*** Its pvp and open world, are unparalleled. This game is what i return to after new mmo's flop or get borring.
The game itself, i would argue much better than Lineage 2 and well.. many other eastern games, with its new graphics options and expansive engine ,doesnt look as old as one might think. even tho it released for over a decade ago, well, so did WoW.
It had its peaks on RFOnline.com, GamesCampus, and i found it again now on RedFox games
https://www.playredfox.com/landing/rf_online New server is few months old, active and growing.
Check some videos about the game and gameplay:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQnydpWq1KA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTp6FQRFAvg What can you expect from this game?
PvP while doing PvE, PvP while Leveling, PvP when you thought you were safe, PvP alone, PvP with Hundreds of others, PvP in all flavors.
Grindy as eastern mmos go, this one has a depth ring to it, customisation and uniqueness of classes you choose, weapons and armour you wear, make you distinctive amongst the crowd.
And how do you get those weapons and armour? By leveling, grinding mobs, exploring, doing world bosses, and raid bosses, dungeons and more.
When you realise the doors to strategy are open, and you catch up, farming will make you feel so rewarding that you will end up doing it whenever you can. And why couldnt you? Well, the schedule is very tight ,between 3x daily faction wars, mining, leveling, boss runs and other, you will crave for a little r'n'r with the mobs to relax.
This can be a Pros and Cons alike since it is a very risky process, yes you can make an average weapon pretty easily, BUT, if you aim towards Best in slot gear, all the money, grind and luck in the world must be on your side.
There are OP golden legendary gears that you can eventually acquire but it is a long process, tho a certain one.
Customising gear and enchanting it with various properties is very complex and it adds up much to your power if you do it right.
>Open World
Played this game for years and i still dont know all its corners, its expansive world is captivating and each map is so much different than the other.
There are no restrictions what so ever in going towards enemy faction, nor to their main cities, if you can survive it, that it
![:) :)](https://forums.mmorpg.com/resources/emoji/smile.png)
DAMN, what is with all these numbers 1000000000 Currency ? Ok! And i can get full inventory of valuable enchanting gems just by being afk?
Well, not always, if your race wins Chip Wars, Faction PvP war, than you can mine for resources, if you lose, hey, not end of the world, you can still win two more times on the same day.
Secret quests, NPC's with incredible items everywhere, golden items at exibit, and legendary items in dugeons.
You can remotely invite players into raids, loot rights are concise, and party content works great.
PvP with your faction can be incredible with some close calls.
There is a race leader, and archons, their job is to lead the race towards victory in every way, may it be leveling progress, world bosses, pvp, or simple help, and yes, people do help you here, leveling together is a big part of the game.
Alliances are sometimes made when one race becomes too powerfull to de-throne it by other two races which than split the merits.
They are broken too.
Theres no grass? Where did all the vegetation go ? Oh wait , whats that, monsterrrrrsss, everywhere.
Ah what a beautifull sky, wait what? Why cant i look up? Noooooooo, but the sky is still there, isnt it?
You cant look up in the game its locked unfortunatelly, but you get used to it very fast.
Most of the controls isnt customisable, so i reccomend using keyboard and mouse with keybinds.
Its an old game ,sometimes, rarely, bugs happen, may be once a week, or month, not gamebreaking, but can happen.
All in all its a steep learning curve, but if you give it a shot, you will be entangled in this incredible world before you know it.
Thank you for reading.
Hope in seeing you soon, there are MANY people that still want to play this game on steam forums, reddit and else, whose posts i've read, and this is your chance, join us, and enjoy this game again, i sure am, after Tera, GW2, and few others ,i can say with certainty this one for me is one of the most interesting and fun mmorpg around. (Archeage is close ,but its dead, and p2w and Trion ,so nodeal xD )
https://www.playredfox.com/landing/rf_online Ah right, theres mention of RFO 2 ,so this is to warm up before upgrade comes :awesome:
the company also killed the game and make it a fucking P2W, and only way to get anywhere after 45 is spending money, why? ores, the game need you to mine ores to craft and upgrade gear, when it was P2P you could mine ores even when you lose the chip war in your base teleport, not the case anymore, now you need to your faction win the chip war, have previously collect a item in the npc guards there then mine in the core, but also note this, is limited, the war happens each 8 hours, during that time teh winning race mine in teh core, but the alocation of ores will be spend in something like a hour or even less depending how many people are there, ah the ccr fix that problem tehy created by selling upgraders in the cash shop, so only way to you really get anywhere now is spending cash, plus if you are not well equiped, HK will happen, also lets not mention how the hacks the game have still works, only hack they did "fix" was the server reset bug the players did to make bosses respawn without waiting for it.
another thing you can notice is when you lvl from 1 to 50 (pretty much when the game was P2P) each 2-3 lvls you had a armor set well draw and you could know teh lvl range of that player by looking at him, after 50 is just a new paint and some lights on top of lvl 50 armor, weapons was the same each 5 lvl a weapon each with a desing you could know, not the case anymore after 50. also no, there is not customization, you follow a path on the class you choose, you can in a kinda of way cross class, by by doing so you don't learn teh specs skills of the class with normally make a bigger boost, and people really never did that much, becasue that makes your char weaker
serious I liked the game and would still be playing, by CCR make it sure to be really hard to come back and play with, if I ever find a P2W game fun I would still be playing archeage or other craps around I quited after it
RF Online at 50% , becouse i've used those Cash shop enchantment boosts, and ton of them helped me not one bit.
Its all sheer luck, you can enchant with no cash shop, people in the server im playing now do it each day.
The hackers are not tolerated, anything remotely close to exploits is permaban, experienced players are in this game ,few reports and your out. Not many are stupid enough to risk months of gameplay.
And on top of all that, you can always buy golden weapons, for which you need no enchantments
And no above lvl 50 armor's get incredible looks, some have divine another volcano skin, plenty of things to make them different.
I see you losing your gear while enchanting becouse of bad luck, i did too, and lost my weapon with cast shop consumables at that, but after purchased golden spear, and never looked back
Population is spread like this Bells>Acc>Cora , so Acc&Cora are allied atm
golden weapons are another thing to push for grind, they look good but are not he best to use, they are hard to get and the effort used to it you could just try to put in a normal weapon
your incredible looks for lvl 50+ armor is pretty shallow, is just some neons on old armor skins, when I played during the P2P I was one of the top 20 on my race what is offered now is not close to what it was, gear can break? yes they can, we cared? nope we had ways in doing this, but the game is not close to what it was, jsut more easier to lvl, harder to get money, craft with was just a way to get something you need without hoping for a drop(we still had to hope for the best when doing orange weapons) are now useless, hell even ammo crafting now is useless since teh good things are in the cash shop since you can't craft then
you like the game ok, you want to bring more people to it, is ok too, but don't lie, don't forget the ugly truth to make people go for the game, hope the rumor of RF2 is true and they did learn from tehy error and make a game good enough like it was during the P2P phase, and let RFO going to the darkness it is his place.
btw funny was I played something like 8 years after the launch of it, and the same bugs was still around
Everyone has stacks of potions and ammo if ranged in bags, people use macro, they stack on pots, and dont even need to click on them.
Cash shop potions are a bit better ,yes, but that doesnt determine everything, skill does.
Join in on Red Fox Valkyrie Server, its pretty active.Im on Accretian ,Transformers lookalike side.
Main server is very active ,especially on weekends.
The game is unforgiving, hardcore, and epic at the same time.
Music background is great, and pvp is unforgetable.Crafting is very indepth, and the world is huge.
Only bad things i can think of, is that you cant look up,and that there are many eastern players, tho they do speak english.
Try it, you might have fun if you learn the game
For me it is good because nostalgia thing, but the game design itself is quite horrible compared to other F2P game.
When you don't want the truth, you will make up your own truth.
Dated, yes, but i can name 50 new mmo's that are poop tier.
Games that kept me were RF, Rift, Aion, Tera, GW2, and few fps like Planetside/Firefall, in the rest i couldnt be for more than a month.
This is the ost I was talking about. Damn fells...
facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/USARFOnline/?fref=ts
website :https://www.playredfox.com/rf_online
forums: http://forums.playredfox.com/index.php?categories/rf-online.15/
here the info about the update : http://forums.playredfox.com/index.php?threads/expected-july-26-summer-update-more-info-added-7-21.10440/
info about the miataince: http://forums.playredfox.com/index.php?threads/summer-update-server-maintenance-july-26th-18-00-pdt.21940/
Archeage EU - Nui
http://forums.playredfox.com/index.php… summer update has launched since wensday no more lvl 50- and 56 unseal quest yust talk tho race maanger tho unseal new daily that hive 10 % total and old ones back tho 10% OFFICIAL SERVER
lvl 80 cap 2 server Titan old and Valkyrie new new maps
working auction house 45-60 present and future bd keys price reduced - MAU defense will be adjusted, based on level. Each part will contribute to the overall defense of MAU.
- Accretia Striker "Siege Mastery" skill has Accuracy rate adjusted (30% increase) need confirmation
- Class specific Buff skill time increased to 1080 seconds.
- Acceleration skill cooldown time increased to 45 seconds. Duration increased to 20 seconds.
- Only own race can enter Jetso's Island.
- Potion, Battle Dungeon Keys, and Gold/Silver Catalyst Prices adjusted. Pricing will vary, depending on tax rate.
exp in mau
lvl 59 on my main char mage x black knight other chars templar lvl 57 lvl 54 advent there is from yesterday until next week reclass event u can reclass 3 times on each char
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.