Not so fucking funny when you're on the receiving end, is it? Griefing assholes have done this to PvE players in MMOs ever since UO, possibly sooner. PvE players complain, you use some pithy saying, like "PvP happened!", or "Git gud!" and call them carebears. Fuck, even in your whiny posts, you call them carebears... even though the one whining about PvP is YOU!
Cry me a fucking river. I have absolutely no sympathy for you or anyone this happens to, and your logic is patently ridiculous. You flag yourself for PvP in the world, you get killed, and you come here and whine that it's somehow not fair. Grow up and take it like a man, or turn your flag off before heading out to PvE for a while. Problem solved.
Oh, and maybe you should try to, "git gud!" too.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
So wait the problem is that you can be attacked as a flagged player by a non-flagged player? That was a part of everyday life in SWG. Going overt (flagged) has consequences...
Yes it was and it was the BEST system for PVP. There were times 10 people would be sitting in a city trying to taunt 2 or 3 of the opposite faction to flag up. Then when 20 people shown up flagged to kick the 10 people's asses they ran. If I didnt feel like PVPing that day I was one of the ass holes sitting LMAO at the people trying to start a fight.
I guess your to young to know about the old UO PvP flag system from after trammel was implemented.
That was the best PvP flag system.
The one you like is a system very good for the one's scared to enter PvP all out. Did you have any consequences upon death in that game? Was it full loot for example?
You know in old UO you had risk vs reward all out (in felucca) and there was consequences in being bad at PvP. I guess it would not have been a game for you, a bit to hardcore.
The problem is SWG flagging was by far better because Fel was an Empty world on Catskills and Lake Austin and Tram was overloaded.
I played on Europe server and that server had just as many PvP players as before trammel, it was the best time in felucca.
I guess it might have been variations depending on server.
The one's that left felucca when trammel was introduced was the lame PvP players that couldn't perform against the good PvP players. It was the griefers and the wannabe PvP players.
How you can approve to a flagging system that give you a couple of free hits before the other guy can react tell me your no real PvP player. A real PvP player want a competitive combat session not a one where insta kill is promoted by developers.
flag for pvp get killed by another player complain it was an "unfair situation"
yep, sounds like standard open world pvp
Flag for PvP, get killed by the unflagged PvE player that turned on PvP unseen behind the PvP player exactly when the PvP player had very low life, 1 shoot him and then instantly turn off the PvP flag to avoid any payback. LOL
That is a bad PvP flag system that only boost griefing by the weak PvE players.
what does it matter 'when' they flagged? you were opened yourself up to pvp...anytime, anywhere, any circumstance.ohhhh, not ANY circumstance?? sounds like what those damn pve carebears want.
ive seen over the years in numerous games players flag themselves and do things like jump in front of an npc, so a non-pvp'er accidentally clciks them, it registers as an attack...they get flagged and killed before they realize what is happening. people say they are 'just minding there own business doing a quest/gathering ore, someone ganks them out of no where, no warning, blah blah' - well too bad, its pvp noob! shoe is on the other foot, pvp flagged player gets his shit pushed in by someone that 'surreptitiously' flagged - now the crying begins. its wonderful.
If you don't understand that i feel sorry for you. Having a couple of free hits that instantly ends the combat session by the scenario i described above is a weak and lame flagging system that no real PvP player would approve to.
How you can approve to a flagging system that give you a couple of free hits before the other guy can react tell me your no real PvP player. A real PvP player want a competitive combat session not a one where insta kill is promoted by developers.
so, everytime you have attacked someone in the open world - in any game - you waited until they werent engaged, were at full health, THEN you threw down the gaunlet, slapped them with a white glove and said "i challenge you to a duel, sir!"
or just maybe..once in a while... you jumped on someone that was maybe not 'ready for you??
If anyone flags and kills you then they're not a pve player. They're a pvp player that ganked a stupid pvp player. Hahaha. Don't be stupid when you flag or you'll die.
They were a PvE player the second before they sneaked up to a flagged PvP player and then with 100% certainty getting a kill. Then they instantly unflag to avoid any payback.
Yes this is truly funny the so called PvP players always do this . They only fight when they have an advantage like when you are at low hp. That the OP is complaining about this is hilarious.
What you and the rest are failing to understand is that when pkr goes for the kill he is vunerable to bring attack in a open pvp environment.
What you have here in SOTA (WoW pve servers) is a situation where the "pver" could be standing right next to the person (flagged pvpr) completely immune to attack. Waiting while talking shit even. Again completely immune.
You get it now?
No they don't get it cause they don't want to get it.
The one's praising this PvP flag system is the one's scared to flag PvP and enjoy the griefing part of it.
If anyone flags and kills you then they're not a pve player. They're a pvp player that ganked a stupid pvp player. Hahaha. Don't be stupid when you flag or you'll die.
They were a PvE player the second before they sneaked up to a flagged PvP player and then with 100% certainty getting a kill. Then they instantly unflag to avoid any payback.
A worthless and a griefing PvP flag system.
It's really hilarious how up in arms you are over the industry standard
flagging rules. I can't tell if you're an amazing troll or have been
living under a rock for more than 10 years.
I'm not sure how experienced you are with PvP but reading this make me believe i am more experienced.
One of the consequences with a PvP system like the one SOTA have is that the PvE player that is unflagged always get the first hit in, maybe even 2 or 3.
In UO (before AoS feb 2003) for example such a system most of the time meant certain death to the PvP guy. Having a PvP flag system that promote this unfair PvP is a bad PvP flag system.
A PvP flag system is just that, a flag system that make me a PvP player among other PvP players. It should never be a system that can be exploited by scared PvE players.
Like I said there are better ways to do it, exploiting these types of systems is always going to be an issue. It certainly gives an aggressor an edge. Then again one on one PVP encounters have never been my concern. I get beat, I win, all the same to me, winning when you're at a disadvantage though, that's the best...grouped or solo...
AS for my experience, no I didn't play UO, (well I did but I bought it the same day I bought DAOC (on recommendation), I liked DAOC a lot more so UO went in the bin. I played DAOC for a year and a half, then moved to SWG when it released, played til NGE. ALl along doing nothing but PVP in both games more or less.
Hence my concern is always on the health of Guild vs Guild or faction based PVP. One on one fights aren't conducive to what the quality of a PVP system is going to be.... Ganking, pking, etc... in my eyes, is for those who don't want fair fights or real fights at all...
bcbully said: What you and the rest are failing to understand is that when pkr goes for the kill he is vunerable to bring attack in a open pvp environment.
Aren't we talking about "flagging"? As in NOT open PvP? I R confused now....
"Interesting to see how SOTA developer's continue to show their incompetence in PvP. Amazing how Richard Garriott ever could create UO but then again he had nothing to do with the PvP system of UO."
The one that nearly killed the game because of everyone quitting?
It was a good choice for the one's that didn't enjoy PvP.
Felucca after trammel was consensual PvP as it should be. Noone should be forced to enter PvP without accepting being part of it.
My experience of felucca after trammel was that all PvP players and even new one's continued to play on the felucca map. Less cheeps but i prefered to fight the one's that enjoyed PvP.
"Interesting to see how SOTA developer's continue to show their incompetence in PvP. Amazing how Richard Garriott ever could create UO but then again he had nothing to do with the PvP system of UO."
The one that nearly killed the game because of everyone quitting?
Yep and addomg Trammel is what made UO Grow. The problem is that a lot of people stayed in Tram few ever went into Fel. SWG had a better PVP system and didnt split the player base. It was up to players to pick a faction and fight or pick a faction and stay covert.
The hilarious thing about this is it the PVP players who will exploit this to grief/gank, not the PVE players lol. The PVP base these days is full of people who just get off on easy kills. 90% of today's so called PVP'ers would not have lasted 10 minutes in UO.
I agree it is a bad system, I just think the spin put on it by the OP was absurd.
How can you tell it is the PvP players that will not flag themself for PvP?
I and my guild played UO in felucca from beta to Age of Shadows feb 2003. After that we was on Renaissance UO freeshards for many years. We were very successful. But i agree most of today PvP players would have left the game after fighting us real PvP players.
Because that is how these new generation of MMO players pvp; they would exploit the hell out of this. I am sure they will at least put in a timer or something. Still a stupid system, I wish they would put in the old UO system that would give you a bad title even if you did not kill enough to become a murderer.
Yes this is truly funny the so called PvP players always do this . They only fight when they have an advantage like when you are at low hp. That the OP is complaining about this is hilarious.
What you and the rest are failing to understand is that when pkr goes for the kill he is vunerable to bring attack in a open pvp environment.
What you have here in SOTA (WoW pve servers) is a situation where the "pver" could be standing right next to the person (flagged pvpr) completely immune to attack. Waiting while talking shit even. Again completely immune.
You get it now?
Again, if it's a pve player then they're not interested in getting into the pvp mix. Nope, what you're describing is a smart pvp player waiting for the opportune moment and then going in for the kill.
Anytime you see others on the screen in a pvp game the smart pvp player takes into account the possibility that those players or mobs will be a problem. If you don't think you can take a kill down with what is on the screen then you should think twice about hitting "Go". If you don't have an escape plan if it all goes south then be prepared to deal with the consequences.
What the OP wants is ezmode pvp. There's lots of that out there in safe pvp only zones where you know if people are red or not. There is battlezone pvp. Some games have flag timers.
Personally I'm not a fan of this type of pvp system and I won't be flagging. PvP in most mmos is total rubbish now and better suited for the moba.
Nah your the one that want easy mode PvP. Only flag when you have sneaked up on a PvP flagged player and when he have low life get in a couple of free hits befoore he can react, then unflag and become safe instantly.
My version of PvP is when flagged you stay flagged for a longer time, you can't unflag PvP in lets say 30 minutes to an hour.
Flagging PvP should also be done at a sort of neutral place beforehand you enter open world PvP and not when you have sneaked up to a flagged PvP player with 1hp to get a easy kill.
That was how it was done in UO, you flagged PvP and all the others that was flagged PvP had a chance detecting and fighting you.
bcbully said: What you and the rest are failing to understand is that when pkr goes for the kill he is vunerable to bring attack in a open pvp environment.
Aren't we talking about "flagging"? As in NOT open PvP? I R confused now....
I have no idea why you are confused?
Yer right. You have no idea
But to the point...I thought in open world PvP you didn't "flag" anything. Is why I asked. In WoW you were "flagged" when you went to enemy territory or attacked a "flagged" player.
Doesn't matter though. Other people's answers are at least informative...
"This may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to. Relax....."
If anyone flags and kills you then they're not a pve player. They're a pvp player that ganked a stupid pvp player. Hahaha. Don't be stupid when you flag or you'll die.
They were a PvE player the second before they sneaked up to a flagged PvP player and then with 100% certainty getting a kill. Then they instantly unflag to avoid any payback.
A worthless and a griefing PvP flag system.
It's really hilarious how up in arms you are over the industry standard
flagging rules. I can't tell if you're an amazing troll or have been
living under a rock for more than 10 years.
I am definetly no troll but i guess you are one that don't seem to grasp the problem this PvP flag system have.
"Interesting to see how SOTA developer's continue to show their incompetence in PvP. Amazing how Richard Garriott ever could create UO but then again he had nothing to do with the PvP system of UO."
The one that nearly killed the game because of everyone quitting?
Yep and addomg Trammel is what made UO Grow. The problem is that a lot of people stayed in Tram few ever went into Fel. SWG had a better PVP system and didnt split the player base. It was up to players to pick a faction and fight or pick a faction and stay covert.
I suggest you look a bit better at that map that i have studied and discussed for many years. And it is funny you removed what happened after july 2003. LOL
That was when UO really started to loose subscribers. So making UO a themepark game close to what WOW later became was not such a smart idea financially. It was actually a very poor decision by EA.
But i guess showing the whole picture wouldn't fit your agenda here. LOL
What killed felucca PvP was not trammel it was Age of Shadows that arrived feb 2003 with it's WOWish PvP system, yeah making UO into gear based PvP as in WOW and introducing a insurance system that let you keep all you had upon death killed felucca.
Just about all war guilds left UO after AoS for freeshards with the old system intact. AoS made UO PvP a totally different game and that killed felucca UO, nothing else.
If anyone flags and kills you then they're not a pve player. They're a pvp player that ganked a stupid pvp player. Hahaha. Don't be stupid when you flag or you'll die.
They were a PvE player the second before they sneaked up to a flagged PvP player and then with 100% certainty getting a kill. Then they instantly unflag to avoid any payback.
A worthless and a griefing PvP flag system.
It's really hilarious how up in arms you are over the industry standard
flagging rules. I can't tell if you're an amazing troll or have been
living under a rock for more than 10 years.
I am definetly no troll but i guess you are one that don't seem to grasp the problem this PvP flag system have.
So you just discovered the PvP system most MMORPGs have been using for well over a decade and the vast majority of players are fine with? I'm aware there is a small group of people that have a problem with it and they're stuck playing niche games like Darkfall and EVE, but for the rest of us it works fine.
If anyone flags and kills you then they're not a pve player. They're a pvp player that ganked a stupid pvp player. Hahaha. Don't be stupid when you flag or you'll die.
They were a PvE player the second before they sneaked up to a flagged PvP player and then with 100% certainty getting a kill. Then they instantly unflag to avoid any payback.
A worthless and a griefing PvP flag system.
It's really hilarious how up in arms you are over the industry standard
flagging rules. I can't tell if you're an amazing troll or have been
living under a rock for more than 10 years.
I am definetly no troll but i guess you are one that don't seem to grasp the problem this PvP flag system have.
So you just discovered the PvP system most MMORPGs have been using for well over a decade and the vast majority of players are fine with? I'm aware there is a small group of people that have a problem with it and they're stuck playing niche games like Darkfall and EVE, but for the rest of us it works fine.
I dont play PvP games with a easy mode PvP as this one.
Again, if it's a pve player then they're not interested in getting into the pvp mix. Nope, what you're describing is a smart pvp player waiting for the opportune moment and then going in for the kill.
Anytime you see others on the screen in a pvp game the smart pvp player takes into account the possibility that those players or mobs will be a problem. If you don't think you can take a kill down with what is on the screen then you should think twice about hitting "Go". If you don't have an escape plan if it all goes south then be prepared to deal with the consequences.
What the OP wants is ezmode pvp. There's lots of that out there in safe pvp only zones where you know if people are red or not. There is battlezone pvp. Some games have flag timers.
Personally I'm not a fan of this type of pvp system and I won't be flagging. PvP in most mmos is total rubbish now and better suited for the moba.
Nah your the one that want easy mode PvP. Only flag when you have sneaked up on a PvP flagged player and when he have low life get in a couple of free hits befoore he can react, then unflag and become safe instantly.
My version of PvP is when flagged you stay flagged for a longer time, you can't unflag PvP in lets say 30 minutes to an hour.
Flagging PvP should also be done at a sort of neutral place beforehand you enter open world PvP and not when you have sneaked up to a flagged PvP player with 1hp to get a easy kill.
That was how it was done in UO, you flagged PvP and all the others that was flagged PvP had a chance detecting and fighting you.
Nope I don't want ezmode pvp. If I wanted pvp again I would go play Lineage again. I don't want pvp in this game at all period. All it brings is whining to the forums asking for special rules and class nerfs. No thanks.
You claimed you like the scenario i described with the un flagged guy sneaking up on the flagged guy and got a easy 1 hit kill the flagged player had no chance respond to or even react to.
That tell me you like easy mode PvP as so many others in this thread.
Kinda sad really what have become to today PvP players. So many at least in this thread seem to prefer the lame griefing part of PvP.
The bottom two quotes are 100% correct and accurate.
PvP tend to be the whiniest and care-beariest of the bunch.
Don't want to get ganked at low health? Don't flag.
You don't want to get killed easy by an opportunistic "white Knight" PvE player, bring friends, get gud, etc.
I understand you are very inexperienced of PvP games.
That "white knight" as you described that one shot killing PvE player that was to scared himself to flag PvP and instead wait for the PvP flagged player to get low on health so he without any risk could kill. This is the opposite of the non-consensual PvP we saw in early UO where PvE players not interested in PvP got killed by PvP players. But it is also the same only difference with this PvP flag system is that the one's that isn't flagged for PvP is the griefers.
Interesting to see that if the PvE players can be the griefers then it is ok for the carebear SOTA community, LOL.
More experienced than you, son.
If you flag, you are a target - from other flagged and unflagged players.
Working as intended. Don't want to get ganked? Don't flag.
Cry more?
Well then suggest something constructive, you sound like one of those douche bags in which why no one likes to pvp.
Yes this is truly funny the so called PvP players always do this . They only fight when they have an advantage like when you are at low hp. That the OP is complaining about this is hilarious.
What you and the rest are failing to understand is that when pkr goes for the kill he is vunerable to bring attack in a open pvp environment.
What you have here in SOTA (WoW pve servers) is a situation where the "pver" could be standing right next to the person (flagged pvpr) completely immune to attack. Waiting while talking shit even. Again completely immune.
You get it now?
Again, if it's a pve player then they're not interested in getting into the pvp mix. Nope, what you're describing is a smart pvp player waiting for the opportune moment and then going in for the kill.
Anytime you see others on the screen in a pvp game the smart pvp player takes into account the possibility that those players or mobs will be a problem. If you don't think you can take a kill down with what is on the screen then you should think twice about hitting "Go". If you don't have an escape plan if it all goes south then be prepared to deal with the consequences.
What the OP wants is ezmode pvp. There's lots of that out there in safe pvp only zones where you know if people are red or not. There is battlezone pvp. Some games have flag timers.
Personally I'm not a fan of this type of pvp system and I won't be flagging. PvP in most mmos is total rubbish now and better suited for the moba.
I think you misunderstand Torval. We are talking about the difference between WoW PvE servers (SoTA) and games like EvE, Age of Wushu, Darkfall, Black Desert, etc.
Again, if it's a pve player then they're not interested in getting into the pvp mix. Nope, what you're describing is a smart pvp player waiting for the opportune moment and then going in for the kill.
Anytime you see others on the screen in a pvp game the smart pvp player takes into account the possibility that those players or mobs will be a problem. If you don't think you can take a kill down with what is on the screen then you should think twice about hitting "Go". If you don't have an escape plan if it all goes south then be prepared to deal with the consequences.
What the OP wants is ezmode pvp. There's lots of that out there in safe pvp only zones where you know if people are red or not. There is battlezone pvp. Some games have flag timers.
Personally I'm not a fan of this type of pvp system and I won't be flagging. PvP in most mmos is total rubbish now and better suited for the moba.
Nah your the one that want easy mode PvP. Only flag when you have sneaked up on a PvP flagged player and when he have low life get in a couple of free hits befoore he can react, then unflag and become safe instantly.
My version of PvP is when flagged you stay flagged for a longer time, you can't unflag PvP in lets say 30 minutes to an hour.
Flagging PvP should also be done at a sort of neutral place beforehand you enter open world PvP and not when you have sneaked up to a flagged PvP player with 1hp to get a easy kill.
That was how it was done in UO, you flagged PvP and all the others that was flagged PvP had a chance detecting and fighting you.
Nope I don't want ezmode pvp. If I wanted pvp again I would go play Lineage again. I don't want pvp in this game at all period. All it brings is whining to the forums asking for special rules and class nerfs. No thanks.
You claimed you like the scenario i described with the un flagged guy sneaking up on the flagged guy and got a easy 1 hit kill the flagged player had no chance respond to or even react to.
That tell me you like easy mode PvP as so many others in this thread.
Kinda sad really what have become to today PvP players. So many at least in this thread seem to prefer the lame griefing part of PvP.
I understand English isn't your native language, so you should read it again. I said nothing of the sort. Here's the short version. It's the flagged players fault for not playing smarter. Play smarter and stop complaining.
I don't like the pvp system in the game. I don't like pvp being in the game at all. I think it adds nothing positive. I think it impact the game negatively.
I disagree it is the PvP players fault he can be 1 hit killed by a sneaky guy that unseen walk up to the PvP player and for one second turn on PvP and the other second after the kill turn it off.
That is developers fault cause they allowed such a poor flag system.
Cry me a fucking river. I have absolutely no sympathy for you or anyone this happens to, and your logic is patently ridiculous. You flag yourself for PvP in the world, you get killed, and you come here and whine that it's somehow not fair. Grow up and take it like a man, or turn your flag off before heading out to PvE for a while. Problem solved.
Oh, and maybe you should try to, "git gud!" too.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
I guess it might have been variations depending on server.
The one's that left felucca when trammel was introduced was the lame PvP players that couldn't perform against the good PvP players. It was the griefers and the wannabe PvP players.
How you can approve to a flagging system that give you a couple of free hits before the other guy can react tell me your no real PvP player. A real PvP player want a competitive combat session not a one where insta kill is promoted by developers.
If you don't understand that i feel sorry for you. Having a couple of free hits that instantly ends the combat session by the scenario i described above is a weak and lame flagging system that no real PvP player would approve to.
But i can understand that carebears like it.
or just maybe..once in a while... you jumped on someone that was maybe not 'ready for you??
A worthless and a griefing PvP flag system.
The one's praising this PvP flag system is the one's scared to flag PvP and enjoy the griefing part of it.
It was a good choice for the one's that didn't enjoy PvP.
Felucca after trammel was consensual PvP as it should be. Noone should be forced to enter PvP without accepting being part of it.
My experience of felucca after trammel was that all PvP players and even new one's continued to play on the felucca map. Less cheeps but i prefered to fight the one's that enjoyed PvP.
My version of PvP is when flagged you stay flagged for a longer time, you can't unflag PvP in lets say 30 minutes to an hour.
Flagging PvP should also be done at a sort of neutral place beforehand you enter open world PvP and not when you have sneaked up to a flagged PvP player with 1hp to get a easy kill.
That was how it was done in UO, you flagged PvP and all the others that was flagged PvP had a chance detecting and fighting you.
But to the point...I thought in open world PvP you didn't "flag" anything. Is why I asked. In WoW you were "flagged" when you went to enemy territory or attacked a "flagged" player.
Doesn't matter though. Other people's answers are at least informative...
"This may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to. Relax....."
That was when UO really started to loose subscribers. So making UO a themepark game close to what WOW later became was not such a smart idea financially. It was actually a very poor decision by EA.
But i guess showing the whole picture wouldn't fit your agenda here. LOL
What killed felucca PvP was not trammel it was Age of Shadows that arrived feb 2003 with it's WOWish PvP system, yeah making UO into gear based PvP as in WOW and introducing a insurance system that let you keep all you had upon death killed felucca.
Just about all war guilds left UO after AoS for freeshards with the old system intact. AoS made UO PvP a totally different game and that killed felucca UO, nothing else.
That tell me you like easy mode PvP as so many others in this thread.
Kinda sad really what have become to today PvP players. So many at least in this thread seem to prefer the lame griefing part of PvP.
That is developers fault cause they allowed such a poor flag system.