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Will one tamriel fix phasing?

AselliaAsellia Member UncommonPosts: 174
I tend to play these games with my friends almost exclusively- and I know awhile back, shortly after release, I had the hardest time (At least in the starter areas) if we were even a quest or two off-- will it fix phasing? Or at least make the party pulled into the leader's phase, or something? I just, this isn't a 'it's a crappy game!', but I really don't have much a reason to play this over skyrim if I can' play with my friends most of the time anyways-- so I'm just curious if it's worth downloading it again.


  • goboygogoboygo Member RarePosts: 2,141
    Probably not but I could be wrong.  I always felt Zenimax completely blew it by taking one of the main things that make Elder Scrolls games so amazing, a seamless open world ( Minus buildings and dungeons) and turned it into a  heavily instanced game, one of the most instanced games out there.  And didn't seem to think that was a big deal considering they were making an Elder Scrolls game.

    Phasing is also a problem too I agree.  One of the worst features ever added in an MMO ( thanks again Blizzard ). Lets have two people in an MMO standing in the same place in game seeing two different things and unable to interact or help each other.  That's what traditional instancing is for, isolating players from each other shouldn't take place in the open game world.
  • goboygogoboygo Member RarePosts: 2,141
    Nyctelios said:
    The big problem for me was the lies about the phasing being dynamic to a degree of social hierarchic importance such friends>guilds>so on and the promise we would get series of question on first log in to adjust our phasing to players with same game focus (pvp, pve, rp, so on).
    I completely forgot about that promise, you would be matched up with people of like interest or some BS like that.
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,111
    goboygo said:
    Nyctelios said:
    The big problem for me was the lies about the phasing being dynamic to a degree of social hierarchic importance such friends>guilds>so on and the promise we would get series of question on first log in to adjust our phasing to players with same game focus (pvp, pve, rp, so on).
    I completely forgot about that promise, you would be matched up with people of like interest or some BS like that.
    What I don't like is they never addressed leaving it out, they just never mentioned it again. At least from the articles I saw. I hate it when developers do that.
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  • JackdogJackdog Member UncommonPosts: 6,321
    edited August 2016
    only been back playing for a couple of weeks now and have not played since beta so excuse my ignorance on what you are referring to as phasing.  When you talk about  phasing are you referring to how I can run through and area and fight mobs along side other player characters and the when quest is completed I can run through same area and the mobs are no longer agro and  do not attack player characters? If that is what you mean I definitely prefer that over the old school cut scenes. The seamlessness makes for more immersive game world when questing

    On the other hand I can see where that could present issues when grouped with differentiating quest histories. So far I have not grouped except on a couple of pickups groups where we all on the same quest and everything was in synch. However I will be joining a guild soon though and I hope this will not be a problem

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  • filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
    @Jackdog phasing was implemented to help immersion.  Its a great idea and with the number of people who cry when something breaks immersion IDK why so many people are against a thing that actually makes the world more immersive.  So this is the situation.  You do a quest that saves a town from demonspawn.  Once the quest is finished then you are entered into a place where the town is devoid of demonspawn.  And other players who have not finished the quest will see the demonspawn and be a part of an entirely different phase of that same place.  So even though you are at the same exact location you cannot see each other because its a different phase of the same location.

    Torval said:
    Sovrath said:
    goboygo said:
    Nyctelios said:
    The big problem for me was the lies about the phasing being dynamic to a degree of social hierarchic importance such friends>guilds>so on and the promise we would get series of question on first log in to adjust our phasing to players with same game focus (pvp, pve, rp, so on).
    I completely forgot about that promise, you would be matched up with people of like interest or some BS like that.
    What I don't like is they never addressed leaving it out, they just never mentioned it again. At least from the articles I saw. I hate it when developers do that.
    I would like to know as well, but I think we know why they don't say anything or try and have a reasonable discussion about it. When the topic starts off with promises, lies, and finger pointing, well who wouldn't want in on that!
    It is possible they already have this in place but it just didn't quite work out the way they wanted.  We really don't have proof they never did it.
    Are you onto something or just on something?
  • gervaise1gervaise1 Member EpicPosts: 6,919
    edited August 2016
    Asellia said:
    I tend to play these games with my friends almost exclusively- and I know awhile back, shortly after release, I had the hardest time (At least in the starter areas) if we were even a quest or two off-- will it fix phasing? Or at least make the party pulled into the leader's phase, or something? I just, this isn't a 'it's a crappy game!', but I really don't have much a reason to play this over skyrim if I can' play with my friends most of the time anyways-- so I'm just curious if it's worth downloading it again.
    When the game first launched there were multiple issues. Some "phasing issues" were probably due to lag - people in groups not being kept together say. Since it launched a lot of stuff has been fixed so you should have a different experience.

    As far as One Tamriel itself goes nominally no. However there may have been alliance checks being done. If do these will have been removed. So maybe less server load. Making it easier for the server to resolve phasing stuff.

    However if you haven't played since around launch you will find things much slicker. Usually no issues.
  • gervaise1gervaise1 Member EpicPosts: 6,919
    Phasing helps immersion. And these days the server seems to get it right. You may be in an area and have done a quest chain to defeat some evil - turning the previously hostile mobs friendly - and see people being attacked. Both in the same area at different quest points so different reactions. Stuff seems better keyed to your experience without shunting you into some other reality. 
  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Phasing and instancing are used throughout ESO as a story telling device in quests just as it is in many other themepark MMOs. The whole point of it is to show you visual evidence that your actions are having an effect on the world around you. 

    So it will never be "fixed." What they have done and did many months ago is that they removed some and minimized the number of solo-only instances as much as they could without compromising the world-changing nature of some of your quest actions.

    There is also none of that in Cyrodiil, the PVP zone which plays like a retro, group-focused MMO. Nor will you ever see it in PVE if you're a grinder who ignores quests. But if you're questing then yes, you'll run into separation from your group mate if you're not on the same step of a quest quite often.
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  • AselliaAsellia Member UncommonPosts: 174
    Okay, well, i'll give it a try again when it's out, since.. well, I own it, may as well- I just remember during beta and shortly after release I had a serious case of, one misstep or forgotten quest and I had the worst time so much as seeing my friends in a LOT of areas. It was really common (At least in the starter areas).
  • TokkenTokken Member EpicPosts: 3,651
    phasing is, and will continue to be a problem with this game. It's one of the main reasons I don't play it in group. It's a solo game for me.

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  • NomadMorlockNomadMorlock Member UncommonPosts: 815
    90% of the phasing issues were remove more than a year ago. The parts that remain are only issues if one person you are playing with has completed one of these few "World Changing" quests and the other hasn't. 

    These are are very limited and I haven't noticed any new ones being introduced. 
  • waynejr2waynejr2 Member EpicPosts: 7,771
    Tokken said:
    phasing is, and will continue to be a problem with this game. It's one of the main reasons I don't play it in group. It's a solo game for me.

    Not a problem for me.  

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  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    DMKano said:
    Phasing is a core design element, a patch isn't likely to change such a core mechanic.

    So imo the logical answer is no - phasing is staying as is.
    Well, they could change it, more then a few games have added megaservers after launch which is a lot of work, and ESO could change to mechanics similar to GW2 but I think it is unlikely. A lot of work to fix a single issue while ignoring it and pretend it isn't a problem is free.

    But yeah, one of the strongest features of MMOs is playing with your friends, phasing is something that messes that up. But they really should have realized this from the start. 
  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    90% of the phasing issues were remove more than a year ago. The parts that remain are only issues if one person you are playing with has completed one of these few "World Changing" quests and the other hasn't. 

    These are are very limited and I haven't noticed any new ones being introduced. 
    One of the changes they made is that in some minor phasing situations, when it's just a matter of a friendly quest NPC being over here instead of over there where they will be later, the players see each other but they see the NPC's location according to the stage of the quest they're in.

    At launch they did it differently and you couldn't see the other player most of the time if they were in a different phase. This is one of the bigger changes they made.

    You can see this for example in the Aldmeri Dominion in the first place you meet the queen just outside the building with the bank in it. After you've done that quest you'll often see other players just standing outside that building seemingly doing nothing. These are the players who still see the queen there and are talking to her.

    Even some places where NPCs change from hostile to neutral (red to yellow) after you cleanse a shrine or some such thing in a quest, you can see players still in the previous phase doing their thing with NPCs hostile to them. Although there are still a few places where the players out of phase won't see each other. But not as many as there used to be. These typically happen when there are big changes like terrain changes (buildings on fire or destroyed, etc.) or in some rare cases (Velyn Harbor comes to mind) when you have to kick some invaders out of a town that goes on to be a normal town with crafting stations, vendors, guild halls, etc. afterwards.

    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

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  • NomadMorlockNomadMorlock Member UncommonPosts: 815
    Loke666 said:
    DMKano said:
    Phasing is a core design element, a patch isn't likely to change such a core mechanic.

    So imo the logical answer is no - phasing is staying as is.
    Well, they could change it, more then a few games have added megaservers after launch which is a lot of work, and ESO could change to mechanics similar to GW2 but I think it is unlikely. A lot of work to fix a single issue while ignoring it and pretend it isn't a problem is free.

    But yeah, one of the strongest features of MMOs is playing with your friends, phasing is something that messes that up. But they really should have realized this from the start. 
    I don't think you understand.  This isn't separate instances of the same identical area.  There are areas of the game that change once you complete a quest.  If someone has completed the quest, they may be in a different phase..such as a peaceful phase where a village is no longer being attacked, because they stopped it.  Their friend who has not completed the quest will still be in the phase where the village is still being attacked.  They could be at the same location but unable to see each other.

    As I said before, they removed many of these phased areas which were not necessary and the only ones remaining are tied to key area quest lines.  Not many issues with this in more than a year.
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