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Tree of Savior

Soki123Soki123 Member RarePosts: 2,558
Can t wait, after the most recent disappointments, and what I ve played/read/seen, this game might be the answer along with FFXI, and DAOC.


  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722
    edited March 2016
    Looking forward to it as well. But like every F2P mmo out there, the quality of the cash shop will determine how long i stay in the game.

  • Soki123Soki123 Member RarePosts: 2,558
    edited March 2016
  • flizzerflizzer Member RarePosts: 2,455
    I didn't like the fairy tale look or whatever they are calling this.  Once I try the game maybe I'll feel differently. 
  • PurutzilPurutzil Member UncommonPosts: 3,048
    From my play experience, I enjoyed it quite a bit. Its has its own flaws, but over-all its a good ARPG style game to play with a robust class system where they aren't afraid to have classes you pick up with very specific functionality (since you keep other classes you took earlier). It really is tapping an element that a lot of games neglect in giving classes their own unique characteristics, forgoing the idea of normalizing them to let them do their own unique thing to add onto your character.
  • Soki123Soki123 Member RarePosts: 2,558
    Purutzil said:
    From my play experience, I enjoyed it quite a bit. Its has its own flaws, but over-all its a good ARPG style game to play with a robust class system where they aren't afraid to have classes you pick up with very specific functionality (since you keep other classes you took earlier). It really is tapping an element that a lot of games neglect in giving classes their own unique characteristics, forgoing the idea of normalizing them to let them do their own unique thing to add onto your character.

    Good to hear. I ve liked what I ve played so far.
  • TiamatRoarTiamatRoar Member RarePosts: 1,694
    edited March 2016
    Beautiful game.  Every time I look at a video of it, I really REALLY want to love it.

    Unfortunately there are a lot of red flags flying up for the game.  I mean, I could ignore the fact that you essentially only raise up one character at a time (despite how the game's character select screen calls them all a TEAM) and grind grind grind PvE with nothing else (no housing, no hirelings, no crafting) if I were to view the game as a member of the Diablo genre of gameplay since in all other Diablo-genre games, there isn't much else besides PvE grinding (but ye gods do I miss hirelings), but the stat system and itemization seems kinda boring.

    Like, defense and resists are nigh worthless again due to the flawed way that combat numbers are calculated (it's straight additive and monsters do 3k damage per hitat the end while your pathetic 300 defense only removes 300 of that to make it 2.7k damage per hit), etc.l, items don't give any particularly neat or special effects beyond just changing the numbers around, there's no runewords, gem system is ridiculously basic, combat calculations in general are ridiculously basic (not much in the way of resists or any other special effects on items like life leech or whatever else), etc.

    The thing about Diablo games is that they all boil down to gathering items in the end.  And ToS's items are boring, and its stat system leaves no room for the devs to make it interesting.  How long can a Diablo game last without good and fun itemization?

    (apparently not very long if reports on how the Korean version of the game is doing is any indication)

    Really, it's not even an up-to-date Diablo game.  You're penalized for transferring items to other characters in the shared storage, there's no runeword system and the gem system is ridiculously simplistic, balance is all over the place due to a ridiculously simplistic and flawed way of how combat damage is calculated, some skills are utterly useless with more skill points into them, end game (and even mid-game...) basically boils down to your limited daily dungeon instances and doing anything beyond that gives crap for exp and loot, there's no point to making friends because those instanced dungeons give HUGE exp penalties for going in a pre-made party instead of queuing up with randoms...

    The designers honestly don't seem like they're smart enough for me to trust to fix it, either.  First of all, utterly simplistic combat mechanics as "Final damage = Damage - Defense.  Defense is worthless" and "Skill damage = Base attack PER HIT + skill damage from skill points" don't really give me much trust in them in the first place, but then they have things like their idea of end game being that earth tower where it's all trash mobs that kill you in three hits so it basically boils down to abusing classes with invincibility skills.  While it's nice that game play matters more than equipment in some regards, I repeat that in Diablo games, the whole POINT of the game is gathering equipment, so making an end game centered around just selective abuse of invincibility moves (or taunting the enemy and running around in circles screaming like a baby while your party kills them) instead of an end game where the defense on your gear actually makes more than a microscopic difference doesn't really bode well for things, I think.

    Considering how long Diablo games have existed by now, this one comes off as obscenely simplistic in so many ways.  Which is sad because whoever designed the classes and their skills clearly was very creative at least (though the imbalance issues there can get obscene too, which again makes me not believe I can trust the dev team to make intelligent design decisions.  Like how so many classes are based around status effects and then ONE class at the end makes you immune to status effects, basically making PvP for like, half the classes completely unwinnable)
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