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How In The World Did We Miss This?

FlyByKnightFlyByKnight Member EpicPosts: 3,967
edited June 2016 in Firefall
(Not the game the latest "drama")

I just randomly decided to check to see if this Hindenburg disaster of a game still existed, and I stumbled on this gem left (and now deleted) by former CEO Mark "Grummz" Kern on reddit. Holy f#%king s#!t the internet is brutal LOL:

Some other stuff:


"As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*" 



  • FlyByKnightFlyByKnight Member EpicPosts: 3,967
    edited June 2016
    Crap, I just realized this post is in the Firefall sub forum. Nobody is going to read this XD. Nevermind.
    "As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*" 

  • DeivosDeivos Member EpicPosts: 3,692
    Well, I can't say "gotkerned" is wrong, but that's kinda harsh.

    We put the wrong guy in charge and didn't have a way to put reigns on him. That's not new news at this point.

    "The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay

    "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin

  • FlyByKnightFlyByKnight Member EpicPosts: 3,967
    From the outside looking in , Mark Kern was a dream salesman. He did the whole fake it until you make it pitch which caught many players interests (and apparently venture capitalists). There were many features that he claimed were part of Firefall but were ideas which were later retracted due to technical limitations and other reasons. I feel like this became part of the culture of Red5 (selling dreams to players). Still, the original vision was Mark Kerns and those were the best times for the game IMHO (as bad as it was internally).

    Aside from the above I think things went even worse when Mark Kern got the VC money. He got dragon sickness. After seeing some of the expenditures, I feel like he went mad. That whole Studio 5 debacle, and the bus, those were negligent as f#%k. I don't care how he cares to spin it. His nose was WIDE open.

    Despite all of this, Firefall as it stands is a festering pile of rushed garbage but the worst turns did not happen under the guys watch. Seems like the project was a no win situation either way:

    • Cool forever in production game w/ lunatic irresponsible CEO
    • POS rushed finished game w/ bootlicking yes men and uncaring investors

    The idea of him "buying back" the game is horrible and cool at the same damn time. Firefall is the original Star Citizen though. lol

    "As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*" 

  • DeivosDeivos Member EpicPosts: 3,692
    Well by the time he left The 9 owned the game, and a majority of those that were heading the development prior had left when The 9 was first announced to be taking over. Those that remained were basically holding a ship together they weren't even allowed to steer and I feel deeply bad for one of my friends who tried very hard to keep the game afloat under that situation.

    "The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay

    "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin

  • RusqueRusque Member RarePosts: 2,785
    During beta FF wasn't looking too bad, it was pretty fun and ran pretty well - there was just one zone at the time so I was expecting it to grow. But the real disaster was the way frames were handled and the entire monetization scheme. It was so greedy it was unbelievable. Other things could be slowly fixed or implemented, but if your game turns people off like FF did, then yeah, welcome to failsville.
  • zdoofopzdoofop Member UncommonPosts: 11
    (Not the game the latest "drama")

    I just randomly decided to check to see if this Hindenburg disaster of a game still existed, and I stumbled on this gem left (and now deleted) by former CEO Mark "Grummz" Kern on reddit. Holy f#%king s#!t the internet is brutal LOL:

    Some other stuff:


    he's given up on that.  read his blog

  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,068
    zdoofop said:
    (Not the game the latest "drama")

    I just randomly decided to check to see if this Hindenburg disaster of a game still existed, and I stumbled on this gem left (and now deleted) by former CEO Mark "Grummz" Kern on reddit. Holy f#%king s#!t the internet is brutal LOL:

    Some other stuff:


    he's given up on that.  read his blog

    according to marks response in the reddit thread, he'd buy up the firefall IP in a heartbeat while working on crixia.  He comes across as a Grade A sleezeball and attention whore
  • AzmodeusAzmodeus Member UncommonPosts: 268
    I tried it for a short time, and just got bored of thumping non stop.  It just felt lacking to me. 
      OMG I am Ancient!
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