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Why I don't play ESO? and why don't you?



  • nate1980nate1980 Member UncommonPosts: 2,075
    It's because character development in the game doesn't appeal to me. They give us all these classes, weapons, and other skill lines and then they only allow us 5 hotkeys to place abilities; 10 if we use 2 different sets of weapons. That makes having all of those choices meaningless, because I never have enough space to create the class I want. I can create the type of character I want in other Elder Scrolls games, but not this one.
  • MyriaMyria Member UncommonPosts: 699
    1) Nothing about the game particularly grabs me. It's not that it's bad -- it was at launch with the horrendous bugs, but much of that has since been fixed -- it's just not particularly good either. It's just... Okay, which doesn't exactly drive me to want to play.

    2) I mostly play video games these days to spend time with friends. By and large my friends found ESO even more 'Meh!' than I do.

    3) Related to '2' above, trying to level with friends just gets nightmarish.

    4) Inventory management is a massive, globular cluster-sized pain in the rectum -- orders of magnitude worse than most MMOs, more than a few of which (I'm looking at you, Fallen Earth) are pretty bad that way. Yeah, subbing fixes that -- presumably, anyway -- but for me if I'm going to pay a sub for an MMO there are much better choices and most of my friends have zero interest in paying a sub -- especially for what most of them consider to be a sub-par game. Not that I'm at all a fan of micro-(or not-so-micro-)transactions, but if you could perma-buy the crafting bag for $10, or whatever, it would be different, but as it stands it's not worth $15/mo to me or my friends.
  • Viper482Viper482 Member LegendaryPosts: 4,101
    DKLond said:
    I'm currently playing it and enjoying it to some degree. That said, I admit it's not with great excitement.

    There's just something.... off about the core "feel" of the experience. It's floaty - and though many of the quests are well-written, they don't feel anything like true singleplayer games.

    I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think it's primarily how stick-thin and floaty most of the characters are. It's unfortunate, because some of the mobs are quite solid looking and feeling.

    But it sort of feels like a cardboard world without enough weight and solidity.

    That's the best way I can put it.

    It has many of all the right features - but that doesn't help much if I can't truly immerse myself.
    Dude, I feel the same way. Can't put my finger on it, something is just hollow about this game.
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  • Nitsuga98Nitsuga98 Member UncommonPosts: 2
    @cura hard af
  • gervaise1gervaise1 Member EpicPosts: 6,919
    Myria said:
    1) Nothing about the game particularly grabs me. It's not that it's bad -- it was at launch with the horrendous bugs, but much of that has since been fixed -- it's just not particularly good either. It's just... Okay, which doesn't exactly drive me to want to play.

    2) I mostly play video games these days to spend time with friends. By and large my friends found ESO even more 'Meh!' than I do.

    3) Related to '2' above, trying to level with friends just gets nightmarish.

    4) Inventory management is a massive, globular cluster-sized pain in the rectum -- orders of magnitude worse than most MMOs, more than a few of which (I'm looking at you, Fallen Earth) are pretty bad that way. Yeah, subbing fixes that -- presumably, anyway -- but for me if I'm going to pay a sub for an MMO there are much better choices and most of my friends have zero interest in paying a sub -- especially for what most of them consider to be a sub-par game. Not that I'm at all a fan of micro-(or not-so-micro-)transactions, but if you could perma-buy the crafting bag for $10, or whatever, it would be different, but as it stands it's not worth $15/mo to me or my friends.
    Playing with friends is not an issue now. It was when it launched due to phasing issues but they fixed that. What really makes it viable though is what they did with Update 12 at the end of last year: an end level character can now group, have fun - and face real challenges - with a group of newbies. Its the way scaling works.

    Inventory management: no subbing doesn't really fix that its a pain. The sub-only crafting bag can help but it doesn't fix it. The reasons for crafting are not "obvious" either; unless you are "keen" you can just ignore crafting totally.

    Totally understand your comment about not being grabbed - it is what it is.
  • gervaise1gervaise1 Member EpicPosts: 6,919
    nate1980 said:
    It's because character development in the game doesn't appeal to me. They give us all these classes, weapons, and other skill lines and then they only allow us 5 hotkeys to place abilities; 10 if we use 2 different sets of weapons. That makes having all of those choices meaningless, because I never have enough space to create the class I want. I can create the type of character I want in other Elder Scrolls games, but not this one.
    Strictly speaking its 14 ( (5 skills, 1 ultimate, 1 attack) x 2 ) + roll/dodge abilities that may also have an impact on combat and rez.

    And you can change out skills prior to a fight just not within a combat.

    If its not for you though that's the way it is.
  • borghive49borghive49 Member RarePosts: 493
    I want to like to like it, but I can't stand the combat animations.
  • BeansnBreadBeansnBread Member EpicPosts: 7,254
    I like the direction they're moving in general (loot boxes being the exception). Maybe in a couple more years I'll try it out again.
  • gervaise1gervaise1 Member EpicPosts: 6,919
    Warzod said:
    I don't because I could not get over the fact that a game based on a series of games founded on immense character freedom gives you four.... (4) classes. Races restricted to factions, abilities locked behind 4 bland classes that then force you to use specific weapons to use certain other skills... just terrible. So I want to play a wood elf ranger like character with support heals and buffs. I have to play a Templar and I have to use a staff. Very bad design in my opinion. Don't play. Won't play.
    Not so. Not liking the look / feel of the game - fine. However the game is not designed as you seem to think it is.

    Races restricted to factions. This is just a paywall. Lambast ZoS for stupidity and not including it in the base game but it is just a paywall. The version I picked up included the option. Imperials another paywall. (Last Christmas a son of mine gave me a ZoS code he had got with something else, so a ZoS promo). And the Warden class will be locked behind a paywall called Morrowind. At the end of the day being able to play a specific faction and race combo is not about "can't" its about "cost". 

    There was a thread a while back which discussed how ESO is - largely - a classless, skill progression game.  Only a relatively small percentage of skills depend on "class". In addition every class skill has a broadly equivalent non-class skill. 

    Any character can use any weapon regardless of class, race or faction. Fairly early on you can use 2 weapons - so you get two lots of skills. Yes if you want to use a bow skill you have to use a bow; a sword and shield skill needs a sword and shield and so on. Many skills though don't depend on anything - except unlocking them: Fighter's Guild skills, Mage's Guild skills, Alliance Skills, Undaunted Skills, World skills and more.

    So your wood elf could - say - use a bow and a restoration staff. Or a bow, some other weapon entirely and skills that don't depend on anything. And a Templar doesn't have to use a staff at all.
  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627
    edited March 2017
    klash2def said:
    Teala said:
    Don't play it because it is not Elder Scrolls.  It's a generic MMO with ESO skins painted on it.  
    sorry let me stop you right here. Idk if you have played it recently or at all, but the game has been more "Elder Scrolls" like ever since the OT update.. I mean you can literally be and do anything you want within the ES universe.. I don't know how it can be MORE elder scrolls other than making it a SRPG game.. 

    Its a MMO so its supposed to feel different than its SRPG cousin. They give you the base "class" but what you do with it is up to you. Back in beta (i got the monkey to prove it) I was saying in the forums that the game didn't FEEL like ES because you couldn't go anywhere you wanted right from the start.. they fixed that. Also any weapon you pick up off a dead mob or steal etc can be used by your character ASAP. Started with 2h but want to go staff magicka build? Pick up a staff and start using it.. These are a few of the small things to me that make it feel more ES.. so your point was true a few years ago.. its not anymore. 

    If you play it for a few days you will notice the elder scrolls feel immediately especially now that you can just make a character and head off in any direction and start questing. 
    Well...damn it...did just that.  My brothers all play ESO and after watching a few videos and what not I decided to give it another shot.  See I played beta of ESO and that ESO just plan sucked.  It was not an open world and it was very not like the ES of Skyrim or other previous games.  Now though...I take back what I wrote earlier.  ESO plays so much like Skyrim and the other ES games.  I was floored.  No more - you can't go there because you're not part of this alliance or you can't go there because of this.  You can now go anywhere you want - the game levels to your skills!  Just like Skyrim.  Loving it!  I've played 30hrs so far and that is 30hrs in one weeks time.  Loving the exploring, crafting and you can buy a house too! 

    It's really a much better game now and yes I recommend it.  The combat has gotten smoother as well. Not so herky-jerky, much more engaging.  They did an animation and graphics pass since release and it just looks so much better over all.  Just amazing. 

    My only complaints are this.  They need to add plots of land players can buy to place homes.  I love that we can buy a home - but it is placed where the developers placed it.  I'd like to see homes that can be placed on plots.  I'd love to buy a small house with a mages tower attached to it to place near Riften or maybe Wayrest.  That would be soooooo very cool!  

    I want them to do a complete overhaul of magic in the game and add all the spells Skyrim has and more, add some utility and just plan non-combat spells.  As it is now magic in ESO is very limited and isn't very interesting.  I love playing my Sorceress in Skyrim and wish my Sorceress in ESO could learn more than what is currently offered.  ::sigh::

    Other than that - game is so much better than it was when it was released back in 2014.  First time I can say a game that once sucked actually has gotten better since it's release.  I look forward to Morrowwind and the future of this game.  Truly looks like the people in charge are going to do right by the Elder Scrolls franchise.  :)
    Post edited by Teala on
  • MoiraeMoirae Member RarePosts: 3,318
    Really, I play mostly single player games these days. They are just more willing to experiment and feel more like actual worlds than MMO's. And that is really weird because it was supposed to be the other way around when MMO's were originally created. But the creators stopped bothering to expand the world they created long ago. 

    Anyone here play tabletop games? Dungeons and Dragons, Vampire The Masquerade, etc? Personally, they feel much more fleshed out than any MMO I have played in at least ten years. Heck, if you walk around EQ2, you find bits of lore and history of the world all throughout it. Hidden books, and easter eggs all over the place. Some places even reference our world without outright doing so. 

    Have you really seen an MMO do that in the last ten years? Even SWTOR, a world dripping in 40 years of books, comics, movies, etc, shows and reveals less of the world than it remotely should. But as I play Witcher 3, I feel like a part of the world, there are books, and histories, and interesting npc's all over the place even ones that don't have a quest. What SWTOR has is just what you see.

    It's so disappointing, especially considering that older games like EQ2 are STILL adding more lore with each expansion, and more hidden things to find if you're willing to explore it. Modern MMO's just don't do it for me anymore. 

    I've played the Witcher 3 through several times but I'm still finding new stuff. That's how you make the game replayable. That and allowing mods. 
  • HarikenHariken Member EpicPosts: 2,680
    Tried it but got turned off by the elitist community. Its just as bad as Wows used to be in its early days. Solo the game is fine. Group content is in control by the worse people in the game.
  • baphametbaphamet Member RarePosts: 3,311
    Hariken said:
    Tried it but got turned off by the elitist community. Its just as bad as Wows used to be in its early days. Solo the game is fine. Group content is in control by the worse people in the game.
    sadly this is every game in my experience recently. 
  • SaunZSaunZ Member UncommonPosts: 472
    Hariken said:
    Tried it but got turned off by the elitist community. Its just as bad as Wows used to be in its early days. Solo the game is fine. Group content is in control by the worse people in the game.
    i am NOT a bad person

    Sz  :)
  • gervaise1gervaise1 Member EpicPosts: 6,919
    Hariken said:
    Tried it but got turned off by the elitist community. Its just as bad as Wows used to be in its early days. Solo the game is fine. Group content is in control by the worse people in the game.
    Not really.

    Don't disagree that you don't come across people that e.g. join a random 4 person dungeon, complain that some lower level has "low dps" and whines / wants to kick them etc. but "controlled by an "elitist community" - no.

    The reason being ESO runs on megaservers. And there are "always" people forming groups etc.

    Like I said I don't disagree there are some "elitists" but this is something the megaserver - with its pros and cons - means you can simply ignore them.
  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    gervaise1 said:
    Hariken said:
    Tried it but got turned off by the elitist community. Its just as bad as Wows used to be in its early days. Solo the game is fine. Group content is in control by the worse people in the game.
    Not really.

    Don't disagree that you don't come across people that e.g. join a random 4 person dungeon, complain that some lower level has "low dps" and whines / wants to kick them etc. but "controlled by an "elitist community" - no.

    The reason being ESO runs on megaservers. And there are "always" people forming groups etc.

    Like I said I don't disagree there are some "elitists" but this is something the megaserver - with its pros and cons - means you can simply ignore them.
    It's hard when the game is so unbalanced.  Maybe one day ZoS will nerf content/classes rather than just design around the meta that is so incredibly hard to work outside of for harder content.
  • HarikenHariken Member EpicPosts: 2,680
    Thane said:
    bc i am not into those 8 skills games.
    i have a keyboard with plenty of keys, and i wanna use em.
    This and no Auction house are my reasons. Feels like a console port.
  • HarikenHariken Member EpicPosts: 2,680
    xpsync said:
    Dragnelus said:
    It says play what you want but in the end fotm builds :( 
    Only if you're a lemming.

    A member of a crowd with no originality or voice of his own. One who speaks or repeats only what he has been told.

    Yeah if you want to just solo the game build what you want. Just don't try any group content this way unless you like being kicked from groups and trolled by the player base 
  • raygdunnraygdunn Member UncommonPosts: 3

    "Don't mention the war"

    I played ESO for a few months, when it first came out, following on from maybe a year on WOW. Both impressive games.

    The ESO transition follow on from single player Skyrim lost a lot of depth (particularly in the dungeon department :-) ). Inevitable I guess to handle the addition of multi user complexities. Too much of ESO seems targetted at mass PvP, which doesn't appeal.

    So I've just clocked up another 280 hours on Skyrim Special edition (admittedly a free upgrade)
    Gone over to the dark side, as far as MMOs are concerned, I guess....
    (Though MU Legend will be worth some time, from playing the closed beta)
  • jdnewelljdnewell Member UncommonPosts: 2,237
    I played it pretty heavy for a year or so. Then pretty much everyone I know and played with slowly quit.

    The direction of the game changed, loot boxes were added, and it just seems like they were rotating OP classes on a regular basis to keep people grinding a new fotm class. Plus the RNG in this game is terrible, strictly designed to keep people grinding away for the latest new set staff/sword/ect.

    No real additions to PvP since launch. Morrowind has some nice PvP changes but for myself and many others it is too little too late.

    Overall I really enjoyed playing ESO, made many friends I still play other games with. But I doubt I will ever play again. Like most MMOs do as they age its just more grinding for incremental upgrades, with an added layer of terrible RNG for ESO.

    For people who have never tried it I would highly recommend it. It may not keep you playing for years but overall its an enjoyable experience.
  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    Another thing, animation canceling makes combat look fucking stupid.

    Here's a video for reference but it basically looks like you character is having a seizure.  Do not want.

  • SaunZSaunZ Member UncommonPosts: 472
    Another thing, animation canceling makes combat look fucking stupid.

    Here's a video for reference but it basically looks like you character is having a seizure.  Do not want.

    omg!   I had a seizure when I saw that this video was over 1 hour long.  who the f posts a 'reference' video at over 1 hour?    ygtbsm!!!  1 hour!  I have to try and find the animation cancelling so I can understand your seizure reference that you have left on this website multiple times?

    sigh!    /wrist
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  • ChrysaorChrysaor Member UncommonPosts: 111
    The scaling of the content really makes the game pointless.  Why level if the content automatically levels up with you?  I imagine you could never move and just keep killing the same mob over and over again as it would level up with you.  Yuck.
  • eruexeeruexe Member UncommonPosts: 40
    edited May 2017
    So many builds but the nerfs just keep killing/stereotyping roles/classes
    Looks too "outdated".
    Some dungeons feel like raids because they are too long but just full of clearings.
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