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Please help me find an MMO

VeerdinVeerdin Member UncommonPosts: 33
edited July 2016 in LFGame
Alright, before I write anything else, please be aware that I'm looking for an MMO to play with my girlfriend, and we are both very picky! 

We've played a lot of multiplayer, co-op and massively-multiplayer games together in the past, and we've recently started looking for some new ground to cover while we wait for Dark Souls 3 to get its DLC. But we're really struggling to find a new MMO that looks appealing. I've been scouting around and have some potential ideas, but I'm looking for more suggestions.

As of right now, here's few lists:

What we would like:
  • Good character customisation and pretty characters. This is a must - something akin to TERA or Aion customisation would do nicely.
  • No forced PVP. We've played MMOs in the past that have had forced PVP, and it almost always ruins the experience for us.
  • Relatively good graphics. We don't need every game to look like Black Desert or Bless. But anything very clearly dated is a no-no.
  • Preferably fantasy. We're not opposed to sci-fi, but we tend to gravitate more towards fantasy RPGs, especially ones with elves. 
  • More to do than just combat. It doesn't need to be a full-on sandbox MMO, but anything that actually has decent non-combat content.
  • Non-gender/race locked classes. This is more of a preference than a requirement, but we like versatility in our characters.
  • Player housing. Again, not required, but greatly preferred. Instanced or world-based, doesn't matter. But we like having player houses.
  • No subscription. Free2Play MMOs are preferred, but we're not 100% opposed to Buy2Play games. 
Like I said, we're picky... And looking at that list, you may be seeing why we've been having some issues.

Also, here's list of games we've tried and either drifted away from, are uninterested in, or not enjoyed:
  • Archeage: Great gameplay, great world, great character customisation, great graphics. One of the worst and most toxic communities we've met.
  • TERA: A very fun and visually pleasing game that held our attention for a long time, but eventually became far too repetitive.
  • Aion: Another game that held our attention for a fair amount of time and was visually pleasing. But we grew bored of it, and it hasn't aged well.
  • Perfect World: Very, very badly dated game with race and gender locked classes. Also, the community appears to be nonexistent.
  • Forsaken World: Ditto of above, although probably not quite as badly aged. We did play this a while back, but not for very long.
  • Starforge: We just couldn't get into this one, it was too... strange. The whole game just has a kind of "off" feeling, not quite sure why.
  • The Secret World: The great story and quests don't make up for the absolutely atrocious UI menus and controls. No endgame beyond raids.
  • APB: Reloaded: Nothing but aggressive PVP and an incredibly hostile community. Even more toxic than AA's.
  • Elder Scrolls Online: Despite running at 60fps with vsync turned on, this game tends to make us both oddly nauseous. 
  • Phantasy Star Online 2: Not fond of the visuals of this one, and the gameplay seems far too overwhelming at that. Not to mention region-locking.
  • World of Warcraft: Hasn't aged well for our tastes. Plus I think it's still subscription based.
  • Lord of the Rings Online: Graphics seem very dated and gameplay isn't much to our liking.
  • Black Desert Online: Race and gender locked classes along with forced PVP after level 45(?) not to mention it's buy-to-play.
  • Final Fantasy XIV: Would be a candidate were it not using an archaic subscription system.

There are probably some others that I'm not thinking of right now, I'll add them if I remember what they are. But for now, here's some MMOs we might be considering, any opinions on them would be appreciated!

  • Riders of Icarus: Gameplay looks okay, but we're not super into mounts. Apparently the NA/EU version has been very badly gutted by Nexon.
  • Echo of Soul: Gender and race-locked classes is a big turnoff, and the gameplay seems dull. But visually quite nice.
  • Blade and Soul: Good character customisation and action combat, but the setting isn't too appealing to us, and it seems to be only combat.
  • Bless: Fantastic character customisation and gameplay looks fun, but requires a KR account and a VPN to play, apparently has forced PVP?
  • Guild Wars 2: Unsure on this one, races seem odd, and it's buy2play, but I've heard good things about it.
  • Neverwinter: We've played a bit of this and we're still up in the air about it. Action combat is nice, but the character customisation feels lacking.
Other than those games (and I realise that's quite a lot of games) we're completely at a loss as to what to look at. So far, nothing is really grabbing our attention.

Here's hoping you guys have some advice and suggestions for us!



  • Chadom676Chadom676 Member UncommonPosts: 7
    edited July 2016
    In terms of group play, Guild Wars 2 is #1 in the mmo scene right now. On top of that the base game is F2P and you only have to buy the expansion. GW2 is literally an MMO about just roaming around with friends and finding Raid tier world events. Of course now with the expansion basic raiding does exist and the game now gets new content on a quarterly basis. I highly recommend this game for guild play. Their are no race locks meaning every race can play every class. Combat is still the best imo just because of how good it feels. Hope this helped you out a bit. Keep in mind that the server you choose at character create ONLY affects World vs. World PVP. Otherwise you can connect with anyone from any server. Also if you want other stuff to do than fight GW2 is definitely your game. Player housing is a bit limited, but the expansion offers a Guild Hall system which is basically your own private city. (side note: if you like the systems in place in WoW I highly recommend Wildstar as well but GW2 is definitely my first choice.) 
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    lol archaic subscription based system. That made me laugh for a while.
  • Chadom676Chadom676 Member UncommonPosts: 7
    edited July 2016
    Albatroes said:
    lol archaic subscription based system. That made me laugh for a while.
    ikr it's the same as WoW's and it can be cheaper XD. seriously though sub-fees suck though I've had a lot of fun with FF14. I just don't won't to pay atm *shrugs* 
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    I agree with GW2.  I love the combat and all the little things the devs put into the game to make it more enjoyable.  You can play it for 15 mins and feel like you've accomplished something or for 16 hours if you want and have a good time.  The community is very helpful also.  

    I also like Marvel Heroes.  It has the Diablo perspective gameplay but is a lot of fun, imo.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    edited July 2016
    Well with wow you dont really have to "pay" since they have the token system now. So you can buy subscription using in game gold.

    As for archeage community, that honestly depends. You're acting like you've played on every server all times of day with that. Communities in any game all depend so you can't really write it off solely on that. I would write it off as being the definition of pay 2 win though even though I enjoyed my time with the game for the crafting, building houses/cars/boats etc.
  • Chadom676Chadom676 Member UncommonPosts: 7
    Albatroes said:
    Well with wow you dont really have to "pay" since they have the token system now. So you can buy subscription using in game gold.

    As for archeage community, that honestly depends. You're acting like you've played on every server all times of day with that. Communities in any game all depend so you can't really write it off solely on that. I would write it off as being the definition of pay 2 win though even though I enjoyed my time with the game for the crafting, building houses/cars/boats etc.
    Archeage does have a toxic community, though if you look hard enough you'll find good people. That goes for any MMO. Though, yeah I would definitely pass on archeage. Trion is one of the worst Publishers on the planet for anything really.
  • DonY81DonY81 Member UncommonPosts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Have you tried something like Ark : Survival Evolved before?

  • Chadom676Chadom676 Member UncommonPosts: 7
    DonY81 said:

    Have you tried something like Ark : Survival Evolved before?
    I really would not consider Ark a MMO. It's just a survival game with Multiplayer. Also I'm pretty sure the OP was looking for an MMORPG. not a survival game. Also if you are curious about Wildstar it's on steam and it's free.
  • waynejr2waynejr2 Member EpicPosts: 7,771
    I would save stop playing mmoRPGs for the until 2017.  

    Epic Music:

    Kyleran:  "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."

    John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."

    FreddyNoNose:  "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."

    LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"

  • VeerdinVeerdin Member UncommonPosts: 33
    Thanks for all the feedback, guys! GW2 seems to be the prevailing vote so far, and seeing as it's gone free to play, I'm definitely going to give it a try. Got it downloading right now and I've been reading up on the classes, races and gameplay. It does seem promising and I've heard almost nothing but good things about it.

    To address some things:
    Albatroes said:
    Well with wow you dont really have to "pay" since they have the token system now. So you can buy subscription using in game gold.

    As for archeage community, that honestly depends. You're acting like you've played on every server all times of day with that. Communities in any game all depend so you can't really write it off solely on that. I would write it off as being the definition of pay 2 win though even though I enjoyed my time with the game for the crafting, building houses/cars/boats etc.
    Wasn't aware WoW had implemented one of those systems. Even so, it's pretty low on my list of MMO potentiates. I played it a bit years ago when it ate my cousin's soul and never really got into it. The lore isn't a huge interest to me, nor are the visuals. Still, if it's got a "free" method of playing then I might give it a try at some point, who knows.

    As for Archeage: Perhaps I was just unlucky, but I played on about 5 different servers across both  the NA and EA server groups, and I also played it during the closed founder's beta (although I didn't get to play much during the initial launch because of what a train-wreck it was.) Consistently, across every server, I noticed an incredibly toxic and hostile community. Drama and arguments on the global chats were regular, as was abuse through the mail system and over the forums. I played primarily on Tahyang, and for a "PVE/RP" focused server, it saw more vitriol and bitterness than I'd care to remember.

    This isn't to say that everybody who played it was a bad egg. There were certainly nice people playing the game, many of whom I befriended. I was even in a fairly large guild for a while. But when it comes to large communities of players, it's the loud minority that stands out (or the very loud majority, in Archeage's case) and paired with the game's insistence to force players into PVP, even with their own damn faction, resulted in some of my least favourite MMO memories:

    Including, but not limited to:
    Being placed on a Kill-on-sight list because of the guild I was in.
    Getting blockaded during a trade run and being forced to abandon my cargo.
    More ganks than is healthy.
    Being murdered by members of my own faction while in a "safe" town area.
    Being sent abusive whispers and mail through the in-game system.
    Being stalked and harassed by individuals while attempting to do PVE content.

    And last, but not least...

    Getting "exiled" from my guild and having an entire group of players from my own faction actively become hostile to me... Because I said I was taking a break from the game.
    So no, I don't think I'm being hyperbolic when I say that Archeage had one of the most toxic and aggressive communities I've ever experienced. Again, perhaps I'm just unlucky. But that's how it was for me.

    DonY81 said:

    Have you tried something like Ark : Survival Evolved before?
    Wildstar, again, doesn't really visually appeal to me. It's a bit too "cartoony" for my liking. The gameplay itself looks fine, but the aesthetics don't mesh with me.

    As for Ark: I tried a bit of it at a friends house and didn't really like it much. Couldn't get into it for much the same reason as Starforge: It felt a bit too strange and disconnected. Too out of my comfort zone.

    FFXIV would be perfect for you if you weren't so against sub fees (Which by the way makes FFXIV the most content rich out of all the new mmo's). So I guess go with GW2 because I can't think of any others really.
    FFXIV does look very appealing, I must say. But I simply cannot justify a subscription fee for a video game these days. I already pay far too many subscription fees as it is, as well as all that "living" that I have to do in the real world. Besides, I personally feel the subscription fee is a dying breed of payment, and as far as I'm concerned, it can stay dead. I never liked the idea behind it, and while some F2P (and even B2P) games can employ incredibly callous methods when it comes to microtransactions, at least they're not automatically sucking money out of my wallet every month.

    If FFXIV ever goes B2P, rest assured I'll be one of the first to check it out. But until that time? It'll remain a, hah, fantasy.
  • LIOKILIOKI Member UncommonPosts: 421
    I think you two need to look into other types of games.
  • VeerdinVeerdin Member UncommonPosts: 33
    LIOKI said:
    I think you two need to look into other types of games.
    We have done. Multiple times.

    There's an alarming deficiency in nice co-op games these days. At least, ones we haven't already played. We've got the first Dark Souls to play through together (we've already beaten both 2 and 3 several times over together) but that's a tad high-intensity at times.

    In terms of other games, there's Starbound, which has a lot of cool content getting added to it, but still isn't released. Stardew Valley, which doesn't have the Co-op patch yet and probably won't for several months. Unepic, which has some very unforgiving multiplayer, and... Nothing else that I can really think of.

    Trust me, though, when I say we have plumbed the depths of co-op games out there. We're starting to get desperate. We even considered buying AC: Unity recently.


    But until such a time when a new co-op game comes out and catches our interest, we turn to MMOs.
  • LIOKILIOKI Member UncommonPosts: 421
    You guys are not alone. It seems like players are drowning in a sea of terrible games with no land in sight, so to speak. My wife and I recently tried to get back into ESO but it didn't last long, something about the game just gets boring and I can't say what it is.
    We played wildstar up to endgame. I was like you and the art didn't appeal to me but after playing for awhile it doesn't bother me anymore. We quit cause it took forever to get groups for dungeons and nobody did any of the excursions anymore.
  • VeerdinVeerdin Member UncommonPosts: 33
    FFXIV would be perfect for you if you weren't so against sub fees (Which by the way makes FFXIV the most content rich out of all the new mmo's). So I guess go with GW2 because I can't think of any others really.
    FFXIV does look very appealing, I must say. But I simply cannot justify a subscription fee for a video game these days. I already pay far too many subscription fees as it is, as well as all that "living" that I have to do in the real world. Besides, I personally feel the subscription fee is a dying breed of payment, and as far as I'm concerned, it can stay dead. I never liked the idea behind it, and while some F2P (and even B2P) games can employ incredibly callous methods when it comes to microtransactions, at least they're not automatically sucking money out of my wallet every month.

    If FFXIV ever goes B2P, rest assured I'll be one of the first to check it out. But until that time? It'll remain a, hah, fantasy.
    Well, it will stay a dream then because just like XI this will most likely never go f2p thank God. I think p2p will be around for a while and the games that use the model will always pump out bigger and better quality content then the others. I think it's worth it but hey agree to disagree.
    I don't doubt that it will stay a paid game. But I think it might eventually go the way of TSW and ESO and become a buy-2-play title rather than a forced sub one, with the subscription netting you extra content but being optional. In my view, that's the best way for an MMO to run these days. You still get the quality of a good game without the absolute flood of bots, game-hoppers and trolls that F2P titles are usually plagued with.

    Besides, I'm no expert, but I think if forced-subscription games were still as financially viable as they were back in the hay-day of MMOs, then we'd be seeing more of them. But they've fallen out of fashion lately, not just with players but with publishers and developers, too. I feel there's a pretty good reason for that...

    Point aside, my reasoning for not paying a sub for FFXIV isn't so much about my distaste for the payment model (I hated the payment model AA ran with but I still played that for almost a year) and more because I simply can't justify it with my current finance.

    There are some luxuries I have to go without.

  • IncomparableIncomparable Member UncommonPosts: 1,138
    swtor is a decent option.

    Unfortunately it lacks in non combat content

    But other than that, its worth a try considering what it does have is pretty good especially for someone new to the game.

    “Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble”

  • holdenhamletholdenhamlet Member EpicPosts: 3,772
    • Black Desert Online: Race and gender locked classes along with forced PVP after level 45(?) not to mention it's buy-to-play.
    Everyone's different but this seems like a fairly superficial reason not to try BDO.  I would suggest getting some trial keys if GW2 doesn't work out for you two.  It seems to satisfy most of what your looking for.

    PVP is enabled for everyone after 45 but ganking doesn't happen seriously anymore.  You have more power as a person being ganked than the ganker now that they took away xp loss for dying in pvp.  You're more of a threat to come back and killsteal their mobs for an hour than they are a threat to force you to respawn 10 feet away (not to mention they get a severe karma penalty for PKing, so they can't just keep pking you over and over).

  • Chadom676Chadom676 Member UncommonPosts: 7
    hey op did you forget GW2? lol Seriously if you don't enjoy other MMOs, GW2 is much different. It actually has reasons for you to play with OTHER PEOPLE. A very simple concept that many MMOs today tend to forget.
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    Veerdin said:
    FFXIV would be perfect for you if you weren't so against sub fees (Which by the way makes FFXIV the most content rich out of all the new mmo's). So I guess go with GW2 because I can't think of any others really.
    FFXIV does look very appealing, I must say. But I simply cannot justify a subscription fee for a video game these days. I already pay far too many subscription fees as it is, as well as all that "living" that I have to do in the real world. Besides, I personally feel the subscription fee is a dying breed of payment, and as far as I'm concerned, it can stay dead. I never liked the idea behind it, and while some F2P (and even B2P) games can employ incredibly callous methods when it comes to microtransactions, at least they're not automatically sucking money out of my wallet every month.

    If FFXIV ever goes B2P, rest assured I'll be one of the first to check it out. But until that time? It'll remain a, hah, fantasy.
    Well, it will stay a dream then because just like XI this will most likely never go f2p thank God. I think p2p will be around for a while and the games that use the model will always pump out bigger and better quality content then the others. I think it's worth it but hey agree to disagree.
    I don't doubt that it will stay a paid game. But I think it might eventually go the way of TSW and ESO and become a buy-2-play title rather than a forced sub one, with the subscription netting you extra content but being optional. In my view, that's the best way for an MMO to run these days. You still get the quality of a good game without the absolute flood of bots, game-hoppers and trolls that F2P titles are usually plagued with.

    Besides, I'm no expert, but I think if forced-subscription games were still as financially viable as they were back in the hay-day of MMOs, then we'd be seeing more of them. But they've fallen out of fashion lately, not just with players but with publishers and developers, too. I feel there's a pretty good reason for that...

    Point aside, my reasoning for not paying a sub for FFXIV isn't so much about my distaste for the payment model (I hated the payment model AA ran with but I still played that for almost a year) and more because I simply can't justify it with my current finance.

    There are some luxuries I have to go without.

    I understand and am not judging. :) I think it's possible FFXIV may at some point have a f2p option but if it does its not in the for see able future. I think there will always be a few p2p only games. Because there is a demand from people who like the model and how it focuses it's money it makes on content and not the cash shop that makes f2p games their money. As I said though agree to disagree and I hope you find the game thats right for you guys.
    Yoshida was considering implementing a token system similar to wow, but no eta on that.
  • CeryshenCeryshen Member UncommonPosts: 73
    Have you considered eq2?
  • VeerdinVeerdin Member UncommonPosts: 33
    • Black Desert Online: Race and gender locked classes along with forced PVP after level 45(?) not to mention it's buy-to-play.
    Everyone's different but this seems like a fairly superficial reason not to try BDO.  I would suggest getting some trial keys if GW2 doesn't work out for you two.  It seems to satisfy most of what your looking for.

    PVP is enabled for everyone after 45 but ganking doesn't happen seriously anymore.  You have more power as a person being ganked than the ganker now that they took away xp loss for dying in pvp.  You're more of a threat to come back and killsteal their mobs for an hour than they are a threat to force you to respawn 10 feet away (not to mention they get a severe karma penalty for PKing, so they can't just keep pking you over and over).

    When doing research on BDO we found some people stating quite the opposite, in that the post lvl45 game was just gank heaven. But it may be to do with what severs get played.

    Regardless, though, the gender and race locking is a huge turn off for myself and my girlfriend. We tend to spend a lot of time on our characters in any game. Black Desert's class system essentially goes:
    "If you want to do cool dark magic, then you have to be this scantily clad lady who walks like a runway model. Swords and shields are for boys only!"

    Plus, it seems that it's impossible to play the "wizard" class without being an old man, and so on.

    I know that doesn't bother some people, but it bothers the hell out of me. 

    If it had forced PVP, but no gender/race locks, I'd give it a try. If it kept the locking but had no forced PVP, I'd give it a try.

    Both? though? Nah. Sorry. Not worth the download space in our books.

    Ceryshen said:
    Have you considered eq2?
    I've looked into this one, but it's far too dated for my liking, visually I mean. I'm vain and petty like that.

    I was hyped for Everquest Next, but then it got cancelled because ????????
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,250
    Veerdin said:
    Alright, before I write anything else, please be aware that I'm looking for an MMO to play with my girlfriend, and we are both very picky! 

    We've played a lot of multiplayer, co-op and massively-multiplayer games together in the past, and we've recently started looking for some new ground to cover while we wait for Dark Souls 3 to get its DLC. But we're really struggling to find a new MMO that looks appealing. I've been scouting around and have some potential ideas, but I'm looking for more suggestions.

    As of right now, here's few lists:

    What we would like:
    • Good character customisation and pretty characters. This is a must - something akin to TERA or Aion customisation would do nicely.
    • No forced PVP. We've played MMOs in the past that have had forced PVP, and it almost always ruins the experience for us.
    • Relatively good graphics. We don't need every game to look like Black Desert or Bless. But anything very clearly dated is a no-no.
    • Preferably fantasy. We're not opposed to sci-fi, but we tend to gravitate more towards fantasy RPGs, especially ones with elves. 
    • More to do than just combat. It doesn't need to be a full-on sandbox MMO, but anything that actually has decent non-combat content.
    • Non-gender/race locked classes. This is more of a preference than a requirement, but we like versatility in our characters.
    • Player housing. Again, not required, but greatly preferred. Instanced or world-based, doesn't matter. But we like having player houses.
    • No subscription. Free2Play MMOs are preferred, but we're not 100% opposed to Buy2Play games. 
    Like I said, we're picky... And looking at that list, you may be seeing why we've been having some issues.

    Also, here's list of games we've tried and either drifted away from, are uninterested in, or not enjoyed:
    • Archeage: Great gameplay, great world, great character customisation, great graphics. One of the worst and most toxic communities we've met.
    • TERA: A very fun and visually pleasing game that held our attention for a long time, but eventually became far too repetitive.
    • Aion: Another game that held our attention for a fair amount of time and was visually pleasing. But we grew bored of it, and it hasn't aged well.
    • Perfect World: Very, very badly dated game with race and gender locked classes. Also, the community appears to be nonexistent.
    • Forsaken World: Ditto of above, although probably not quite as badly aged. We did play this a while back, but not for very long.
    • Starforge: We just couldn't get into this one, it was too... strange. The whole game just has a kind of "off" feeling, not quite sure why.
    • The Secret World: The great story and quests don't make up for the absolutely atrocious UI menus and controls. No endgame beyond raids.
    • APB: Reloaded: Nothing but aggressive PVP and an incredibly hostile community. Even more toxic than AA's.
    • Elder Scrolls Online: Despite running at 60fps with vsync turned on, this game tends to make us both oddly nauseous. 
    • Phantasy Star Online 2: Not fond of the visuals of this one, and the gameplay seems far too overwhelming at that. Not to mention region-locking.
    • World of Warcraft: Hasn't aged well for our tastes. Plus I think it's still subscription based.
    • Lord of the Rings Online: Graphics seem very dated and gameplay isn't much to our liking.
    • Black Desert Online: Race and gender locked classes along with forced PVP after level 45(?) not to mention it's buy-to-play.
    • Final Fantasy XIV: Would be a candidate were it not using an archaic subscription system.

    There are probably some others that I'm not thinking of right now, I'll add them if I remember what they are. But for now, here's some MMOs we might be considering, any opinions on them would be appreciated!

    • Riders of Icarus: Gameplay looks okay, but we're not super into mounts. Apparently the NA/EU version has been very badly gutted by Nexon.
    • Echo of Soul: Gender and race-locked classes is a big turnoff, and the gameplay seems dull. But visually quite nice.
    • Blade and Soul: Good character customisation and action combat, but the setting isn't too appealing to us, and it seems to be only combat.
    • Bless: Fantastic character customisation and gameplay looks fun, but requires a KR account and a VPN to play, apparently has forced PVP?
    • Guild Wars 2: Unsure on this one, races seem odd, and it's buy2play, but I've heard good things about it.
    • Neverwinter: We've played a bit of this and we're still up in the air about it. Action combat is nice, but the character customisation feels lacking.
    Other than those games (and I realise that's quite a lot of games) we're completely at a loss as to what to look at. So far, nothing is really grabbing our attention.

    Here's hoping you guys have some advice and suggestions for us!

    Your post is typical of so many where people say they can't find anything to play, largely because of self imposed conditions that largely equate to not seeing the forest for the trees.

    You are correct, there is nothing in MMO space available for you to play, you are being too picky.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • KruzilKruzil Member UncommonPosts: 104
    edited July 2016
    I would recommend The Divison or Warframe, especially Warframe.

    Oh, and Monster Hunter P3rd via PPSSPP Emulator (over LAN) is fantastic.
  • VeerdinVeerdin Member UncommonPosts: 33
    Played a bit of Guild Wars 2, and it's holding our attention right now. Not perfect, no. But certainly better than the other games we've tried.

    Thanks for the advice, folks!
  • holdenhamletholdenhamlet Member EpicPosts: 3,772
    ""If you want to do cool dark magic, then you have to be this scantily clad lady who walks like a runway model. Swords and shields are for boys only!""

    If you say so.  There is a female warrior couterpart, the Valkyrie.  The only classes that are really gender locked are Tamer, Archer, Sorceress and Berserker.
  • HyperpsycrowHyperpsycrow Member RarePosts: 962
    Seaching for a MMO today is easy...cuz there is nothing to seach for..only banana peels and garbage..wait until the end 2016 then things start to happens again :)  

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