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Released 1 month in Russia - Already Dead game.

Veexer_NuiVeexer_Nui Member UncommonPosts: 268
Less than 100 people playing, all zones empty. This is what happens when you push $150 founder packs and pay2win cash shop.

Archeage EU - Nui



  • RemyVorenderRemyVorender Member RarePosts: 4,010
    Just fired this thing up after getting a CBT3 key. It as an assault on the eyes. Horribly optimized, screen full of useless crap. Questhub grinding...ya, buh bye.

    Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!

  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196
  • AthisarAthisar Member UncommonPosts: 666
    I got a beta key emailed to me, haven't tried it but I'm hearing bad things about the game. Bad UI? Potentially going full pay to win later?
  • ExinExin Member UncommonPosts: 65
    edited January 2017
    Less than 100 people playing, all zones empty. This is what happens when you push $150 founder packs and pay2win cash shop.

    Lies. Sources please. Asked some Russian streamers on twitch and they commented "total bullshit" regarding your info :)
  • ExinExin Member UncommonPosts: 65
    Athisar said:
    I got a beta key emailed to me, haven't tried it but I'm hearing bad things about the game. Bad UI? Potentially going full pay to win later?
    UI is quite good if you spend some time adjusting.
    Regarding P2W - it is most definitely not, in my understanding. You CANNOT buy UNIQUE items that give you advantage in game. You can most definitely purchase progression items, but you will need to spend thousands in order to get ahead 2-3 months, then you're capped and everyone starts to catch up. The prices for premiums and these most necessary progression materials are also quite cheap, and you can buy cash shop currency with your in-game money. Also, every game can be potentially going P2W. 
  • mcrippinsmcrippins Member RarePosts: 1,643
    Less than 100 people playing, all zones empty. This is what happens when you push $150 founder packs and pay2win cash shop.
    Can you please link your source of information here? I'd like to know where it shows you how many people are playing this game in Russia.
  • DekahnDekahn Member UncommonPosts: 109
    just look at the streams, zones are empty.
  • ste2000ste2000 Member EpicPosts: 6,194
    I can't say I am surprised.

  • ExinExin Member UncommonPosts: 65
    edited January 2017
    Just watch  or any other streamer who is in an in-gam city. Hundreds of people flying around on Monday afternoon. You guys are so sad in your insulting. Also, check Veexer_Nui's comment history. He's insulting Revelation since the very beginning. I bet he hasn't ever spent 1 minute in the game. Also, admiring dedication, how much did they pay you?

    Edit: wording
    Post edited by Exin on
  • RamajamaRamajama Member UncommonPosts: 271
    Fake news
  • RiannesRiannes Member UncommonPosts: 98
    Archeage is worse to be fair.
  • ReizlaReizla Member RarePosts: 4,092
    Exin said:
    Just watch  hundreds of people flying around on Monday afternoon. You guys are so sad in your blackmailing. Also, check Veexer_Nui's comment history. He's blackmailing Revelation since the very beginning. I bet he hasn't ever spent 1 minut in game. Also, admiring dedication, how much did they pay you?
    Must be those 100 that Op mentioned :D
  • HeraseHerase Member RarePosts: 993
    I guess because Russia isn't into it everyone else wont be? 

    Where's this info from anyway?

  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803
    Exin said:
    Just watch  hundreds of people flying around on Monday afternoon. You guys are so sad in your blackmailing. Also, check Veexer_Nui's comment history. He's blackmailing Revelation since the very beginning. I bet he hasn't ever spent 1 minut in game. Also, admiring dedication, how much did they pay you?
    You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
    Harbinger of Fools
  • ExinExin Member UncommonPosts: 65
    Dakeru said:
    Exin said:
    Just watch  hundreds of people flying around on Monday afternoon. You guys are so sad in your blackmailing. Also, check Veexer_Nui's comment history. He's blackmailing Revelation since the very beginning. I bet he hasn't ever spent 1 minut in game. Also, admiring dedication, how much did they pay you?
    You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
    Just checked and you're right, thanks for poinitng that out! For my defence, I'm not a native speaker :)
  • ShinamiShinami Member UncommonPosts: 825
    Where is the P2W element? 
    Oh... I get it!

    The game is not 100% even to each player, including a paying customer because in this world paying customers should not be treated any different from freeloaders right? Would you prefer a non-paying customer getting perks, while a paying customer gets penalized for paying? 

    I have not encountered a P2W element in this game just yet. 
    In fact, a newb can reach level 40 in 4 hours, and level 55 in about a day w/o needing a founders pack. 

    How do you explain that? 
    You can't, because you haven't tried playing the game yourself, and all your views are political rather than critical. 
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,249
    Shinami said:
    Where is the P2W element? 
    Oh... I get it!

    The game is not 100% even to each player, including a paying customer because in this world paying customers should not be treated any different from freeloaders right? Would you prefer a non-paying customer getting perks, while a paying customer gets penalized for paying? 

    I have not encountered a P2W element in this game just yet. 
    In fact, a newb can reach level 40 in 4 hours, and level 55 in about a day w/o needing a founders pack. 

    How do you explain that? 
    You can't, because you haven't tried playing the game yourself, and all your views are political rather than critical. 
    I'd like to see an explanation of why you would play a game with an accelerated progression curve as described.

    Perhaps levels go up to 500? :p

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Kyleran said:
    Shinami said:
    Where is the P2W element? 
    Oh... I get it!

    The game is not 100% even to each player, including a paying customer because in this world paying customers should not be treated any different from freeloaders right? Would you prefer a non-paying customer getting perks, while a paying customer gets penalized for paying? 

    I have not encountered a P2W element in this game just yet. 
    In fact, a newb can reach level 40 in 4 hours, and level 55 in about a day w/o needing a founders pack. 

    How do you explain that? 
    You can't, because you haven't tried playing the game yourself, and all your views are political rather than critical. 
    I'd like to see an explanation of why you would play a game with an accelerated progression curve as described.

    Perhaps levels go up to 500? :p
    True, if levels are gained that quickly, then why even bother having levels in the first place? :o
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    It doesn't really look all that crowed in that guys Twitch Vids.  Looking around on YouTube all I see is play on China servers.  Just sayin'

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • Ilya_MIlya_M Member CommonPosts: 2
    edited February 2017
    Kyleran said:
    Shinami said:

    I'd like to see an explanation of why you would play a game with an accelerated progression curve as described.

    Perhaps levels go up to 500? :p
    Phry said:
    Kyleran said:
    Shinami said:

    I'd like to see an explanation of why you would play a game with an accelerated progression curve as described.

    Perhaps levels go up to 500? :p
    True, if levels are gained that quickly, then why even bother having levels in the first place?

    hell, i dont understand how to write outside quotes :)

    I played 3 weeks already, level 59. Nice game, many translation bugs but nothing serous. Leveling curve: 1-40 (even 45-49 if you have high level friends) 3-4 hours, 40-59 2-3 weeks, 60-69 1-3 months i think. 

    Level is not a problem, gear much more important. And there is a lot of caps for most part of activities: who started first and always did all things like quests, fraction reputation, instance runs - have a preference. All real "pay 2 win" you can buy - a lot of gems for gear powerups. It can be farmed ingame (a lot of ways, even fishing) but Mastercard do it faster. (I heard about a man who spend already 15K USD and it is a big money for Russia. I spent 3,5USD only for 1 mth premium account but maybe its time to open a wallet :)

    About population: my server is not first and top 1, i think its 4th, but primetime online is 50+ ppl in my guild. 
    Saturday is a time for guild siege, 1 time/week, all castles, forts is a warzone for 2 hours. But PK in the openworld is not forbidden too :) We had 2,5 raids (100+ ppl) at last saturday night, our allies too and enemies was equal at least.

    So, I dont know - is game dead or not, but i think that i will play 2-3 months at least.
    P.S. sorry for my bad english.
    P.P.S. if you have a questions - ask
  • francis_baudfrancis_baud Member RarePosts: 479
    edited February 2017
    Lot of players in that video (uploaded 3 days ago):
  • CaffynatedCaffynated Member RarePosts: 753
    Lot of players in that video (uploaded 3 days ago):

    1-14-2017 was 3.5 weeks ago. Or about a month.
  • donger56donger56 Member RarePosts: 443
    The NA version is already DOA. They are trying as hard as they can to do damage control by banning anyone on the forums or discord that says anything negative about the game, but it's already too late. As soon as people saw that cash shop, that was in for most people. The game didn't have anything new or interesting to offer anyway, but with that business model, forget it. This won't even do as well as Archage or BDO because the graphics and the combat are garbage. It looks like a 10 year old game with a 100% P2W business model. Even skyforge was better than this trash. RIP already for this one. 
  • genaknoscgenaknosc Member UncommonPosts: 112
    The plebs will always be whining and complaining about PTW this, and PTW that. Best thing to do is just ignore them, because they will change nothing. Since it is the people who actually like to and will spend money in games are the people who make said games possible to exist, they are the only one's whose opinion matters.
  • ExinExin Member UncommonPosts: 65
    edited February 2017
    Lot of players in that video (uploaded 3 days ago):

    1-14-2017 was 3.5 weeks ago. Or about a month.
    22 January 2017:
    30 January 2017:
    7 February 2017 (two days ago):

    Bear in mind that this guy has graphic settings set to low and probably his computer isn't the best (looking at his loading times).

    donger56 said:
    The NA version is already DOA. They are trying as hard as they can to do damage control by banning anyone on the forums or discord that says anything negative about the game, but it's already too late. As soon as people saw that cash shop, that was in for most people. The game didn't have anything new or interesting to offer anyway, but with that business model, forget it. This won't even do as well as Archage or BDO because the graphics and the combat are garbage. It looks like a 10 year old game with a 100% P2W business model. Even skyforge was better than this trash. RIP already for this one. 

    It's up to one's definition of P2W - in my definition if you can get stuff from the cash shop through normal gameplay but just have to spend more time in obtaining it - that's perfectly fine. There are no unique items to the cash shop, everything is obtainable (except some mounts and costumes), but I agree, it takes time. If you however, treat the game as subscription based paying $10-$20 a month, you will have everything you need. Also, you can exchange your in game currency to premium currency, so if you setup your economy very good and get into crafting, you will have everything from the cash shop you need.
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