I've heard from some friends who are getting to beta this one that political characters and battles will be important in the game. I was wanting to hear from some other players to find out if this is true, because it sounds a lot like the Shadowbane promise. Yes the graphics are great in this game and it looks like something I'd love to play, but I remember the promises that were made in SB and it was frustrating they didn't deliver.
Political NPCs or Players???? Political Players have an extremely important role for sure. You know how there is a king, then duke then count then baron then lord.....
Well thats the political system, where you have a hierarchy of the ppl who run the lands. There is the Alliance of Light and the Alliance of Dark...their lands are split between the King, Duke Count Baron and Lords. You can only be 1 title! Forgot what they do but they have responsibilities for the land they r responsible for! They run the land they are given with their title!
There are more than 4000 fortresses to take, but the number of domains is much smaller.
There are ten PvP kingdoms (kings). On each of these kingdoms, there are five duchies (dukes).
There are seven counties (counts) in each duchy.
There are nine baronies (barons) in each county
There are thirteen fortresses (lords) in each barony.
This does not include the 213 cities of the game, and high number of small settlements, too many to be numbered.
You are saying that each of these titles can be held by a player?
13 fortresses x 9 baronies = 117 x 7 counties = 819 x 10 kingdoms = 8190 total titles available for players?
If they set that up it should be awesome. I would imagine to move up the tree you have to have support of other players. A meaningful alliance/political system. However, this could also mean only uber uber guilds with 500 people would ever get a king.....