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EQN Cancellation: Are you shocked?



  • ShaighShaigh Member EpicPosts: 2,150
    The obvious thing that this was going to die was when they hyped storybricks at soe live 2014 just to get rid of them six months later. The excuse that daybreak gave us about handling emergent AI on their own was laughable but that didn't stop people from believing it was true.

    I like how they talk about launching landmark in spring like its a positive thing when in reality its them making the last implementations before they ditch it for good.
    Iselin: And the next person who says "but it's a business, they need to make money" can just go fuck yourself.
  • craftseekercraftseeker Member RarePosts: 1,740
    I am surprised it took this long to cancel. It was always going to be a buggy mess with hideous lag problems. Every one of their 'innovations' was going to add millions of extra database records and consume massive amounts of clock cycles. They all would have had to play nicely together in a way that would have made testing a truly massive undertaking.

    Only Blizzard has enough cash reserves to pull off an exercise this complex, Sony has so much red ink they were never going to fund it sufficiently and Columbus Nova is far to pragmatic an organization to sink that much cash in a project without any guarantee of success.
  • AstraeisAstraeis Member UncommonPosts: 378
    Maybe we should be grateful that they finally decided to tell us.

    It takes one to know one.

  • MerklynnMerklynn Member UncommonPosts: 100
    I wasn't really interested in EQN but it had potential especially for EQ fans so seeing anything good finally happen would've been better news than this. 
  • KefoKefo Member EpicPosts: 4,229
    Dahkoht said:
    I want to see those who "knew" it was going on fine behind the scenes ,  posted fervently in defense of Daybreak Games , to pull up a seat.

    heh I can think of a few posters who should be eating crow. Surprisingly the one who I thought would be all up in this thread is oddly absent.

    As for me I wasn't shocked in the least bit. This game has been dead to me for a while now so I was just wondering why they wouldn't say it was getting shit canned.
  • DarkswormDarksworm Member RarePosts: 1,081
    Honestly, SOE's chance to cement dominance was with EQ2, and they flubbed that.
  • observerobserver Member RarePosts: 3,685
    The writing was on the wall for awhile.  They should have never made Landmark.  It was nothing but a distraction and a waste of time.
  • Joseph_KerrJoseph_Kerr Member RarePosts: 1,113
    No, but I am surprised it took this long to announce the cancellation.
  • superconductingsuperconducting Member UncommonPosts: 871
    Was obvious this would happen.
    The fact that DBG took this long to announce it shows you their character.

  • koboldfodderkoboldfodder Member UncommonPosts: 447
    As soon as SOE was acquired by DBG, you knew it was coming.  They didn't have the guts or integrity to come right out and say it though, so they just waited until people lost interest in the game. 
  • alterfenixalterfenix Member UncommonPosts: 370
    Not shocked nor surprised. Still disappointed.
  • PascalCPascalC Member UncommonPosts: 38
    edited March 2016
     Not Shocked - I saw this coming a mile away
    Is DBG an empty shell ?
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,110
    Once a company "goes dark" in terms of releasing new information it's almost always a good indication things aren't going well and more bad news is soon forthcoming.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • PepeqPepeq Member UncommonPosts: 1,977
    The game company will follow suit shortly... just watch.
  • jmcdermottukjmcdermottuk Member RarePosts: 1,571
    The only thing that surprises me is the people that didn't see this one coming.
  • vadio123vadio123 Member UncommonPosts: 593
    After many delays and s... news 
    i guess many us dont care anymore its why not surprise 
  • DravendoreDravendore Member UncommonPosts: 83
    edited March 2016
    I'm not beyond shock, just sad.  I'm not going to pretend like I seen it coming, because you never know.  However, after the buy out and name change I  could smell something rotten was on the horizon.  

    More than anything I see this as the final nail in the coffin for hope that we'd ever see a re-kindling of what Everquest once was. Now I can only hope that Pantheon ends up being as good I hope it will be. 
  • GolelornGolelorn Member RarePosts: 1,395
    I will ask again for the second time in so many weeks: "WTF is DBG doing ?"

    Are they actually a MMO development studio, or are they now just glorified MMO janitors ?

    Are they down to like 20 staff keeping the ancient EQ's, opportunistic H1Z1 and cashgrab Landmark in maintenance mode ?

    What are they actually developing ?

    Its  been said many times. DBG is an investment company. Not a development company. Too many people are just naive.
  • VorthanionVorthanion Member RarePosts: 2,749
    I'm neither surprised nor disappointed, but I do feel sorry for those looking forward to the game and those who lost their jobs.  My greatest hope is that Pantheon will revitalize the genre for gamers like me, because the revamped EQN was not going to.  I was much more intrigued by the original EQN concept.

  • AstraeisAstraeis Member UncommonPosts: 378
    observer said:
    The writing was on the wall for awhile.  They should have never made Landmark.  It was nothing but a distraction and a waste of time.
    The announcement of Landmark was the first sign that they were no longer fully committed to finishing EQN, yes. It was an interesting experiment though.

    It takes one to know one.

  • BluelinerBlueliner Member UncommonPosts: 185

    I'll go out on a limb here and say EQ and EQ2 will both be gone inside of 3 years.

  • noncleynoncley Member UncommonPosts: 718
    SEANMCAD said:
    Smedley. but sadly it does slow the progression of popularizing 'smooth voxel' game design but I will live with what I got just fine

    Everything Smedley touches turns to, well, Smedley.

    His name is a stinking word.
  • noncleynoncley Member UncommonPosts: 718
    Well, I for one am glad I didn't buy a lifetime pass with a deposit for a special collector's edition.
  • noncleynoncley Member UncommonPosts: 718
    Smedley's big problem is, and always has been, that he wants to make a big, big hit in the kiddies' market - the demographic between about 6-12. He sees, quite rightly, that there is no MMO for children. That's why the games he commissioned and also bought in to SOE are either simple-minded or horrifically dumbed down, and so they die, either quickly or slowly but they inevitably die.

    The problem is, and he never seems to get it, that while kids love playing games, they theymselves cannot afford to play either subscription games or games with a payshop. And their parents, who mostly don't want their kids spending hours on PC anyway, are really loathe to paying out ten or fifteen bucks a month just so their kids can continue playing. The people who play MMOS are - or were - late teens to early thirties; young adults without family commitment still with disposable incomes and time to spare.

    The moment I say screenshots and clips for EQN I knew it was going to fail - the cartoonish character models were, for me, the clue. 'He's making a cartoon game for damn Second Graders'. To me they symbolised instantly the problem:

    If the avatars were cartoons, then they couldn't be customised; if they can't be customised, then the game is obviously going to be quite simple across all its mechanisms; if the game is going to be just a simple toyland game then it has nothing for me, the older gamer; and if it has nothing for the older gamer, it will inevitably die.
  • SavageHorizonSavageHorizon Member EpicPosts: 3,480
    Noodle is awfully quiet lol

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