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Class combat differences...

Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686
I really dislike classes with strict rotations..

So what class/specs are most reactionall when playing both group/raid as well as solo?

What spec would you play if you wanted to stay awau from a strict rotation and be forced to react on the mob actions or other things happening on the combat field...

Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)


  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    Eh, Druid is pretty flexible in that regard imo. Boomkin (ranged dps spec) got a good overhaul and isn't really strict in how you play it plus you get plenty of utility, but you can play any role with druid. Solo it does alright. Demon hunter is melee focused but is really good atm as well as DK, making them both really good for group/solo stuff. I was taking down some Elite WQ Bosses with DH solo at ilvl800 when they were first in plus you can solo a lot of WoD World Bosses with it fairly easy as well if you're mount hunting or whatever.
  • WarlyxWarlyx Member EpicPosts: 3,373
    hmmm albatroes that doesnt work anymore thanks to artifacts , u arent a "Druid" anymore , u are feral, guardian , chicken or resto druid.....

    all the classes have "strict rotations" with some procs (skills become instant or become avaliable) , i think the most varied rotation is on healers for obv reasons , since they react to dmg received , or tanks but thats more based on CD and keeping DR skills going....with some CD on big hits

  • ShodanasShodanas Member RarePosts: 1,933
    Ranged class with easy and relaxed rotation: BM hunter.

    Melee class with easy and relaxed rotation: Outlaw rogue (given that you pick Slice and Dice in the last tier of talents). Blood DK. Blood is the tank spec but it has a very simple rotation plus you can solo hard stuff and groups of mobs easily. It has high damage output.
  • Abuz0rAbuz0r Member UncommonPosts: 550
    I miss vanilla WoW and all the creative builds you could make.  I remember I was a survival hunter that did a whole lot of melee.
  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686
    Shodanas said:
    Ranged class with easy and relaxed rotation: BM hunter.

    Melee class with easy and relaxed rotation: Outlaw rogue (given that you pick Slice and Dice in the last tier of talents). Blood DK. Blood is the tank spec but it has a very simple rotation plus you can solo hard stuff and groups of mobs easily. It has high damage output.
    I dont think an easy rotation is what i am looking for, as that still sounds like a rotation...  

    i am looking for classes that use abilities based on what happens on the battlefield, where every step requires thinking and choosing...

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,100
    edited October 2016
    I think @Axehilt would say every class in WOW has an optimal rotatation in any given situation, but not necessarily the same rotation for every situation.

    Now the thing is there are usually a limited set of combat scenarios in any game, especially in PVE so you will find yourself repeating them, some much more than others.

    Boss fights offer the greatest opportunity for variety as devs usually sink great care into making fights more unpredictable or distinct from the average battle.

    One reason people enjoy (or dislike) PVP is other humans offer the greatest unpredictability, or situational variety, much more than most any PVE encounter.

    In fact, other humans may know exactly how to beat you, despite your best efforts, which is something no PVE AI creature ever is given the ability to do. (you can always beat them once you know the pattern)

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

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    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

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  • k61977k61977 Member EpicPosts: 1,527
    They have purposely tired to reign in classes and make them all play like individual classes.  You must play as the archetype you have selected now.  While you can carry around the different artifact weapons and switch back and forth you would only be hurting yourself and those you play with.  I say that because they have made artifact power the main point of the game now and if you are spreading it out you will most likely never reach the potential on one archetype.

    As far a rotations go there really isn't a class that doesn't have those.  I would say healer most likely would be the best one for not sticking to it because of situational issues that will break it up.  Almost all classes now have a 4 or 5 skill main rotation with a couple others skills added in here or there.  It is just the type of play they are pushing for today.  To me it feels like they are trying to push it for consoles play sometime in the future.
  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686
    k61977 said:
    They have purposely tired to reign in classes and make them all play like individual classes.  You must play as the archetype you have selected now.  While you can carry around the different artifact weapons and switch back and forth you would only be hurting yourself and those you play with.  I say that because they have made artifact power the main point of the game now and if you are spreading it out you will most likely never reach the potential on one archetype.

    As far a rotations go there really isn't a class that doesn't have those.  I would say healer most likely would be the best one for not sticking to it because of situational issues that will break it up.  Almost all classes now have a 4 or 5 skill main rotation with a couple others skills added in here or there.  It is just the type of play they are pushing for today.  To me it feels like they are trying to push it for consoles play sometime in the future.
    Wow on consoles...  that would definately ruin the game for many true MMO players, that fell in love with WoW in the first place for its diverse multi skills/builds classes...

    so basically everyone is telling me that gameplat is allways based on a rotation of some kind?   And only choosing a healer will make rotations less predictable, but then they are sinceedibly dull when soloing because of limited combat options?

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    If you're looking for a game that has the better situational style of combat, I'd say B&S atm, if you like action combat. There's definitely going to be situations and certain builds to have set up depending on certain fights to stun/daze/knockdown etc on bosses and mobs and usually the person with the most attack power is the tanker, except warlocks...
  • Psym0nPsym0n Member UncommonPosts: 283
    Playing as a tank I use almost no rotation. I just use my skills to not die and mitigate damage. For me playing with a rotation would totally ruin my gameplay. Protection Warrior has the ability to focus on dps or mitigate the incoming damage. In combat they have a lot of mobility so you can jump or charge your way around the room.

    DPS wise I've got no clue as I tend to stay away from that as far as I can..
  • WarlyxWarlyx Member EpicPosts: 3,373
    k61977 said:
    They have purposely tired to reign in classes and make them all play like individual classes.  You must play as the archetype you have selected now.  While you can carry around the different artifact weapons and switch back and forth you would only be hurting yourself and those you play with.  I say that because they have made artifact power the main point of the game now and if you are spreading it out you will most likely never reach the potential on one archetype.

    As far a rotations go there really isn't a class that doesn't have those.  I would say healer most likely would be the best one for not sticking to it because of situational issues that will break it up.  Almost all classes now have a 4 or 5 skill main rotation with a couple others skills added in here or there.  It is just the type of play they are pushing for today.  To me it feels like they are trying to push it for consoles play sometime in the future.
    Wow on consoles...  that would definately ruin the game for many true MMO players, that fell in love with WoW in the first place for its diverse multi skills/builds classes...

    so basically everyone is telling me that gameplat is allways based on a rotation of some kind?   And only choosing a healer will make rotations less predictable, but then they are sinceedibly dull when soloing because of limited combat options?
    well druid healers now can choose btw feral spec , boomking spec , ect (u gain skills from other specs ) and healers got a boost on dmg passive , i kill faster on resto with feral specialization than on cat lol , that will change on max lvl but is weird

    same goes for others healers , paladins hit hard too , shaman LB and Lava hit harder on resto , but resto doesnt have the Elemental mastery ...ect ect

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