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Devs Backtrack & Disable Further Artifact Traits in PvP - World of Warcraft -



  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,184
    This is what happens when you have  PvP and PvE in the same game and add lazy developers .

  • evdaezevdaez Member UncommonPosts: 131
    edited January 2017

    ste2000 said:

    evdaez said:

    I have played this game exclusively for pvp(arena) and let me tell you how fked up pvp is and im telling you on the POV of a HEALER.

    No need to explain.
    PvP is fucked up because PvE re-balance.

    Next Update.
    PvE will be fucked up because PvP re-balance (in order to fix what they messed up in the previous update).

    Rinse and repeat.
    Blizzard since 2007 circa.

    The template system was actually a good idea in the sense that they allowed individual tuning of PVP without affecting PVE. Ret pally holy wrath is a fine example. It is that rather than they tune abilities they chose the easy way out by introducing flat str,agi,stam nerf.
    kitarad said:
    This is what happens when you have  PvP and PvE in the same game and add lazy developers .
    Gw2 has pvp and pve on the same game but they did a fine job in catering to both crowd.
  • RenoakuRenoaku Member EpicPosts: 3,157
    edited January 2017
    Glad I don't play WOW anymore bad character models, bad UI not fun anymore, and to hear about these type of mistakes );..... Oh and the gear grind is awful.
  • ArtwolfArtwolf Member UncommonPosts: 48
    Hmmm, I'm so far removed from WoW I can't properly comment on it anymore. I miss it. My experience peaked in Cata. For shame.
  • therdretherdre Member UncommonPosts: 50
    I'm so glad I quit 2 months ago, and won't ever be going back. Really sad how they destroyed such a good game.

    ste2000 said:

    Blizzard and its constant Class nerfing/boosting yo-yo routine.
    Are people not seriously pissed off with it yet?

    if they still get their sub ? blizzard dont care!!
  • ste2000ste2000 Member EpicPosts: 6,194
    edited January 2017

    ste2000 said:

    Blizzard and its constant Class nerfing/boosting yo-yo routine.
    Are people not seriously pissed off with it yet?

    if they still get their sub ? blizzard dont care!!

    That's why I am addressing the players.
    I don't blame Blizzard for getting away with murder.

    By the time I left WoW my Pally had been in turn; a Tank, an Healer, a DPS, a PvP God, a Retardin, and eventually a piece of furniture.
    In the end I had to draw a line, I don't know how people can cope with that sort of abuse.

  • observerobserver Member RarePosts: 3,685
    One more reason to hate the AK system. It was badly implemented and should've been scrapped during design.
  • darkhalf357xdarkhalf357x Member UncommonPosts: 1,237
    I'm looking at this and shaking my head. The fact that there is a concensus somewhere that these people are doing the best job possible is highly dubious to me. Yet it exists.

    In my field, if someone did something remotely equivolent they wouldn't lose their job, they would lose their responsibilities until there would be no point to keep them.

    So to Blizzard I say... why?

  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029
    They did it on purpose to get attention.

    This isn't a signature, you just think it is.

  • UtinniUtinni Member EpicPosts: 2,209
    Ive been playing almost daily, including this evening yet somehow this is the first I'm hearing of anything even being wrong. 
  • darkhalf357xdarkhalf357x Member UncommonPosts: 1,237
    Then why apologize? And say it will NEVER happen again? Something happened.

  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    On the plus side, we should find out about WoW's expansion this year.
  • LokeroLokero Member RarePosts: 1,514
    Torval said:
    SBFord said:
    I'm glad I'm so casual in WoW, that I never even noticed.
    Unless you played today, you wouldn't have since it just went live. :D
    That's just how casual Bill really is. In Soviet MMORPG kazual pwns U!
    I think I see what's really going on here...  Bill Murphy bribed the Blizzard crew to do this, so that an article would be posted on MMORPG, thereby allowing him to post his above comment to make himself sound all cool and aloof.
  • TENTINGTENTING Member UncommonPosts: 262
    edited January 2017
    In a weird position on this forum.

    In WoW I used to get beaten up, cause I had some "views" on how WoW has evolved.
     (Yes yes, I complained and was vocal about it, I was a pita to everyone in my guild who struggled preferably in silence, trying to find even the smallest reason to stay online)

    But my complaints started in WoD, have had zero complaints prior to that.
    Now I dont find Legion any different, except this time I cant be bothered to beg Blizzard to change things. Did even resort to "begging", asking them to start over and make a new MMORPG. Now I am not really sure that is an all time great idea after all either.

    But on this forum, I am actually defending WoW somewhat, not because I like WoW, cause the way its turned out, I cant stand it anymore. And while it has little relevance, I dont escape feeling burned, after having loved the game for atleast 8 years before it got bad. Such an amazing game for so many years and this is how it has to end?! really....

    But be that as it may, my guild in WoW is raiding mythic and have been all busy bunnies prepping for Nighthold. Recruits are flooding in and the raidroster is so large now, that people (at first anyway) will have to go on rotation for a spot.

     So while some of us might really be annoyed with how things have turned out with WoW, I can tell you, the audience that fits current WoW, they are very much there and very engaged in WoW.

    And if you bash their game, they will fight back and why not. They love the game, they think Legion is the best Xpac in years.

     Blizzard and their core raiders love each other.

    Do I think current WoW is turning itself into a niche game? Sure, I am tempted to think so, but niche games are not bad for those who loves them.

     What annoys me is that WoW used to include my demograf as well, but we got showed the door.

    And sure ok, bye I guess. Thanks, really appreciate it. 

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Ozmodan said:
    Kind of funny, was talking to some people that still play, what a cluster.... Glad I stopped playing, I think they will loose some more accounts over this.

    I think Blizzard has a mad developer leading the Wow staff atm, only someone who has lost it would make so many unnecessary changes.
    Actually since i am an avid Hearthstone player,i have had for the first time a long standing chance to watch Blizzard in action.
    I used to never think much of their games but now i see just how inept they are.

    Who is to blame,i have no idea,sometimes i feel the guys at the top like Brode are off doing PR work or interviews to not know what is going on inside.Then i see Blizzard or Brode or whoever setup these big tournaments on some remote islands somewhere in tim buck two.It happened last year and now again this year,NOBODY is going to go to some offbeat island to watch Hearthstone lol.

    My offbeat point was that they seem more like they are just living the high life,lets go somewhere we can take our families on a nice vacation.

    NERFS !!! I never knew so many nerfs existed in gaming until i played a Blizzard game full time.I have seen more nerfs and brutal bad ones at that than all the other games in my entire history of gaming.
    Nerfs tell the community ,your making mistakes,then constant nerfing and re nerfing means you continue to make too many mistakes.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • BartDaCatBartDaCat Member UncommonPosts: 813
    Blizzard's devs betrayed their initial base a while back. Hey, business works on dollars NOT fan mail, I get it... but my love affair with WoW ended when it became apparent that Blizzard was just trying to fill seats without offering up a good performance, much like the direction of their most recent Blizzcons.

    The game has been so homogenized and dumbed down it may as well be an app for your tablet or iPad which I'm sure would make some execs at ActiBlizzion very happy.
  • TENTINGTENTING Member UncommonPosts: 262
    As far as the nonraiding community goes that loved WoW, Blizzard should have ended WoW on a high note, which to me the last time was in MoP. 

     That way all the positivity would still have stayed with the company and everyone who was in love with WoW would pick up their next MMORPG.

     Now.. my loyalty and all my appreciation for the company is so far away, I cant even, I mean we are talking 10 galaxies away or something.

     And I really dont care at all that they mess up some artifact appearance, in the bigger picture, I find it almost rude to mention it and they apologize for that?! 

     Who the heck cares about a small mistake?! (yeah yeah I know some do)

     But I dont.

    Small mistakes are ok, the mistake that is entire Legion is really not ok >:)  

  • Gobstopper3DGobstopper3D Member RarePosts: 970

    Wizardry said:

    Ozmodan said:

    Kind of funny, was talking to some people that still play, what a cluster.... Glad I stopped playing, I think they will loose some more accounts over this.

    I think Blizzard has a mad developer leading the Wow staff atm, only someone who has lost it would make so many unnecessary changes.

    NERFS !!! I never knew so many nerfs existed in gaming until i played a Blizzard game full time.I have seen more nerfs and brutal bad ones at that than all the other games in my entire history of gaming.
    Nerfs tell the community ,your making mistakes,then constant nerfing and re nerfing means you continue to make too many mistakes.

    I guess you never played Eve Online for any length of time. I haven't played in years so I don't know how it is now, but used to be every patch was a nerf. It was usually the Caldari that got the nerf hammer back in the day. One of the many reasons I stopped playing the game.

    I'm not an IT Specialist, Game Developer, or Clairvoyant in real life, but like others on here, I play one on the internet.

  • BruceYeeBruceYee Member EpicPosts: 2,556

    Wizardry said:

    Ozmodan said:

    Kind of funny, was talking to some people that still play, what a cluster.... Glad I stopped playing, I think they will loose some more accounts over this.

    I think Blizzard has a mad developer leading the Wow staff atm, only someone who has lost it would make so many unnecessary changes.

    Actually since i am an avid Hearthstone player,i have had for the first time a long standing chance to watch Blizzard in action.
    I used to never think much of their games but now i see just how inept they are.

    Who is to blame,i have no idea,sometimes i feel the guys at the top like Brode are off doing PR work or interviews to not know what is going on inside.Then i see Blizzard or Brode or whoever setup these big tournaments on some remote islands somewhere in tim buck two.It happened last year and now again this year,NOBODY is going to go to some offbeat island to watch Hearthstone lol.

    My offbeat point was that they seem more like they are just living the high life,lets go somewhere we can take our families on a nice vacation.

    NERFS !!! I never knew so many nerfs existed in gaming until i played a Blizzard game full time.I have seen more nerfs and brutal bad ones at that than all the other games in my entire history of gaming.
    Nerfs tell the community ,your making mistakes,then constant nerfing and re nerfing means you continue to make too many mistakes.

    The nerfs and buffs are just to make it look like the games are being worked on and constantly updated.
  • beebop500beebop500 Member UncommonPosts: 217

    ste2000 said:

    Blizzard and its constant Class nerfing/boosting yo-yo routine.
    Are people not seriously pissed off with it yet?

    ...And that right there is one of the prime reasons my SO and I no longer play, and have not played since MoP. Blizzard seemingly cannot settle on any sort of class balance. It existed back in the day (BC, etc) at least to a larger extent than it does now, but instead of leaving well enough alone, they have basically used every single patch to screw around with skills, balance, you name it. They have removed so many skills that the "classes" now all do the exact same things, they just look cosmetically different doing them.
    "We are all as God made us, and many of us much worse." - Don Quixote
  • winghaven1winghaven1 Member RarePosts: 745
    edited January 2017
    A lot of gamers need to go out more and maybe exercise, talk to people and generally be more happy about life. Something has to be wrong when people get so pissy and whiny over a video game's error. One that will of course get fixed. Stop being such whiny pricks.

    Yes you can get frustrated. Yes a game should not be immune to criticism but there is a line between criticism and just being buttmad. Chill. The world isn't ending and if you are withdrawing your subscription for a 24-hour error then fine do it but I must say you're a bit silly from my point of view.
  • Soki123Soki123 Member RarePosts: 2,558

    Kunai_Vax said:

    Soki123 said:

    Kunai_Vax said:

    Soki123 said:

    Kunai_Vax said:

    ste2000 said:

    Blizzard and its constant Class nerfing/boosting yo-yo routine.
    Are people not seriously pissed off with it yet?

    It made me quit last month, and i hardly know anyone left who still plays.

    Soki123 said:

    Ozmodan said:

    Kind of funny, was talking to some people that still play, what a cluster.... Glad I stopped playing, I think they will loose some more accounts over this.

    I think Blizzard has a mad developer leading the Wow staff atm, only someone who has lost it would make so many unnecessary changes.

    Its nothing, only the whinefest people  or those with no life, care.

    I think he's refering to all the changes in general since Legion launched? Might be wrong.

    If you are committed to a game, and invest a large amount of your free time into a class and spec only to be messed around one month to the next then i dont think it to be unreasonable for people to voice their frustration.

    For you to make a comment like that with such disregard clearly shows me you havent played Legion. There's so many bad changes made to classes and abilities and not just in this latest patch disaster.

    Lol, clueless, I play it daily.

    There is nothing wrong with the changes.

    Just whiney people, as I stated earlier.

    If there's nothing wrong with the changes then why are Blizzard changing them?
    If there's nothing wrong with the changes then why have they made statements on the official forums admiting that some of the changes are bad and need to be re-worked?
    If there's nothing wrong with the changes then why have so many people left?

    Even many of the main streamers (who depend on Warcraft to make their money) cant help but voice concerns over some of the class changes while trying to stay possitive.

    You are so off base, I m not going to even comment

    And yet you did.  
    Got to get your post count up right?

    Well you figured me out. Get a grip.
  • AlomarAlomar Member RarePosts: 1,299
    edited January 2017
    C'mon guys, give this new, inexperienced, indie developer some time to learn the ropes and make simple mistakes so they don't make them again in the future. Oh wait...

    So glad I quit Wow for good two expansions back, just a perfect example of a developer using least effort for maximum profit practices. Now, if I want to watch cartoons I give Star Wars: Rebels a view, which looks so much better =).
    Haxus Council Member
    21  year MMO veteran 
    PvP Raid Leader 
    Lover of The Witcher & CD Projekt Red
  • Kunai_VaxKunai_Vax Member RarePosts: 527
    edited January 2017
    A lot of gamers need to go out more and maybe exercise, talk to people and generally be more happy about life. Something has to be wrong when people get so pissy and whiny over a video game's error. One that will of course get fixed. Stop being such whiny pricks.

    Yes you can get frustrated. Yes a game should not be immune to criticism but there is a line between criticism and just being buttmad. Chill. The world isn't ending and if you are withdrawing your subscription for a 24-hour error then fine do it but I must say you're a bit silly from my point of view.
    You're the one that seems ''buttmad''. I dont recal anyone in this thread saying they were cancelling their sub because of this recent patch error. Most of the discusion in this thread was about Blizzards design aproach over the last decade and how many people have not agreed with it. 
    So calm down  ;)

    Soki123 said:

    And yet you did.  
    Got to get your post count up right?

    Well you figured me out. Get a grip.
    Ouch! someone call the burn unit, i just got burned!

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