I keep on looking, but finding nothing. I tried running like a demo thing of this game on my Win 10 i7-4500U with 16g ram, 2g NVidia GeForce GT 750M and with the LOWEST SETTINGS POSSIBLE and it was a vidlagfest of immense proportions. Couldn't do ANYTHING at all, I was getting like 3 frames a second. Do you need like a BEAST of a comp to play this thing, or have they perhaps optimized it since that demo (was like a year ago, I think)
You just need a good rig and pray that the game likes your setup, that's all.
~~ postlarval ~~
Recommended System Requirements are (for alpha 2.6):
The performance .cfgs could be found here: https://www.redacted.tv/custom-user-cfg-guide-star-citizen-alpha-2-x/ it's something much use at this moment as the in-game setting have little impact in FPS gain.
The funny thing is . . the last time I upgraded a PC just for a single game was Wingcommander IV I think
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
Imagine all the peeps and their Titans at the time, haha
so 480 and 960 GPU should do fine and above i5.
Btw 750, 650, 950 all nvidia cards with 50 on the name suck they are pretty much carbage and a bad value.
If you have only 2GB of Video Memory you will see too much texture popping.
For comparison on my old rig with my 8GB and i7 3770k and 660 GTX I was getting between 25-35 FPS.
Intel i7 4790k @ 4.5Ghz+KrakenX41
Gigabyte 1070 8GB Mini OC
16GB Crucial 1333mhz 1.3V
SWG 8 Year Vet, WW2OL 8 Year Vet.
Aka Darksparrow Rancorheart(tempest/farstar), Fxmkorp