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Developer has no objection to allowing high donating players have GM accounts. Not P2W... LOL



  • TalonsinTalonsin Member EpicPosts: 3,619
    Albatroes said:
    I miss the days of people having ideas and then pitching said ideas to corporate, corporate liking said ideas, altering some things, giving deadlines, then having a product at a specific time. But since people don't want developer's "visions" to be altered, we have crowdfunding. Easy money for clowns as long as they use key words like "dream" "vision" "nostalgia"
    That is the sad truth.  Developers have been blaming publishers for so long that we gamers have forgotten that publishers served a very important role, over-site/supervision of the developers.  Crowdfunding is great in that it allows things to be created that otherwise might not be but on the other hand it gives developers free reign to waste money and toss any kind of accountability out the window.
    "Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game."  - SEANMCAD

  • Azrael_AntaryonAzrael_Antaryon Member UncommonPosts: 40
    edited December 2016
    Slapshot1188 said:

    I'm sorry if you are offended that I accurately quoted the developer of the game that you pledged $500 to obtain pixel property and "lord of a land area roughly the size of the map of Skyrim", but I did in fact quote him exactly.  Those were HIS words, not mine.   Also, I'm not sure how you think I am looking to draw attention to this post as I have never linked it nor discussed it outside of this forum.  If anything, your developer tried to draw you here by linking directly to it when he closed the thread on the official forums. To which I say: "AWESOME!!"   We need some lively debate and discussion!

    You can't even accurately quote his nickname...Seriously do something constructive with your enormous amount of free time, you will die in a heart attack or brain hemorrhage if you keep up the lifestyle that you currently lead which is seamingly the sole effort of trying to destroy an idea that isn't even a game yet, hell it isn't even in alpha yet...which means that almost EVERYTHING is subject to change in regards to the game...

    Also in regards to the release date of the game, this is a direct quote from the FAQ of the game's site, which is the only official source of information regarding the game: "When will the game be finished? Not in 2015. Beyond that, it's too soon to tell"
  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,770

    You can't even accurately quote his nickname...Seriously do something constructive with your enormous amount of free time, you will die in a heart attack or brain hemorrhage if you keep up the lifestyle that you currently lead which is seamingly the sole effort of trying to destroy an idea that isn't even a game yet, hell it isn't even in alpha yet...which means that almost EVERYTHING is subject to change in regards to the game...

    Also in regards to the release date of the game, this is a direct quote from the FAQ of the game's site, which is the only official source of information regarding the game: "When will the game be finished? Not in 2015. Beyond that, it's too soon to tell"
    As I said to other fellow earlier:

    It's the sign of a weak argument to try and attack the messenger and not the message.

    Either way,  WELCOME to the forums!  We can use some more spirited discussions around here!
    The more you post, the more content we have.. so please do return and participate more.

    And regarding the Dec 2017 date.  That is the date that was the estimate when people pledged their money in the Kickstarter and remains the date shown on that page today. If that's no longer the date, all the dev has to do it post that those dates no longer apply, but despite multiple requests he has not responded.   Curious.

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • Azrael_AntaryonAzrael_Antaryon Member UncommonPosts: 40

    You can't even accurately quote his nickname...Seriously do something constructive with your enormous amount of free time, you will die in a heart attack or brain hemorrhage if you keep up the lifestyle that you currently lead which is seamingly the sole effort of trying to destroy an idea that isn't even a game yet, hell it isn't even in alpha yet...which means that almost EVERYTHING is subject to change in regards to the game...

    Also in regards to the release date of the game, this is a direct quote from the FAQ of the game's site, which is the only official source of information regarding the game: "When will the game be finished? Not in 2015. Beyond that, it's too soon to tell"
    As I said to other fellow earlier:

    It's the sign of a weak argument to try and attack the messenger and not the message.

    Either way,  WELCOME to the forums!  We can use some more spirited discussions around here!
    The more you post, the more content we have.. so please do return and participate more.

    And regarding the Dec 2017 date.  That is the date that was the estimate when people pledged their money in the Kickstarter and remains the date shown on that page today. If that's no longer the date, all the dev has to do it post that those dates no longer apply, but despite multiple requests he has not responded.   Curious.

    I'm guessing he is busy working on the game that you are so adamant on criticizing ;), also I didn't make any argument I've just very simply pointed out the potential consequence of your lifestyle choice. With that I'm off, I have more important things to do, then have a discussion with someone of your personality type.
  • ConstantineMerusConstantineMerus Member EpicPosts: 3,338
    Distopia said:
    Distopia said:
    Get back to me when there's an actual game to care about.
    Now you have closed a very very large window of discussions with that statement. 
    No you can talk about what you want, I just personally feel it's worthless to worry about something that may never be an actual product, especially if you're letting emotions about it come into play (for or against it). 
    I get that. It was meant to be a joke since speculations about (possibly) upcoming games is what we mostly do in the past couple of years regarding MMORPGs. 
    Now when we get to LARP about it? I be Chris Roberts, you be Derek Smart now! ;)
    Constantine, The Console Poster

    • "One of the most difficult tasks men can perform, however much others may despise it, is the invention of good games and it cannot be done by men out of touch with their instinctive selves." - Carl Jung
  • genaknoscgenaknosc Member UncommonPosts: 112
    "Every detail they post seems to get parsed for more ammunition to use against them by people who seem eager to see them fail.  And that is the downside on the developer end of crowdfunding.  The transparency into the process is constantly used against them.  They're damned if they do and they're damned if they don't."

    Never happens to the CEO's of the Camelot Unchained or Crowfall projects. Though, that's probably because they know what the hell they are doing, and their projects look achievable and not like people are flushing money down the drain by backing.

    And they are far more transparent than Soulbound, IMHO.

  • YashaXYashaX Member EpicPosts: 3,100

    You can't even accurately quote his nickname...Seriously do something constructive with your enormous amount of free time, you will die in a heart attack or brain hemorrhage if you keep up the lifestyle that you currently lead which is seamingly the sole effort of trying to destroy an idea that isn't even a game yet, hell it isn't even in alpha yet...which means that almost EVERYTHING is subject to change in regards to the game...

    Also in regards to the release date of the game, this is a direct quote from the FAQ of the game's site, which is the only official source of information regarding the game: "When will the game be finished? Not in 2015. Beyond that, it's too soon to tell"
    As I said to other fellow earlier:

    It's the sign of a weak argument to try and attack the messenger and not the message.

    Either way,  WELCOME to the forums!  We can use some more spirited discussions around here!
    The more you post, the more content we have.. so please do return and participate more.

    And regarding the Dec 2017 date.  That is the date that was the estimate when people pledged their money in the Kickstarter and remains the date shown on that page today. If that's no longer the date, all the dev has to do it post that those dates no longer apply, but despite multiple requests he has not responded.   Curious.

    Every detail they post seems to get parsed for more ammunition to use against them by people who seem eager to see them fail.  And that is the downside on the developer end of crowdfunding.  The transparency into the process is constantly used against them.  They're damned if they do and they're damned if they don't.

    Um, the developer said he has no objection to allowing an extreme form of p2w into the game. Its not some little detail being used against them, its illustrative of the devs' core ideological beliefs that are likely to shape the future of the game.
  • CracMonkiCracMonki Member UncommonPosts: 27
    edited December 2016
    YashaX said:

    Um, the developer said he has no objection to allowing an extreme form of p2w into the game. Its not some little detail being used against them, its illustrative of the devs' core ideological beliefs that are likely to shape the future of the game.

    But see this is what I call bullshit on, and my "people talking out of their ass" comment comes into play.

    From what I read, he said "While I have no plan to do so... I have no objection to allowing the highly influential players to log off of their primary accounts and log in under a GM account to RP a Vice/Virtue."

    So, he does not plan on doing so... But, he personally does not have an objection to allowing highly influential players having the ability to log into GM accounts (accounts owned by SBS) to Role-Play a Vice/Virtue.

    So, although this can be interpreted in different ways. I personally took it as allowing a player to Role-Play said Vice/Virtue for an in game event. Not just allowing people to have access to GM accounts because they payed a lot of money. 

    [mod edit]
    Post edited by Vaross on
  • YashaXYashaX Member EpicPosts: 3,100
    edited December 2016
    CracMonki said:
    YashaX said:

    Um, the developer said he has no objection to allowing an extreme form of p2w into the game. Its not some little detail being used against them, its illustrative of the devs' core ideological beliefs that are likely to shape the future of the game.

    But see this is what I call bullshit on, and my "people talking out of their ass" comment comes into play.

    From what I read, he said "While I have no plan to do so... I have no objection to allowing the highly influential players to log off of their primary accounts and log in under a GM account to RP a Vice/Virtue."

    So, he does not plan on doing so... But, he personally does not have an objection to allowing highly influential players having the ability to log into GM accounts (accounts owned by SBS) to Role-Play a Vice/Virtue.

    So, although this can be interpreted in different ways. I personally took it as allowing a player to Role-Play said Vice/Virtue for an in game event. Not just allowing people to have access to GM accounts because they payed a lot of money. 

    [mod edit]
    I was with you until you decided to throw in the personal insults. If you, and especially the dev who posts here sometimes, learnt how to post without throwing in snide or insulting comments you'd get a lot more traction.

    Its very easy. In this case take out the first and last sentences of your above comment and what is left is an intelligent and useful progression of the discussion.
    Post edited by Vaross on
  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,770
    edited December 2016
    CracMonki said:

    [mod edit]

    Really?  Have you sunk that low?
    How about you refocus to talking about the game and not about people?
    Wonder how talk like that would be handled on the official forum.  Great example of the community.

    Let's get back on track and discuss the merits of player GM accounts and single players buying multiple kingdom accounts and paying $40k.

    Post edited by Vaross on

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • ShaighShaigh Member EpicPosts: 2,151
    edited December 2016
    We also believe that at the start of a game, the world shouldn't be populated entirely with NPC's. We feel having player ran settlements from the beginning, player-ran kingdoms, and player-ran alliances and conflicts makes the game more interesting and fun for new players. The moment you enter the game on launch day there will be settlements, governments, and organizations vying for your support and recruiting you into their cause. They aren't just recruiting you into a player-organization - they're recruiting you to a cause. A cause which will inevitably lead to conflict on the servers, making for interesting and dramatic stories.

    Because we want the world to be pre-populated with players, we have a three month period of time pre-launch where players who purchase pledge packages can come in and build out the settlements of the world, make alliances, declare wars, fight for resources, and even advance their skills so they can be the trainers and masters of the world on launch day. Trainers and Masters which others will come to, to learn the skills they need.

    The people who are there during Exposition are not paying to win. They're paying to be the generation of people in the world pre-launch. They're paying to have their place in the history of Elyria recorded before their reign is abruptly taken away by an alliance gone bad. So yes, we do offer as part of our pledge packages the ability for players to come in and be a Mayor or Baron, a Count, Duke, or King on launch day - with all the responsibilities that come with it. But those titles can and will be lost as other players come in and take them away. 
    Its funny how Ryan Dancey said so many of those things for Pathfinder Online, another ambitious and underfunded project.

    I wouldn't be surprised if we get an indiegogo+microventures investment offer coming in a few months, just like what crowfall is doing right now.
    Iselin: And the next person who says "but it's a business, they need to make money" can just go fuck yourself.
  • CracMonkiCracMonki Member UncommonPosts: 27
    edited December 2016
    But, other than my jab at Slaps name .., it was just to easy. 

    My point still stands, YashaX. You made a comment based off of misleading information that was not in anyway objective or contextually true. So instead of reading into it more, you jumped onto the band wagon. So, I called you out on pushing untruths, and frankly I stand behind what I said. [mod edit]

    And for Slapshot1188:

    You never wanted to talk about the game objectively. Even from your title of the post which by the way you misquoted yourself when commenting earlier about it being misleading and click bait. Your point was never to "discuss the merits of player GM accounts and single players buying multiple kingdom accounts and paying $40k" So I am not off track when I bring of these points. 

    If you're topic would have been something more objective and even questioning the simple idea of doing so.
    I could see this going in a different direction. But it was not, it was the click bait misleading non contextual topic you created.

    "Discussion / Developer has no objection to allowing high donating players have GM accounts. Not P2W... LOL"

    You truly do have no footing to stand on. I've looked up some of your other post and this is something you do often enough to be notable.

    [mod edit]

    Post edited by Vaross on
  • treysmoothtreysmooth Member UncommonPosts: 648
    Scorchien said:
    The irony is a stance like that may turn away  more in potential customers , than the 40k itself , I wouldnt touch a game that allowed that...
    This so many potential customers gone in a instant.  That is full on pay to win but taken to another level no thanks.
  • ste2000ste2000 Member EpicPosts: 6,194
    Everyone is entitled to do with their money what they want.
    Every developer is entitled to do with their game what they want.
    We are entitled to not agree the way developers fund their game.

    Personally after this incident I won't touch CoE with a barge-pole.
    I don't like games that over rely on Cash Shops or give unfair advantage to people with big wallets, basically I don't like to compete with 100 Tons Whales, I want to compete with skills not money (this is still a game after all)
    Good luck anyway, I still hope the game gets made, though I doubt it.

  • Azrael_AntaryonAzrael_Antaryon Member UncommonPosts: 40
    ste2000 said:
    Everyone is entitled to do with their money what they want.
    Every developer is entitled to do with their game what they want.
    We are entitled to not agree the way developers fund their game.

    Personally after this incident I won't touch CoE with a barge-pole.
    I don't like games that over rely on Cash Shops or give unfair advantage to people with big wallets, basically I don't like to compete with 100 Tons Whales, I want to compete with skills not money (this is still a game after all)
    Good luck anyway, I still hope the game gets made, though I doubt it.

    It is a good thing then, that the game won't have a cash shop :)
  • RenoakuRenoaku Member EpicPosts: 3,157
    edited December 2016
    As I already knew (COE) Is not worth playing, not because a person can buy 4 kingdoms, but GM Rights how many people wouldn't actually abuse those rights for other people???

    Honestly I would just not Crowd Fund the game until release then people can decide lol.

    So in General, anyone who wants to do a "Charge Back" or Refund, and has already donated within 30 days - 6 months, do it fast because the sooner the better after 30 days banks usually wont look into it after 3-6 months for sure nothing they will legally do... Just claim the product, and goods you purchased are not being delivered as promised, you get your money back the account gets banned...

    However on a thought if the person had (GM rights) for their own chracter as in like admin level 1-5 for example with the ability just to summon some trees on their own property, but nothing like Generate currency, ban people or anything taht would give an unfair advantage I wouldn't care so much as that is how games were somewhat back in the days, but you can't really trust a game company that just releases this type of info this fast without informing people first.
  • Azrael_AntaryonAzrael_Antaryon Member UncommonPosts: 40
    Renoaku said:
    As I already knew (COE) Is not worth playing, not because a person can buy 4 kingdoms, but GM Rights how many people wouldn't actually abuse those rights for other people???

    Honestly I would just not Crowd Fund the game until release then people can decide lol.

    So in General, anyone who wants to do a "Charge Back" or Refund, and has already donated within 30 days - 6 months, do it fast because the sooner the better after 30 days banks usually wont look into it after 3-6 months for sure nothing they will legally do... Just claim the product, and goods you purchased are not being delivered as promised, you get your money back the account gets banned...

    However on a thought if the person had (GM rights) for their own chracter as in like admin level 1-5 for example with the ability just to summon some trees on their own property, but nothing like Generate currency, ban people or anything taht would give an unfair advantage I wouldn't care so much as that is how games were somewhat back in the days, but you can't really trust a game company that just releases this type of info this fast without informing people first.

    Well I'm happy to inform you, that players won't be able to have GM rights in the game, so you yet again, can look into the game ;)
  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,770
    Renoaku said:
    As I already knew (COE) Is not worth playing, not because a person can buy 4 kingdoms, but GM Rights how many people wouldn't actually abuse those rights for other people???

    Honestly I would just not Crowd Fund the game until release then people can decide lol.

    So in General, anyone who wants to do a "Charge Back" or Refund, and has already donated within 30 days - 6 months, do it fast because the sooner the better after 30 days banks usually wont look into it after 3-6 months for sure nothing they will legally do... Just claim the product, and goods you purchased are not being delivered as promised, you get your money back the account gets banned...

    However on a thought if the person had (GM rights) for their own chracter as in like admin level 1-5 for example with the ability just to summon some trees on their own property, but nothing like Generate currency, ban people or anything taht would give an unfair advantage I wouldn't care so much as that is how games were somewhat back in the days, but you can't really trust a game company that just releases this type of info this fast without informing people first.
    Well to be fair the dev has now said he has no plans to implement this.I think most would be more comfortable if he just came right out and promised that players would never have access to gm-like accounts.  As we all know plans can change so a clear declaration that this will never happen would go far to put this to rest.

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • ste2000ste2000 Member EpicPosts: 6,194
    edited December 2016
    ste2000 said:

    It is a good thing then, that the game won't have a cash shop :)
    Who need a Cash Shop when you have people splashing 40K and buy pieces of game by Fax?

  • LoveRemovalMachineLoveRemovalMachine Member UncommonPosts: 213
    One of the first topics I see on their website forums: "Clarification on RMT" and look at this:

    For the sake of context and for the people who were not there for the conversation:

    Caspian - Today at 9:30 PM When it comes to selling in-game items in a real-world market we effectively have two choices. We can spend countless hours and resources on trying to stop and track people making money off their in-game items, or we can accept that their time has value to them. If people have a lot of time, but little money, want to use that as a way to create in-game items which they then sell to other players who have disposable income but less free-time, we view that as a win-win.

    Caspian - Today at 9:32 PM Our attorney may warn us, and we may have to ultimately put in means to limit such activities, but it's not the direction we want to go with it. We'd rather allow people to make trades as they see fit.

    Rahl Draikskorn Ⓥ - Today at 9:35 PM so, I have loads of free time, and I craft a ton of weapons I can sell those weapons for real money?

    Caspian - Today at 9:35 PM @Rahl Draikskorn Ⓥ Unless my attorney says otherwise, we're not going to stop you.

    Caspian - Today at 9:39 PM Look. My view on this has always been the same. People have, for too long, assumed that the only equitable way to play an MMO is through time. You spend time... more time... and yet even more time, to achieve some level of success in the game. But the reality is, that enforces the idea that the game is about the destination, not the journey. The game should be fun to play in its own right. We shouldn't gate peoples' progress based on time... not least of which because time isn't the only currency. Time = Money, we all know that. Every hour you spend in-game is time you could spend making money in our world. So you're making a choice.

    But my view on this is that we need to move past this idea that success if a function of how much time you spend in the world, and start realizing success is a function of how much fun and enjoyment you're getting out of the game. And if it's fun for player A to spend a ton of time in game crafting items for others, and it's fun for player B to come in, purchase an item, and then go off adventuring... then both players benefit and have more fun as a result.

    To me this is clearly a P2W situation, why trying to hide it? It seems the dev's want it, the whales also want it in that topic.

    So why not calling what it is?


    We are always in a race what our intelligence can do for us and what our intelligence does to us.

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,770
    One of the first topics I see on their website forums: "Clarification on RMT" and look at this:

    For the sake of context and for the people who were not there for the conversation:

    Caspian - Today at 9:30 PM When it comes to selling in-game items in a real-world market we effectively have two choices. We can spend countless hours and resources on trying to stop and track people making money off their in-game items, or we can accept that their time has value to them. If people have a lot of time, but little money, want to use that as a way to create in-game items which they then sell to other players who have disposable income but less free-time, we view that as a win-win.

    Caspian - Today at 9:32 PM Our attorney may warn us, and we may have to ultimately put in means to limit such activities, but it's not the direction we want to go with it. We'd rather allow people to make trades as they see fit.

    Rahl Draikskorn Ⓥ - Today at 9:35 PM so, I have loads of free time, and I craft a ton of weapons I can sell those weapons for real money?

    Caspian - Today at 9:35 PM @Rahl Draikskorn Ⓥ Unless my attorney says otherwise, we're not going to stop you.

    Caspian - Today at 9:39 PM Look. My view on this has always been the same. People have, for too long, assumed that the only equitable way to play an MMO is through time. You spend time... more time... and yet even more time, to achieve some level of success in the game. But the reality is, that enforces the idea that the game is about the destination, not the journey. The game should be fun to play in its own right. We shouldn't gate peoples' progress based on time... not least of which because time isn't the only currency. Time = Money, we all know that. Every hour you spend in-game is time you could spend making money in our world. So you're making a choice.

    But my view on this is that we need to move past this idea that success if a function of how much time you spend in the world, and start realizing success is a function of how much fun and enjoyment you're getting out of the game. And if it's fun for player A to spend a ton of time in game crafting items for others, and it's fun for player B to come in, purchase an item, and then go off adventuring... then both players benefit and have more fun as a result.

    To me this is clearly a P2W situation, why trying to hide it? It seems the dev's want it, the whales also want it in that topic.

    So why not calling what it is?


    On one hand I applaud the developer for being honest about it.   On the other I think it's a horrendous decision, but it's clearly his to make.

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • KalebGraysonKalebGrayson Member RarePosts: 430
    I see this kind of behavior from time to time from game players: Herd Mentality

    Herd mentality, or mob mentality, describes how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors, follow trends, and/or purchase items (or in this case, pile on to a game developer).

    In fact, this Herd Mentality appears to happen (in some variation or another) with most MMO's I've seen released (SWToR, Star Citizen, Black Desert, etc...).

    I think I'll make up my mind about games based on trying them out for myself...
  • LoveRemovalMachineLoveRemovalMachine Member UncommonPosts: 213
    edited December 2016
    Now I wonder if a person like Caspian can have fun in his free/spare time.
    For example: Go to the cinema, see the new Star Wars movie or whatever.

    He said it himself: "Time = Money, we all know that. Every hour you spend in-game is time you could spend making money in our world"

    A person like this is making a (fun) game.

    I'll pass. See ya!
    We are always in a race what our intelligence can do for us and what our intelligence does to us.

  • AvarixAvarix Member RarePosts: 665
    I see this kind of behavior from time to time from game players: Herd Mentality

    Herd mentality, or mob mentality, describes how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors, follow trends, and/or purchase items (or in this case, pile on to a game developer).

    In fact, this Herd Mentality appears to happen (in some variation or another) with most MMO's I've seen released (SWToR, Star Citizen, Black Desert, etc...).

    I think I'll make up my mind about games based on trying them out for myself...
    So, like-minded individuals are now lemmings? Getting forum users to agree on just about anything is next to impossible. The fact that so many are one sided on this says more about the issue itself than the posters. 
  • mystichazemystichaze Member UncommonPosts: 378
    I have read through this entire thread and I have to say that it saddens me the extent that folks will go to try to sabotage a game. I see things like half truths, comments of jest taken out of context and a serous lack of knowledge regarding Chronicles of Elyria in general. I have been a member of the CoE community for just about eight months now and there has never been a time where I questioned the integrity of Caspian or his team.

    Now I can understand that perhaps the game might not interest you, or you are not willing to risk your finances on the concept. That is your right because the game won't be for everyone. So you walk away and find a game that you do believe in and want to support and put your energy there. What I don't understand is why someone would put so much time and energy into twisting things into half truths and try to destroy a game. What difference does it make to you if it succeeds or not?  You just have to prove you are right, no matter the cost to other gamers that do believe in CoE? You don't think people are smart enough to decide for themselves if they want to back the game or not? CoE has done something to your personally and you sole purpose is to destroy their vision?

    I read a lot of comments suggesting that CoE  is pay to win. My question would be exactly what have the investors won? Let's take for example the King that has purchased two kingdoms. Yes he starts the game as a King with a very large Kingdom. Does that mean he won the game? Hell no!  How could he the game hasn't even started yet. What it does mean is he has pledged for a full time job and if played incorrectly he takes the risk of loosing that Title as well as his Kingdoms. Now if his Title was secure and there was no possibility of him loosing it, then I would agree it is pay-to-win. But that is not the case in CoE and never will be. In addition, there is a high probability that all the current Nobility will loose there titles at some point through the ten year story.

    I have seen nothing of truth in this thread that hasn't been over exaggerated or taken completely out of context. I would suggest to those that are curious and wish to know the truth for themselves. Come and join us, get to know our community, browse through our forums, do your research and make up your own mind. Don't let some of these toxic people make up your mind for you. 

    For me, I have never once regretted pledging to the creation of CoE and I am very happy with the transparency of the team as they work hard to bring their vision to a reality.
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