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Friday The 13th The Game

AnnaTSAnnaTS Member UncommonPosts: 600
edited June 2017 in PC Gaming

I just came across this game on Steam and just wondered if anyone here is playing it ?

I am thinking of buying it later today so if anyone has played it would be nice to know what the gameplay is like.

I will put a link to the game for anyone who doesn't know about it but might be interested.

Thanks Anna
Post edited by AnnaTS on


  • MrMelGibsonMrMelGibson Member EpicPosts: 3,039
    I havent played, but have seen some long videos on the game.  4 players are councilors and one plays Jason.  The councilors are supposed to find several pieces of an objective to clear tge level.  For example, 3 different parts are required to start a car and flee.  Councilors usually split up to find them.  They have little defense against Jason. They can hide and if he catches them there's a chance to evade.  

    Jason can teleport and use other supernatural abilities to catch the councilors.  When he gets close to them the player can hear the voice chat of the players occupying the Councilors.  He can also see heart beats from a certain distance indicating which direction they are coming from.  

    That's what I gathered from the videos I saw.  Hope that helps.  Let us know what you think of the game. :smiley:
  • AnnaTSAnnaTS Member UncommonPosts: 600
    edited June 2017
    I found someone on Twitch who was streaming the game who was helpful enough to answer some questions.

    The game is a multiplayer game each match has 8 players with 1 person playing Jason and the other 7 playing Counsellors.

    The only thing which put me a bit off the game and might put other people off is that the only way to communicate to the other people playing is through Mic.

    Apparently there is no ingame chat system but i am going to try the game it looks fun i just need to get a headset with mic.

    This is the link to the Friday The 13th Twitch list if anyone is interested in checking the gameplay out.

  • AnnaTSAnnaTS Member UncommonPosts: 600
    edited June 2017
    I havent played, but have seen some long videos on the game.  4 players are councilors and one plays Jason.  The councilors are supposed to find several pieces of an objective to clear tge level.  For example, 3 different parts are required to start a car and flee.  Councilors usually split up to find them.  They have little defense against Jason. They can hide and if he catches them there's a chance to evade.  

    Jason can teleport and use other supernatural abilities to catch the councilors.  When he gets close to them the player can hear the voice chat of the players occupying the Councilors.  He can also see heart beats from a certain distance indicating which direction they are coming from.  

    That's what I gathered from the videos I saw.  Hope that helps.  Let us know what you think of the game. :smiley:

    Thanks for the reply i am just watching someone play it on Twitch because she was the only one who answered my question and she's been really nice.

    They must have increased the amount of players you need for each match because the person i am watching has 1 person playing Jason and 7 Counsellors.

    Maybe Jason was killing the counsellors to quick so they needed to add more so they had a chance at surviving.

    I'm going to buy the game it looks fun.

    I have been hoping for a new MMORPG to play but i like themeparks and all i see are sandbox ones being released.
  • MrMelGibsonMrMelGibson Member EpicPosts: 3,039
    edited June 2017
    AnnaTS said:
    I havent played, but have seen some long videos on the game.  4 players are councilors and one plays Jason.  The councilors are supposed to find several pieces of an objective to clear tge level.  For example, 3 different parts are required to start a car and flee.  Councilors usually split up to find them.  They have little defense against Jason. They can hide and if he catches them there's a chance to evade.  

    Jason can teleport and use other supernatural abilities to catch the councilors.  When he gets close to them the player can hear the voice chat of the players occupying the Councilors.  He can also see heart beats from a certain distance indicating which direction they are coming from.  

    That's what I gathered from the videos I saw.  Hope that helps.  Let us know what you think of the game. :smiley:

    Thanks for the reply i am just watching someone play it on Twitch because she was the only one who answered my question and she's been really nice.

    They must have increased the amount of players you need for each match because the person i am watching has 1 person playing Jason and 7 Counsellors.

    Maybe Jason was killing the counsellors to quick so they needed to add more so they had a chance at surviving

    I'm going to buy the game it looks fun.

    I have been hoping for a new MMORPG to play but i like themeparks and all i see are sandbox ones being released.
    Ya, they might of changed it or I was just plain wrong. I suppose I remembered it wrong as far as the amount of players.  It does look fun, I just have way too big of a backlog atm to add another game lol. Hope you have fun :smile: .
  • AnnaTSAnnaTS Member UncommonPosts: 600
    I just bought the game and installed it and reinstalled it so many times now but the game will not launch and i keep getting the same message.

    Anyone playing the game know how to resolve this issue ?

  • AnnaTSAnnaTS Member UncommonPosts: 600
    Nevermind i got the game to play i thought i was missing a file which hadn't downloaded but turns out i was missing a file on my computer that  i needed to download.
  • rakisseiarakisseia Member CommonPosts: 8
    yeah i am interested..
  • RenoakuRenoaku Member EpicPosts: 3,157
    AnnaTS said:

    I just came across this game on Steam and just wondered if anyone here is playing it ?

    I am thinking of buying it later today so if anyone has played it would be nice to know what the gameplay is like.

    I will put a link to the game for anyone who doesn't know about it but might be interested.

    Thanks Anna
    SSSniperWolf is playing it

  • SomethingUnusualSomethingUnusual Member UncommonPosts: 546
    So... Is it good? Huge fan of the New Line horror characters.
  • PizzaMike316PizzaMike316 Member CommonPosts: 4
    I do own this game. I've had it since it came out. Unfortunately, I wouldn't recommend it. :s  They did just release a new patch, but I tried playing again last night and still the same cheesy, buggy, and disappointing game. I hope this helps.   
  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    I do own this game. I've had it since it came out. Unfortunately, I wouldn't recommend it. :s  They did just release a new patch, but I tried playing again last night and still the same cheesy, buggy, and disappointing game. I hope this helps.   
    So, too much like the later movies then?
  • StrikeboyStrikeboy Member CommonPosts: 28
    gonna check this game later
  • HectaleBeastHectaleBeast Member CommonPosts: 3
    Yeah i like the game!
    If you wanna quit, Keep Going...
  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,776
    It’s ok for a few rounds... nothing memorable or that you would play long term 

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

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