxes, or pie categories, and I don't agree of the labeling or the said motives either. It's much more complex and many more motives, plus a blend of motives for many people too. As usual, the goons make nice figures but with poor content.
Perhaps we should ask Gorf if he'll put a new section in for snowflakes that spend $20,000+ on $60 computer games?
I've told you before, in these forums, that I haven't spent $20,000+ but you still continue with attacking me with untrue slander made from loose gossip and thin air. Besides, it's all you can do when you reply to me - use derogatory terms (remember in MOP?) or personal attack ... Stop this! If you don't have anything else to contribute with in a discussion then don't participate at all.
Why don't you stick to the topic and answer OP's question instead:
My view of SC falls into the sceptic/agnostic bracket, where do you see yourself?
I knew this thread would degenerate into namecalling of other debattants when I saw it. Because, most people are unable to restrain themselves and don't have the necessary discipline to stay on topic.
Turns out I was Skeptic all this time and I didn't even know it! O.o
Yes, I doubt the game will not achieve its promise in full and I do believe in a modest release of the project's scope will release on something that can and should be expanded later.
Thanks Goons!
Uhh... I don't think you read the explanation of "Skeptic" correctly. You might want to re-read it.
"Doubt that the project will succeed as sold but allow for the possibility it might on more modest terms."
I really don't see why you and Erilion just don't admit that you fall under AT LEAST the "Evangelist" category on a good day and "Zealots" on a day like today. As I've said before their is nothing wrong with Whiteknighting at all. It's the Trolls that are weird.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
Uhh... I don't think you read the explanation of "Skeptic" correctly. You might want to re-read it.
"Doubt that the project will succeed as sold but allow for the possibility it might on more modest terms."
I really don't see why you and Erilion just don't admit that you fall under AT LEAST the "Evangelist" category on a good day and "Zealots" on a day like today. As I've said before their is nothing wrong with Whiteknighting at all. It's the Trolls that are weird.
I read its description and that is why, also kidding around but you see, I do believe in my belief they can achieve is one more modest SC, that is even what I stand by in this area. Not a "they'll deliver everything they promised and guna save PC gaming!!!!" stand I've seen some take.
So in that aspect, call me a Skeptic, the terminology put there does not imply that it won't or can't be a great game now does it? That's why. Now in terms of how I react to what I'd find one-sided criticism (as we see around) or just hating/troll/instigation I'll admittedly be more Zealot as responding to it, when some just talk negatives then I talk the positives, it could balance out the discussion if that is even possible.
So, in a balance on how I see myself normally would be the mix of Evangelist with the Skeptical look I've just clarified, but I do not find the development struggles as a test of faith neither eager to spread the world, let me say this, if I post prints, videos and other info on SC here is more driven from counter the constant stream of negativity and drama over being something like "Oh there's a new video let me share it everywhere!".
I know specific people here to prefer to paint me and others in extremes, it's easier to discredit anything I say I guess, but anyway, that's how I can honestly explain it, if you can understand great if not, oh well!
Skeptic on the game side. Have talked in the past that SC will release, but it won't be as claimed, it will be a much more modest and constrained game. Once they finally get it to work. I was warning folks about overweening expectations back at the time of the kickstarter.
Certainly, I don't think the game is being managed well at all. On Chris Roberts, pretty much in the hater category, tho that's a bit of a stretch. I dislike him, and what he's doing on the sales/con side, but don't care enough about him to really hate him. But some of my friends who worked with him do hate him, even now.
On the marketing side, he's a genius. On the management and development side, he's a giant sea anchor, impeding the game's progress.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
Uhh... I don't think you read the explanation of "Skeptic" correctly. You might want to re-read it.
"Doubt that the project will succeed as sold but allow for the possibility it might on more modest terms."
I really don't see why you and Erilion just don't admit that you fall under AT LEAST the "Evangelist" category on a good day and "Zealots" on a day like today. As I've said before their is nothing wrong with Whiteknighting at all. It's the Trolls that are weird.
I read its description and that is why, also kidding around but you see, I do believe in my belief they can achieve is one more modest SC, that is even what I stand by in this area. Not a "they'll deliver everything they promised and guna save PC gaming!!!!" stand I've seen some take.
So in that aspect, call me a Skeptic, the terminology put there does not imply that it won't or can't be a great game now does it? That's why. Now in terms of how I react to what I'd find one-sided criticism (as we see around) or just hating/troll/instigation I'll admittedly be more Zealot as responding to it, when some just talk negatives then I talk the positives, it could balance out the discussion if that is even possible.
So, in a balance on how I see myself normally would be the mix of Evangelist with the Skeptical look I've just clarified, but I do not find the development struggles as a test of faith neither eager to spread the world, let me say this, if I post prints, videos and other info on SC here is more driven from counter the constant stream of negativity and drama over being something like "Oh there's a new video let me share it everywhere!".
I know specific people here to prefer to paint me and others in extremes, it's easier to discredit anything I say I guess, but anyway, that's how I can honestly explain it, if you can understand great if not, oh well!
Yep I get your points. I just wish I could be as positive as you about how I perceive this game progressing with the current project leaders. I see no future for anything less than well below "modest terms" at release. "MVP" scared the stuffings out of me when I heard that. An out perhaps? An easy way to meet KS requirements then bail?
Here is my view of the future of SC: S42 released in a truncated state in ~2019. Truncated meaning like E:D is being parceled out. Takes about 2 years to get "full" game, if we ever do get it. Meanwhile progress on the PU slows to a trickle during the 2 years of getting S42 completed. Sometime in 2020-22 they finally shutter the PU to work "full time" on S42 and its expansions. I see this happening if the progress of the PU continues without major changes in how they are developing the game and who is running the show.
Just my opinion of course. I hope I am wrong.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
I'm playing Star Citizen right now and it's quickly becoming my favorite mmo!!!
The Forum PvP is the best out there!
Never thought about leveling up in a forum PvP. :-) Where's the cash shop so I can buy some buffs?
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
What is funny (or sad) is that people still do not understand what motivates Goons... As the WOPR once said "The only winning move is not to play"
In the community side, they get the reactions they want. In places like this, they get the highlight they look for.
It's just beyond control really, the way this is, is that say when on Reddit there was big discussions criticizing CIG on specific topics, they even send that to the media so get game can get bad press and things can be blown to a proportion like the community is revolving, etc...
Another thing I've seen was intentionally reporting the company to several authorities or even other companies (say when they based a concept art from external art/assets) to attempt to get something to happen that could potentially harm the company.
That and the fake leaks and CIG sources that are widely advertised which is one massive fear monger campaign that has been causing confusion even within the community.
The goons have set their target, and as we seen (for who is aware) in past examples and current reality of things, they will not stop, some took this beyond just poking fun.
I don't fit into any of those boxes, or pie categories, and I don't agree of the labeling or the said motives either. It's much more complex and many more motives, plus a blend of motives for many people too. As usual, the goons make nice figures but with poor content.
Perhaps we should ask Gorf if he'll put a new section in for snowflakes that spend $20,000+ on $60 computer games?
I've told you before, in these forums, that I haven't spent $20,000+ but you still continue with attacking me with untrue slander made from loose gossip and thin air. Besides, it's all you can do when you reply to me - use derogatory terms (remember in MOP?) or personal attack ... Stop this! If you don't have anything else to contribute with in a discussion then don't participate at all.
Why don't you stick to the topic and answer OP's question instead:
My view of SC falls into the sceptic/agnostic bracket, where do you see yourself?
I knew this thread would degenerate into namecalling of other debattants when I saw it. Because, most people are unable to restrain themselves and don't have the necessary discipline to stay on topic.
I'm not attacking you with untrue slander, I'm just repeating something you have written.
I just find the idea of spending that much money on a computer game quite funny. But I've had my laugh and won't say anything more about it.
Star Citizen i am glad i did not fund but we are all watching and waiting let's see if the game is as good as all the money that is being poured into it.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Probably between a skeptic and a heretic. yet with a hint of agnostic maybe?
Let's party like it is 1863!
Have fun
That's the propaganda machine, but mind, the game speaks louder the end of the day and how frustrated they get at that, it becomes harder as the game develops they need to find new material, currently, they're in the graph phase, before they were on the "CIG sources leaks" phase.
Robert's pompous claims and CIG's constant shortcomings, combined with zealot fans like yourself, are an easy target.
Why don't you stick to the topic and answer OP's question instead:
I knew this thread would degenerate into namecalling of other debattants when I saw it. Because, most people are unable to restrain themselves and don't have the necessary discipline to stay on topic.
"Doubt that the project will succeed as sold but allow for the possibility it might on more modest terms."
I really don't see why you and Erilion just don't admit that you fall under AT LEAST the "Evangelist" category on a good day and "Zealots" on a day like today.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
So in that aspect, call me a Skeptic, the terminology put there does not imply that it won't or can't be a great game now does it? That's why. Now in terms of how I react to what I'd find one-sided criticism (as we see around) or just hating/troll/instigation I'll admittedly be more Zealot as responding to it, when some just talk negatives then I talk the positives, it could balance out the discussion if that is even possible.
So, in a balance on how I see myself normally would be the mix of Evangelist with the Skeptical look I've just clarified, but I do not find the development struggles as a test of faith neither eager to spread the world, let me say this, if I post prints, videos and other info on SC here is more driven from counter the constant stream of negativity and drama over being something like "Oh there's a new video let me share it everywhere!".
I know specific people here to prefer to paint me and others in extremes, it's easier to discredit anything I say I guess, but anyway, that's how I can honestly explain it, if you can understand great if not, oh well!
Certainly, I don't think the game is being managed well at all. On Chris Roberts, pretty much in the hater category, tho that's a bit of a stretch. I dislike him, and what he's doing on the sales/con side, but don't care enough about him to really hate him. But some of my friends who worked with him do hate him, even now.
On the marketing side, he's a genius. On the management and development side, he's a giant sea anchor, impeding the game's progress.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
Here is my view of the future of SC: S42 released in a truncated state in ~2019. Truncated meaning like E:D is being parceled out. Takes about 2 years to get "full" game, if we ever do get it. Meanwhile progress on the PU slows to a trickle during the 2 years of getting S42 completed. Sometime in 2020-22 they finally shutter the PU to work "full time" on S42 and its expansions. I see this happening if the progress of the PU continues without major changes in how they are developing the game and who is running the show.
Just my opinion of course. I hope I am wrong.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Just buy this macro and paste the same thing over and over again, perfect for a never-ending circular discussion that lasts years! Buy now!
But hey at least the goons now make graphs so now we have Forum PvP With graphs expansion! \o/
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
In places like this, they get the highlight they look for.
It's just beyond control really, the way this is, is that say when on Reddit there was big discussions criticizing CIG on specific topics, they even send that to the media so get game can get bad press and things can be blown to a proportion like the community is revolving, etc...
Another thing I've seen was intentionally reporting the company to several authorities or even other companies (say when they based a concept art from external art/assets) to attempt to get something to happen that could potentially harm the company.
That and the fake leaks and CIG sources that are widely advertised which is one massive fear monger campaign that has been causing confusion even within the community.
The goons have set their target, and as we seen (for who is aware) in past examples and current reality of things, they will not stop, some took this beyond just poking fun.
I'm not attacking you with untrue slander, I'm just repeating something you have written.
I just find the idea of spending that much money on a computer game quite funny. But I've had my laugh and won't say anything more about it.
"The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."
Currently: Games Audio Engineer, you didn't hear what I heard, you heard what I wanted you to hear.