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the game looks good , but ......

LuftwaffenLuftwaffen Member UncommonPosts: 101
Im not sure if i can get into game without a real "world" the whole grouped together low populated zones just dont seem like a MMO as much as just a multiplayer game


  • YorlikYorlik Member UncommonPosts: 18
    Its still very early development and just needs time. Playing on the servers already is fun as the decorated player housings tell for example.
  • roblthegreatroblthegreat Member CommonPosts: 2
    I think the moment it hits Steam, the population will take off.  Right now only those with pledged $40+ can log into the game, but there many individuals that pledged at $20 haven't yet logged in.  It's maturing quickly.
  • MMOreaverMMOreaver Member UncommonPosts: 75
    Im not sure if i can get into game without a real "world" the whole grouped together low populated zones just dont seem like a MMO as much as just a multiplayer game
    true. also very much delay compared to original promises in kickstarter...
  • TweFojuTweFoju Member UncommonPosts: 1,236
    yes, i hope they will expand the cap to, say 500? or 1000? instead of 64

    i like the idea of user created shard and rules, but 64? cmon man dev :(

    So What Now?

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    The user and all related content has been deleted.

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  • Zontas_HierospiritZontas_Hierospirit Member UncommonPosts: 57
    edited January 2017
    Im not sure if i can get into game without a real "world" the whole grouped together low populated zones just dont seem like a MMO as much as just a multiplayer game
    Neither can a lot of other people stand what is going on with MMORPGs with the regard for free community servers popping up for games where the company sold their game to another corporation to take over for it. Only idiots sell what they created theirself to someone else thinking the new owner will actually care anything for it at all. So building their game for being run by free shards is pretty much like designing a product with plans how to build it their self but they offer no promise that the parent of the game will ever take care of what they theirself created. None. No responsibility. Natta!

    It is truly sad. It is so simple. If you make a game, then never give up on it. Never sell it. What is so hard about that? Don't you have children to feed? Are you seriously going to take a little money and run? There are children out there who will pay money to play your games. You don't have to make a fortune. It's about making a living and making something that other people can relax with when it is freezing outside with nowhere to go.

    Not because I really love anime, but the mmorpg ArcheAge did something in the right direction with having the ability to grow plants. Runescape sort of did things like this before they went insane and basically changed their entire game. And then Minecraft came along with Notch and you can actually cultivate your own trees and grow food and plant flowers. Isn't anybody writing this all down at mmorpg gaming studios yet? Hello? These are things your games need. Bad. Desperately! You need interesting crafting. Not boring crafting. Hitting a button and watching a bar fill up is ok if that's all your game has. But don't stop there (but you have!). And then Notch sold his child to the Microsoft mothership (whoops!). It's like people don't care what happens to their customers, players, their game, or their own children for that matter. Or their own selves. Look at what happened to games like Subspace and Infantry. Look at what happened to Dark Age of Camelot. Everything is being sucked into Steam and other Motherships. The mothership is just like independence day and and the invader tripods in war of the worlds. They are just here to vaporize you, your games, your players, and your families! Which is a lot like ancient evil god worship that is so artistically drawn in these games.

    Try making your games interesting without Combat mechanics at all. See how far you get with that. Then actually add in interesting combat mechanics. And by interesting, I mean plain. But good plain. In fact, the slower the better as long as it's good. And then make a living out of it. No one normal can comprehend anything else that is going on in this genre's history anymore. Let the top ten list on mmorpg dot com speak for itself: Subspace and Infantry used to be #1 games here. Those games now are in the pit because of their creator's decisions. Games that were perfect, with nothing wrong with them that couldn't be fixed. Games that could have brought in an income but by the bad logic of the parents thought it best to allow the entire world to play their game for free and be trolled to death by people with incredibly bad immorality, habits, and disorders. Justice will eventually come to a head for all this. You wait and see!
    Scroll down to the bottom left where you can see the message clear: Bring the games to the mothership so the game can live! But it is only further from the truth without the author present. Just like Disney sucks after Walt died. Sony said "... that it was time for the developers of each game to move on to new endeavours." AKA Leave and never come back. Unless you have more video games to give up. "AC will always have a special place in my heart, and I really hope that ____WB____ (mothership/false god) decides to give the game back to the community to maintain."

    Communities cannot maintain the game. Only the creator can. The seeds cannot bear the tree and the fruit. The tree must bear the fruit and the fruit must bear the seed.

    You have all killed your children by sacrificing your children to the mothership! Just like in Prometheus.

    Genesis 1:29

    Corn is a fruit from grass who's seeds have been forced to the fruit's skin surface. Strawberries do the same. Cashews force their fruit out of its fruit. Peanuts bury their fruit.

    Communism cannot raise your child.

    Post edited by Zontas_Hierospirit on
  • danwest58danwest58 Member RarePosts: 2,012
    Im not sure if i can get into game without a real "world" the whole grouped together low populated zones just dont seem like a MMO as much as just a multiplayer game
    This game needs 1 more year of real hard development to get to the type of MMO you will see people playing all the time.  If you look at the core of the game and how it looks now you can easily tell that the game looks good BUT does need more polish.
  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565
    According to the PC Gamer article (written by our own former Steven Messner!) a big part of the upcoming year is expanding the world by 25x what it is now, adding mounts, etc. So a larger player-count is probably in the cards too.

    Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.

    My Review Manifesto
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  • SuraknarSuraknar Member UncommonPosts: 852
    All of this thread is outdated and irrelevant today.

    Why havent MMORPG.comn Created a Legends of Aria Forum yet too? Shards online does not exist anymore.
    - Duke Suraknar -
    Order of the Silver Star, OSS

    ESKA, Playing MMORPG's since Ultima Online 1997 - Order of the Silver Serpent, Atlantic Shard
  • ForgrimmForgrimm Member EpicPosts: 3,070
    Suraknar said:
    All of this thread is outdated and irrelevant today.

    Why havent MMORPG.comn Created a Legends of Aria Forum yet too? Shards online does not exist anymore.
    The logo on this sub-forum has been changed to Legends of Aria, they just haven't changed the name yet.
  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    edited January 2018
  • XthosXthos Member UncommonPosts: 2,740
    I hadn't seen this, until today (someone mentioned it in a Pantheon post).  It looks interesting, I haven't read a ton, but if the player count doesn't go up a lot, not sure I will be too interested.
  • DvoraDvora Member UncommonPosts: 499
    Torval said:
    Suraknar said:
    All of this thread is outdated and irrelevant today.

    Why havent MMORPG.comn Created a Legends of Aria Forum yet too? Shards online does not exist anymore.

    Send them a PM and let them know. Keeping up with all the little changes prerelease games make must be a lot of work.
    They've been too busy covering non-mmo's to keep the mmo part of this mmorpg site up to date?  Not much content from mmo's lately but you'd think theyd keep up with what there is.
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251
    Dvora said:
    Torval said:
    Suraknar said:
    All of this thread is outdated and irrelevant today.

    Why havent MMORPG.comn Created a Legends of Aria Forum yet too? Shards online does not exist anymore.

    Send them a PM and let them know. Keeping up with all the little changes prerelease games make must be a lot of work.
    They've been too busy covering non-mmo's to keep the mmo part of this mmorpg site up to date?  Not much content from mmo's lately but you'd think theyd keep up with what there is.
    They don't appear to have the ability to really make any major edits to this site. Note they haven't removed the announcement of switching to Vanilla even though that occurred long ago.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • MrG8MrG8 Member UncommonPosts: 111
    edited April 2018
    Oh come on its still CBT. Not many ppl buy those pledges on the game that offer them. But still I do see people then and then in the newbie-zone and thats not bad for a unique game like this. 
    Remember this is not your typicall theme-park MMO that plays the game for you but a quite unique MMO that we previous UO player appreciate and now how to play. This game is quite new for the MMO market today. All young players that havent played games like UO dont know how to play these kind of game. I mean wait, there is no point on the map that tells me where I am? Wait there is not arrow infront of me telling me where to go? Etc..

    Trust me, when this game goes OBT and even launch there will be lots of people playing it Im sure! The MMO-market needs this kind of game. And in time I think even new and young players will appreciate it.
  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    TweFoju said:
    yes, i hope they will expand the cap to, say 500? or 1000? instead of 64

    i like the idea of user created shard and rules, but 64? cmon man dev :(

    What is the maximum number of players per ‘shard’?

    We want to be sure that ‘shards’ are easy enough for anyone to run and small enough for them to be run on almost any computer. The 64 player limit mentioned in previous interviews is only the number we are sure we will be able to support at this early stage in development and will likely increase between now and alpha. Clusters, on the other hand, will support much larger numbers by connecting ‘shards’ together. This is what separates Shards Online from other player-run games by allowing thousands of players to play in the same player-run universe simultaneously.

    64 only for now

    wait is this Shards Online?

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    MrG8 said:
    Oh come on its still CBT. Not many ppl buy those pledges on the game that offer them. But still I do see people then and then in the newbie-zone and thats not bad for a unique game like this. 
    Remember this is not your typicall theme-park MMO that plays the game for you but a quite unique MMO that we previous UO player appreciate and now how to play. This game is quite new for the MMO market today. All young players that havent played games like UO dont know how to play these kind of game. I mean wait, there is no point on the map that tells me where I am? Wait there is not arrow infront of me telling me where to go? Etc..

    Trust me, when this game goes OBT and even launch there will be lots of people playing it Im sure! The MMO-market needs this kind of game. And in time I think even new and young players will appreciate it.
    Yeah but that can be a problem if the game is designed around small capped zones that a mod regulates and connects. 

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    This sounds a lot like "7 days to die".  That game is/was extremely popular, however: 
    1  It was an extremely good STAND ALONE single player game. 
    2  Well thought-out survival game for it's time, that was it's selling point first. 
    3  Had player made small cap servers, most were password locked by teems. 

    Because of points 1 and 2 is what made 3 popular !
  • GutlardGutlard Member RarePosts: 1,019
    If group content only takes so many people, why is there a need for more than 64 per location? If you plan to play in a group of 2-5 the whole time for example, why would it matter if it was 64, 640 or 6400?

    I'm not shooting anyone down, as I really want to know how this shapes your thoughts on the game. Does seeing lots of people provide a specific needed feeling?

    Regardless of any of that, I guess I'll need to see how the game comes together in the final version.

    Good luck devs!

    Gut Out!

    What, me worry?

  • collektcollekt Member UncommonPosts: 328

    Let the top ten list on mmorpg dot com speak for itself: Subspace and Infantry used to be #1 games here. Those games now are in the pit because of their creator's decisions. Games that were perfect, with nothing wrong with them that couldn't be fixed. Games that could have brought in an income but by the bad logic of the parents thought it best to allow the entire world to play their game for free and be trolled to death by people with incredibly bad immorality, habits, and disorders. Justice will eventually come to a head for all this. You wait and see!
    Scroll down to the bottom left where you can see the message clear: Bring the games to the mothership so the game can live! But it is only further from the truth without the author present. Just like Disney sucks after Walt died.

    Communities cannot maintain the game. Only the creator can. The seeds cannot bear the tree and the fruit. The tree must bear the fruit and the fruit must bear the seed.

    Dude what the hell are you talking about? Subspace was not a free game, except for the testing prior to official release in 1997. It used to be sold in stores until VIE eventually went under and all the official servers shut down. It wasn't free until the community recreated the game and breathed new life into it.

    Player run servers and a player created client kept the game running, where it otherwise would have disappeared in 1998. It stayed pretty populated for a while, and the game still exists today. It doesn't have many players anymore because it's a 2d spaceship game from the 1990s, not because of some "creator's decisions" as you suggest.

    Still my favorite game of all time. I grew up playing Subspace before the existence of all the online games we have today and it'll always hold a special place in my heart. Amazing game.
  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    DMKano said:
    Pro tip - the phrase before "but" can safely be ignored and one can focus only on what is said afterwards.

    Things said before "but" usually serve the purpose to soften the blow.

    Example - Jim you've been doing a great job for us but we will not be needing your services anymore. We are letting you go effective immediately. 

    Not in most cases when someone is making a point.  If people agrees or not is a different subject. It's simply "another way" of expressing a subject...Starting with a positive before going for the kill or visa versa.  

    The game looks good BUT plays bad.  
    The game looks horrible, BUT this game has deep customization.  

    NOT A GOOD PRO TIP..... Even I can pick up on this and I cant even string a paragraph together.   
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251
    edited November 2018
    DMKano said:
    Pro tip - the phrase before "but" can safely be ignored and one can focus only on what is said afterwards.

    Things said before "but" usually serve the purpose to soften the blow.

    Example - Jim you've been doing a great job for us but we will not be needing your services anymore. We are letting you go effective immediately. 

    Not in most cases when someone is making a point.  If people agrees or not is a different subject. It's simply "another way" of expressing a subject...Starting with a positive before going for the kill or visa versa.  

    The game looks good BUT plays bad.  
    The game looks horrible, BUT this game has deep customization.  

    NOT A GOOD PRO TIP..... Even I can pick up on this and I cant even string a paragraph together.   
    Actually your two examples proved his point perfectly, the "positives" stated before the but (the main idea) are largely irrelevant and can be ignored, what comes afterwards (the contrast) is really all that is important.

    It doesn't matter how good the game looks, since it plays badly the conclusion is one should not buy it.

    Conversely, it might look horrible, but with its deep customization again we assume this this feature is of far greater importance, so the main condition again is ignored in favor of the contrasting statement.

    But is a conjunction which properly used means this (contrast) instead of that (main idea)

    Here's  a fun video which taught me and my children everything we needed to know, Schoolhouse Rock's "Conjunction Junction."

    Keeping it fun on a Thursday. 


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,772
    Conjunction Junction...What’s your function!
    I think I learned more from Schoolhouse Rocks than school...

    KyleranGdemami[Deleted User]MrMelGibson

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    It's a joke in its current state, the player-made shards are its only hope.  Even then, things like LoU still aren't very good, just a bit better.
  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    edited November 2018
    Conjunction Junction...What’s your function!
    I think I learned more from Schoolhouse Rocks than school...

    I obviously never learned nothing...But hay, I love posting :) 

    Even this is a contradiction
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