First you will have to soften up the target. Cripple the engines, remove at least part of the shields, silence the close defense turrets... If you do not, this will be a short boarding action attempt. Preferrably you EMP the target. Then you close in, breach the hull or hack your way in. Fighting on the outer hull unlikely cause it makes no sense (attacking ship would blast defenders into oblivion with ship guns). Close quarter fighting in the ship to reach bridge and engine room. Disable/hack the self destruct sequence. Smear the pilot across the main screen. Capture the ship. Switch transponders, Have a beer in Spider.
First you will have to soften up the target. Cripple the engines, remove at least part of the shields, silence the close defense turrets... If you do not, this will be a short boarding action attempt. Preferrably you EMP the target. Then you close in, breach the hull or hack your way in. Fighting on the outer hull unlikely cause it makes no sense (attacking ship would blast defenders into oblivion with ship guns). Close quarter fighting in the ship to reach bridge and engine room. Disable/hack the self destruct sequence. Smear the pilot across the main screen. Capture the ship. Switch transponders, Have a beer in Spider.
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what
it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience
because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in
the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you
playing an MMORPG?"
You need to put a No on that. If you are talking of Star Citizen, that is the MMO here.
On SC here, i don't see how in an MMO setting such gameplay with that amount of action and detail to it can be achieved, to what a game can do on a Singleplayer Campaign scripted mission.
Now if you compare to the actual SP Campaign here that is SQ42 it's likely if a similar mission is there to also see similar gameplay to be expected, being it more linear and scripted missions and story you run through. With ofc more height on Space Sim on SC and more FPS on IW as it is quite obvious and expect-able.
I think its hilarious that CoD's first attempt at space shooter already looks smarter, more polished and more fun than SC and ED.
Because its comparatively easy to show a highly scripted event against NPCs with clearly defined positions and tasks.
Now try to imagine the 100 different ways such an action could look like if 12 players would fight against 12 players. I highly doubt that the grapple-and-one-Shot-kill-action in IW will find many friends in a Multiplayer Game. It looks cool if you rip off the helmet of an NPC in one smooth motion. That another player would just kill you with a full auto salvoe at point blank range as you pull him close would not look so cool.
First you will have to soften up the target. Cripple the engines, remove at least part of the shields, silence the close defense turrets... If you do not, this will be a short boarding action attempt. Preferrably you EMP the target. Then you close in, breach the hull or hack your way in. Fighting on the outer hull unlikely cause it makes no sense (attacking ship would blast defenders into oblivion with ship guns). Close quarter fighting in the ship to reach bridge and engine room. Disable/hack the self destruct sequence. Smear the pilot across the main screen. Capture the ship. Switch transponders, Have a beer in Spider.
Have fun
what if you could steal if from a base?
That is an option that has specifically been mentioned by a developer. Smuggling on board in a crate and kill the crew. Woe betide to a Crew that is too lazy to scan its cargo containers.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone answer "No" in a question of "Will I be able to do this in Star Citizen?"
Apparently, you will literally be able to do everything in this game. Which makes the current state of the game look even worse considering we have practically nothing but very few basic implementations of mechanics from the hundreds of promised features.
I think its hilarious that CoD's first attempt at space shooter already looks smarter, more polished and more fun than SC and ED.
Because its comparatively easy to show a highly scripted event against NPCs with clearly defined positions and tasks.
Now try to imagine the 100 different ways such an action could look like if 12 players would fight against 12 players. I highly doubt that the grapple-and-one-Shot-kill-action in IW will find many friends in a Multiplayer Game. It looks cool if you rip off the helmet of an NPC in one smooth motion. That another player would just kill you with a full auto salvoe at point blank range as you pull him close would not look so cool.
Have fun
Yes it was scripted, but that isn't what I'm talking about. The movement, the firefights, moving around the station, getting into a ship, launching into space and the ship HUD. Its the way the ships handle and the look and feel of dogfighting... all of it was superior in the CoD video imo than anything I've seen from ED or SC.
Yes it was scripted, but that isn't what I'm talking about. The movement, the firefights, moving around the station, getting into a ship, launching into space and the ship HUD. Its the way the ships handle and the look and feel of dogfighting... all of it was superior in the CoD video imo than anything I've seen from ED or SC.
This is a promo video. Carefully selected scenes, carefully selected scripts.
Lets see what it REALLY looks like when a player is "at the wheels". Hopefully it still looks the same - i am looking forward to play IW. Hopefully its more than the standard CoD 6 hours of solo gameplay. Hopefully one CAN DO multiplayer space combat too ... at the moment all the cool things mentioned apply ONLY to the single player mode as you can read here:
You have not seen such things from ED or SC because giving you the same single-player-hero feeling you have seen in the CoD:IW trailer does not work as well in a multiplayer setting were the OTHER players also want to be the heroes and want to see YOU die in a single-strike-take-down-kill. Being UBER and having a game with a minimum of balance are mutually exclusive.
If there is one of the most annoying things that happen with SC is that!
Is that the fact the Devs do not completely say "NO" to X feature as they are open to the possibility on the future, is usually taken by some people as a "promised feature", over that people also expect that to be in the game by release (1.0) day when nobody said it would.
And that is why SC haven't even said no to the ability of even building on the PG Planets setting up our own factories and such.... Because MMO's do not stop development on the release day and things like this do are ideas for the post-release update content... And that's why it makes sense for them to not say "NO".
I wish people did understand that not saying NO doesn't mean it is a confirmed feature you will get by release as i see decently frequently. O.o
Yes it was scripted, but that isn't what I'm talking about. The movement, the firefights, moving around the station, getting into a ship, launching into space and the ship HUD. Its the way the ships handle and the look and feel of dogfighting... all of it was superior in the CoD video imo than anything I've seen from ED or SC.
You have not seen such things from ED or SC because giving you the same single-player-hero feeling you have seen in the CoD:IW trailer does not work as well in a multiplayer setting were the OTHER players also want to be the heroes and want to see YOU die in a single-strike-take-down-kill. Being UBER and having a game with a minimum of balance are mutually exclusive.
None of the things I'm commenting on have anything to do with being single player.
Even the non-mmo modules that have launched seem clunky and unpolished in comparison. Just looking at the process of getting into the ship, maneuverability and the fps and aerial combat look higher quality by leaps and bounds.
I absolutely agree that many things have to be polished and improved. The getting into the ship part is being reworked as we speak errrmmmm type. Personally i never had problems with maneuverability. In FPS head bobbing was and collision detection is a big issue IMHO.
I think its hilarious that CoD's first attempt at space shooter already looks smarter, more polished and more fun than SC and ED.
Because its comparatively easy to show a highly scripted event against NPCs with clearly defined positions and tasks.
Now try to imagine the 100 different ways such an action could look like if 12 players would fight against 12 players. I highly doubt that the grapple-and-one-Shot-kill-action in IW will find many friends in a Multiplayer Game. It looks cool if you rip off the helmet of an NPC in one smooth motion. That another player would just kill you with a full auto salvoe at point blank range as you pull him close would not look so cool.
Have fun
Yes it was scripted, but that isn't what I'm talking about. The movement, the firefights, moving around the station, getting into a ship, launching into space and the ship HUD. Its the way the ships handle and the look and feel of dogfighting... all of it was superior in the CoD video imo than anything I've seen from ED or SC.
I understand what you're saying here - but that flight was more of an arcade flight, similar to the missions in SWTOR. The aircraft is on a flight path and all you can do is slightly adjust it for targeting. That makes a great video, but not a great gaming experience. The idea behind magnetic boots and a grappling hook are awesome. I don't think SC has thought about that (would be very cool).
Here's an video from a game released in 1994 from Chris Roberts.
He's had pilots flying into space stations and capital ships for a long time. Star Citizen and Squadron 42 will have you doing a lot more of this with much more detail. Here's two more videos showing you a manual landing and someone entering an abandoned space station.
(abandoned space station)
(manual landing from space to planet - Unscripted)
Sometimes I get this feeling that SC is trying to achieve something that is outside of our ability today... but then I see these works in progress and think it's possible. I still think it's going to be a few more years though.
I think its hilarious that CoD's first attempt at space shooter already looks smarter, more polished and more fun than SC and ED.
Because its comparatively easy to show a highly scripted event against NPCs with clearly defined positions and tasks.
Now try to imagine the 100 different ways such an action could look like if 12 players would fight against 12 players. I highly doubt that the grapple-and-one-Shot-kill-action in IW will find many friends in a Multiplayer Game. It looks cool if you rip off the helmet of an NPC in one smooth motion. That another player would just kill you with a full auto salvoe at point blank range as you pull him close would not look so cool.
Have fun
Yes it was scripted, but that isn't what I'm talking about. The movement, the firefights, moving around the station, getting into a ship, launching into space and the ship HUD. Its the way the ships handle and the look and feel of dogfighting... all of it was superior in the CoD video imo than anything I've seen from ED or SC.
I understand what you're saying here - but that flight was more of an arcade flight, similar to the missions in SWTOR. The aircraft is on a flight path and all you can do is slightly adjust it for targeting. That makes a great video, but not a great gaming experience. The idea behind magnetic boots and a grappling hook are awesome. I don't think SC has thought about that (would be very cool).
Here's an video from a game released in 1994 from Chris Roberts.
He's had pilots flying into space stations and capital ships for a long time. Star Citizen and Squadron 42 will have you doing a lot more of this with much more detail. Here's two more videos showing you a manual landing and someone entering an abandoned space station.
(abandoned space station)
(manual landing from space to planet - Unscripted)
Sometimes I get this feeling that SC is trying to achieve something that is outside of our ability today... but then I see these works in progress and think it's possible. I still think it's going to be a few more years though.
I think it says more about cryengine sandbox than the game itself ....
I think its hilarious that CoD's first attempt at space shooter already looks smarter, more polished and more fun than SC and ED.
If the gameplay in IW's SP is longer than 8 hours, minus all the cutscenes that take character control away, I'd be shocked.
At the end of the day you buy a Call of Duty game for the multiplayer, which may have some cool settings for maps, but will have none of the flair the SP show's off (as per tradition).
First you will have to soften up the target. Cripple the engines, remove at least part of the shields, silence the close defense turrets... If you do not, this will be a short boarding action attempt. Preferrably you EMP the target. Then you close in, breach the hull or hack your way in. Fighting on the outer hull unlikely cause it makes no sense (attacking ship would blast defenders into oblivion with ship guns). Close quarter fighting in the ship to reach bridge and engine room. Disable/hack the self destruct sequence. Smear the pilot across the main screen. Capture the ship. Switch transponders, Have a beer in Spider.
Have fun
what if you could steal if from a base?
That is an option that has specifically been mentioned by a developer. Smuggling on board in a crate and kill the crew. Woe betide to a Crew that is too lazy to scan its cargo containers.
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what
it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience
because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in
the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you
playing an MMORPG?"
Have fun
what if you could steal if from a base?
Epic Music:
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"
On SC here, i don't see how in an MMO setting such gameplay with that amount of action and detail to it can be achieved, to what a game can do on a Singleplayer Campaign scripted mission.
Now if you compare to the actual SP Campaign here that is SQ42 it's likely if a similar mission is there to also see similar gameplay to be expected, being it more linear and scripted missions and story you run through. With ofc more height on Space Sim on SC and more FPS on IW as it is quite obvious and expect-able.
Now try to imagine the 100 different ways such an action could look like if 12 players would fight against 12 players. I highly doubt that the grapple-and-one-Shot-kill-action in IW will find many friends in a Multiplayer Game. It looks cool if you rip off the helmet of an NPC in one smooth motion. That another player would just kill you with a full auto salvoe at point blank range as you pull him close would not look so cool.
Have fun
Have fun
Apparently, you will literally be able to do everything in this game.
Which makes the current state of the game look even worse considering we have practically nothing but very few basic implementations of mechanics from the hundreds of promised features.
2020 sounds very very optimistic.
Lets see what it REALLY looks like when a player is "at the wheels". Hopefully it still looks the same - i am looking forward to play IW. Hopefully its more than the standard CoD 6 hours of solo gameplay. Hopefully one CAN DO multiplayer space combat too ... at the moment all the cool things mentioned apply ONLY to the single player mode as you can read here:
You have not seen such things from ED or SC because giving you the same single-player-hero feeling you have seen in the CoD:IW trailer does not work as well in a multiplayer setting were the OTHER players also want to be the heroes and want to see YOU die in a single-strike-take-down-kill.
Being UBER and having a game with a minimum of balance are mutually exclusive.
Have fun
And OF COURSE there have been questions were the answer was "NO".
A simple example:
"Will there be playable alien races in Star Citizen ?" .....Answer: No.
Just because you do not remember these answers (or do not WANT to remember them), does not mean they are not there.
Have fun
Is that the fact the Devs do not completely say "NO" to X feature as they are open to the possibility on the future, is usually taken by some people as a "promised feature", over that people also expect that to be in the game by release (1.0) day when nobody said it would.
And that is why SC haven't even said no to the ability of even building on the PG Planets setting up our own factories and such.... Because MMO's do not stop development on the release day and things like this do are ideas for the post-release update content... And that's why it makes sense for them to not say "NO".
I wish people did understand that not saying NO doesn't mean it is a confirmed feature you will get by release as i see decently frequently. O.o
Even the non-mmo modules that have launched seem clunky and unpolished in comparison. Just looking at the process of getting into the ship, maneuverability and the fps and aerial combat look higher quality by leaps and bounds.
Just one man's opinion though.
Have fun
Here's an video from a game released in 1994 from Chris Roberts.
He's had pilots flying into space stations and capital ships for a long time. Star Citizen and Squadron 42 will have you doing a lot more of this with much more detail. Here's two more videos showing you a manual landing and someone entering an abandoned space station.
Sometimes I get this feeling that SC is trying to achieve something that is outside of our ability today... but then I see these works in progress and think it's possible. I still think it's going to be a few more years though.
At the end of the day you buy a Call of Duty game for the multiplayer, which may have some cool settings for maps, but will have none of the flair the SP show's off (as per tradition).
Epic Music:
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"