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Website/Store fiasco continues- Dev tells fans that criticizing them does not help...

Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,778
edited July 2016 in Chronicles of Elyria
Apparently they are going to bed and the website and store will be down again until at least tomorrow.  Dev had the time to remind people that being critical of their utter inability to hit their 1st post kickstarter deliverable with 3 delays and then a website meltdown really doesn't help anything.

" we recognize this process has gone on longer than we'd have liked, and we really appreciate all those who recognize that being critical of us, or the fact we don't have dedicated web developers yet, really doesn't help anything. So thanks again for your patience."


As with all Kickstarters it comes down to the company's ability to deliver on what they promise and in the time frame they promise it.  In no way, shape or form can this fiasco give anyone confidence in their ability to deliver.  So far they had one deliverable post kickstarter and they have utterly failed even after multiple delays.

Edited to add this "important" information from poster @Drakenhoff which just seems like a list of excuses to me but in the interest of "fairness" here it is:

But if you actually explained the whole topic of conversation people would know.

1) one remote developer had a power outage which caused issues.
2) unforseen errors happened in the backend..
Do projects have unforseen issues. ... yes
3) a team members family member was in hospital which again caused issues.
4) caspian had been up 20+ hours trying to fix issues when he made that statement.

All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

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Post edited by Slapshot1188 on


  • ArChWindArChWind Member UncommonPosts: 1,340
    ArChWind — Forums

    If you are interested in making a MMO maybe visit my page to get a free open source engine.
  • FranciscourantFranciscourant Member UncommonPosts: 356
    edited July 2016

    Website/Store fiasco continues

    [...] utter inability to hit their 1st post kickstarter deliverable with 3 delays and then a website meltdown really doesn't help anything.

    In no way, shape or form can this fiasco give anyone confidence [...]

    [...] they have utterly failed even after multiple delays.
    I think that those quotes mostly denote exaggeration and hypercriticism.
  • H0urg1assH0urg1ass Member EpicPosts: 2,380
    When you ask for people's money, take a cool 1.3 million of it freely and you don't deliver on your timetables, then you better grow a real thick skin and clamp down on the whining.

    Either that or fund it yourself and tell them it'll get done when it gets done.
  • MorwynnMorwynn Member UncommonPosts: 54
    I find it odd that so many are quick to tell companies how to deliver their products and what to do no to fail when most of them never backed the company on Kickstarter to begin with.  The kinks seem to be integrating the international store with the new version of the website. Most of us that have actually backed the game are willing to wait an extra day or two for a great website. I personally would not call it a 'fiasco' just a technical delay. With the work the team is putting in I am things will be resolved very soon.
  • RidelynnRidelynn Member EpicPosts: 7,383
    Dev is right, bitching won't fix it faster.
  • FluteFlute Member UncommonPosts: 455
    edited July 2016
    Slapshot1188 blah blah blah ...

    As with all Kickstarters it comes down to the company's ability to deliver on what they promise

    What game did you back for?  I backed for Chronicles of Elyria.  I didn't give my money to them for a forum - we kinda have that for free, right here. 

    You see that thing on Kickstarter that said "Estimated delivery: Dec 2017"?
    If they miss that estimate, sure post away - we *did* back for the GAME. 

    But all this angst over a SHOP? [mod edit]
    Post edited by Vaross on
  • jonp200jonp200 Member UncommonPosts: 457
    So they missed a deadline and explained why.  Then they took steps to remedy the situation and it hasn't worked out as planned.  I agree with them; bitching doesn't help.  Things aren't always going to go perfectly during a development cycle.  People need to take a deep breath and relax or not back projects.

    Playing ESO on my X-Box

  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Apparently they are going to bed and the website and store will be down again until at least tomorrow.  Dev had the time to remind people that being critical of their utter inability to hit their 1st post kickstarter deliverable with 3 delays and then a website meltdown really doesn't help anything.

    " we recognize this process has gone on longer than we'd have liked, and we really appreciate all those who recognize that being critical of us, or the fact we don't have dedicated web developers yet, really doesn't help anything. So thanks again for your patience."


    As with all Kickstarters it comes down to the company's ability to deliver on what they promise and in the time frame they promise it.  In no way, shape or form can this fiasco give anyone confidence in their ability to deliver.  So far they had one deliverable post kickstarter and they have utterly failed even after multiple delays.

    Considering a group that have been running a website for years are having their own kinks in getting their new service running, and have been put in a position of delaying their implementation for quite a while (not hard to figure out who I'm referring to).. I don't think it's that big of a deal. 

    Besides it's not like the statement isn't true... bitching,  really won't help anything. Just as it wouldn't on a certain other site....cough..cough...

    Isn't this more or less a caveat like SC is running for more funding?

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    edited July 2016
    Well.........."But all this angst over a SHOP?  [mod edit]"
    You do realize the ONLY reason the game is going right now IS because of THAT shop?The ONLY purpose right now is to raise money and that alone is a poor excuse to get a game going .

    Don't start the game and money grab until IT IS ready?
    Easy to make excuses ,seriously seems like EVERY single game is RUSHED to market,no more excuses please,i tire of them.

    BTW when people complain,it is because they are angry,they are NOT voicing their anger to help anything at all.What people do hope is that flaming a developer for NOT doing a proper job,keeps other devs from rushing out their product,but seems every dev just doesn't care.
    Post edited by Vaross on

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,252
    I am only going to give this a 2/10 in terms of attempting to start unnecessary drama.

    You can do better.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • Thomas2006Thomas2006 Member RarePosts: 1,152
    I like there little quote
    " we recognize this process has gone on longer than we'd have liked, and we really appreciate all those who recognize that being critical of us, or the fact we don't have dedicated web developers yet, really doesn't help anything. So thanks again for your patience."

    I guess when the MMO misses the deadline that can use the excuss that they didn't have any dedicated network developers on the team.  Cause the original team that was shown on the kickstarter had no network programmers on the team.
  • VucarVucar Member UncommonPosts: 311
    Apparently they are going to bed and the website and store will be down again until at least tomorrow.  Dev had the time to remind people that being critical of their utter inability to hit their 1st post kickstarter deliverable with 3 delays and then a website meltdown really doesn't help anything.

    " we recognize this process has gone on longer than we'd have liked, and we really appreciate all those who recognize that being critical of us, or the fact we don't have dedicated web developers yet, really doesn't help anything. So thanks again for your patience."


    As with all Kickstarters it comes down to the company's ability to deliver on what they promise and in the time frame they promise it.  In no way, shape or form can this fiasco give anyone confidence in their ability to deliver.  So far they had one deliverable post kickstarter and they have utterly failed even after multiple delays.

    Just chillax my friend.

    Have a rum and coke.
  • FlyByKnightFlyByKnight Member EpicPosts: 3,967
    I'd love to see someone work somewhere, miss 3 self imposed ETAs, and tell their client/person who cuts the checks "stop bitching!".
    "As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*" 

  • snowman22snowman22 Member UncommonPosts: 54
    This is why you need to learn to under promise and over deliver like the air lines. a customers expectations are only set by you the seller. if you tell them 5years and 200 million to do a project thats what they expect. even if you know oyu can do it in 2 years and 75 million.. 

    the world has to turn back into a seller economy and sellers world.. if J.C. Penny did one thing wrong it was starting the whole the customer is always right idea back int he 1900's
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Every boxer has a plan until they get hit.  They haven't even gotten to the intricate stuff yet.  Still wishing them the best even so this is a rocky start.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342
    Distopia said:
    Considering a group that have been running a website for years are having their own kinks in getting their new service running, and have been put in a position of delaying their implementation for quite a while (not hard to figure out who I'm referring to).. I don't think it's that big of a deal. 

    Besides it's not like the statement isn't true... bitching,  really won't help anything. Just as it wouldn't on a certain other site....cough..cough...

    Isn't this more or less a caveat like SC is running for more funding?
    While having a slight delay wouldn't be all that big deal in general, this is a bit different.

    1) Their team and budget is tiny thus any delay is very, very costly.
    2) The reason for delay isn't just some "kink", it is due gross understimation and bad project management.
    3) They intend to use middleware heavily and this is their first opportunity to use is. Using middleware isn't something simple, despite it seems like it provides easy solutions.
    4) They have some truly dubiously short development cycle for MMO.
    5) In no way shape and form their reaction to player "feedback" is acceptable.

    It isn't only about just a website, it all adds up...
  • XxPriestxXXxPriestxX Member UncommonPosts: 133
    Trolling, being trolled, getting banned, yelling at mods, getting perma banned, making new accounts, and still trolling this site since 2004 =D
  • DrakenhoffDrakenhoff Member UncommonPosts: 301
    Ok I am not going to make excuses for SBS as they have delayed their first release due to unforseen problems.

    But I have a question for all those "experts" and "moaners" here. How many of you would be willing to work till midnight on a Friday and Saturday to remedy a situation like this?

    Signed Davan Drakenhoff ruler of Castle Drakenhoff the impenatrable castle made from cardboard

  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342
    How many of you would be willing to work till midnight on a Friday and Saturday to remedy a situation like this?
    ...this is a standard for any decently paid job.
  • KoboliKoboli Member UncommonPosts: 210
    I think the larger problem is the way they continue to speak to the public. At its very best, it's unprofessional; at its worst, it is insulting. 
  • DrakenhoffDrakenhoff Member UncommonPosts: 301
    Gdemami said:
    How many of you would be willing to work till midnight on a Friday and Saturday to remedy a situation like this?
    ...this is a standard for any decently paid job.
    No its not. I had a decently paid job (until i became a stay at home dad) and didn't have to stay to midnight ever. Well I worked shifts but I am meaning I didn't stay 16 hrs a day.

    My missus earns in excess of £45k ($67.5k approx). The most overtime she does is maybe 1 hour ever few months.

    Signed Davan Drakenhoff ruler of Castle Drakenhoff the impenatrable castle made from cardboard

  • slagathoreslagathore Member UncommonPosts: 31
    Ok I am not going to make excuses for SBS as they have delayed their first release due to unforseen problems.

    But I have a question for all those "experts" and "moaners" here. How many of you would be willing to work till midnight on a Friday and Saturday to remedy a situation like this?
    That's the point others have tried to make. If the project was managed properly, they wouldn't need to be working until midnight. The website should have been complete last week and waiting in the wings while doing some final unit testing. Instead they waited and tried to create everything last minute and it has bit them in the ass.

    They can't even build a website but the fanbois are just waiting to throw more money at them. I don't know if they are window licker level dumb or just blinded by hope.
  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342
    edited July 2016
    Drakenhoff said:
    No its not.
    It is, you just twisted standard into every single one...fallacy on your end.
  • NildenNilden Member EpicPosts: 3,916
    Not exactly inspiring a boat load of confidence if the team making a MMORPG has trouble with a webpage.

    "You CAN'T buy ships for RL money." - MaxBacon

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  • slagathoreslagathore Member UncommonPosts: 31
    Nilden said:
    Not exactly inspiring a boat load of confidence if the team making a MMORPG has trouble with a webpage.
    But yet they have people just waiting to throw more money at them. I can't understand how that can be.
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