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PS4, XBOX ONE, PS4 Pro or wait for scorpio

Soki123Soki123 Member RarePosts: 2,558
Been looking at getting a console. What would suggest for a casual yet sometimes hardcore console gamer. Still use my trusty ps3 but want to get something newer.


  • Soki123Soki123 Member RarePosts: 2,558


  • AbimorAbimor Member RarePosts: 924
    I have both the xbox 1 and playstation 4 I have to say i enjoy them for different things my playstation I can play games like romance of the three kingdoms. On my xbox I play a lot of online stuff like rainbow six I am really looking forward to dragon quest builders and horizon zero dawn on the ps4. Not sure if any upcoming xbox one only games I'm looking forward to. 
  • ConstantineMerusConstantineMerus Member EpicPosts: 3,338
    I seriously doubt if you'll be able to purchase Scorpio in a "waitable" amount of time :)
    I'd suggest to wait for PS4 Pro. 
    Constantine, The Console Poster

    • "One of the most difficult tasks men can perform, however much others may despise it, is the invention of good games and it cannot be done by men out of touch with their instinctive selves." - Carl Jung
  • VrikaVrika Member LegendaryPosts: 8,016
    Waiting for Scorpio would be better choice, but that would mean additional year of waiting so I don't know if you're ready to wait that long.

    If you're going to buy a console soon, then buy PS4 Pro. If you can wait, then wait for Scorpio.
  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    If waiting is an option then i would definitely wait to see what the ps4 pro and the scorpio are like, at the moment its hard to say which of them would be the better choice, it seems the situation is not the same as it was when choosing between a ps4 and xb1, with the ps4 being the better games machine, as was born out by sales of both devices, instead it might be that this time the scorpio is the better games machine, and that MS has learned from the xb1 debacle.
    A wait and see option is my advice given how much these things cost. :o
  • WicasaWicasa Member UncommonPosts: 77
    evga gtx 1060 sc 3 or 6 gb
  • frostymugfrostymug Member RarePosts: 645
    I finally pulled the trigger on this generation last week. I've been looking for almost a year. Playing my PS3 while the 360 collected dust. Ended up getting the Xbox One. The older one. I don't have a 4K TV yet and don't plan on one anytime before Scorpio shows up so the size and very slight performance increase wasn't worth the cost. They are running deals on the original and S consoles. I got the 1TB Division system and got a free game of my choice (Attack on Titan), 20 bucks off a second controller (the S one with bluetooth), and a free 3 months of XBox live for 279. So price was definitely one factor.

    Up until very recently I was all set for the PS4, but their explanation of not adding a UHD Blu Ray drive in the Pro stunk to me. Not sure where they got all the research and intel from. Streaming 4K might be increasing, but internet speeds in the US are still relatively crappy compared to most of Asia and Europe. Not to mention metering and limits. Streaming quality is also subpar relative to disks because of compression. It wasn't so much the message as it was the tone. Seems to have gone over pretty poorly overall. Lots of complaints about that and MS has finally started selling more consoles than Sony after the Slim and Pro announcements, oddly enough.

    Now that Sony charges for online play they lost that advantage and XBox Live is a better network and generally has better free games every month. Sony has a much nicer interface to navigate though. XBox Live is very much Windows 8 tile style so if you like that, you're gold. I don't. MS is also going hard in the paint with backwards compatibility that they say will be 100% moving forward to the Scorpio.

    Really, it ultimately comes down to which game library you like better. Or if you want console VR soon. With Sony, none of the new system offerings or direction really did much for me over the original. So much so that I switched teams. I'll see what they bring with the PS5. In the meantime I can play on the One and build a library that I will be able to play (all of, if they are being truthful) on the Scorpio when it shows up.
  • cameltosiscameltosis Member LegendaryPosts: 3,870
    My household is about to make the jump and we're going for Xbox One S. 

    Its going to be a birthday present for my brother so we're all chipping in. He is primarily an xbox fan, partly for the games library and partly for the comfortable controllers. 

    The reason we've gone for Xbox One S:
    • We don't care about VR so no point waiting
    • Console likely to have to last 5-6 years before another upgrade, so we wanted to future-proof the purchase by getting marginal cpu / gpu upgrades and 4k support
    • Games library marginally better for my brother's tastes
    • Controllers more comfortable
    • Gamertag on controller battery pack 
    • Hybrid SSD with Xbox One S preferable to standard HDD for other Xbox Ones. 

    I was tempted with getting the Elite version for their SSD, but weirdly it worked out more expensive than Xbox One S. We're going 500gb rather than 1tb, partly to keep costs down but when it comes to consoles my brother doesn't care about online functionality so is unlikely to be downloading games. This means disk space isn't really a factor (his 8gb 360 never got used up, despite 6 years solid use). 
    Currently Playing: WAR RoR - Spitt rr80 Black Orc | Scrotling rr6X Squig Herder | Scabrous rr5X Shaman

  • frostymugfrostymug Member RarePosts: 645
    I didn't think the drive space was that big of a deal, but if you do not know, pretty much all games load onto the drive and use the disc more or less as DRM. If you only play a few games, no big deal. If everyone wants different games, even the 1TB goes very fast. You can get an external drive for it though. As long as it is USB 3. There are articles with info for that.
  • TorthaTortha Member UncommonPosts: 7
    edited October 2016
    Soki123 said:
    Been looking at getting a console. What would suggest for a casual yet sometimes hardcore console gamer. Still use my trusty ps3 but want to get something newer.
    If Sony exclusives are of no consequence to you (their only real asset is Bloodborne IMO), then go for Scorpio. For various reasons:

    - Most powerful hardware. It's by all means a completly new generation, way more powerful than current consoles and considerably superior to PS4 Pro.
    - Microsoft game policy. You'll get to play everything they've ever released since Xbox 360. You'll get crossplatform online play. You can switch to PC anytime and still keep all of your games.
    - Sony's success with the PS4 has made them believe that players will take any shit they throw at them. They became conceited, which translated into horrible online support, irrelevant Ps+ free games, and everything in general just got worse. Microsoft is the one that has to gain back the support of the consumer so they're bound to try much harder than Sony.

    The only reason to go for Sony would be if you like their exclusives so much that you just can't go without playing them.
  • Soki123Soki123 Member RarePosts: 2,558

    Going to wait for scorpio. I think I m going to grab an original x box one for the time being as I love halo and gears games. Also, I m looking forward to Sea of Thieves. So I ll grab a scorpio when they re out and x box one now.

    Thanks for all the replies.

  • CleffyCleffy Member RarePosts: 6,414
    I would opt for Microsoft's console before Sony's for the simple reason of modding. In my opinion that decision was a major win for Microsoft. Wait for Scorpio.
  • SavageHorizonSavageHorizon Member EpicPosts: 3,480
    I have a PS4 but I'm changing it for the PS4 Pro and getting VR. Scorpio will have full blue ray hd but the PS4 only has blueray. 

    How the fuck Sony made that mistake I don't know. 

  • FlemFlem Member UncommonPosts: 2,871
    Xbox one, they have backwards compatibility, PS4 doesn't so you can pick up some great Xbox 360 games also to play on the one.
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