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Baldur's Gate MORPG



  • YanocchiYanocchi Member UncommonPosts: 677
    Ok, I did get the game running in Windows 7 SP2 compatibility mode. Now I am waiting for a 'Multiplayer CD Key' from GOG. I'm not sure what the turn-around on this will be.

    I have found a solution posted by someone about the GoG key problem.

    So I have noticed the occasional person here or there that, like me, purchased NWN2 from Gog with excitement, installed the game, jump onto multiplayer, enter a new (or old) username and password, hit sign-in and then BLAMMO:


    So what do you do?

    Step 1. Exit NWN2 and open your Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete installation directory. The default, for example, is c:/Gog Games/Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete, but you will need to find your installation directory.

    Step 2. Find the program called "SerialTool". Run it.


    Step 3. Enter your unique CD Keys from your GoG Account. Often these keys will already be prefilled in the boxes below. Hit save and close if you intend on following the optional step below, otherwise hit save & launch.


    [Optional] Step 4. Download and install the client extension if you haven't already. Once this is done, merely run the extension NWN2 Launcher and you're good to go!

    Otherwise simply run the regular NWN2 launcher and use Multiplayer: Direct Connect to connect to the server using the IP address listed above (as of this post:


    Baldur's Gate Online - Video Trailer
    * more info, screenshots and videos here

  • DMEchoDMEcho Member CommonPosts: 1
    Yannochi, thanks for this! And absolutely, if anyone needs help getting the game running, BGSCC forums will gladly help you. Also, if you learn to use the toolset a bit, don't forget when it comes it armor, you can have your own customized armor imported into the game however you choose to design it. ^^ Just toss me a message on the forums with the .erf file.

    More info on that here:

    I am not going to say it is easy but if you follow the step-by-step instructions here you shouldn't have many problems and you can always ask questions on the forums if you need help. There are some players who will even design armor for you and send it to me to be imported into the game if you have too much trouble. This allows you to have a character design of your choosing which will be completely uniquely your own.

    I hope to see you guys there and we will have fun DMing for you.
  • YanocchiYanocchi Member UncommonPosts: 677
    One of the totally new players, who joined last month, has been making videos of his gameplay. I noticed that yesterday they had a group of seven players adventuring together.

    If someone wants to see some gameplay of a low level group with 6-7 players, here is a link to his video. I recommend watching the video at 1h 29m - 1h 35m (and linked to start the video there) because in that part you'll see the perils of exploring ancient dungeons. :scream: 

    The most exciting moments are when there are dozens of players in really large groups adventuring during epic events organised by the team of dungeon masters (like DMEcho here :awesome: ). There can be dozens of player characters, dozens of neutral or ally NPCs and dozens of hostile enemies during some events in the world.

    Baldur's Gate Online - Video Trailer
    * more info, screenshots and videos here

  • YanocchiYanocchi Member UncommonPosts: 677
    Today I wanted to share some thoughts about stories and global plots in Baldur's Gate Online in comparison with MMORPGs and Game of Thrones TV series.

    It's interesting how in Baldur's Gate Online a much tighter community and a team of dungeon masters in an open non-instanced persistent world enable much more immersive storylines and global plots than what's available in MMORPGs.

    I've come to realise that it is actually a really excellent thing that there can be only 75 players at the same time on a server and that the total persistent active community is measured in hundreds and not thousands. The majority of books, films and TV series don't have a "massive" setup. Game of Thrones builds great stories and plotlines only because it focuses on less than 100 characters. There are massive scenes and occasions in Game of Thrones sometimes but their number is lower than the number of smaller scenes with fewer characters. In massive scenes there are usually some extras fighting in a big battle, attending a wedding or just going on their business in the background. In Baldur's Gate Online dungeon masters can easily arrange all that by using up to a few hundred neutral, ally or hostile NPCs as extras if a more massive scene needs to be organised during some storyline. In Game of Thrones minor supporting characters and extras during massive events are basically like special or extra NPCs.

    When there are only 75 player characters on a server, their personalities and behaviour play a greater role in the world and how different stories are shaped and progress further. It seems that persistent and immersive role-playing flourishes much better in such an environment too because it feels less artificial and more authentic in that environment, where actions and role-playing shape the world and stories. Routine interaction between player characters is like mundane dialogues or scenes between protagonists, lead and support characters in Game of Thrones. Routine scenes help to establish the characters and prepare them for stories. But there is always a small chance that a dungeon master is lurking and a routine scene gets a sudden twist with something happening or perhaps a supporting character in the form of a special NPC controlled by a dungeon master entering the scene, and a story beginning or continuing. Some game systems and features like disguise system, stealth mechanics, skills and feats, roll checks and saving throws, also help to make the experience deeper and more authentic.

    Perhaps MMORPGs will go into a similar direction some day. However, providing a much more individualised immersive storytelling experience by maintaining teams of dungeon masters and storytellers might require very steep monthly subscription fees or other types of monetization to compensate for the time and effort of people behind the scenes who are weaving the plots and stories.

    Still, even then the setup might not work on a more massive scale. Game of Thrones and other books and films mostly consist of dialogue or small scale action/interaction scenes with 2-12 characters. Also, the total number of different ongoing storylines in Game of Thrones is not really too high, so that the audience is able to keep track of what happens with the global plots over a longer span of time. With 750 player characters and 30-50 dungeon masters on a server there would be too many stories and plotlines for people to keep track of. Since immersive global storylines are usually weaved from a manageable number of smaller plots which intersect each other, in a more massive multiplayer world the web of storylines could become too complicated for people to follow. It could become fragmented and most people wouldn't be able to experience the whole bigger story. The other alternative might be to limit the number of ongoing stories. However, very immersive storytelling often needs to rely on smaller scale scenes involving only a handful of characters. Having a lower number of stories would mean that many people are left out of the participation in such scenes and only get the opportunity to experience the massive scenes. Character personality and individual influence on the progression of the story would also become much harder to achieve, or the stories might be influenced only by a very small number of people from the entire game community.

    Baldur's Gate Online - Video Trailer
    * more info, screenshots and videos here

  • YanocchiYanocchi Member UncommonPosts: 677
    Evilar and six other players going through Hilltop Ruins.

    Baldur's Gate Online - Video Trailer
    * more info, screenshots and videos here

  • YanocchiYanocchi Member UncommonPosts: 677
    Last week developers posted some interesting player character statistics.

    In March 2016 there were 2592 total player characters and forums are usually visited by 350 unique daily users.

    F - 744
    M - 1848

    Chaotic Evil - 150
    Chaotic Good - 265
    Chaotic Neutral - 374
    Lawful Evil - 178
    Lawful Good - 312
    Lawful Neutral - 218
    Neutral Evil - 298
    Neutral Good - 368
    True Neutral - 429

    Dwarf - 234
    Elf - 457
    Gnome - 78
    Gray Orc - 79
    Half-Elf - 113
    Half-Orc - 137
    Halfling - 130
    Human - 854
    Planetouched - 510

    Aasimar - 212
    Air Genasi - 21
    Deep Gnome - 20
    Deep Imaskari - 16
    Drow - 155
    Earth Genasi - 86
    Fire Genasi - 49
    Gold Dwarf - 23
    Gray Dwarf - 10
    Gray Orc - 79
    Half-Elf - 91
    Half-Orc - 137
    Half-drow - 22
    Human - 838
    Lightfoot Halfling - 30
    Moon Elf - 103
    Rock Gnome - 58
    Shield Dwarf - 201
    Strongheart Halfling - 100
    Sun Elf - 72
    Tanarukk - 12
    Tiefling - 125 (
    Water Genasi - 5
    Wild Elf - 14
    Wood Elf - 113

    Abbathor - 3
    Aerdrie Faenya - 2
    Akadi - 28
    Angharradh - 11
    Ao - 28
    Arvoreen - 11
    Auril - 31
    Azuth - 43
    Baervan Wildwanderer - 1
    Bahgtru - 9
    Bane - 42
    Baravar Cloakshadow - 8
    Berronar Truesilver - 7
    Beshaba - 20
    Bhaal - 30
    Bhaal - 1
    Brandobaris - 25
    Callarduran Smoothhands - 8
    Chauntea - 31
    Clangeddin Silverbeard - 20
    Corellon Larethian - 44
    Cyrrollalee - 1
    Deep Duerra - 2
    Deneir - 10
    Dugmaren Brightmantle - 3
    Dumathoin - 6
    Eilistraee - 27
    Eldath - 14
    Erevan Ilesere - 12
    Fenmarel Mestarine - 13
    Finder Wyvernspur - 14
    Flandal Steelskin - 1
    Gaerdal Ironhand - 4
    Garagos - 20
    Gargauth - 18
    Garl Glittergold - 7
    Ghaunadaur - 6
    Gond - 50
    Gorm Gulthyn - 14
    Grumbar - 30
    Gruumsh - 22
    Gwaeron Windstrom - 13
    Haela Brightaxe - 6
    Hanali Celanil - 7
    Helm - 46
    Hoar - 14
    Ilmater - 23
    Ilneval - 7
    Istishia - 31
    Jergal - 10
    Kiransalee - 9
    Kossuth - 36
    Labelas Enoreth - 1
    Laduguer - 3
    Lathander - 55
    Leira - 42
    Lliira - 7
    Lolth - 53
    Loviatar - 7
    Lurue - 18
    Luthic - 7
    Malar - 34
    Marthammor Duin - 6
    Mask - 46
    Mielikki - 41
    Milil - 11
    Moradin - 23
    Myrkul - 32
    Mystra - 69
    No Deity - 532
    Oghma - 27
    Red Knight - 15
    Rillfane Rallathil - 20
    Savras - 4
    Segojan Earthcaller - 2
    Sehanine Moonbow - 11
    Selune - 22
    Seveltarm - 7
    Shar - 68
    Sharess - 8
    Shargaas - 3
    Sharindlar - 1
    Shaundakul - 38
    Sheela Peryroyl - 12
    Shevarash - 17
    Shiallia - 3
    Siamorphe - 7
    Silvanus - 69
    Solonor Thelandira - 24 (
    Sune - 20
    Talona - 5
    Talos - 33
    Tempus - 46
    Thard Harr - 3
    Torm - 40
    Tymora - 42
    Tyr - 34
    Ubtao - 10
    Umberlee - 12
    Urdlen - 4
    Urogalan - 3
    Uthgar - 12
    Valkur - 2
    Vergadain - 9
    Vhaeraun - 17
    Waukeen - 70
    Yondalla - 5
    Yurtrus - 1

    Baldur's Gate Online - Video Trailer
    * more info, screenshots and videos here

  • MorbidMaxMorbidMax Member UncommonPosts: 7
    I want to make my character in my current D&D sessions but his deity is not an option here. I run a human from Thay that's a lawful evil necromantic cleric of Set. The next best equivalent is Wee Jas but also is not an option:/ My cleric shall kneel to no other!!!
  • YanocchiYanocchi Member UncommonPosts: 677
    Yesterday I had my weekly game session in Baldur's Gate Online. I condensed some moments from the two hour session into a 14 minute video.

    It's the first video which focuses on showing PvE battles between a player group and small groups of monsters where both players and monsters are using melee attacks, ranged attacks and magic spells.

    Baldur's Gate Online - Video Trailer
    * more info, screenshots and videos here

  • YanocchiYanocchi Member UncommonPosts: 677
    Here is the newest video. Cloakwood Mines is a very big and deep dungeon with many levels under the ground. I didn't get to see its deepest levels yet but the first floor is really immersive. Great level design, really nice graphics, lightning and shadows set the atmosphere for a perfect classic Dungeons & Dragons experience in persistent multiplayer online environment. On the third level there is a large underground mountain with some old ruins and a lair of lizardfolk.

    The game continues to amaze me greatly. Recently I took a better look at all the different types of cleric spells. Some of that stuff has never been tried in any MMORPGs or even single player games. The only place I've seen stuff like that is in pen & paper Dungeons & Dragons. For example, there is a spell that sends you to a Plane of Mirrors. There you have a chance of encountering a mirror image of yourself. The mirror image tries to kill you in order to escape the Plane of Mirrors and take your place on the material plane of Faerun. There are also some spells meant for guilds that are related to their strongholds, such as a spell that builds stone walls and a spell that creates wards and guards but takes hours to cast and costs 5000 gold coins. Another spell consecrates or desecrates a whole game map where it is cast. Anyone who turns undead on the consecrated or desecrated map either gets bonuses or penalties based on the spell. There is even a spell for wetting or drying someone's clothes. Those two spells are related to spells, effects, weather conditions or world phenomena that do electrical damage.

    Baldur's Gate Online - Video Trailer
    * more info, screenshots and videos here

  • YanocchiYanocchi Member UncommonPosts: 677
    edited June 2016
    The game costs only $8 right now instead of the usual $19 with -60% price.
    It's quite a huge bargain considering it is completely free of any kind of additional real life money transactions after the game purchase.

    In 2014-2015 one of the biggest updates in Baldur's Gate Online was the introduction of Darkhold. I haven't been anywhere near there with any of my characters yet. There are testing phase videos from 2014 showing maps from the Darkhold expansion before they were completely ready and implemented on the actual game server. Judging from the testing phase videos it takes almost an hour just to run through and explore all of the maps without any fighting or other interaction.

    The Darkhold maps represent what modern NWN 2 looks like.

    In the testing videos the character starts in a village and then ascends a huge mountain where terrain slowly shifts from summer green to snow and blizzard. The way to Darkhold reminds of the ascend to the Greybeard mountain in Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. 

    Darkhold is a considerable fortification in role-playing terms. It houses approximately 800 wariiors and several commanders.


    Rumors & RP of Darkhold


    In the Far Hills, near the Sunset Mountains of the Western Heartlands and the edge of the Sword Coast region, there looms a castle of immense proportions, rising from a bare rocky spur on the side of the mountain named the Gray Watcher. Its walls are streaked red by the rusting bars upon the windows; its chimneys spew forth a smoke of blackest night. Darkhold, or Castle Darkhold, publicly serves to protect the Far Hills, harbor trade caravans in need of re-supply, and facilitate diplomatic relations between the Inner Sea and the Sword Coast. It is claimed and occupied by the Zhentarim organization.

    The entrance to Darkhold remains open—yet fully guarded—to caravans, merchants and traders that would seek business with the Zhentarim, allowing those with reason, enter to the outer courtyard, under strict rule as "guests" of the Zhentarim.


    Screenshots give a better impression of the actual visual quality inside the game because NWN 2 Youtube videos deteriorate and distort the quality. This screenshot shows the village near the huge mountain.

    In the first testing video the player character explores this village and then departs in the direction of the mountain.

    There is obviously some influence and even direct assets from Skyrim in the overall design of the Darkhold maps. In the second video the big skeleton of a dragon might be from Skyrim.

    Darkhold sits on top of the mountain.

    This is one of the videos showing exterior and interior of Castle Darkhold itself.

    Post edited by Yanocchi on
    Baldur's Gate Online - Video Trailer
    * more info, screenshots and videos here

  • ArmaelorArmaelor Member UncommonPosts: 7
    i have really sad issue. Just bought game, but i have broken keyboard on my laptop, so i cannot manually enter server IP for direct connect and ctrl+V is not working there. Any ways to solve it and connect?
  • ArmaelorArmaelor Member UncommonPosts: 7
    seems like i found way to connect through some launcher
  • Andel_SkaarAndel_Skaar Member UncommonPosts: 401
    For some players this has got to be incredible at the very least.
    Tho there is a catch?
    Why would something like this be free, or is it all covered in 1 purchase?
  • YanocchiYanocchi Member UncommonPosts: 677
    edited June 2016
    For some players this has got to be incredible at the very least.
    Tho there is a catch?
    Why would something like this be free, or is it all covered in 1 purchase?

    Yes, it is a one time purchase. You get permanent access to all that if you get Neverwinter Nights 2 with its two expansions, Mask of the Betrayer and Storm of Zehir. That's an $8 purchase at the moment this June because NWN 2 Complete is temporarily sold for -60% price at

    Baldur's Gate Online is very transparent about their financial situation. You can see the financials here down to the single cent, how much money they have, how much money the game costs to maintain, and how much donations they get each month.

    There are two main reasons why the "payment model" is based on voluntary donations. The first reason is that it is a passion project for the developers. The second reason is that maintaining BGO for real profit could lead to legal issues with IP owners of NWN 2, D&D or the single player Baldur's Gate games.

    People making voluntary donations don't get anything in return in the game. It is just a way for the fans to express their support for the project and help it to stay alive. Baldur's Gate Online has been running persistently for 6-7 years now, so it seems to work well for them.

    Baldur's Gate Online - Video Trailer
    * more info, screenshots and videos here

  • YanocchiYanocchi Member UncommonPosts: 677

    Don't worry about the open world PvP there, at least zerging and ganking. The player community is generally friendly and many are PvE players or at least follow PvP role-playing regulations. Some people do play as evil characters and it is possible to get into conflicts. You don't usually get pulled into PvP without getting involved in role-playing, though. There are some instances when player characters can become kill-on-sight. For exapmle, a drow getting out of the Underdark to the surface has to be extremely careful. It takes an epic character to cross the borders of the surface and the Underdark and getting killed three times in PvP on the other side can result in permadeath.
    Baldur's Gate Online - Video Trailer
    * more info, screenshots and videos here

  • YanocchiYanocchi Member UncommonPosts: 677
    The new website of Baldur's Gate Online forum is

    Baldur's Gate Online - Video Trailer
    * more info, screenshots and videos here

  • ReizlaReizla Member RarePosts: 4,092
    edited July 2016
    Dead tired of conventional MMORPGs and having played over 75 hours of The Secret World the last 3 weeks I'm in REAL NEED of something HIGH FANTASY. Time to sign up with you guys ;-)

    BTW... Change the IP address in (2nd) OP so that people can get started a lot easier ;)
  • YanocchiYanocchi Member UncommonPosts: 677
    edited July 2016
    Reizla said:
    Dead tired of conventional MMORPGs and having played over 75 hours of The Secret World the last 3 weeks I'm in REAL NEED of something HIGH FANTASY. Time to sign up with you guys ;-)

    BTW... Change the IP address in (2nd) OP so that people can get started a lot easier ;)

    It's a nice substitute for conventional MMORPGs. It offers high fantasy and very classic Dungeons & Dragons / Forgotten Realms / Faerun experience.

    I changed the IP address in the second post, thanks for pointing that out. :)

    Baldur's Gate Online - Video Trailer
    * more info, screenshots and videos here

  • CavemanBECavemanBE Member UncommonPosts: 78
    hmm have NWN2 the original game still here.What to buy to play this, or must i buy the whole pack? :)
  • AzothAzoth Member UncommonPosts: 840
    Yano is the server usually laggy for you ? I just installed it and tried to play a bit, but I am rubberbanding bad, got 250 ping with the server.
  • LIOKILIOKI Member UncommonPosts: 421
    I really enjoyed NWN1, but the controls in NWN2 kept me from even getting out of the starter town before I uninstalled it.
  • ArglebargleArglebargle Member EpicPosts: 3,492
    LIOKI said:
    I really enjoyed NWN1, but the controls in NWN2 kept me from even getting out of the starter town before I uninstalled it.

    Oh, are the controls still borked?  That was one of the cut corners when they moved from NWN1 to 2.  I couldn't play it all, and you couldn't reset the control scheme back then.  I'd kinda hoped that someone had finally modded it so it was more flexible.  Oh well...

    If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.

  • YanocchiYanocchi Member UncommonPosts: 677
    A new epic dungeon expansion has been released in Baldur's Gate Online! The new epic dungeon is the hardest area on the server and the first shared dungeon, accessible both from the surface and from the Underdark. The dungeon is for groups of powerful high level characters and requires teamwork to survive. Monsters spawns are odd, tough and unpredictable. On the bottom there is an epic shop which sells some of the best and most expensive gear.

    Baldur's Gate Online - Video Trailer
    * more info, screenshots and videos here

  • YanocchiYanocchi Member UncommonPosts: 677
    edited October 2016
    The Upperdark has been added in October's update.

    The Upperdark lies between the surface and the Underdark. The update features 20 new areas including big wide caverns, a Svirfneblin (deep gnome) village and 18 new monsters.


    Baldur's Gate Online - Video Trailer
    * more info, screenshots and videos here

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Very nice.  My eyes glazed over also while reading the instructions and I do stuff like that from time to time.  Love the pics and vids.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

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