snail game customer support is utter bullshit for most of their IP's, that said, I do find most of their games pretty decent and slightly above average, they are often worth playing at least for a few days and the heavy cashshops can be avoided to a degree. Age of Wushu is still a great game despite all its flaws, it a masterpeice hiding behind a bad ui with even worse p2w elements.
"Our plan right now is to offer two different server environments, one for FFA PvP, and one for non-PvP for players to choose from based on the way they want to play."
Well this comment right here is enough to get me to try the game if they do push it out. A developer that actually realizes you can have open world feel without forcing PVP.
I dislike this. They can at least do like SWG with the temp flags and faction combat while others play civilians. The problem with servers is the dabblers are not going to PvP but stay with their friends on PvE servers.
"Our plan right now is to offer two different server environments, one for FFA PvP, and one for non-PvP for players to choose from based on the way they want to play."
Well this comment right here is enough to get me to try the game if they do push it out. A developer that actually realizes you can have open world feel without forcing PVP.
I dislike this. They can at least do like SWG with the temp flags and faction combat while others play civilians. The problem with servers is the dabblers are not going to PvP but stay with their friends on PvE servers.
Who exactly is this trouble for? Playing with friends is one of the key features of a MMORPG, so as long as this occurs, wild success in my book.
Another veiled attempt by a wolf bemoaning a potential loss of prey.
There are other games being made for you, go play them.
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
an large open, sandbox world without forced PvP? sounds interesting. But everything boils down to implementation. If it has an Asian flavor (like Archeage, for example), I'm afraid it will just be another MMO in the pile of failed attempts.
"Our plan right now is to offer two different server environments, one for FFA PvP, and one for non-PvP for players to choose from based on the way they want to play."
Well this comment right here is enough to get me to try the game if they do push it out. A developer that actually realizes you can have open world feel without forcing PVP.
I dislike this. They can at least do like SWG with the temp flags and faction combat while others play civilians. The problem with servers is the dabblers are not going to PvP but stay with their friends on PvE servers.
Who exactly is this trouble for? Playing with friends is one of the key features of a MMORPG, so as long as this occurs, wild success in my book.
Another veiled attempt by a wolf bemoaning a potential loss of prey.
There are other games being made for you, go play them.
they may as well just not open a pvp server if that's the case. the pvp server is almost certainly going to fail and having that second ruleset server is going to make the pve server less populated as well.
it's splitting the player base in a game that needs all the players it can get in one game world, that is what that game world is set up for.
anyone that played DnL back in the day knows what i'm talking about. DnL is said to have over 40.000 km² of land mass. to put that in perspective, that is about 15,444 mi²(about the same size as Switzerland)......vanilla wow was said to be about 80 mi²
that is roughly 193x bigger than wow. having two servers is not a good idea in general IMO but making one of them pvp is basically a death sentence.
the only way a pvp server survives is if people just accept the fact they are not going to pvp much and if the game is hugely successful with millions of players playing.
"Our plan right now is to offer two different server environments, one for FFA PvP, and one for non-PvP for players to choose from based on the way they want to play."
Well this comment right here is enough to get me to try the game if they do push it out. A developer that actually realizes you can have open world feel without forcing PVP.
I dislike this. They can at least do like SWG with the temp flags and faction combat while others play civilians. The problem with servers is the dabblers are not going to PvP but stay with their friends on PvE servers.
Who exactly is this trouble for? Playing with friends is one of the key features of a MMORPG, so as long as this occurs, wild success in my book.
Another veiled attempt by a wolf bemoaning a potential loss of prey.
There are other games being made for you, go play them.
they may as well just not open a pvp server if that's the case. the pvp server is almost certainly going to fail and having that second ruleset server is going to make the pve server less populated as well.
it's splitting the player base in a game that needs all the players it can get in one game world, that is what that game world is set up for.
anyone that played DnL back in the day knows what i'm talking about. DnL is said to have over 40.000 km² of land mass. to put that in perspective, that is about 15,444 mi²(about the same size as Switzerland)......vanilla wow was said to be about 80 mi²
that is roughly 193x bigger than wow. having two servers is not a good idea in general IMO but making one of them pvp is basically a death sentence.
the only way a pvp server survives is if people just accept the fact they are not going to pvp much and if the game is hugely successful with millions of players playing.
other than that, good luck.
All depends on the design. It could very likely be like EVE where a relatively small player base congregates in natural hubs.
Resource locations can also bring players into contact with each other, so can desirable mob spawn sites.
Truthfully, just as in the real world if I'm in the middle of nowhere I don't expect to run into anyone very often, nor do I expect them to try and kill me.
Even on the PVP server they would be better served to put in a very strong control and punishment mechanic to discourage it as much as is practical, perhaps limiting it to only lawless areas like EVE does.
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
They haven't said or shown anything that's remarkable so I have no idea why anyone would be hyped by this. One of the biggest mmorpg disappointments of all time now updated with loot boxes.
No thanks!
Iselin: And the next person who says "but it's a business, they need to make money" can just go fuck yourself.
"Our plan right now is to offer two different server environments, one for FFA PvP, and one for non-PvP for players to choose from based on the way they want to play."
Well this comment right here is enough to get me to try the game if they do push it out. A developer that actually realizes you can have open world feel without forcing PVP.
I dislike this. They can at least do like SWG with the temp flags and faction combat while others play civilians. The problem with servers is the dabblers are not going to PvP but stay with their friends on PvE servers.
Who exactly is this trouble for? Playing with friends is one of the key features of a MMORPG, so as long as this occurs, wild success in my book.
Another veiled attempt by a wolf bemoaning a potential loss of prey.
There are other games being made for you, go play them.
they may as well just not open a pvp server if that's the case. the pvp server is almost certainly going to fail and having that second ruleset server is going to make the pve server less populated as well.
it's splitting the player base in a game that needs all the players it can get in one game world, that is what that game world is set up for.
anyone that played DnL back in the day knows what i'm talking about. DnL is said to have over 40.000 km² of land mass. to put that in perspective, that is about 15,444 mi²(about the same size as Switzerland)......vanilla wow was said to be about 80 mi²
that is roughly 193x bigger than wow. having two servers is not a good idea in general IMO but making one of them pvp is basically a death sentence.
the only way a pvp server survives is if people just accept the fact they are not going to pvp much and if the game is hugely successful with millions of players playing.
other than that, good luck.
Good point, I think we should push for straight PVE and stop the PVP whiners before beta even launches.
"Our plan right now is to offer two different server environments, one for FFA PvP, and one for non-PvP for players to choose from based on the way they want to play."
Well this comment right here is enough to get me to try the game if they do push it out. A developer that actually realizes you can have open world feel without forcing PVP.
I dislike this. They can at least do like SWG with the temp flags and faction combat while others play civilians. The problem with servers is the dabblers are not going to PvP but stay with their friends on PvE servers.
Who exactly is this trouble for? Playing with friends is one of the key features of a MMORPG, so as long as this occurs, wild success in my book.
Another veiled attempt by a wolf bemoaning a potential loss of prey.
There are other games being made for you, go play them.
they may as well just not open a pvp server if that's the case. the pvp server is almost certainly going to fail and having that second ruleset server is going to make the pve server less populated as well.
it's splitting the player base in a game that needs all the players it can get in one game world, that is what that game world is set up for.
anyone that played DnL back in the day knows what i'm talking about. DnL is said to have over 40.000 km² of land mass. to put that in perspective, that is about 15,444 mi²(about the same size as Switzerland)......vanilla wow was said to be about 80 mi²
that is roughly 193x bigger than wow. having two servers is not a good idea in general IMO but making one of them pvp is basically a death sentence.
the only way a pvp server survives is if people just accept the fact they are not going to pvp much and if the game is hugely successful with millions of players playing.
other than that, good luck.
While I understand the point about splitting the populations, it will show what does better a pvp focus or a pve focus. I would almost be willing to put money on the pve servers having 3 or 4 times the populations of the pvp servers. And when the pvp servers don't have a playerbase worth keeping close them down.
Most pvp servers end up being barren within a few months in games that have other alternative because to be blunt very few that cry for pvp actually want pvp. They want to only attack weaker players or players that don't see them. It makes them feel better about themselves to camp someone who doesn't have a chance. These servers become toxic fast due to players like this and most others that don't care much for the pvp end up leaving in waves.
I would have been ok with a flagging system also, but I have grown tired of games that try and force me to pvp when I just feel like crafting or exploring. I prefer games that split the pvp away from the base game or have areas designated for it so I can do it when I am in the mood for it.
Overall if you look at games that have had 2 server sets the pve has always had higher pops and more servers. Even for games like WOW for every pvp server there were 2 pve servers.
Also I don't need to run into people every couple of mins when questing, a massively sized world as long as there are spots where people gather like cities. You just need a good transportation system in place to handle that.
Herald of innovation, Vanquisher of the old! - Awake a few hours almost everyday!
I dislike this. They can at least do like SWG with the temp flags and faction combat while others play civilians. The problem with servers is the dabblers are not going to PvP but stay with their friends on PvE servers.
Another veiled attempt by a wolf bemoaning a potential loss of prey.
There are other games being made for you, go play them.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
it's splitting the player base in a game that needs all the players it can get in one game world, that is what that game world is set up for.
anyone that played DnL back in the day knows what i'm talking about. DnL is said to have over 40.000 km² of land mass. to put that in perspective, that is about 15,444 mi²(about the same size as Switzerland)......vanilla wow was said to be about 80 mi²
that is roughly 193x bigger than wow. having two servers is not a good idea in general IMO but making one of them pvp is basically a death sentence.
the only way a pvp server survives is if people just accept the fact they are not going to pvp much and if the game is hugely successful with millions of players playing.
other than that, good luck.
Resource locations can also bring players into contact with each other, so can desirable mob spawn sites.
Truthfully, just as in the real world if I'm in the middle of nowhere I don't expect to run into anyone very often, nor do I expect them to try and kill me.
Even on the PVP server they would be better served to put in a very strong control and punishment mechanic to discourage it as much as is practical, perhaps limiting it to only lawless areas like EVE does.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
No thanks!
that the main reason im not interested in this game.... server for carebear, what the fun to play the pvp server then if you cant kill them ???!!
Most pvp servers end up being barren within a few months in games that have other alternative because to be blunt very few that cry for pvp actually want pvp. They want to only attack weaker players or players that don't see them. It makes them feel better about themselves to camp someone who doesn't have a chance. These servers become toxic fast due to players like this and most others that don't care much for the pvp end up leaving in waves.
I would have been ok with a flagging system also, but I have grown tired of games that try and force me to pvp when I just feel like crafting or exploring. I prefer games that split the pvp away from the base game or have areas designated for it so I can do it when I am in the mood for it.
Overall if you look at games that have had 2 server sets the pve has always had higher pops and more servers. Even for games like WOW for every pvp server there were 2 pve servers.
Also I don't need to run into people every couple of mins when questing, a massively sized world as long as there are spots where people gather like cities. You just need a good transportation system in place to handle that.
That and not a F2P gives this game real hope.