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You wake up on a forest floor, naked and cold with very few possessions, if any. You are uncertain how long you were asleep. In fact, you aren’t certain who you are, where you came from or of anything for that matter.
Time passes. You’re cold and think that your safety might be jeopardized if you remain where you are. So you start to walk. It doesn’t take long before you find a group of humans, like yourself. You are relieved. You beg them to tell you what has occurred. Where are you? Who are you? Why are you without possessions? They urge you not to worry. You are in a state that everyone experienced at what they call… Restoration. The memory loss, the uncertainty, everything is normal. You start to calm, thankful for companionship during this strange state of mind.
A particularly rugged individual steps forward. Something about him is familiar. You’re not sure what. Your head hurts when you try to remember, so you stop trying. He suggests that you sit down and he will tell you everything that has happened. You sit before him and anxiously wait for him to begin:
“To answer your question, you are on a planet called Arder, a planet fortunate enough to be located in the absolute center of the universe,” he begins. “Because of this centrality, Arder is a place of infinite power, where magic is commonplace and extremely potent. You see, the entirety of the universe is divided into five regions. Each region is the creation of one of five Gods, and ruled by this specific God. The names of the Gods and their particular powers, I will come to in time. Because Arder is located in the exact center of everything, all five of the God’s have an affinity for our planet. The Gods rarely share anything, but their love for Arder is mutual, and they agreed to care for our planet together.
Not long ago, our planet was a peaceful place; food was plentiful, water ran crystal clear and we were more or less protected from evil. We were content giving gifts and saying praise to the five Gods regularly to keep them satiated. The Gods in turn, gave the people of Arder quality of life and the ability to seek and absorb mana. Mana is truly a gift from the Gods, and provides the ability to cast magic spells. These spells are so powerful that the Gods themselves have been known to utilize them for their own undertakings.
For a very long time, this exchange of faith for a protected existence was plenty and Arder maintained a pleasant equilibrium. Unfortunately, the planet today is hardly recognizable from this previous era… Today, deadly monsters roam the surface of the planet in vast numbers, seeking the blood of all humans who dare cross their paths. The surface of the planet has become treacherous and this intensifies the challenge posed when fighting the monsters that lurk everywhere. There are several different regions on the planet, all wicked and harboring monsters: Helmstead, Tulorn, Sanctum Mire, Styzzy Wastes, Boulder Grove, Frigid Frontier, Scorching Sands, and Zul's Scar. You are in peril no matter where you go.”
NEWS FLASH! "A bank was robbed the other day and a man opened fire on the customers being held hostage. One customer zig-zag sprinted until he found cover. When questioned later he explained that he was a hardcore gamer and knew just what to do!" Download my music for free! I release several albums per month as part of project "Thee Untitled" . .. some video game music remixes and cover songs done with instruments in there as well! Check out my roleplaying blog, collection of fictional short stories, and fantasy series... updated on a blog for now until I am finished! Watch me game on occasion or make music... and subscribe!
I REALLY think people should stop trying to revive decade old games or try to make an MMO as a solo indie developer. You are taking on 3 ton guerrillas of Blizzard and all of Korea who are making 100 million dollar MMOs.
At least do something DIFFERENT than they are. Having bullet points like "Community Play" and "Massively multiplayer" (lol) aren't compelling since ya know, 2007. An MMO game I created, solo. It's live now and absolutely free to play!