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Pirate Server Admins Invited to Blizzard Campus



  • CelciusCelcius Member RarePosts: 1,879
    Probably offering them a deal about consulting on their new idea for "Pristine" servers. Unlikely that we will get true legacy servers in WoW, however. For the numerous reasons they have previously stated.
  • ElboneElbone Member UncommonPosts: 87
    Blizzard has been smart in the past with these issues, they know that working with these kind of people is much better than investing against them and alienating the community that supports them, which in this case are among their core fans.
    Stuff you usually don't see from Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft(or very rarely), they would just release the lawyer hounds and not care in the slightest about the human part of business.
    That said, I hope blizzard comes up with something interesting, I used to be a fan of all their games but its so streamlined nowaday I havent played one consistently in many years now.
  • jesteralwaysjesteralways Member RarePosts: 2,560
    Mark Kern trotting around happily and muttering : "Finally!! a job!! after so long i finally have a job!!! A job at blizzard!!!!"

    Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.

  • zaberfangxzaberfangx Member UncommonPosts: 1,796

    odiasuda said:

    WoW vanilla wasn't great - not sure why people would want it. Now a WotLK server would be awesomesaucez.

    I'm sure if people got a Vanilla server then it just open the door for BC server then Wolk or even Vanilla on this patch date not pass that. Would never end.
  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,781
    SBFord said:
    jovan021 said:
    It's A Trap!
    LOL -- without regarding the issue at all beyond Blizz calling it a "pirate server", my thought was that the FBI / CIA / LETTERGROUPOFCHOICE would be waiting outside twirling cuffs on their fingers. :dizzy:

    Regardless, it's a big 'something' and should be interesting to keep an eye on through the weekend. :)
    Yup... the first thing I thought of is how the cops send out those "You won a free trip/TV/$$$$" letters to crooks and then arrest them when they show up to collect.

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  • achesomaachesoma Member RarePosts: 1,774
    As usual, I think people are reading way too much into this. Most likely, Blizzard will just gather some feedback for the pristine server idea or future expansions to recapture that "vanilla feel."
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  • Ammon777_newAmmon777_new Member UncommonPosts: 306
    If they bring back world PvP in Southshore... TAKE MY MONEY RITE NAOW!
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    how many people were reported using this private server again? and it was free right?
  • MangledBLMangledBL Member UncommonPosts: 21

    If they bring back world PvP in Southshore... TAKE MY MONEY RITE NAOW!

    Agreed! Vanilla WOW world PVP was amazing, well that was until the "Honor System" killed it...
  • Ammon777_newAmmon777_new Member UncommonPosts: 306
    Yeah it was the battlegrounds that killed (or ended, for the most part) world PvP.
  • Ammon777_newAmmon777_new Member UncommonPosts: 306
    Although on some PvP servers, world PvP is pretty active, despite that.
  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,070
    My only slightly realistic hope is that blizzard considers offering them a deal to use their code on a trial basis with a single vanilla server to gauge actual fan interest.  If the interest is high enough Blizzard can remake the code from the ground up the way they like it, or they can dig out the actual code/art from those backups.  I have a hard time believing that they are completely gone.

    I don't really know what reason they could have for bringing them in on a weekend if they didn't want to try to work something out.

  • SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
    edited April 2016
    Albatroes said:
    how many people were reported using this private server again? and it was free right?
    As reported by server admins:

    Registered Accounts - 850k
    Active users - 150k


  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,070
    tawess said:
    I am sure this is a good sign ... Shows that maybe the guys with a shoestring budget and heart can do what the Pros say the cannot do.
    To be fair... the Nossy server was working minimum viable product mode even at the best of times... No disrespect because it is a massive workload to get it even there. 

    Blizzard would need to have their service working at AAA level... So it does not really compare. 

    But it is still interesting to see what comes out of this... I could see them setting something up for the time after the expansion that will come after Legion.. that i guess will be the last. So maybe 4-6 years away. 

    There's little to no chance Legion will be their last expansion.  They still aren't in maintenance mode for WOW.  D3 on the other hand is unlikely to get an expansion and some key devs have quit or moved to WOW.
  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227

    There's little to no chance Legion will be their last expansion.  They still aren't in maintenance mode for WOW.  D3 on the other hand is unlikely to get an expansion and some key devs have quit or moved to WOW.
    My bad.. is was unclear. I meant that the expansion after Legion might very well be the last. And once that is done they might look at developing a vanilla servers as WoW in essence will be in maint mode. 

    This have been a good conversation

  • Ammon777_newAmmon777_new Member UncommonPosts: 306

    tawess said:

    There's little to no chance Legion will be their last expansion.  They still aren't in maintenance mode for WOW.  D3 on the other hand is unlikely to get an expansion and some key devs have quit or moved to WOW.

    My bad.. is was unclear. I meant that the expansion after Legion might very well be the last. And once that is done they might look at developing a vanilla servers as WoW in essence will be in maint mode. 

    I dont agree, I think WoW could live for 20 years if they keep putting out expansions. Look at EQ1.
  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227

    I dont agree, I think WoW could live for 20 years if they keep putting out expansions. Look at EQ1.
    Could yes... But would it be worth it from a financial standpoint to keep on developing expansions? 

    At what point does the earnings from the expansion buzz shrink to small? When do they find better ways to spend and earn money?

    @SedrynTyros Well.. Going by the regular dev cycle of WoW stuff the next expansion will be started already so you got another... 3-4ish years before there is a spot to implement a proper deployment of a blizz sanctioned classic server. Then it need to be add another year or so at least. 

    So lets catch up in 5-6 years. =)  

    Because looking at Cataclysm it in essence ate an entire expansion cycle just to update the world. This work could be even more expansive than Cataclysm. 

    This have been a good conversation

  • Starbuck1771Starbuck1771 Member UncommonPosts: 375
    SBFord said:
    Kilrane said:
    I'm going to personally keep expectations low, regardless of my dreams of a true vanilla server.

    Hopefully something good for the community comes from this even if Blizzard doesn't necessarily offer a legal avenue to a "legacy" server.
    Well said. Either way, I hope those who have so loudly and profanely abused Blizzard as some corporate monster rethink their words. It's an amazing thing they've done and my hat's off to them.
    I agree Susie. People shouldn't get their hopes up it might just be an invite to talk about legal stuff we don't know. Just because Blizzard invited them doesn't mean Activision is onboard.

  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,070

    tawess said:

    There's little to no chance Legion will be their last expansion.  They still aren't in maintenance mode for WOW.  D3 on the other hand is unlikely to get an expansion and some key devs have quit or moved to WOW.

    My bad.. is was unclear. I meant that the expansion after Legion might very well be the last. And once that is done they might look at developing a vanilla servers as WoW in essence will be in maint mode. 

    I dont agree, I think WoW could live for 20 years if they keep putting out expansions. Look at EQ1.
    20 is pushing it.  But I see them going F2P with a cash shop and putting out several expansions with that model.  but who knows.
  • ButeoRegalisButeoRegalis Member UncommonPosts: 594
    All of a sudden, I'm picturing a receding floor, and a deep pit with a giant rancor in it... Nah.


  • kabitoshinkabitoshin Member UncommonPosts: 854
    Best case scenario: we get official legacy servers, worst case scenario: we never hear from Nostalrius devs or Mark Kern again.
  • waynejr2waynejr2 Member EpicPosts: 7,771
    odiasuda said:
    WoW vanilla wasn't great - not sure why people would want it. Now a WotLK server would be awesomesaucez.

    Wotlk was where the game turned for me.  Vanilla and TBC are great then it starts going down hill.  Let's not even bring up cata.  

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  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    edited April 2016
    Personally, I think they will just be made an example out of. People do not realize that if Blizzard honestly offered them some kind of deal, the amount of private/pirate servers would only increase since some people love attention and think they will get rewarded for it as well.
  • filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
    I'm fairly certain they are trying to come to an agreement.  I bet they want the nost game.
    Are you onto something or just on something?
  • muffins89muffins89 Member UncommonPosts: 1,585
    guys. they've planning on releasing legacy severs on June 10th since they started filming the movie.
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